Running Into A Brick Wall

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Running Into A Brick Wall Page 5

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  I groaned. My head hurt, my face hurt, my hip hurt, and now my pride hurt. And once again I was humiliated in front of Brick’s team.

  Brick adjusted the dress, pulling it up and covering me and then he took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. I remembered he had done this exact same thing before when he’d rescued me from the basement in my old house where Jared had imprisoned me.

  There was a precise order and a very specific agenda as Junior was taken into custody and read his rights. The judge and his wife were taken into a room by Brick’s boss and two other agents. The door was closed behind them. I wondered what was going to happen to the not-so-loyal public servant and his over-the-top loyal wife. Paramedics were called and while we waited I related the whole story, filling in the gaps when we were incommunicado—namely, when I’d gone overboard. And just as I was being checked prior to being loaded into the ambulance to be taken to the hospital, Vanessa came running up and grabbed my hand.

  “God we were so worried about you! When we discovered he’d taken you I thought Brick was going to kill somebody. He drove like a madman when he found out where he’d taken you. The feed actually came back to life for a few seconds while we were driving to get here, and he heard Junior say something about preferring you to your daughter anyway before the static filled the van then faded out to nothing again. Brick cursed up a storm and hit the dashboard of the van hard enough to crack it!”

  “How’d he find out where Junior was taking me?”

  “Just before we lost the signal, Junior told us where you were going and who you were going to see, and his momma was so proud, she spilled the beans to everyone at the party—said it was too late, that you were probably already on your honeymoon makin’ her a grandbaby when we questioned her. I never saw Brick so angry. He lifted her up by her throat to move her out of his way and just dropped her.”

  “We didn’t get him though,” I moaned.

  “Oh yeah we did. He’s going down. We got him for assault, kidnapping, corruption, bribing a public official and possession of child pornography. He had a rucksack full of kiddie porn in that boat, and it looks like he’s the featured star in a lot of the films. He’ll be put away for at least twenty-five years, maybe longer.”

  “Well that’s good news.”

  “You betcha. And we couldn’t of done it without you.”

  “I screwed up.”

  “No you did not. No one could have anticipated that he would have preferred you to his normal fare. Although I’m a bit pissed that he liked you better than me.”

  “No, he didn’t. His momma liked me better than you, and when it came down to it, he’s a momma’s boy. She’s dangles the purse strings to get her way. And she wanted me to go off with her boy and make her a baby. Thank God you guys found me before he could make his momma a grand momma.” I laughed and she hugged me tight.

  Brick strode up just then and clasped the hand I held around her shoulder. Vanessa and I broke apart then and he smiled down at me, “Wherever she goes, trouble follows.” Then he leaned down and whispered so only I could hear, “Something about you makes men want you.” His voice was rough; I could hear the desire in it. “Of course, it would help if you’d stop flashing your tits.”

  I cringed at the memory and dropped my head in my hand. He laughed. “Let’s get you checked out, then I want you in my arms all night so I’ll know exactly where you are so I can get some sleep. God I’m tired, how ‘bout you?”

  “Yeah, and I can’t wait to get this stuff off my teeth and out of my hair.”

  “You look cute all skanked out. But I do miss the blonde, although it turns out you’re ditzy no matter what color your hair is. I can’t believe you went overboard.” He shook his head while he ran his fingers through my hair at the scalp line; it felt good, in both a possessive and physical sense.

  I gave him a narrow-eyed glare. How dare he call me ditzy after all I’d done for him. He squeezed my hand and laughed.

  Two medics lifted me into the ambulance. I had a sense of déjà vu. This was how we had parted last time he’d rescued me. Before I could ask, he shoved someone aside and hopped into the back of the ambulance just as the doors were closing.

  It turned out I had to stay overnight as I had taken a pretty hard hit to my face and had some neck trauma. After cleaning up and doing his reports, Brick came back to see me. I was drifting in and out of a fitful sleep. He lifted the covers, slid in beside me and gathered me in his arms. I loved the way he smelled and the way he made me feel safe and comforted. It was the best night’s sleep I’d had in weeks.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning I was alone when a nurse came in to check my vitals. She didn’t know where Brick had gone but had been told by the night duty nurse that he had held me in his arms all night and everyone who’d checked on me thought it was the most romantic thing they had ever seen. Then Brick came in with a loaded cardboard tray from the local Hardee’s, and I actually sighed when he bent and kissed me full on the mouth.

