Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Hand now planted firmly on one of the mounds, he massaged the globe while his other hand started to undo the lacing in the back of the lingerie she wore. The knowledge that there were five other men in the room watching this did not escape her. Although it aroused her to a degree, she admitted to herself that it also made her feel uneasy and slightly uncomfortable.

  Before Lalita could assimilate what Zakary’s intentions were, his mouth slanted across hers and his tongue speared into her mouth. He tasted different than Michael, and whereas Michael had seemed to make love to her more, Zakary kissed her with aggression. It was a startling but welcome contrast. There was a part of her that couldn’t help but melt at his dominance. Soon he had her top unlaced, and she was vaguely aware of it falling to the ground. Her nipples rubbed against the material of his shirt, causing them to stiffen and elongate even further.

  When she felt his hands slip between her ass cheeks and run along the saturated folds of her pussy, she gasped against his mouth. As if the sound triggered something inside of him, he broke the kiss and took a step away from her. Her pussy tingled from the barely-there touch he delivered, and it felt as if every cell in her body was sparking with electricity.

  As her brain slowly started to function once again, Lalita looked around the room at each man. Their hard composure seemed slightly strained, and if the way their cocks pressed against their pants was anything to go by, they enjoyed the show.

  “Come here.”

  Knees threatening to give out, she made determined steps toward Dorian. It was paramount that she show these men she could handle what they had to give. There was a moment of hushed silence, and when she stopped in front of Dorian, she noticed the other five left the room. When the door shut behind the last person, she made sure to keep her head lowered, reminding herself continuously that he was the dominant and she the submissive. Her heart slammed hard against her sternum, but despite her anxiousness, she was aroused beyond belief. She could feel her own wetness coat her labia and start to slide down her inner thighs.

  There was a long pause before Dorian finally spoke. “Look at me, Lalita.”

  She lifted her gaze, not knowing what to expect. He looked like a warrior standing beside the roaring fire, like a solider ready to defeat his next conquest. His dark hair and eyes made him seem hard, unreasonable, like a king waiting for his prize. A gush of moisture left her cunt at the thought. Just a look from him, a silent, demanding gaze, had her so ready to be fucked she feared she would pass out once he finally entered her.

  He moved over to one of the chairs and sat down. He didn’t speak, just watched her as he slowly gestured for her to come forward with a curl of his finger. When she was before him, he started to undo his slacks.

  “On your knees.” The words weren’t gentle or coaxing. He demanded them. Never had she thought giving head would make her so excited. She wanted to feel his cock in her mouth, wanted to taste every dip and hollow and imprint it in her memory.

  When his cock was free, she felt her eyes widen. He was massive, thick and long and already seeping pre-cum. She didn’t know why she was surprised by his size. He was, after all, a very large man, so it would be reasonable that every part of his body was just as impressive.

  Lalita dropped to her knees between his splayed thighs and stared at the monster staring right at her. Where was she even supposed to start? Right before she took the head in her mouth, she breathed out deeply. A slight movement to her side caught her attention, and she saw how Dorian’s hand shook ever so slightly. Maybe she was making a bigger impression the she thought.

  She had only given a blow job a few times, and both times Brad had acted less than pleased with her performance. Then again, it wasn’t as if Brad had given her much to work with.

  The thick crest of Dorian’s cock nudged at her lips, and she opened wide to suck the head inside. He tasted salty and all male. She sucked harder and started to move down the thick, long length. What she couldn’t engulf with her mouth, she gripped with her hand. She started to suck feverishly while she stroked what she couldn’t reach. Her jaw ached, but she didn’t care. The pain was a welcome feeling that she hoped steamed off some of her arousal.

  “You are not permitted to come unless I say you can.”

  She paused momentarily and flicked her eyes up to his face. He appeared nonplused. Even though climaxing seemed heavenly, she was surprised that satisfying him overrode even that need. Although she amended she was extremely aroused, she didn’t actually think she could come just from giving head. His comment gave her strength, a need to please him not just so she could get off, but because she wanted him to find pleasure, wanted to taste his cum slide down her throat.

