Wicked Games: The Extended Edition (Steele Security #1)

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Wicked Games: The Extended Edition (Steele Security #1) Page 10

by A. D. Justice

  With his face hovered just above hers, he calmly chided her. “This is why you need me with you. If any other man did this to you, I’d have to kill him, dump the body in a vat of acid, and throw it overboard into the ocean.”

  “You only won this round because I wasn’t expecting to be picked up.”

  “Exactly my point. You have to be prepared for anything out there. I’m not trying to control you, Brianna. All I want is to keep you safe and sound.”

  “I understand.”

  Noah narrowed his eyes at her, knowing that she didn’t actually agree with him. A knock at his door momentarily drew his attention away from the conversation. As he rose from the couch, he cut his eyes back at her. “Don’t think this conversation is over yet.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” she smiled sweetly.

  He shook his head, ran his hand through his hair, and muttered something under his breath as he walked away.

  “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”

  “You weren’t meant to,” he replied dryly.

  He couldn’t help but smile when he heard her laugh in response. Their relationship progressed so easily, so naturally, that he didn’t question whether they were meant for each other. It had become a given. They alternated staying at each other’s places and that hadn’t been a burden at all, especially when he infinitely appreciated the company.

  Before he reached the door, he checked the security camera to see who their uninvited visitor was. When he saw his old friend at the door, his strides lengthened and he quickly swung the door open.

  “Richard! So good to see you, brother,” he said, giving his friend a brief manly hug.

  “You, too, man. Sorry to just drop in on you like this,” Richard replied.

  “You’re always welcome here. Come on in,” Noah said as he stepped aside to give him room to enter.

  “Man, this is a nice house,” Richard said, astonishment lacing his voice. “Steele Security must be doing very well.”

  “We are doing very well, actually. Growing more every day,” Noah beamed.

  “That’s great. I’m proud of you. I actually have some great news for you,” Richard began. “I’ve moved into a better position and can help influence decisions on escorts to foreign countries. I’d like to hire Steele Security. We’ll have to sign a new contract for each escort, but it pays well.”

  “That’s awesome news, Richard. Congratulations on your promotion and thanks for your confidence in us. You know we won’t let you down.”

  “I have no doubt about that, Reaper,” Richard replied.

  Brianna heard voices in the foyer, stepped out of the den, and moved toward the conversation. When she reached the doorway to the foyer, Richard turned and eyed her for a moment.

  “Brianna. I didn’t expect to find you here,” he said, somewhat stunned.

  “Hello, Judge,” Brianna replied. The discomfort she’d felt around him in the desert returned to her full force, though she still couldn’t identify what drove it. “How’ve you been?”

  “I’ve been great, Brianna. Never better,” Richard sneered. “You?”

  “Same,” she replied. “Never better.”

  “I don’t think you two have ever officially been introduced–not with full names anyway,” Noah said, looking between them both. “Brianna Tate, Richard Hollingsworth.”

  “Richard, it’s nice to finally meet you,” Brianna laughed.

  “Likewise, Brianna,” Richard replied. Turning to Noah, he continued. “Do you have time to finish the conversation about investing in your company?”

  “Sure, come on in to my office, Richard,” Noah gestured with his arm. To Brianna, he added, “Babe, it won’t take too long,”

  “Don’t worry about me,” she replied as she lifted up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I have plenty of work to do to keep me busy.”

  The two men walked into the office and closed the door behind them. Taking a seat, Richard gave Noah his sly smile. “So, things are pretty hot and heavy between you and Brianna, huh? Are you already living together?”

  Noah knew that there would be scoffers and naysayers, so he had prepared his answers to the intruding questions ahead of time. “We spend a lot of time together but we each still have our own place.”

  “Isn’t it a bit too soon for all this lovey-dovey shit? Most men I know wouldn’t so willingly tie themselves down to one woman.”