  “’Mornin’ sunshine. Got you a sausage biscuit and some real coffee.”

  I looked up into the handsome face of a man who had slept well. The staff thought it was because of the woman he held in his arms all night, I thought it was because he was at peace with the little girl in the video I’d seen. He’d finally put her tormentor in jail and this time he was going there to stay.

  “You’re mighty chipper,” I mumbled, conscious of the fact that I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet and that my normally pearly whites were a dingy yellow-gray and I still had mile-high Brillo hair. What must these nurses be thinking of Brick’s taste in women?

  “I am. Guess who’s been picked to drag Junior’s fat ass back to Kentucky?”

  “Hmmm . . . the arresting officer?”

  “No, I gave Bobbie, the collar. He’s the one who got the hell knocked out of him on account of me last week. Guess again.”


  “Good God no, she’s on her way back to Florida. This isn’t even her jurisdiction.”

  “Okay, I give. It’s not you is it?”

  He beamed at me. “Yeah. I get to be the last face he sees before he’s in the system for good.”

  “Isn’t that a little dangerous?”

  He gave me a questioning look. “I think I can handle it. He will be in chains you know.”

  “I meant, isn’t it dangerous for him? Won’t you be tempted to beat the shit out of him?”

  “Oh yeah. But I won’t be doing this alone. We normally transport prisoners in teams, but with someone so high profile, who many have a grudge against, we double the team, there’ll be four of us.”

  “Ah. So, when does all this take place?”

  “Tomorrow. So you have to get out of here today.” His eyebrows went up and down in a get-my-drift kind of way and I laughed out loud.

  “I’m told the doctor will be here in about an hour. You can ask him.”

  “I’ve got a gun. There will be no asking.”

  “Well if you have plans of the carnal nature, it ain’t happenin’ with a skanky woman.”

  “Thought you’d say that so I brought you a surprise.”

  “You mean other than the biscuit and mud-in-your-eye coffee?”

  “Hey, don’t knock the beverage cops are weaned on, couldn’t do a stake out without it, ya know. Juanita, get in here!”

  From around the edge of the huge door, Juanita popped her head. “S’alright to come in, now?”

  “You bet. Juanita, Jenny needs undoin’. Whatever you did the other day, make it go away. I want my beautiful girl back, and while I’ll take her anyway I can get her, I would prefer it if she’s a blonde again.”

  Juanita strode into the room with two huge suitcases. “No problem. Gonna take a while though so why don’t you just mosey on down to the gift shop while I do my magic.”

  “Gift shop?”

  “This woman’s going to need some clothes. If you’ll recollect, she came in here with a d
ress on that could fit a baby elephant. I’ve been hearing all about the eyeful you got for being the first one to get to her. And mind you, there’s a few who are downright unhappy that you didn’t share the view.”

  I blushed and he grinned.

  “What size you wear sugar? I’ll get you something really nice.”

  “Six petite if you can find it, or extra small if they’re not numbered. And nothing orange, I do not do orange. Remembering the dress I’d come out of, I hollered at his back, “And no flowers, you hear me, no flowers!”

  The nurse came in as he went out. “Why don’t you want flowers, honey? Hell you deserve them for all you went through.”

  “I meant no flowered clothes, he’s getting me something to wear home.”

  “Speaking of home, the doctor looked at your chart, you’re free to go. When you’re ready I just need to call for a wheelchair.”

  Juanita piped up, “I need her and that bathroom for about an hour, any problems with that?”

  “Nah, take your time. We don’t have a waitin’ list. At least not yet. Now if you’d come during a full moon . . .” her voice drifted off as her clogs quietly cushioned her progress as she crossed the room and closed the door behind her.

