The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe

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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  “Yes- Lycan- wolfie- mutt and you can tell him from me to keep his paws firmly away from my doorstep- thank you very much-“ Darcy was more than animated now- in full swing as the males groaned again.

  “Does nothing go smoothly anymore-“ Ryan groaned out in a low miserable voice as Jake grinned beside him.

  “Fae-“ He offered as if that was explanation enough and Ryan nodded in agreement as Nicole snapped her head back on her neck- everyone now ignoring the tirade that Darcy still had in full swing.

  “Excuse me with the aspersions-“ Nicole shot out and Jake and Ryan both swung their heads to look in her direction. Her hands were planted on her hips and she was more than ready for the defence of her kind.

  “Oh Crap- could this day get any worse?” Ryan growled out, Jake slapped him on the back in a hearty show of camaraderie.

  “Good luck with that brother.” He chuckled on the shake of his head as he turned on his heels and walked out of the door leaving his Alpha alone to deal with both Fae.

  “Get your butt back in here Jake- you’re my Beta you’re supposed to have my back.” Ryan ground out and heard Jakes amused chuckle echo through the walls and back to him.

  “They are Fae- you’re on your own brother. Try using some of that Alpha charm of yours.” Ryan’s low growl of annoyance mixed with the women’s excited chatter as Jake strolled out the back door and left him to it.

  “Come home with me tonight.” Jake took up his favourite posture against the tree trunk, arms crossed, naked as the day he was born and unabashed by it and with that damn cocky grin on his lips- those gloriously sexy eyes taking her in from head to toe as she straightened and turned to face him- a hunger in her eyes the moment she scented him.

  The light from the camp fire in the semi darkness of the woods flickered a dance across the curvy planes of her body- calling his eyes to chase the shadows as they played hide and seek over her skin.

  “That would be my undoing- don’t you think?” She smiled back at him and he was in front of her in a heartbeat- not touching, but so damn close she could feel the heat from him.

  “Then come undone baby.” He palmed her cheek, so slowly to allow her the time she needed to pull away- but she surprised him by leaning into his touch, her lids closing as she revelled in the feel of her mate- brushing her cheek over the warmth of his skin she opened her eyes and stared up at him, melting under his gaze.

  “I can’t fight you anymore Jake.” Her voice sounded small and she sounded desolate. His heart ached for her- more than his body- this fierce she wolf who had snapped at him with fangs so sharp when he had brought her down in the earth and here she was resigned to her fate.

  “Then stop and let me love you.”

  “Break my spirit.” She whispered as he drew a thumb down her cheek his eyes showing her the reverence he held so tightly within him.


  “I live free to roam-“ Her eyes chased over the woods about them and he ducked his head to look up at her.

  “Your pack has a lot of land Shay- we can explore it together or you can come back to me when you need to feel me beside you Love.”

  “You won’t try to tame me?”

  “Why would I want a tame mate?- I won’t let you go once were bonded Shay- I’ll track to you to the ends of the earth to keep you in my arms- but being mated doesn’t mean you’ll be my prisoner- at my beck and call.”

  “And the Fae?” She went to take a step back from him then but he captured her face in both palms to hold her there.

  “Let someone else hunt the coven witches- you’ve claimed retribution for your family- time to lay them to rest- start your own story- your own family- your own pups to protect and nurture and if a coven threatens that family we will stand together to protect what is ours.” He wanted nothing more than to put his seed within her womb and bring about those pups- beautiful like her and strong with their Lycan blood.

  “Pups- Jake.” There she hesitated again- she wanted him, she wanted to lay with him more than anything- but the life he was offering her was so different from the life she had ever know- there was the fear within her that she may not be strong enough to be what he wanted, needed of her.

  “When you’re ready- little ankle nippers that demolish everything in their path with their rough and tumble-“ He sensed her unease, but he also sensed the love for him that flowed through her- the lust for his body- the need with which her desire to mate him coursed through her veins.