  “We obviously don’t know the same men, then,” Noah replied, intentionally keeping his tone in check. “We’ve been together for just a few months shy of a year. But, we’ve been alternating staying at each other’s places for the majority of that time. A real man wouldn’t be afraid to admit when he’s in love, or care about what others think.”

  “Touché. I’ve never been in love myself, so I wouldn’t know. Anyway, if you’re happy, that’s all that matters,” Richard conceded in his attempt to pacify Noah. “Now, let’s talk about what I came here for. I’d like to invest in your company, only acting as a silent partner.”

  “I have a few questions about that,” Noah steepled his hands. “First, why would you want to do that when you’re in DC?”

  “I bought a house here and I travel back and forth on the weekends. I work in DC, but Miami is my home,” Richard explained calmly.

  “Second question. Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest since you have influence over the contracts?”

  “Technically, I don’t have influence over the contracts. The head of the department that executes the contracts is a good friend of mine and he trusts my judgment,” Richard shrugged. “It’s best for everyone when we have escorts we can trust. Plus, you already have the highest level of security clearance there is, so that’s one less hassle.”

  “Third question. What do you mean by ‘silent partner,’ exactly?” Noah asked.

  “Only that I put up part of the operating money and you guarantee my contracts always come first. I’ll give you plenty of notice, but I can’t wait if the reigning queen of Hollywood comes to Miami and wants to hire you.”

  “You realize I don’t need your money to operate my company, right?”

  “I do. It’s more like insurance that someone will always be available to cover our people. My name doesn’t even have to be on any of your legal documents,” Richard offered.

  “I’ll hold your money in escrow in the event I have to hire extra help unexpectedly. But, I don’t foresee a problem with being able to accommodate the DOD’s needs,” Noah agreed.

  Richard stood, extended his hand to Noah, and as they shook hands to seal the deal, he smiled widely. “Glad to be in business with you, Steele Security. This will definitely be a very lucrative business.”

  “Thank you for choosing Steele Security for your safety needs.” Noah finished with a smile and a firm final handshake.

  Chapter Nine

  “What was that about?” Brianna asked as Richard left without saying goodbye.

  “He wants to be a silent partner in my business,” Noah replied, absently rubbing his chin.

  “Silent? Why?” Brianna asked.

  “He said so he’ll get first dibs on the escort contracts. He recommended us to his buddy in the DOD, so he wants to make sure we always have coverage for them.”

  “I really don’t understand the loyalty you have toward Richard,” Brianna blurted out.

  Noah’s head jerked sideways to look at her. His brows were furrowed into a V, his eyes were narrowed, and his mouth hung open. “He’s been a friend since high school and has had my back since I first met him. Why would you say that?”

  “He just gives me a really uncomfortable feeling, and you know I don’t get that vibe often. I don’t trust him.”

  “Well, I do and I think I know him a lot better than you do.”

  Brianna nodded as she agreed only with his latter statement, but she wanted to drop the subject before they had their first fight over nothing more than her intuition. Her gut screamed that there was more to the story
with Richard than he let on. Noah was loyal to a fault, and she feared that unyielding loyalty would end up harming him one day. If it didn’t come from Richard, then it would happen with someone else that he trusted without question. The code that Reaper lived by didn’t always apply in the world that Noah now lived in.

  “So, are you still hiring more men?” Brianna asked as she abruptly changed the subject.

  “Yes, I’m building up my empire,” Noah joked. “There are more requests for proposals in my inbox, and several more arrive each day. It’s amazing how many people need security consultants for their homes and businesses, and how many traveling celebrities need extra security to go out in public.”

  “I think I may need extra security this Saturday night,” Brianna admitted. “Can you spare anyone for me?”

  “Where are you going Saturday night?” Noah asked as concern overtook his features. For Brianna to willingly ask for an escort, there had to be real danger involved.

