Embrace the Desire

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Embrace the Desire Page 11

by Spring Stevens

  He chose to ignore the cell phone for the time being and redirected his attention to the fight at hand. With a loud cry, he leapt through the air and soundly landed in the midst of the vampires. They crouched and hissed as their tongues tasted the air that whipped around them. Destroyer! The bravest few stepped forward and laughed as he raised his swords.

  “Destroyer. What do you think you are doing? We are many, you are one. Your soul beckons to me. Strong you are, but stupid to come here.”

  The vampire licked his lips and hissed as ten more stepped forward and circled him. The grin on his lips and the glint in his eyes should have worried the vampires, but they were lusting after his soul and cared not that he may be a powerful enemy. After all, they weren’t entirely very smart.

  “Perhaps, we all will feast on that savory soul of yours.”

  Payne closed his eyes and forced the demon to be still as he rushed for the male who was talking. The vampire sputtered as Payne’s sword sliced through his neck. The bright red blood flowed down the vampire’s chest and bubbled as the vampire started to melt. Payne opened his eyes as the vampire’s body exploded into ashes. He turned and swung his left sword as a female vampire grabbed his ankle. She burst into flames as the sword sliced her skull in half.

  Three came from the right and fell back as Payne’s swords danced through their chests. Ashes flew around Payne’s head as he sidestepped and dodged two female’s attacks. One at a time they fell at his feet in flames. He sliced and diced as the rushed to their deaths. To the right, a swarm of twelve gathered as he fought off four males who were latching onto his back. One by one, the four were flung threw the air and hacked at. Arms and legs flamed as they landed on the ground at Payne’s feet.

  Payne growled as a female leapt over his head and landed on his back. Her black claws dug into his shoulder and pain shot down his arm. The sword in his right hand fell to the ground as another female grabbed his left leg and bit into his thigh. His rage escalated as he saw twelve more coming out of the corner of his eye. He fought to keep the beast contained as he grabbed the vampire from his shoulder and held her up by her throat.

  He snarled and flung her to the ground in front of him. The female latched onto his leg and screamed as his sword plunged into her back. Flames licked his leg as he slammed the toe of his boot onto the ground. A long metal spike surged from the boot hill and in seconds landed down on the other female’s skull.

  He tried to keep count as he turned to face the oncoming swarm; thirteen were down, twelve more to go.

  Payne rolled, catching his sword in his right hand and forcing the beast to stay put. The first of the twelve leapt onto him as he swung upwards. Two fell in flames as the other three jumped back. He was aware that five had jumped up into the tree to his left as he was covered in ashes from three more who misjudged his next move and felt the sting of his boot heels. The three that were wary clung back to the safety of their cave as he fell to one knee and groaned.

  His Destroyer, the demon under his skin, was screaming to be released and it clawed at his skin as the five leapt from the tree onto his back. Payne’s anger soared as he felt two sets of incisors sink into his flesh. His eyes rolled back into his head as the demon took over. Two of the vampires screamed as a long black-scaled snake ripped out of his side.

  Payne roared as his snake shot through their chests like a deadly arrow. Another one leapt back as it swung forward and slammed her down into the ground. The one at his shoulder looked down in shock as a horn ripped from Payne’s shoulder and pushed through his stomach.

  The vampire on the ground flamed as his snake swooshed down and struck hard, ripping the vampire’s heart out. The one remaining on his back was sucking hard as Payne reached over his head and grabbed him by the hair. The vampire screamed as he was pulled from his meal and slashed out at the hands that held him. The shock on his face was replaced by pain as the pressure of Payne’s hands crushed his windpipe. The vampire exploded as Payne’s fingernails lengthened and pushed into his chest.

  Payne stood and screamed, raged, and cursed as he held out his arms and his shoulders ripped open. He fell forward onto his knees as the demon claimed his body. The other three vampires huddled inside of the cave in fear as the entrance was filled with dozens of snakes.

  Isten’s shadowy image appeared and shook his head. “Really? You can’t even control those snakes? And you think you’re a Destroyer?”