  “What if I can’t be who you want me to be?” There was the pain in her voice as she tried to look away from his gaze but he held her firm.

  “I want you to be you Shay- no more and no less- you don’t have to change yourself for me-“ Then he grinned that sexy grin she had grown to treasure like a precious thing. “You just have to stop hunting damned Fae baby.”

  He watched with baited breath as she swayed before him, her body seemed to be undecided- still fighting the emotions that raged through her and then she took a step forwards and pressed the length of her body to his, reaching up on tiptoe to brush her lips over his.

  Jake needed no more encouragement- but fearing she did he made sure that the kiss he took her mouth with rocked her body right down to her naked little toes curling in the earth beneath her. A long moment of slow encouragement for her to open to him followed by the ravishing of her mouth- his tongue delving and dancing across, around and tangling with hers- tasting the sweetness of her as she pressed her hips to him, the hard steel of his arousal burning into her stomach with its heat- its need for her.

  “Home-“ Jake growled as he broke from her mouth and ran blunt teeth down her throat and she dug her nails into the flesh of his back.

  “Here- now.” She moaned her reply, the feel of his thumbs brushing hard against her budded nipples, he eased her down to her knees- going down with her, his fingers tracing down her hip only to run back up her inner thigh- his knee nudging her legs apart, while his mouth closed over one hard nipple, nipping against the heated flesh until she ground out a moan of pleasure and he soothed her nerves by suckling hard.

  Her body arched towards him, one hand fisting his hair as she held his mouth against her breast and the other palming the hard globe of his backside as she squeezed his flesh and pulled him hard against her- the growl that rumbled from his throat and reverberated through her soft flesh making her heat sore and her sex wetter for his touch and touch he did, he palmed the soft curls of her mound, his fingers running over the sweet nerve endings that cried out with electric jolts straight through her sex with every caress, circles draw over her nub, already swollen with her need for him and when he nipped her breast again he rimmed a finger around her core and she pushed against his hand, his finger thrusting up into her and she ground out another moan.

  When her hand fisted him he almost lost control- a dark curse ripped through him as he knocked her hand away- his mouth against her ear “Shay- I’m just barely holding on her baby-“ He growled against her ear and she moaned back her reply- in an instant she had bent over him and taken him into her mouth- she sucked hard against his glands before taking him as far as his width would allow and he almost roared with the feel of her around him.

  “What the f-?” He reached for her to pull her up and away from him before he lost control completely and shot into her mouth- but she clamped her mouth around him taking him deep as her nails dug into his backside- she wasn’t letting go now that she had him and as her eyes came up his body, locking with his he growled long and hard, he was supposed to be claiming her and yet here she was driving him insane with the constant slide of her mouth over him- he was trying to hold onto the need to move his damn hips when she started to tug against his backside.

  He cursed again, fisting her hair, his eyes fixed on his penis disappearing into her mouth and when she swallowed his glands down into her throat he was lost- his body moving of its own volition as the need to take her mouth swept through him like a fire- holding her head between
his hands he pumped into her, each thrust had her swallowing him down when he nudged her throat and she moaned, the scent of her arousal filled the air and he drank it in.

  When she palmed his sack he lost all control- he couldn’t not orgasm now if the earth caught fire around them- he thrust deep into her throat and she swallowed him just as he exploded down her throat- a moment of pure abandon had him holding deep as he growled his pleasure and then he yanked him hips back and heard her suck in a breath through her nose before he thrust back again- each time he spilled out into her throat he felt like a god with heaven at his command.

  He finally sagged as she continued to work her mouth around him- until he grabbed her upper arms and yanked her upwards, his mouth crushed down on hers and he devoured her- the taste of his own essence still strong on her tongue as he growled his dominance. His hand slipping between her legs as he palmed her mound, his fingers seeking the heat of her core and he thrust two fingers into her, taking her knuckle deep as she moaned and squirmed against him.