  As if she was a mad woman, she pumped her mouth harder and faster down his erection until her mouth burned. The temptation to slip her hand between her legs and stroke her clit a few times became more demanding, and she wondered if Dorian knew this would be her reaction the whole time.

  The urge to moan in desire and frustration became lodged in her throat. Just then, a small squirt of hot cum filled her mouth, and she couldn’t hold back the whimpering noise then. He was close. She knew this with certainty. His body was tense, and she could feel his cock grow harder in her mouth. Using her other hand to cup his impressive balls, she rolled them around in her palm, and that seemed to be his breaking point. Hot, salty semen filled her mouth, and she eagerly swallowed it. The noise that came from her was almost a pleading cry. Surprisingly, her orgasm was just out of her reach. His hands speared into her hair, and his hips lifted up slightly, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth until the tip hit the back of her throat and she gagged.

  When his shaft started to grow soft in her mouth, she pulled back and licked her lips. He only looked at her once before adjusting his clothing, getting out of the chair, and leaving the room. She knelt on the floor and stared at the closed door, stunned. Before she had time to contemplate what had just happened, the door was opened, and Torryn walked in. He had the swagger of a man who knew he was about to get off. He stopped in front of her, unzipped his pants, and pulled his heavy erection out. He was just as large as Dorian and equally as intimidating. She rose up on her knees and steadied her palms against his muscular thighs.

  Her body was on fire, and she prayed he let her come, prayed he repaid her in kind.

  She took his cock in her mouth and started to suck him slowly at first. That didn’t seem to appease him, because all too soon he was thrusting in her mouth quickly. She hummed around his shaft and started to move her hand between her legs. Before she could even stroke her clit once, Torryn’s gruff words stopped her.

  “I haven’t given you permission to touch yourself. Because you took it upon yourself to attempt to do so, you will be punished by not being permitted to come.”

  She could have cried at that moment. Her clit was impossibly engorged and tingled every time it rubbed against her pussy lips. Frustration filled her, but she was determined to satisfy him, needing to taste him as she had tasted Dorian. He started to fuck her mouth like a man starving, a man needing to get off as much as she did. She caressed his balls, and like Dorian, he, too, came seconds later.

  Lalita swallowed his cum with relish, but just like the man before him, he said nothing as he tucked himself back in his pants and left the room. She stared in shock at his departing form. Her clit pulsed and her nipples begged for attention. Her knees started to hurt, so she stood. The door opened a moment later, and Kane, Michael, Aleck, and Zakary stepped in.

  Kane and Zakary flanked her and immediately while Aleck and Michael moved off to the side. Kane and Zakary started to touch her nipples and pussy. Their fingers were like magic, stroking and plucking, bringing her to a new height until she was right on the precipice of climax. They stopped all too soon, and she sagged in disappointment.

  “Don’t worry, baby. This is going to feel so good.” Zakary’s words were spoken softly and with a hint of playfulness.

  She look
ed at him, his deep green eyes and blond hair adding a boy-next-door appearance despite the hard muscles and massive height. They led her over to the couch, and Zakary immediately started tweaking her nipples. Each time he pulled her nipple, she had to bite her lip to keep from begging him for more. Kane shifted behind her, and when he was seated, he pulled her on top of his lap. She glanced up at Zakary, hoping she could gauge his intentions by his expression but realizing it was no use. All six men held steel-like composures.

  Kane positioned her legs so they were draped over his thighs. He spread his own legs wide, which in turn caused hers to stretch to the point that she could feel unused muscles straining. Zakary started to undo his pants, and Kane did the same, moving his hands between their bodies and pulling his cock free from the zipper. Both of their dicks sprang forth, hard, long and flushed red with need. Her mouth watered, her clit throbbed, and her nipples tingled at the sight.