  “She is Gyth’s daughter!” The claws between his knuckles slid out, four inches of lethal weapon. Balling his fist, he pointed the tips at Isten’s ghostly visage. “Why should I help my father’s worst enemy? Why should I bother with her at all?”

  Isten’s silver eyes swirled. “Because I command you!” Gritting his teeth, his jaw flexing, Isten swallowed hard. “It is necessary for her to survive. This isn’t about Gyth, it’s about the fate of the universe.”

  “Like I care about the fate of this universe.”

  “You’re not your father, Payne.”

  “Aren’t I? His blood runs through my veins.”

  “You will be and are what you make yourself.”

  Payne in his truest form, turned, a crown of blood forming above his brow as Isten continued. “If you plan on keeping your end of our little bargain, learn to embrace who and what you are. You better get your ass together and figure this out. Chanta must survive. Was I wrong when I chose you, son of Damon?” Isten laughed and teased as Payne swiped at the snakes hissing in his ears. “You’re over two thousand years old. It’s about time you put your past behind you.”

  • • •

  Gyth stood in the foyer of Isten’s castle with Varick, Chanta, and Payne on his mind. The black marble floor shining in desolation, a gentle reminder of the chaos that was yet to come. The soft chime of a clock inundated his senses, pushed him further and deeper into his own thoughts and emotions.

  How he wished he had raised his son, how he wished that Payne had not been part of the game at hand, and how he wished that Chanta could be spared this torturous journey.

  When Ania appeared beside of him, he caught his breath, her black eyes bored into his seeking his miseries. He stepped aside, growled low in his throat.

  “Are you angry?” She pouted. “Angry at me?”

  He shook his head. “Never. You did as you were told.”

  “But I pledged my allegiance back to Isten.” She circled him, her graceful legs carrying her with a confidence only the goddess of misery could have. “And your plan is succeeding?”

  Gyth could only nod as she stepped back and glanced at Isten who was seated on his throne, his body a silver statue.

  Her eyes flickered and turned back to him. “Where is he?”

  “With Payne. Teaching him how to center and control his powers, preparing him to be the hand that defends Isten’s pantheon.”

  Ania frowned. “Using him for his own purposes is a more accurate way of putting it. But then, Isten uses us all in one form or another.”

  Gyth couldn’t stop the lift of his eyebrow as he stared at her. “Is there something that you know and you haven’t told me?”

  “I have been around a long time, my dear old friend.” Ania laughed, her voice a melody of pain and sorrow. “I have forgotten more things than you will ever know.”

  He couldn’t suppress his irritation although he really did try. He liked Ania, she was one of the few that he trusted. He barked a laugh. To be honest, she was the only one he trusted.

  “Then tell me, what am I missing here?” Gyth paced back and forth waiting for her to answer. He knew not to push her. “I did exactly what needed to be done in order to save my son and my daughter. And yet, everything is going in the opposite direction, the game pieces are not taking the steps I need them to take.”

  She shrugged. “What you perceive to be needed is not what destiny perceives. You meddled with your daughter’s fate, meddled with Damon’s, and tried to prevent Varick’s. And yet, you never gave thought to Jaiden’s boo

  Gyth frowned. “Why should I? Jaiden was destroyed when my father reigned the Heavens, his books became meaningless.”

  “Did they?” She glided past him, her hair a soft whisper of silk as she turned and faced him. “How can something become meaningless when they are a part of someone?”

  Gyth rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You and your riddles, Ania, can you just please say what you’re getting at?”

  She smiled. “When Isten used Jaiden’s powers to create this universe . . . ” She paused, her eyes sparking to life as if a fire had been thrown into two pits of oil. “When Isten used a babe’s powers, took from a child born from time itself, he crossed into divine territory. Good must be balanced with evil, rights and wrongs must stand on equal ground. Free will must prevail.”

  Gyth felt his jaw flex. “More riddles?”

  Her smile widened, her eyes returning to their black state once again. “It is all I am allowed to give you.”