  He tore his mouth from hers and pushed her back down onto the soft earth- his eyes on fire as he worked his fingers inside her, her hips pushing up to meet his strokes and when he nudged her thighs open with his shoulders and nestled down between her legs- his tongue stroked hard and flat against her and she cried out with his first taste as the feel of him against her sent shockwaves through her sex.

  He pulled his fingers from inside her and replaced them with his tongue, lapping and then spearing into her, his thumb rubbing over the swollen nub of nerves that had her writhing on the floor beneath him, her hands fisting his hair as she whimpered her needs into the night air.

  “Jake-“ she bit out his name as her body tensed- his mouth instantly covered her nub, sucking the flesh into his mouth he ran his teeth over flesh- his tongue worked against the little hood and the nerves beneath and she came apart, her body bucking up as her heels pushed her upwards away from him, a cry escaping her lips as the pleasure throbbed through her nerves in time with her heartbeat.

  Jake wasn’t done with her yet- following her upwards he grabbed her hips and lifted them from the floor, his tongue pressing down flat and hard as he held her where he wanted her, his mouth lapping at the juices of her core before he ran his tongue back up to her nub starting the steady climb all over again before she had even come down from the first, her body spiralling out of control and his mouth and tongue worked feverishly against her, her breath hitching with each little whimper from her lips as he brought her to another climax.

  This time she stood no chance of escaping him as he held her tight- her muscles contracted into tight spasms as the second orgasm tore through her body- hard and longer than the last, taking her breath away as her hands dropped from his hair and she fisted the earth- riding through the hard throbbing of sensation until she had nothing left- lying sated beneath him as he climbed up over her body- his tongue sampling the sheen over her skin, his teeth bringing her back to reality as her body flooded with life and energy as her mate demanded more and she felt the need burn inside her for him.

  Jakes fingers closed around her slender wrists as he pushed her arms up above her head, his teeth nipping one hard bud of her breast as she growled down at him- pinned beneath him on the ground with no chance to escape if she changed her mind- yet that would never happen- she burned for him- but that didn’t mean her she-wolf couldn’t growl out her reluctance to be dominated in a show of defiance to his wolf.

  Jakes tongue snaked over her skin, slowly- deliberately running down over her ribs and up her side, her scent filled his senses as he brushed his tongue over her armpit, the sensitive nerves there making her squirm beneath him- her stomach rubbing his hardness as he growled out again, running his tongue up her arm before he stared down at her, his face above hers as he dipped his hips and ran his length over her mound- a low growl escaping his lips- he nipped at her lower lip- Shay whimpered deep within her throat, turning her head to the side she offered him her throat.

  Dipping his head he ran blunt teeth down her vein before his tongue pressed hard and flat against her pulse and he licked over her skin, his teeth quick to nip her lobe as her hips pushed upwards, his mate offering her body- eager to take him within her as her knees pulled up and back and she spread herself wide for him.

  “Deep-“ She growled on a whisper as he positioned himself between her thighs, his glands nudging into her sex and with one long hard thrust he seated himself to the hilt, the growl of pleasure as her body accepted him mixed with her cry of satisfaction at finally having him within her- she squeezed her muscles around him as he ground against her, clamping and releasing him like a massage and when he pulled back to the tip to thrust back into her she clamped down around him again.

  Pushing her wrists down against the dirt he growled a warning down at her- he was close to unleashing his beast and just pounding into her until they were both satiated and she grinned up at him, trusting her hips hard against his when he took her to the hilt again.


  “Do it- claim me, we have a lifetime to discover slower pleasures I want you now Jake- don’t hold back- let me know your wolf.”

  Jake grabbed both of her wrists with one large hand- reaching down he broke the hold she had around his hips with her legs, pushing her knee up towards her chest so she was completely trapped beneath his body he thrust into her with long deep strokes that made her pull against his hold on her wrists- she wanted to claw the ground- claw his back- yank him onto his back and ride him hard and wild taking her fill.