  “There was a tip called in to the police but they don’t have the manpower to investigate. He called the paper and asked for someone there to investigate it instead. It sounds like it could be a really big story, if it pans out. I have to go into northwest Miami to meet with my source,” Brianna explained.

  “Northwest Miami? At night?” Noah stared at her like she’d lost her mind.

  “Hopefully I’ll have back up.”

  “Today is Monday. Your meeting is being planned several days in advance. That gives anyone who wants to do you harm plenty of time to plan an attack. Why does this meeting have to wait so long to take place?”

  “Because that’s when my informant is off work and can talk to me,” she explained.

  “You’re definitely not going alone. I’ll call Bull and see if he’s available to come with us.”

  “Oh, good, security in stereo,” she joked. “I’ll not only have the two of you in my ears, but you’ll make outrageous demands and scare my source into permanent hiding.”



  “You should run now.”

  She squealed with amusement as she ran through the house, toward the sweeping staircase. Just as she reached the bottom step, she suddenly flew through the air and landed on a very thick, muscular shoulder. Noah’s arm wrapped around her and held her securely in place as he took the stairs two at a time. When he reached the landing at the top, he swatted her ass playfully. “Be still. You’re squirming.”

  “Because you’re carrying me over your shoulder!” she exclaimed with laughter.

  “We’re almost to the bedroom. It’s time for you to put that sassy mouth to better use other than talking,” Noah replied suggestively.

  “My personal Neanderthal man. What more could a girl ask for?” Brianna mocked.

  “Yeah, you’re way overdue for an attitude adjustment.” Noah jokingly threatened her as he deposited her onto the bed.

  “Well, come adjust my attitude for me, big guy,” she cooed seductively.

  “If you insist,” Noah replied as one side of his mouth rose in his sexy, cocky grin. “I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  Noah and Brianna filled the rest of the week with the usual routine–completing RFPs for new contracts, researching information for her upcoming blockbuster story, alternating spending the night at his enormous house and her small apartment, and making love until exhaustion overtook them.

  Saturday night, Bull arrived early for their rendezvous in one of the more dangerous neighborhoods of the northwest Miami area. Brianna used her most persuasive techniques on Noah to get him to relax about the meeting. While he loved her attempts, he refused to budge an inch when it came to ensuring her safety.

  “Hey, Sunny,” Bull said as he walked in. “Are you ready for your meeting tonight?”

  “Hey, Bull,” she replied, hugging his neck. “I am more than ready. Noah shouldn’t have asked you to come along, though. He’s overreacting.”

  “Have you ever been to that neighborhood before?” Bull asked.

  “No, but it can’t be any worse than the others I’ve been in.”

  “Yes, it can. You’ll see and you’ll probably wish we had an army with us,” Bull chuckled. “Just stick close to Reaper. He won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Where will you be?”

  “I’ll be around. Close enough to help but not where anyone will see me,” Bull replied.

  “This just seems like overkill to me.”

  “It may be, but I’m not taking any chances with my only little sister,” Bull smiled.

  “You know that I can’t resist when you say that, Bull,” she playfully admonished him. He shrugged and laughed in reply, telling her that he knew exactly what he was doing.

  Bull gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and continued walking until he found Noah in his office. “Hey, Reap. You ready for tonight?”

  “Yeah, I’ve had a couple of guys checking out things in that apartment building today. We’re not walking in there blind,” he replied.

  “Let’s see what you got.”

  Noah handed Bull several pictures of the area, building, and apartment layouts. He also had a full background check on the informant with the help of an old friend.

  “So, we’re meeting a Mr. Ammar Wasem tonight. Originally from a small village in Syria, close to the Iraqi border. Moved to the US eight years ago. Married, two young kids, and has maintained steady employment. No arrest, no blips on the radar for anything, not even speeding. Either he’s legit, or he has the perfect cover for a sleeper cell member,” Bull solemnly concluded.

