Eternal Flame - Book 6 (The Ruby Ring Saga)

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Eternal Flame - Book 6 (The Ruby Ring Saga) Page 21

by Chrissy Peebles

  “You self-righteous prick!” she yelled at Jackson. “You held her parents hostage. You are no better than me. Besides, the blue-ringed immortals will kill Sarah before she ever has a chance to open that box!”

  “Take this garbage away,” Jackson said, “before I do something we will all regret.”

  Jackson’s security guards led her out of the airport.

  I looked at Jackson, then at Dr. Meyers. “I’m so sorry for accusing you of taking Alexander, but I was just—”

  “It’s okay,” Dr. Meyers said, pulling me into a hug. “I’ve been with you from the start, and I would never abduct your baby.”

  “The important thing is that we got Alexander back,” Jackson said, “just as I promised you we would.”

  Ignoring his unjustified bragging, I smiled down at my baby in my arms. “I love you, baby boy.”

  We did feel bad about blaming Jackson so we apologized profusely. He graciously accepted our apology.


  Back at the house, my parents wrapped Alexander in their arms, weeping. It was a tearful reunion and I couldn’t stop crying myself. I’d never been so relieved.

  Jackson sighed. “We need to move forward with the box.”

  “I hope you don’t think I’ll run back to Tastia, now that I have my son back. Or are you afraid I won’t live long enough with blue-ringed immortals on my butt?”

  “I trust that you will not leave till you’ve fulfilled your end of our bargain, Sarah, and I won’t let anyone hurt you in the meantime.”

  “No, you’ll just let them steal my son,” I whispered.

  “I didn’t know what Jenna was up to, and I sure as hell didn’t know she’s Ethano’s aunt. I don’t know how the immortals found out about my plans for the box, but I have a mole, so I’ll have to do another security sweep of my staff.”

  “Let’s just get this over with,” I said. “We want to leave as soon as possible.”

  “I won’t get in your way, once the deed is done.”

  “Thank you, Jackson.”

  “You’re welcome. Listen, I have a plan. There will be hundreds of immortals at the upcoming party, giving the box plenty of power to draw upon.”

  “I get it. I’m responsible for the fireworks. When is this shindig anyway?”

  “In a few days, this Saturday.”

  “Okay. Then I say we’ve got some party crashing to plan. Ironic, isn’t it?”


  “You just had your best party planner hauled off to jail.”

  Jackson could only offer a sheepish grin for a reply.

  Chapter 29

  The big day finally arrived, and Jackson planned for us to sneak us through the employee entrance.

  I smoothed out the black and white waitress uniform. “What if Kyle senses us?”

  “Our kind do not have that kind of power. Only those of us who were at the ceremony are so blessed.”

  I blew out a breath. “I hope they don’t recognize me.”

  “That is why you must wear this,” he said, handing me a long, blonde wig with bangs.

  “Hmm. I think that calls for some electric blue eyeliner. C’mere,” Liz said, helping me apply a thick slathering of ridiculously gaudy makeup.

  “Gee, thanks,” I said, knowing I had to look as different as possible.

  Liz left with a different team. I hated being separated from her, but she had a whole different job and had to be there early. Jackson and I went over the plans again and finally left.

  We walked to the door and were questioned immediately.

  “What’s your name again?”

  “Ralpha Nino...and this is Betty Supera.”

  “Hmm,” he said, glancing down at the list. “Looks like you failed our little piss test. Your names are not on the list, so—”

  Thrilled that I had the ability to pull some Jedi mind tricks of my own, I looked deeply into the man’s brown eyes. I resisted the urge to tell him we were not the droids he was looking for and instead said, “You made a mistake. The names are on the list. Now let us in, and give us our job assignments.”

  He blinked, stunned, and was easily compelled to step aside. “I, uh...I guess I made a mistake,” he said. “Come in, and I’ll give you your job assignments.”

  Jackson smiled at me.

  “See? Not so hard?” I said, my face brightening beneath the eight layers of too-beige foundation.

  He grinned.

  I’d come a long way. No longer was I the naïve girl who didn’t know how to use any of her powers. I wasn’t scared. Instead, I embraced my newfound abilities. They were a part of me, part of who I was. I’d become more confident and more secure in my skin. I wasn’t sure what was in store for me, but I knew I needed to fulfill my destiny.

  I walked into the ballroom and spotted Liz, bartending; I was glad to see she’d made it safely inside. People were gathered around, waiting for their drinks, and my sister looked frazzled, as if she couldn’t keep up with the liquor line. She met my gaze and motioned me over. We knew not to talk about our mission, because any immortal with excellent supernatural hearing would hear us, not to mention the thirsty patrons loitering around the bar.

  “Do you need any help?” I asked.

  She rapidly shook a cocktail in a metal shaker. “My feet are killing me. I’ve been standing forever,” she lied, playing her human card.

  “You worked your other job too?” I said, continuing the charade.