  Lalita felt Kane kiss the side of her throat and then looked down to see him stroke himself. His knuckles would gently brush against her cunt folds, and she shivered at the feel. Zakary did the same, stroking his cock with easy, unhurried movements while his eyes stayed trained on her pussy. He took a step forward and brushed the tip of his cock against her mouth. The silky head moved along her closed lips, teasing her, urging her to open. She felt his sticky pre-cum spread along her lips, and she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  When she opened her mouth, Zakary shoved his shaft into the waiting warmth. After sucking two men off only moments before, Lalita assumed she would be immune to the arousal that it caused within her, but how wrong she was. Zakary tasted different than Torryn and Dorian, and she found she grew just as excited giving him head as she had with the other two.

  Closing her eyes and absorbing the taste and feel of Zakary, Lalita snapped her eyes open a moment later when she felt Kane brush his knuckles along her pussy. His fingers spread her moisture around and brought it to her clit. He rubbed the small bud slowly at first, but he seemed to match his movements with how fast she sucked Zakary’s cock.

  Soon she was rocking gently on his lap. Back and forth she moved, faster and harder until she felt a delicious burn start to travel throughout her whole body. Just as she would have exploded with pleasure, Kane removed his fingers. She didn’t stop sucking despite the impasse she was faced with.

  Kane shifted her thighs so they were no longer spread wide. He wedged his cock between her legs, so the length of his cock rested right against her cunt. He started to move so that his cock pumped in and out of her clenched thighs. Her labia wrapped around the hard flesh, and with every pump of his dick her clit was teased. They had to have done this before, because it took skill to perform a sexual act such as this. Not once did Kane’s movements jar her from blowing Zakary.

  Her pussy cream had his cock slipping against her skin with ease. She gripped Zakary’s thighs as pleasure pulsed through her. She was so close to coming she could taste it, could see the flash of lights getting ready to explode behind her eyelids.

  Just like that flash of lights she expected to see, Zakary exploded. His cum filled her mouth and slipped down her throat. Lalita drank it all and moaned with relish at the distinct flavor of him. Kane was soon to follow. He gripped her waist tightly, gave a ragged groan, and pressed his forehead against her back as his cock jerked. Hot, thick semen pumped out of his cock and landed on her thighs and pussy. The sensation of both men coming because of her was almost enough to get her off, almost.

  Zakary’s semi-hard cock slipped free of her mouth, and he stepped away. Kane lifted her off of him, grabbed a rag that conveniently lay on the table beside them, and cleaned her off. Out of breath and heart racing, Lalita stared at the two of them. She closed her eyes and tried to get her bearings. They had said it would feel so good, and they were right, for them. She was still on edge. Someone gave her nipple a tight tug, and she snapped her eyes open. The bud was already hard and sensitive, and when they pulled on it, pleasure slammed straight to her clit. Only two more to go.

  With her eyes still closed, Lalita sensed someone standing right in front of her. When she was finally able to open her eyes, she saw that it was Michael. He gave her a knowing smile and held his hand out for her to take. The moment she was standing he turned her around and brought her back flush with his chest. Aleck stood on the other side of the couch, cock in hand and eyes half lidded.

  When Michael started kissing the side of her neck, she couldn’t help but let her head fall back and rest on his shoulder. It felt so good having his lips move sensuously along her throat. His hands on her breasts were next. He cupped the globes that seemed too heavy and curled his fingers around her flesh. His hard cock was pressed between the crease of her ass, and because she just couldn’t help herself, Lalita pressed her bottom firmly against his shaft. His response was a gentle bite on the nape of her neck.

  “You naughty girl.” Michael spoke low enough that she knew Aleck hadn’t heard.

  He moved them over to a recliner, and although it was somewhat an awkward trek, he never once stopped kissing her or touching her breasts. Her thighs brushed against the back of the leather chair, and a moment later he was using his hand on the middle of her back to push her forward. With her upper body hanging over the chair and her ass thrust forward, she couldn’t help but wonder what his intentions were. The position made it so that she was eyelevel with Aleck’s shaft.