  “Either we’re walking into a trap or he really does have information about a big story for Brianna. At this point, I’m not sure which would be worse,” Noah replied, clearly agitated.

  Noah stepped into the doorway and called down the hall. “Brianna, can you come here for a minute, babe?”

  A couple of minutes later, Brianna entered Noah’s office and took a seat across the desk from him. “You rang?” She twirled her hair around her finger and gave him a playful smile.

  “I did,” he grinned in reply. “Tell me about this tip your source called in to the police and then to your paper.”

  “He said there are American gunrunners in his former village, setting up a black market to sell guns to the rebels in the area. If they’re successful, he said the rebels would slaughter anyone who defies them. His brother still lives there,” she explained.

  “Did he say who they think is behind this?” Bull asked.

  “Not exactly. He alluded to the US military but then he also said businessmen were involved. He wouldn’t talk on the phone for very long since it isn’t secure. He sounded very scared.”

  “What floor is he on?” Noah asked Bull.

  “Third floor. I’ve already staked out my lookout spot. You’ll both be well covered,” Bull replied.

  “You went to his apartment?” Brianna asked. “What if he saw you and got scared off?”

  “I’m only seen when I want someone to see me, Sunny,” Bull replied. “Since I didn’t want to be seen, no one saw me.”

  “You know, Bull,” Brianna spoke, trying to hide the smile in her voice. “I’m having a hard time deciding if I liked you better when you didn’t talk to me, or now when you talk too much.”

  “Brianna,” Bull replied, failing to hide his humor, “you’ll pay for that when Reaper isn’t around to protect you from me.”

  “If I didn’t know you both better, I’d swear you were brother and sister from how you pick at each other,” Noah shook his head in mock reprimand.

  “She usually starts it,” Bull said defensively.

  “Spoken like a true big brother,” Brianna retorted.

  Later that evening, Noah, Brianna, and Bull left for Brianna’s meeting. While the nervous energy caused Brianna’s leg to jump, Noah remained calm and cool as his eyes assessed every aspect of their surroundings. Bull was in a separate vehicle, but he stayed back to help watch for any tail
s on Noah and Brianna. Even though Noah was highly skilled at identifying a tail, he’d never take chances on safety where Brianna was concerned.

  Once they reached the neighborhood in northwest Miami, Brianna instinctively slid her hand over to grasp Noah’s. His squeeze helped to calm her fraying nerves, but didn’t completely alleviate them.

  “I’m so glad you and Bull are with me tonight, Noah.”

  Without blatantly gawking at the surroundings, her eyes panned the area to take in the neighborhood. The dilapidated buildings were covered in graffiti, some with gang tags, some simply with insults hurled at anyone reading them. The bars on the windows and doors told her everything she needed to know about the crime rate of the area. The groups of people huddled at different spots along the streets slowly turned their heads and watched the sleek, black SUV roll by them with blatant suspicion.

  “So you don’t want to go in alone?” he asked, teasingly as he parked the car.

  “No, I actually don’t want to go in at all right now,” she replied. “But if this story is real, I have to cover it, so I need to get over my irrational fears.”

  “Fear isn’t always irrational, Bri. You have to control it–don’t let it control you. But it’s healthy to have fear because it keeps you on your toes, alerts you when something’s not right, and can help save your life.”

  “Control it. Got it.” She took a deep breath and looked at Noah. “Ready to go in?”

  Noah checked the area around the car again and nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Once she was out of the car, Brianna rushed to Noah’s side, heeding Bull’s advice to stick close. Noah protectively wrapped his arm around her and pulled her slightly in front of him. His right hand slid to the gun holster hidden at his side and quickly unsnapped it.

  “Let’s take the stairs,” Noah said as he pushed the door open.

  He quickly checked the stairwell and found it empty. They hurriedly took the stairs to the third floor. Noah covered each entry point as they passed and they worked their way to apartment 3F. Brianna stood in front of the door, took another calming breath, and knocked.


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