  Running his fingers through his hair, he snorted. “One of these days, hopefully before my own demise, I will think back to these moments and remember them with sweet reverence.”

  She pursed her lips, narrowed her black eyes, and snorted. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  She laughed. “Trust in this. Jaiden’s books are not meaningless. Even though Chanta, Damon, and Payne’s destinies have been erased, that doesn’t mean the books won’t rewrite them.”

  “What else must I do?”

  Her black eyes pinned him, stared straight into his soul. “There isn’t anything you can do to stop this. Gyth, please, if you want your daughter to survive, stop tampering with her destiny.”

  Gyth jerked around as Ania vanished. Her words echoed around his skull, the sound of her voice sending pain along his nerves. As he pushed her voice from his mind, he gritted his teeth so hard his jaws ached. He had a feeling that his only true ally had just become a wildcard.

  Chapter 17

  Varick watched the door, his senses going into overdrive. Standing at the bar at Tortured Souls, he glanced around the dance floor. Strobe lights flickered and pulsed as bodies danced to the hammering music. Mostly they were One Race members, a few Destroyers, and the occasional human.

  Something wasn’t right, he could feel the low hum of chaos in his backbone. The door creaked open, the wind swirling in and stirring the black napkins on the tables. He narrowed his eyes, the feeling in his spine hammering into his brain.

  As the door swung wide, a woman with long black hair appeared in the doorway. Her make-up minimal, just dark liner around her eyes. Dressed in a long white dress, Egyptian sandals on her feet, and beads hanging in her hair, she looked like she had just stepped out of time. She made her way through the teaming crowd and went to a table in the back. He noted that as soon as she sat down, her eyes went directly to his.

  Varick stared at the woman as he turned the bottle up. Yeah, there was something amiss with her. He couldn’t tell if she was a witch, a werewolf, or a vampire, but she was not human and she wasn’t anything he had ever encountered before. So much for his gods be damned powers. He cursed and went to her table.

  She looked up, her eyes misting with tears. “I am Bastilla.”

  Varick grunted once, ran his hand over his chest. “What do you want?”

  She lowered her eyes and pushed her sleeves up so that he could see the bite marks that riddled her skin. “I need help and I didn’t know where else to go.”

  Varick swallowed and sat down across from her at the table. “Who did this to you?”

  “I don’t know his name. He comes to me while I sleep. The others tell me that it’s a great honor, but . . . ”

  Varick took her hand and pulled it across the table. He carefully inspected the wounds and frowned. They were snakebites, large, probably constrictors, and no poison. He released her hand and looked at her chin. She had teeth marks, jagged and sharp, but teeth marks all the same. He watched as she pulled her sleeves down and nervously shifted in her chair.

  “What are you?” The question was simple and he expected an answer.

  She looked up and met his stare. “I’m not sure what I am. I know that I am different. My clan . . . .they are . . . different too, but I am not like them either.”

  “What are they?”

  “Vam . . . ” She lowered her gaze. “They are vampires.”

  Varick finished his beer and held up his hand. The waitress that Alexander, a fellow Destroyer, liked brought him another one and asked if the woman wanted one as well. She shook her head and politely said no. The waitress bounced away as someone called her name.

  “What are you?” he asked yet again.

  The woman shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not sure.”

  “And exactly what do you want us to do for you?”

  “Help me escape them and the man who plagues my nights,” she whispered nervously looking around the dance floor.

  “Are you asking for asylum?”

  Bastilla frowned. “No, I want this world rid of them all. They are evil beyond compare and I don’t think I would be safe until they are all dead.”

  “Where are they?” He knew she was lying.

  He felt excitement race through her veins, but she bit it down as she answered. “On the outskirts of town. There is an old abandoned warehouse with an underground storage compartment. That is where they sleep. I watch over them . . . if I don’t, they will hunt me down and kill . . . kill me.”

  “Have they fed from you?”


  “Why did you come here?”

  “I need your help.”