  Mesmerized by the sight of Aleck pumping his fist along the hardened length, she brought her eyes up until she was staring into his eyes. As she stared into his eyes, she felt Michael spread her ass cheeks. Something cold and wet slid between her cheeks, and she instantly tensed. Would he really fuck her in the ass right now? It was a frightening thought but also tantalizing.

  “Relax, honey, tonight there won’t be any penetration.” Michael’s seductively whispered words brushed across her ear. Had her body language been that transparent that he had known what she was thinking?

  He moved his finger over her anus, and she tensed once again. “Just watch Aleck.” Michael smoothed the lube over the hole a few times before removing his finger and gripping her thigh. He lifted her leg and placed her foot on the arm of the recliner. The position caused her pussy to be on full display.

  She didn’t miss how Aleck’s gaze dipped to her exposed slit or how his eyes seemed to drop even lower until she could barely see his irises.

  Michael moved his hand around her middle and rested it on her bare mound. With his index and middle fingers, he spread her pussy lips until chilled air wafted across her exposed inner labia’s. She could feel his cock nestled between the slick crease of her ass and knew what he planned on doing. He was going to get off while helping Aleck get off with a little visual entertainment.

  Michael started thrusting into her ass slowly at first, but with each passing moment his speed increased. “Reach between your legs and play with that swollen little clit. Rub it hard and fast and keep your eyes locked with Aleck’s.”

  Lalita did just that. She had to bite her bottom lip for fear of coming all too soon. It felt so good, and with the arousal inside of her slowly building until she thought she couldn’t take it any longer, she knew that if they didn’t give her permission to come, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself.

  Michael’s thrusting became faster and faster until he was panting heavily behind her. He bit the back of her neck gently at first, but soon those little love bites were turning into stings that only seemed to heighten her desire.

  Aleck’s fist was a blur of flesh as he stroked his cock. He never took his eyes off her pussy, and that fact coupled with the feel of Michael’s heavy shaft teasing the sensitive tissue of her anus had her whole body tingling. As if they knew she was perilously close to climaxing, Aleck groaned deeply.

  “Fuck, baby. Your clit is so red and swollen. I just want to bury my head between your thighs and suck it until you come in my mouth.” Aleck’s words had her orgasm racing toward the surface, but w
hen Michael bit the spot where her shoulder and neck met and a pain blossomed in that area, her climax receded.

  “That’s it, honey. Moan for us.” Michael’s words penetrated her mind. She hadn’t realized she had been making any noises, but now that he brought it to her attention, she was acutely aware that small mewling noises came from her.

  Deep male grunts and groans filled the room. Michael took his free hand and cupped her breast. He tweaked the nipple until it stood hard and elongated. Perspiration covered both of them, and the feel of his sweat-slicked chest moving sexually along her sweat-slicked back was highly erotic.

  “Oh God, Lalita. Here I come.” Michael bit her shoulder again, and she felt his hot cum cover her pussy and inner thighs. She kept her eyes trained on Aleck, kept rubbing her clit, hoping he, too, would come just as hard as Michael did.

  Michael rested his head on her back when his orgasm ended. She was surprised when he kissed the back of her head and stepped away from her. Aleck had stopped stroking himself and now just stared at her while panting hard. Michael cleaned off his cum from her body with a warm rag, and a moment later she heard the door shut as he left.

  A hushed second of silence descended upon them. Aleck, the youngest-looking male in the bunch, moved closer to her until he stood mere inches from her body. His blond hair was slightly longer than the other five men’s, and his green eyes seemed so bright they glowed. She tried to get up, but her legs were so weak. He skimmed his eyes over her nude body. His cock grew was still hard and long, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips. When had she become such a lush?

  When she flicked her gaze back to his, she saw that he was staring at her breasts. The heat and arousal was high in the room, so thick that it was tangible.


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