Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission

  Lalita Marshall is in desperate need of money. When her best friend tells her about an opportunity that will relieve her of all her financial worries, Lalita feels it just may be too good to be true. Then, she finds out that this so-called opportunity would essentially make her a submissive sex slave to six very powerful and gorgeous men.

  When she finally meets Dorian, Zakary, Alec, Kane, Michael and Torryn, she knows she is in big trouble. The six of them not only exude a power that leaves her breathless, but they also leave her body sexually sated and exhausted. The longer Lalita spends with them, the more she knows that this isn’t just a job for her, not when she is starting to fall for each and every one of them.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 38,128 words




  Jenika Snow


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme


  Copyright © 2011 by Jenika Snow

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-070-0

  First E-book Publication: November 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  I promise not to let go if you promise not to fade away. It’s the times when you leave me breathless that matter the most.




  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  “I’m not a prostitute.” Lalita couldn’t believe she was actually contemplating calling the number on the card she held. “You have to be kidding.” She glanced at Mary, her coworker and best friend. Mary snorted and leaned back on the couch.

  “Quit being so dramatic. You wouldn’t be a prostitute. You’re simply an entertainer. A high-class, very expensive entertainer.”

  It wasn’t a shock to know her best friend had contacts for this type of thing. Mary was known as the wild child all through high school. It was surprising that Mary actually presented it to her, though. Lalita didn’t consider herself anything special physically, certainly not compared to Mary.

  “I would be expected to have sex with total strangers.” There was a hint of outrage and shock that laced Lalita’s voice, but she didn’t care. This had to be the most outrageous thing Mary had ever presented her with.

  “Yeah, that’s what makes it so much fun and why they’re offering so much.” Mary chuckled. “Listen, this is an exclusive offer, Lalita. I know you need the money, and this is a fast, safe way for you to acquire it. You wouldn’t have to do anything but have sex and enjoy yourself for a couple of months. Believe me, the time flies, and you’ll get just as much out of it as anyone else.”

  Lalita looked down at the crisp white card in her hand. It stated the details of what was expected of her, and how much was being offered. Her hands shook as she stared at dollar amount. It was an obscene amount of money, certainly enough to pay off all her debts and then have some left over. She glanced over her shoulder at the closed bedroom door.

  “Don’t worry about Lennon. I promise I’ll take good care of him.” Mary breathed out before continuing. “It’s fucked up that Brad cheated on you with a girl barely out of high school, and it’s even shittier that you got saddled with his debts, but this is the opportunity to get your life back.”

  Lalita swallowed and turned back around. She trusted Mary to care for her five-year-old son, but she couldn’t help the guilt that assaulted her that she was considering leaving him for several months to go fuck people she didn’t know, for money. Lalita thought about her ex-husband, the man that didn’t want anything to do with their child even before he was born. It wasn’t even so much that she cared that he left her, but the fact that he wanted nothing to do with Lennon was what enraged her. No matter how many hours she worked, she hadn’t made a dent in the monumental debt Brad had so graciously left her to clean up.

  “No pressure, hun. You do what you think is best, but you can’t earn this kind of money working for Mr. Harris.” Mary rose and grabbed her purse. “Listen, I got to run. You have the number if you decide to take the offer, but I wouldn’t wait too long.”

  Lalita watched Mary leave. There was no surprise that Mary knew so much about this. Hell, her friend had probably participated in this kind of thing on more than one occasion.

  When the door was shut, the silence caved in around her. She got up and walked over to her son’s bedroom. She opened the door and stared at him as he slept. His chest rose and fell in even intervals, and his face was free of any worries or troubles the world offered. She closed the door and went over to the phone. Lalita stared down at the card once more and swallowe
d roughly. She may hate herself when everything was all said and done, but in the long run she needed to do what was best for her and her child. This may not be the most honest work, but the outcome and benefit outweighed her morals.

