Wicked Games: The Extended Edition (Steele Security #1)

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Wicked Games: The Extended Edition (Steele Security #1) Page 8

by A. D. Justice

  The scary truth was exactly what he needed to hear. It was what jarred him into action, into a decision, and into the direction of a life in the military. He’d still attend college, but as a cadet with a purpose. Eventually, he’d still have a family of his own, but with a distinctly different approach than his father. Rather than seeing the world with a spoiled rich boy stigma, he would see it through the lens of an experienced man.

  Just before his high school graduation, young Noah approached his father, filled with excitement about his impending plans.

  “Dad, I need to talk to you,” he began his carefully constructed speech. “It’s very important.”

  Steve’s arms slowly lowered the newspaper, revealing the displeasure of being interrupted on his face. “This had better be good.”

  “I’ve made a decision about my future. My plans after high school.”

  “Go on,” Steve said as he meticulously folded the paper. His tone conveyed that he knew he wouldn’t like the direction this conversation would take. “Let’s hear your master plan.”

  “I’ve decided to join the Army. I talked to the recruiter for a long time and basically mapped it all out. I’ll still attend college, become an officer, and make a living doing what I love to do. My mind is made up and I’ve already set the date for testing and swearing in.”

  “You what?” Steve asked. His voice was unusually low and threatening. He leaned forward in his chair, narrowed his eyes in anger, and balled his hands into fists at his sides. He was every bit as intimidating in this position as if he stood over Noah, yelling in his face.

  “I’ve set the date-,” Noah repeated and was promptly interrupted.

  “I heard you!” Steve roared. “You will not go to that testing and you will not swear in. No son of mine will give up a prestigious future to be some grunt, sleeping in the mud or in a tent with a bunch of other grunts.”

  Steve stood and paced back and forth across the room. Noah’s eyes drifted from Steve, who was still ranting and raving, to take in the opulence of his surroundings. It figures, Noah thought. All he’s worried about is what his friends will think. He isn’t concerned about what I want.

  That thought summed up all of Noah’s life within just a few words. It was that very realization that pushed him to keep his appointment, to excel on the tests, and to complete his swearing in ceremony. Signing on the dotted line was a formality in his mind since his heart was already committed. The day after his graduation, he took his few prized possessions and left home.

  He built a long, successful career in the Army. Taking extra classes each semester, he graduated early with his degree. His tenacity in everything he tried got him noticed by both his commanding officers and the men he led. He quickly climbed through the ranks, taking every training opportunity made available to him, and expanded his capabilities. He became the youngest Delta Force member, but that still didn’t bring him the personal vindication he thought it would. His father’s condescending rejection of him still rang loudly in his ears.

  Today, he started to feel the pride in his accomplishments that had eluded him for far too long. All of his training, skills, dedication, and hard work were beginning to pay off. Merely months prior, he started his own security firm and was already well in the black. Word of mouth had already spread quickly about his firm’s abilities, making them the first-choice for many high-profile clients.

  Hiring several more employees would allow him to take the more complex contracts that he’d recently received. As he worked through the scores of paperwork on his desk, his thoughts kept straying back to Brianna. The feel of her skin against his during the hot desert nights lingered in his mind even now. The sweetness of her breath, the sensual sounds she made, and the way her body felt in his hands kept him awake at night.

  He would never get enough of her.

  By the weekend, his plan to persuade, entice, and pursue her would be well in play.

  “Reap,” Rebel called to him and interrupted his thoughts. “Brad’s here.”

  “Good. Let’s get started.”

  Reaper moved with a new determination as he greeted Brad and ushered him into his office. After brief introductions, the trio started the interview process and professionally grilled the applicant on his skills and experience. By the end of it, all three had already made their decision and silently communicated it.

  “Brad, when can you start?” Reaper asked with a smile.

  “As soon as you give me the word. I’m working a temporary assignment right now but they know I’m looking for a permanent position,” Brad answered.

  “Next Monday, one week from today? Is that enough notice?” Reaper asked.

  “That’s perfect. I’m proud to be part of this agency. It’s become very popular, very quickly, in the serious security circles,” Brad extolled. “That’s exactly the type of firm I want to be part of.”

  “I appreciate that, Brad. We work hard and take our responsibilities serious here. I have no doubt you will, too. Glad to have you onboard,” Reaper said, shaking his hand.

  After Brad left, Rebel turned to the other two men and commented. “One down. Only nine more to go.”

  Chapter Seven

  “We deserve to go on a huge bender after the week we’ve had,” Bull declared as they stepped out of the office of Steele Security. “I’d rather run point for a month than sit through one more interview. Next person hired is an office manager, Reaper.”

  “You’re not kidding,” Reaper shook his head. “I love having this business but interviewing has to be the worst job ever.”

  “Here’s the Rainstorm and Bead Pub. Thank God,” Rebel exhaled. “Let’s go have a beer or a maybe a keg.”