  He saw the beast rise up within her- her eyes flashed with her wolf as her fangs dropped down from her gums and he lost all self control- his beast rising to the challenge within him as his hips pounded into hers and when she growled at him, trying to nip against his shoulder he bit down into her shoulder, deep enough to mark her with a warning to her wolf to submit to its mate.

  The steady rise of her cries as he pounded within her, his pelvis rubbing her nub and bringing her close to release as his thrusts intensified- hard and deep within her until she whimpered her submission- Jake reared up above her pumping his hips and bringing her to the edge of release, he sunk his fangs into the soft flesh of her neck and she cried out an instant before she did the same- lapping over the streaks of blood that escaped the wounds until he thrust her over the edge- she cried out against his neck, her mouth clamping down as she tasted her lovers blood.

  Shay’s muscles clamped down hard around him forcing him to pump into the tightness of her core, her body squeezing the orgasm from him as his beast roared within him- reaching out to his mate and touching on a subliminal level as they rode through the storm of their release together- hard clenching throbs through their bodies.

  Jake thrust into her over and over again spilling his seed inside her- his body unrelenting as his orgasm rolled into another faster- harder release that had him unclamping his fangs from her neck as his body convulsed in ecstasy, his back arched as he ground into her, she screamed out with the force of her own release- her body bucking under him as his pleasure became her pleasure as they shared one mind- one body- their wolves meeting and bonding on another level.

  Darcy’s head reared up at the sound of the roar that echoed through the night- a long shiver wracked her body and amusement rippled through the gathered pack.

  “Well that sorts out our rogue problem-“ Ryan mused and Layla punched him in the arm.

  “You’re so nasty-“ She turned up her nose at her brother and strolled off into the house as Maria shook her head.

  “That one is going to cause no end of problems when her mate finds her- trust my words son- you’ll be picking that poor lad off the floor numerous times.”

  Darcy eyed the big Lycan that claimed to be her mate with nervous eyes as he grinned back at her- amusement in his dark eyes at her unease at the sound of a male bonding roar.

  “About the sex part?” Darcy whispered into Nicole’s ear and Ryan chuckled again as Darcy g
roaned low in her chest.

  “Wolves have ears Darc and they are a lot sharper than ours- that’s your first lesson.” Nicole giggled watching her friends cheeks flush a bright crimson- her eyes flicking back to Gabe who grinned uncontrollably as Darcy dragged herself to her feet muttering under her breath as she stormed back into the house.

  Gabe made a move to follow her when Ryan shot him a glare and shook his head- the younger wolf dropping his head and sighing as Nicole giggled again.

  “Poor Darcy.”

  “For finding a Lycan mate?” Ryan asked as he reached out and scooped her beside him on the wall- her elbow connected with his ribs and his body contracted as he groaned out a breath.

  “For the nervous anxiety of not knowing what to expect. Been there done that and it was no picnic-“

  “I wasn’t worried-“ He mused and got another elbow in the ribs for his trouble- his breath hitching within him.

  “You are just so- male.”

  Nicole went in search of Darcy and found her with Maria in the kitchen- Darcy sitting on a stool nursing a cup of coffee, while Maria fixed yet another bowl of potato salad for the gathering, if Nicole had learnt one thing about Lycan’s tonight- it was that they sure could eat their own weight in food.

  “What’s up future pack sister?” Nicole nudged Darcy as she sat down and shot Maria a look of amusement- Maria’s eye were full of sympathy for the young Fae.

  “Can I go home now? Now the rogues been mated and the danger is over and I’ve got a prospective mate sniffing around-“ Her cheeks coloured as she looked to Maria, “No offence it was just a turn of phrase.” Darcy shot out quickly and Maria’s eyes crinkled with the amusement that washed through her.

  “None taken Darcy- and I know this is all new to you and a little frightening but your friend is human and she survived the mating-“ Maria’s logic was lost on Darcy.

  “But I don’t want to be mated to someone- Lycan or not- I like that I have sole ownership of the remote control.” Darcy whined and Nicole chortled.


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