  She picked up the receiver and dialed the number with shaky fingers. She reminded herself this wasn’t a sure thing, anyway. There were a whole slew of preliminaries that had to be done before she was even offered the job. A tedious background and health check were just a few of the things she would be made to do. She wasn’t old, but she was nearing thirty, and after having a child, her body didn’t look like the eighteen-year-old girl Brad had left her for.


  She stood straighter and cleared her throat when someone picked up on the other end of the phone line. “Hello.” Was that her voice, so shaky and uncertain? “I have a card and was told to call.” She was vague, but then again Mary had told her that was all that she would need to say. There was a lengthy pause and then the deep male voice on the other end took her information and gave her instructions on what she was to do. After she hung up, she stared at the wall for a suspended moment. “I can’t believe I am really going to do this.”

  * * * *

  Lalita stood in front of six expensively dressed, hugely muscled, and extremely gorgeous men. Five of them sat behind a long, polished banquet table while the sixth stood behind them and nursed amber-colored liquor out of a square-cut glass. All of them eyed her quizzically. It had been three weeks since she decided she was going to go through with this. Not only had she gone through the grueling mental background check, she had also been poked and prodded as they deemed her “clean.” When she found out she would be entertaining six men, she had nearly fainted with shock. Brad had been the one and only man she had ever been with sexually, and the idea of pleasuring six virile men was a little daunting.

  She smoothed her sweaty hands down the plain, inexpensive sundress she bought the day before. She knew why she was at this house, knew that the men in front of her wanted to see what she could offer physically. She looked in each of their faces, all of them similar in looks, but different in their own way. The one at the far left appeared to be the leader. He had an air of authority when he spoke that the other five seemed to respect. She had instantly recognized his voice as the one she had spoken to when she made that initial call.

  “Lalita Marshall?” Dorian, the one that seemed to be the leader, looked up from the folder that sat in front of him. She nodded nervously. “Let’s skip the pleasantries. You know why you’re here. He turned and looked at the other five men before continuing. “Why are you interested in working for us?”

  Surprise filled her momentarily. He spoke so nonchalantly, like this was an everyday kind of job interview. She had assumed she would be ordered to remove her clothing. The fact that they actually wanted to know why she wanted the job embarrassed her. She swallowed and looked at each man.

  “I…” She didn’t know where to start. She could lie, but what was the point? “I need the money.” When they all stayed silent, she continued. “I have a five-year-old son, and I need the money to take care of him.” The men glanced at each other, and she wondered if she just ruined her chance. No doubt the idea of an older woman with a child turned them off. She threw back her shoulders and held her ground. She had been honest, but she hadn’t been completely honest. There was no need for them to know that the reason she needed the money was not only to take care of her son, but because her ex-husband had left his debt solely in her hands.

  There was something that flickered in Dorian’s gaze. He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “I admire your honesty, Ms. Marshall. Let me introduce you to the rest of my associates.” He started down the line with the man sitting next to him first. “This is Torryn, Kane, Zakary, and Aleck.” He named the other men without taking his gaze from hers. “The man standing behind me is Michael.”

  Lalita smiled at each man. Michael gave her a once-over before turning his attention elsewhere. It was clear he wasn’t impressed with her. They were all devilishly handsome, and the two at the end appeared to be younger than her.

  “Now, enough with the casualties. Take your clothes off.” Dorian’s words were deep and low.

  Lalita had expected this, but even so, her hands began to shake and her heart thundered in her chest. No one spoke or moved. All six men watched her with impassive and stoic expressions. This is it. They’ll either like what they see or send me packing. She went for the buttons of her dress and slowly started to undo them. Maybe her nervousness would appear sensual? Not likely, since she considered herself the least sexual person on the planet.