  The made a slow loop around the perimeter of the room to scan their surroundings. The trio stayed on-duty even when they were off the clock. As Reaper approached the bar, he ordered three beers and let his eyes settle on Brianna.

  She stood beside a tall table covered in presents, beer bottles, and a birthday cake in the middle. Several of her girlfriends surrounded her and one placed a pointy happy birthday hat on her head. Reaper’s hand froze midair as he raised his bottle to his lips. Brianna laughed heartily at the ridiculous hat, but wore it with pride.

  She was even more beautiful than she appeared in his dreams. Her long, blond hair had lighter blond streaks, as if the sun had picked specific areas to place light kisses. Her skin glowed from her Miami suntan, and her warm smile lit up her gorgeous face. If he’d had any doubts about finding her, they quickly melted away when he realized he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  The thought of another man taking his place with her was enough to drive him into a blind rage. The knowledge that he’d never felt that way about anyone before convinced him to take a chance. Seeing her again solidified his feelings.

  Brianna moved to the front of the table and began to open her birthday presents. He seized the perfect moment as he quickly stole up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and murmured into her ear.

  “Hello, Brianna. Have you missed me?”

  She jumped in surprise and quickly whirled around to face him, ready to tear into the idiot that had dared to touch her. The shock of seeing him rendered her speechless for a few seconds as she openly stared at him. Then her jaw dropped open wide as the realization that he was real sank in.

  “Noah!” She squealed as she automatically jumped into his arms. Her heart raced and she couldn’t contain the smile that was now permanently affixed to her face.

  Of all the people she expected to see at her birthday party, Noah Steele wasn’t one of them. Inwardly, she had fantasized about this moment so many times that she almost thought her daydream had taken over. But now, holding him close to her, she realized no fantasy could ever compete with the real man.

  Noah easily lifted her off the floor, further crushed her to him, and embraced her in the enormous, bear hug that epitomized his size.

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe it’s really
you!” she whispered to him. “Are you actually here with me right now?”

  “I’m definitely here, baby,” he murmured.

  Brianna’s girlfriends were struck with the same speechless reaction as they watched the scene play out in front of them. Their eyes roamed from one man to the next, taking in the exquisite physiques and rippling muscles, all the while their mouths continued to gape open.

  Reaper released Brianna, allowing her to slowly slide down his body, keeping their contact in place for as long as possible. Their eyes locked as Reaper’s hand rose to cup her cheek. An uneasy throat clearing caught her attention and reminded her that they weren’t alone.

  Turning to their audience, Brianna ruefully explained, “Remember the guy in the Army I told you about? Reaper? This is him!”

  Brianna quickly made a round of introductions and the group rearranged tables and chairs so they could all sit together. Reaper took his seat next to Brianna, wrapped his arm possessively around her chair, and felt the puzzle pieces of his life were falling into place. The gorgeous blonde who had stolen his heart was at his side, his business was growing by leaps and bounds-almost faster than he could keep up with–and he was happier than he’d been in a very long time.

  Brianna animatedly talked with her friends, regaling them with the story of how she and Reaper first met. As she finished her story, she turned toward him and drew in a ragged breath when she recognized his provocative expression.

  “What’s that smile for?” she breathily asked.

  “It’s for you,” he replied smoothly.

  The pub lights dimmed as the familiar sensual bass chords of Love Bites reverberated through the room.

  “They’re playing our song.” The caress of Reaper’s sensual tone completely captivated her, pulling her to him without conscious thought. Before she knew it, her hand was in his as he led her to the dance floor.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body to his. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. When he dipped his head to her ear, his deep voice sent cold chills cascading over her skin. “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about having you in my arms again.”

  His hands slowly stroked up and down her ribs, his fingers flowed effortlessly over her shirt but burned straight through to her skin and left her with his unique brand. With each languid movement, her breaths became heavier and faster, her chest heaved with the exertion of restraining herself. Any rational thought about taking it slowly this time quickly evaporated, exactly like the steam emanating from her overheated body.

  “You’re even sexier than I remember,” he continued. “More than I can resist.”

  His lips hovered barely above the skin on her neck. His fingers threaded through her hair, lightly grasped the silky strands, and gently tilted her head to the side. Placing wet, sensual kisses along the sensitive skin on her neck, from her ear to the dip at her collarbone, Noah continued his meticulous re-acquaintance with her body.

  With each word and touch, Brianna became more pliant against him. Molding her body to fit his, they continued to sway to the music as he worked his way back up her neck. When he reached her ear, he increased her growing discomfort with his words. “By the time we step foot outside this pub, you’ll be mine. If you have any objections to that, now is the time to tell me.”

  Before she could respond, Noah’s lips found hers. A small taste quickly became an overwhelming need to consume her. Her unique flavor was the only aphrodisiac he needed. The velvety smooth brush of her tongue against his fueled his desire. She moaned softly into his mouth, so full of desire and intense need that it overflowed from her involuntarily.

  “So you agree?” he smirked as he broke the kiss.

