Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

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Snow, Jenika - Breathless: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) Page 13

by Jenika Snow

  It was on a warm, sunny Saturday that they looked at the house she fell in love with. It wasn’t modest by any means, but it had a white picket fence around the property and a creek that ran the length of the house.

  “Well, what do you think?” The five of them stood in the large living room that overlooked the acres of evergreens and blue spruces.

  “It’s perfect.” She probably sounded like a child in a candy store. Hell, that’s how she felt.

  “Are you sure it’s big enough?” She turned an incredulous look at Dorian.

  “Are you kidding? It has eight bedrooms alone, easily enough room for all of us.” It may not be what Dorian, Michael, Torryn, or Aleck were used to, not living in a mansion with a million different rooms, but it was cozy and perfect and just dreamy.

  “So you really like it?” Aleck wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck.

  Smiling at him, she let her head fall back against his chest. “I love it.”

  “That’s a relief.” Torryn walked past her but not before laying a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Because we already bought it.” Michael winked at her.

  Lalita couldn’t help the squeal that left her. “Oh my God, really?” She wrapped her arms around Michael and then did the same to the other three. “You are the four most wonderful men in the world, and I love you all so very much. I can’t wait to show Lennon.”

  “The little man has already seen it, picked out his room already, too.” Dorian smiled widely.

  Narrowing her eyes up at him, she wasn’t surprised. “So that’s where you all went last weekend.”

  “Guilty.” The four of them said it in unison.

  “We had to get his opinion and make sure it was to his standards. We also wanted to make sure this was a good place to do this.” Dorian stepped away from her and reached into his coat pocket. When she saw the black velvet box and saw him go down on one knee, her heart stopped.

  She looked at Torryn, Michael, and Aleck, wondering what their reactions would be. They smiled at her and stepped beside Dorian.

  Torryn spoke first. “Although we can’t all marry you, we knew from the very beginning that we wanted you to be a McKinley.”

  Hand over mouth so he didn’t see how open it was, Lalita stared with blurry eyes at the four of them. Dorian stared up at her and presented the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

  “Lalita Grace Marshall, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “Only technically, that is.” Aleck winked at her when she glanced at him.

  “We all want to think of you as our wife even though Dorian will legally be your husband.” Michael leaned in and ran his hand down her cheek.

  Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she looked back down at Dorian. When she didn’t say anything right away, she saw a worried look cross his face.

  “Oh God.”

  He got back to his feet and cleared his throat. “Is that a yes?”

  Throwing herself into his arms, she squeezed him as tight as she could. The tears refused to stop, but she could care less. “Yes, yes, and yes.”

  He wrapped his arms around her tighter. “That’s good, because me and Lennon had a bet that you would faint before you gave me an answer. Looks like I won.”

  “You made a bet with my son?” The chuckle that came from her sounded watery and hoarse from her crying. “So what did you win?”

  “His permission to marry you.” Aleck, Michael, and Torryn cleared their throats, and she and Dorian looked over at them. “Well, he said he wouldn’t mind having Torryn, Michael, and Aleck around, too.”

  “And if you would have lost?”

  “We would have had to buy him a pony, which we are probably going to have to do anyway, because we don’t think he’ll let us out of it.”

  Lalita couldn’t help but laugh. “No, he probably won’t.” Her heart swelled with love and happiness. There was nothing greater that she could have asked for than her son and the men that stood before her. She loved all of them more than life itself.




  Jenika is just your average woman. She lives in the too-hot northeast with her husband and their young daughter. Thankfully, he shares her unusual sense of humor and naughty nature, so finding material for her stories isn’t a problem.

  Along with taking care of their daughter, they have to keep an eye on Milo and Otis, their spunky cats. Jenika writes erotic paranormal, contemporary, BDSM, and sci-fi romances.

  Jenika started writing at a very young age. Her first story consisted of a young girl who traveled to an exotic island and found a magical doll. That story has long since disappeared, but her passion for writing has stayed strong.

  Jenika loves to hear from readers and encourages them to contact her and give their feedback.

  Also by Jenika Snow

  Siren Classic: Dimi of the Seven Moons 1: Deliciously Wicked

  Siren Classic: Dimi of the Seven Moons 2: Temptation Unveiled

  Siren Classic: Blood Breed: The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed

  Siren Classic: Blush: A Story of Dominance and Submission

  Ménage Amour: Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission

  Siren Classic: Alpha One Assassins: The Assassin

  Ménage Amour: Lilly’s Surrender

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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