  When the buttons were undone, she slipped the material off her shoulders and let it pool at her feet. She had wanted to get some sexy lingerie, hoping the visual enticement would help her, but she hadn’t been able to afford it. She wore a plain thong, nothing fancy but all she had. The bra she had on was white and cotton, the same as the thong. She could see each of their gazes roaming over her body, but none of them appeared to be affected by her near nudeness. She clasped her hands behind her back and felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  “Take all of it off, Ms. Marshall.” Torryn spoke softly as he leaned back in his seat, the leather squeaking in protest to his massive form.

  She unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. Despite having a child, her breasts were still pert and round. She was rather proud of them. Fingers hooked beneath the elastic of her thong, she pulled it slowly down her thighs. She kicked it aside and righted herself. Per their specific orders, her pussy was bare of any hair. The cool air wafted across her exposed cleft, and she fought back the shiver that threatened to spill forth. There were a couple of low coughs and some chairs squeaking as the men all shifted in their seats. Still their expressions showed nothing, so she couldn’t gauge what they thought.

  “Please, turn around.” Aleck spoke, his voice just as deep as the others despite his youthful face.

  She did as was asked and stared at the wall. She could feel their gazes on her ass and fought back the need to cover herself. It wasn’t that she didn’t like gorgeous men looking at her, but her body was certainly not that of a supermodel, which she was sure they were accustomed to.

  “Spread your legs and grab your ankles without bending your knees.”

  Lalita didn’t recognize the voice but did as she was asked regardless. Unused muscles stretched and protested, but she held the position. Blood rushed to her head as she held the position. She knew her pussy was on full display, knew her lips had spread open so they could see the pink of her cunt. A few murmurs sounded behind her, but she wasn’t able to pick up on exactly what was being said. She held the position for what seemed like forever before another command was issued.

  “You can straighten and turn back around.”

  Lalita felt slightly dizzy as the blood rushed from her head as she stood. She turned back around and straightened her shoulders. The five men seated all stared at her with stoic expressions. Michael moved around the table and circled her. Her heart started pounding even more frantically than it had been, by his close proximity. The smell of him, wild and potent, should have made her nervous not aroused.

  He didn’t touch her but didn’t stop circling her either. No doubt he was really getting an eyeful. When he seemed satisfied with whatever he had been trying to find, he stopped in front of her and cupped her chin between his finger and thumb. They stared into each other’s eyes, and Lalita felt her mouth go dry. Michael was impossibly handsome, but there was a mysterious quality to him that reflected outward.

  “Thank you for your time. We have other ladies to interview today but will contact you if we are interested.” Dorian’s words were final, and they all turned toward each other and started murmuring. Michael let go of her chin and moved back behind the table. He didn’t look at her again and neither did the other men.

  She felt pushed to the side, disregarded even as she picked up her
clothing and started putting it on. “Thank you for your time.” The comment had been a passing thought more than anything else, and when she glanced up, she was surprised that all six watched her intently.

  They didn’t respond, just continued to look at her. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, and Lalita feared she had just done something terribly wrong. Maybe speaking out of turn or without permission was not allowed. It didn’t matter anyway, not when she was pretty sure she was not going to be offered the job. She grabbed her purse and left the house without a backward glance. She had totally fucked that up.

  Chapter Two

  A week passed, and Lalita hadn’t heard anything from her six would-be employers. Desperation and disappointment weren’t even the right words she would have used for how she felt. Even though she had originally been unsure of even taking the job, the idea that she probably would not get hired left her feeling depressed. The financial strain had been taking its toll on her, but when the very thought that she could get out from under the monumental debt she had been left with presented itself, there had been a small spark of hope. Even that was now starting to dwindle away like an extinguished flame. It seemed like no matter how much she worked overtime, she never made enough money. Living paycheck to paycheck was starting to get really old and frustrating.

  She washed the rest of the dinner dishes and dried her hands. She leaned against the counter and watched Lennon stack colored blocks. As hard as her life was, she wouldn’t change it for anything, not when she had her baby. The phone rang and drew her out of her musings.


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