  “I wholeheartedly agree,” she panted as she tried to catch her breath. “As if there were ever any question about it.”

  “There wasn’t for me,” he admitted with a sexy wink. “Just had to make sure you were convinced.”

  “It certainly took you long enough,” she challenged.

  He slowly quirked one brow up, a glow of amusement lit up his eyes. “Are you trying to say I’m slow on my game?”

  She shrugged one shoulder and cut her eyes to the left as she slightly pursed her lips. “If the shoe fits and all.”

  “Some things are worth the extra time. Slow, deliberate movements heighten the senses. Intense, precise drives at the right time are deeply satisfying.”

  Keeping his voice even, his pace slow, and his eyes locked on hers, he completed his mission with an unhurried stroke down the front of her neck. “I’d much rather take all night so there’s no doubt about my skills.

  “Honestly, you should already know that I take my recon missions very seriously,” he added with a straight face.

  Her reply was a groan of frustration followed by dropping her forehead to his chest. She shook her head from side to side, but had to laugh at herself when she felt his chuckle rumble through him. “You’ll pay for that later.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Raising her eyes to his, she smirked at him. “Fell right into your trap, didn’t I?”

  His full-on smile had always caused the breath to seize in her chest. His straight white teeth shone against his naturally tan skin. The crinkle around his eyes was kissable, as were his plump, sexy lips. Putting the whole package together in one package was lethal to the female population.

  “Yes, you did. Now that I’ve caught you, I won’t ever let you go, Bri,” he spoke sincerely.

  Hearing the words from Noah gave Brianna the courage, and the extra push, she needed to confess her own feelings. “You’ve had me since the moment I met you in the desert, Noah. I don’t want to be let go.”

  The uncharacteristic display of shock on Noah’s face momentarily knocked Brianna off-kilter. When he realized that she’d misread his reaction, he cupped her face with his hands and poured his love into his kiss.

  “Are you saying you’ve waited for me? All this time?” he asked, his lips brushing against hers from the closeness.

  The warmth of his hands on her face seeped through her skin, warming her to the core. Nodding slowly, she silently confirmed his question. Shock turned to relief as he captured her mouth with his again. Overcoming obstacles had become a way of life for him, but this was one hurdle he’d never expected to clear.

  A pure, unconditional love that was meant for only him had previously been just out of reach. He’d never felt it from his own family. He had accepted if his parents, who were supposed to love him without stipulations, couldn’t manage it then no one could. But, in the most unlikely place on earth, he found the very thing that had evaded him his entire life.

  The slow song had ended, but neither attempted to move from the crowded dance floor. As strangers moved all around them, oblivious to the monumental moment that just passed between them, Noah’s focus was solely on Brianna. Whether it was too soon was up for debate, but he knew he wanted Brianna and no one else. His heart was linked to hers, their fates were intertwined, and the profound connection was mutual.

  “Let’s get a drink,” he suggested. “Sit down and talk for a while.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  She placed her hand in his upturned palm as they walked back to their table. When he wrapped his hand around hers, she felt cherished and protected. She’d waited for him because she couldn’t picture herself with anyone else. She wasn’t naïve, she didn’t have a schoolgirl crush, and she didn’t try to convince herself that he’d waited for her.

  She just knew herself and what she wanted. She also knew no one else could ever measure up when compared to Noah.

  After she moved to Miami, her new friends had encouraged her to go out with other guys and not spend her time waiting for Noah. They argued that she didn’t know what the future held. They contended it was pointless to remain loyal when he wasn’t even aware of her sacrifice.

  Remaining true to herself and her feelings, despite what others said, had
never felt so good.

  They took their seats and Noah ordered another round before turning his attention back to Brianna. “It seems I only have one speed with you.”

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “It’s a good thing we’re on the same page, because I know how to make you disappear until you give in to my demands,” he jokingly threatened before taking a drink.

  “You make that sound very enticing,” Brianna teased as she watched his brown eyes darken to black from desire.

  “Come home with me tonight and I’ll show you,” he promised as he slowly lowered his beer bottle.

  “But would you still respect me in the morning?” she asked, partly joking but also partly serious.

  Understanding dawned in Noah’s eyes and he leaned in to give her a comforting kiss. “Nothing would make me not respect you, Brianna. If you need time to get to know me again first, I’ll gladly give you whatever time you need.”

  “I can’t wait to learn everything there is to know about the new Noah Steele,” she replied earnestly.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Noah suggested.

  “Thought you’d never ask,” Brianna laughed.

  Rebel watched them both stand and his knowing smirk made Brianna giggle.

  “Something to say, Rebel?” she asked.

  “Nothing I haven’t already said to my boy, Reaper,” Rebel grinned.

  “Yeah, yeah, shut up, man,” Noah chuckled. “We’re heading out. You kids get home before curfew tonight.”

  “Yes, Dad,” Bull deadpanned before taking a swig from his longneck bottle.

  “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Rebel added.

  “Should be an interesting night in that case,” Noah shot back.


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