  An hour later I was back to my old self, with the exception of my outfit. Leave it to a man to buy leather and lace. Something I knew without a doubt he hadn’t found in the hospital gift shop.

  Chapter Nine

  We were flown back to Hillvalley in a helicopter, landing in the middle of Main Street right outside the door to the sheriff’s office I had been in just a few days ago. My blue and white Dolphin was still in the parking lot looking out of place next to squad cars and unmarked police cars. Brick got the keys and drove us over to the local K.O.A., where his rig was still set up. I noticed he took a grocery bag off the helicopter and suspected we were dining in.

  It was nippy in the mountains but Brick had assured me he was planning on keeping me warm tonight. He had to leave to escort his prisoner tomorrow and I had to get on the road if I was going to meet Randy at The Rally where I hoped to run into Brick’s missing sister. But even though it had been on my mind to tell Brick a few times about my hopefully-not-so-crazy idea, I stubbornly talked myself out of it each time. What if Robert Byrnes and his family, including Jillie, didn’t show? What if I failed to find her? What if all I did was stir up Brick’s emotions and create false hope for him and his family again?

  So, I’d decided to go with my original plan and go it alone. I was going to find her and then call for back up, or . . . simply kidnap her back. As I was putting away my things and setting up, I idly wondered what the jail time was for kidnapping a kid who had been kidnapped in the first place. It was certainly a quandary, kidnapping a child is a crime, a very bad crime. I could easily end up in jail over this, or killed should there be a manhunt. My mind raced—an Amber Alert could be issued and an A.P.B. sent out. In his zeal to make a big arrest some cop might shoot first and ask questions later. Should I really do this, should I take this chance on my own?

  As I hooked up the water filter to the spigot and fished in my “necessaries” basement, I made a firm decision. I would go to the rally, get set up, make friends and find my way around. And if I managed to locate Jillie, and if I saw the right opportunity, I’d base my decision on the prevailing circumstances. If I was lucky and I could make a connection I could depend on with someone in law enforcement, I just might involve him or her, if they were of a like mind. If not, I would be on my own. I was scared just thinking about it. But excited too.

  I smiled as I thought of Brick, gathering his sister into a bear hug as she ran down the steps of a plane into his waiting arms and my eyes misted. Yeah, I had to do everything I possibly could to make that scenario happen. I had to bring her home to him. So, if everything worked out, he’d have the surprise of his life waiting for him when we hooked up again. If not, nothing would be lost, except my all dashed hopes and expectations of delivering the absolute most perfect present ever to the man I was falling in love with.

  My cell phone rang and jolted me back to the present. I was surprised to see that it was Brick calling me from inside his fifth wheel.

  “Anytime you’re in the mood, come on over. I’ve got the steaks marinating and the salad just about put together. Could use a corkscrew though, can’t seem to find mine.”

  “Okay, just give me a few minutes. I need to primp.”

  “If you’re planning on slathering on more make-up, forget it. I want you as naked as I can possibly get you . . . everywhere.”

  “Well that’s what I have to take care of. Does the word Gillette mean anything to you?”

  “Oh, yeah. Good idea. I should go ‘Gillette,’ too.”

  “It would be greatly appreciated if you did,” I said, hoping my smile came through the line.

  “Sugar, there are going to be so many things you are going to greatly appreciate about me tonight. You might want to make a list.”

  “Ditto.” I forced myself to sound confident even though I was anything but. I could not even remember the last time I had wanted to make love—about three years after my marriage to Jared was my best guess, and that had been quite a few years ago.

  “Mmmm . . . sounds very promising. You don’t mind if we keep the game on, do you? I’ve got money on Carolina.”

  “Only if you don’t mind having a hard on you could use for a horseshoe post all next week.”

  He laughed and made kissing noises into the phone. I heard him sigh deeply, then in a low, husky voice he said, “Get your ass over here as soon as you can—and all those other luscious parts, too.” I saw the screen on my cell go blank and smiled. To Brazilian or not to Brazilian, that was the question.

  Chapter Ten

  When I knocked on his door an hour later, I heard him holler for me to come in. I juggled the homemade dessert I’d taken from the freezer, the requested corkscrew, my keys, and a tote bag containing things I might need if I was invited to spend the night.