  “My help?” He paused, let the silence between them grow until she started fidgeting. “How did you know where to find me?”

  “I have a friend. He told me where to come and to look for a white haired man.”

  “And what is this friend’s name?”

  He watched her eyes dart back and forth. “Charon.”

  “Charon?” Charon’s name struck a chord in his gut. Varick searched her face as an odd feeling snaked up his spine. “What do you offer in return for their deaths?”

  “I don’t have anything except for my body.”

  Varick looked her over as if she were a piece of meat. Her black hair was lovely, her eyes were an odd bright brown and satin gray color and her complexion had an olive tint to it. Her shoulders were strong and her fingers were soft. She was a very beautiful woman, but he felt the evil that clung to her. She had no doubt been subject to many horrors, but she was no saint.

  Bastilla met his eyes. “If you will do this for me, I’ll give my body freely.”

  Varick narrowed his eyes. “You would offer yourself?”

  “I have heard the rumors that Destroyers are powerful lovers . . . and I feel that it is I that would be rewarded.”

  Varick was not born yesterday and he could sense a trap when one was being laid out so politely in front of him. He didn’t need god powers to see it. Did this female expect him to fall so easily? Or was that part of the trap as well?

  He gritted his teeth and commanded. “You will tell the truth of this visit. Perhaps you will find solace in another man’s arms,” he whispered, “But you won’t find it in mine.”

  Bastilla gritted her teeth as she clutched his crotch. “I will do anything you want me to. Please, I beg of you, help me.”

  Varick growled as his zipper came down and her hand reached inside. Her fingers were warm and soft, but her grip told another story. He groaned as the beast clawed at his eyes. It was getting harder to control as she reached around him and cupped his butt. Instantly, he slammed her into the wall and picked her up from the floor baring his elongated fangs.

  “You know not what you seek. When I finish with you there will be nothing left except for your crushed dead body!” Varick shook his head. “What brings you into this sanctuary?”

  Bastilla grinned. “I am stronger than I look. And
I need your help.”

  “It has nothing to do with strength and you will keep your distance from me or die.” His voice deepened as his eyes cast a soft white glow over her face.

  In his present state, he caught a strangely familiar odor, Payne. But he was in Kentucky. He released his hold of the woman and turned on his heel.

  He knew of Bastilla, Payne’s one and only desire. Could this be her? He would have to speak to him in regard to this matter. Speaking with Payne about his emotions was like pulling your fingernails out one at a time, complete torture. He growled as he turned back to the woman. Time to play the game at hand.

  “You can have asylum until this issue is resolved. Go to the office in the back and ask for Alera. She will show you to a room and see that you are protected throughout the night. Do not leave this building or speak to any demons that may be here. Do you understand?”

  Bastilla stared at the only man that had ever refused her, complete confusion on her brow, “And what about the man who comes while I sleep?”

  “No demon can come into these walls and cause harm to another.”

  “And what am I going to owe you?”

  “We shall see.”

  “All I can offer is what stands before you.”

  Varick laughed hatefully. “Not interested.”

  Bastilla’s rage flared as he turned and walked back to the bar. He would regret this refusal soon enough. No one refused her will, no one! But for now, she would play the part of the damsel in distress. She turned to the door as a gorgeous woman walked into the club from the back.

  Bastilla watched her as she looked at Varick. Her blood boiled as she saw Varick turn to the woman and smile. She caught her breath as Varick’ power surged at the sight of this woman. Disgust and hatred welled up her throat as his eyes feasted on the female.

  The woman was the reason he had refused her. No matter, she would have what she wanted as soon as she found Payne and had him falling for her all over again. Time for plan B.

  • • •

  The clock on the wall above the picture of a lion chimed. Chanta nervously picked at the hem of her black dress. She had taken great care in preparing herself for Payne’s visit. Her light tresses framed her face in an upswept fashion, her fingernails were painted red to match her toes that peeked out from the high heels that she was wearing, and the sleeveless dress she wore was perfectly fit to her soft curves.


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