  There was a lot riding on this from my perspective. Sure I was going to have sex with a man I adored, but we were both emotional wrecks. He, for what he’d been going through for the past five years after his sister had been taken from right under his nose in a mall at Christmas time, and for last week’s fiasco of an ongoing case he cared deeply about. Me, for what Jared had put me through, not only while we were living together as husband and wife, but also while I’d been on the road running from him. We hadn’t resolved our issues, neither one of us, really. But how long could you put your life on hold when it depended on the futures of so many others? It was time. Brick and I had amazing chemistry together. I was mad for his muscular form, his devilish smile, his unwavering blue gaze, and pheromones that had me sniffing like a vacuum whenever he was in the room. Oh yeah, I was ready.

  “Hey, I could use a hand here,” I said as I managed to climb into the RV without the use of my hands.

  Brick was by the stove setting the timer. In two strides he was at my side taking everything from me and placing it on the counter. I kept the tote bag on my arm and as I passed the sofa I let it slip to the floor between the sofa and the kitchen counter. I didn’t want to broadcast that I was a sure thing even though I’d as much said so.

  “Ah, you remembered the corkscrew. How long does this stuff have to breathe before it’s any good?” He held up a bottle of Chilean red, a cabernet that was a favorite of mine.

  “It’s good now, breathing just makes it better—a bit more mellow with the edge of an aftertaste smoothed out. I would decant it now and pour two half glasses. I’m so ready for a drink.”

  “Yeah, me too. But do you mind if I make one of them a beer. I feel like I need something I can chug instead of sip right now.”

  “Suit yourself. More wine for me.” He handed me my glass and went to the fridge for a beer. I sipped as I watched his muscles flex while he moved things around to get to what he was looking for. His broad back in the tight te
e looked powerful. The muscles bulging in his arms as he lifted the twelve-pack, situated it on the shelf and tore the cardboard reminded me how strong he was, causing my womb to clench with desire. The flash of warmth was offset by a shudder I felt tingling down my spine. This man would soon have complete physical control of my body. I had trust issues. Could I do this?

  I watched his hands mangling the container, his long fingers grasping the bottleneck and pulling it free. My gaze drifted to his profile where his firm lips pursed with the effort before going slack and full. My hand jerked at my side for I longed to caress his shadowed cheek and stroke his lips with my thumb. His hair, in thick freshly brushed waves beckoned for fingers to run through it to muss it up some. I was mesmerized by everything he was; tall, capable, confident, right down to his jean-clad ass displayed so admirably not a foot from where I stood, taunting me. I couldn’t resist the temptation. On its own volition my hand reached out and gripped his firm butt cheek.

  I watched as his head swung around and his eyes met mine. He stood, holding the beer in his hand and his heated gaze met mine. I knew he was seeing the longing in my eyes, the vulnerability in my parted lips. I hadn’t masked anything, hadn’t even tried. I knew my eyes were glazed over with lust for him and that my stark hungry expression had to be conveying my blatant desire to be taken by him and taken right now. He quirked a sideways smile and put the beer back in the fridge. He exchanged it for a small bottle of water that I watched him down in mere seconds.

  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stared at my lips. “Now that I’m hydrated, let’s take care of a few things I’ve had on my mind lately.” He pulled me to him with one hand wrapping around my waist.

  My pulse leapt and galloped off until I felt it beating in hundreds of places throughout my body. His lips took mine and that was all it took—one nerve caught fire igniting another and soon I was molten against his chest. I vaguely remember him taking the wine glass from my hand and placing it on the counter before lifting me in his arms. He took two steps forward, heading toward the bedroom, then back pedaled until he was standing by the stove. He propped me on his hip while his left hand punched a series of buttons on the microwave/convection oven, disengaging the timer and turning off the oven. “Dinner can wait. I can’t—not any longer.” His lips descended to mine, taking them in a full-mouthed kiss, covering and moving over them. My arms wrapped around his neck and I opened for his thrusting tongue.


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