  She instantly caught on. “Oh yeah. It was hell. Came straight here.”

  “I’m assigned to cocktail waitressing, but I’m sure they won’t mind if I help you get caught up.”

  “Nah, I’ve got this under control, except that this gentlemen asked me for a drink I’ve never heard of. Can you get me my cocktail book?”

  “Sure. Where is it?”

  “In my bag, in the library.”

  That was my cue where the ceremony was taking place and where I needed to go.

  “How can you be a bartender if you still have to use a recipe book?” a woman in a silver dress complained.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I don’t know every drink,” Liz said.

  “Then you shouldn’t be working here,” she snapped. “Where’s my glass of white wine? Or do you need a cookbook to figure out how to pour that too?”

  Liz had no idea what she was doing, but she tried her best to fake it. I was pretty sure she wanted to give the woman a little fire and ice—and not of the schnapps variety—but she managed to keep those desires to herself.

  I took a deep breath and made my way to the library. When I opened the door, I saw Jackson’s priests, hard at work around a table, with their hands on the box, softly chanting.

  Jackson motioned me in.

  Victor greeted me, and I gave him a quick hug. “The chant is almost finished,” Jackson quietly explained. “They’re drawing from all the immortal energy in this place.”

  “Will the partiers feel their energy being sucked away?”

  “It’s possible. We need to finish this quickly.”

  I pulled the ancient key out of my pocket.

  “Just remember what we talked about, Sarah,” Jackson said, noticing my nervousness. “Unlock the box, and then my priests will take over.”

  “This is almost over,” I whispered.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he said.

  Victor turned to face him. “We are leaving tonight, just so you know.”

  “As soon as Sarah opens the box, you are free to go. Maybe we can do business again if—”

  “I don’t think so,” Victor said.

  “You don’t?” Jackson said, taken aback. “Surely you can use my help to conquer Ethano and his minions.”

  “And what will it cost us in return?” I said. “You never give anything freely, Jackson.”

  Suddenly, Liz burst in. “We’ve got major problems!”

  “What is it, Liz?” I said.

  “That psycho
doctor! He recognized you when you came over to talk to me.”

  My jaw dropped.

  Chapter 30

  Jackson looked at me intensely. “Do whatever my priests tell you to do. I’ll go stall them, try to create a distraction.”

  “I will come with you,” Victor said.

  “Charles is holding them off for now,” Liz said as she ran after them.

  After they left, the ceremony continued, but it wasn’t moving fast enough. I was a nervous wreck and just continued wringing my sweaty hands together. I didn’t want to owe Jackson any more favors, and I was anxious to depart for Tastia.

  Suddenly, a sudden wind roared through the room, swirling my hair around.

  I gasped. There, before me, stood the doctor of my nightmares, the one who murdered Alexander in my vision. Cold shivers shot up my spine. He had those same evil, green eyes, slicked back, dark hair, and pale face. I wasn’t that same terrified girl who’d been kept in his metal cage, but I still couldn’t help but tremble.

  “Did you really think that blonde wig would fool me?” he asked. “I’d recognize you anywhere.”

  “You can’t stop this, Dr. Larson.”

  “You know I can’t let you open that box,” he said.

  “Why not?” I retorted. “You’ve been searching for a way to heal the afflicted immortals, to heal yourself. You can be healed this very moment.”

  “Only at the expense of losing my powers,” he said.

  “They’re already so weak,” I said. “I can sense that you are losing—”

  “I will lose nothing! When I get better, my powers will be stronger than ever before. I’m so close to a cure. I just need your DNA.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, but I won’t give it to you!”

  He whipped out a gun, but I threw a stream of electricity, like a bullwhip of blue energy, and flung the weapon out of his hands. He came at me fast, swinging at my head. I threw him up into the air. Confusion filled his face, and air whooshed from his lungs as I lifted him higher. He threw up his arms and emitted a trail of yellow sparks. Before they could even reach me, I whipped a fireball right at his stomach. Moaning, he doubled over in midair. I jerked my hand downward, and he dropped to the floor.

  I placed my foot on his chest.

  He could hardly speak and only groaned.

  I zapped him with another jolt. “How does that feel, Doctor? Not so good, I bet. I’m sorry if you don’t like my bedside manner.”


  “Oh, so I have a name now? I was just a number before, a subject for your sick experiments. You zapped me over and over again.”

  He glanced at the priests and winced. “Please put a stop to that incessant chanting!”

  I threw down another stream of energy and held it longer than I probably should have. His eyes fluttered shut, but it was hard for me to let go. In my vision, he heartlessly killed my son, and I couldn’t get that horrible scene out of my head.

  “We’re ready,” one of the priests said.

  “We need to tie him up with immortal restraints,” I said.

  “Jackson has them.”

  “Hmm. Well, in that case, maybe I’ll just zap him some more. Havin’ a blast, aren’t ya, Doc?”

  In a blur, the doctor grabbed me by my arms and threw me against the wall in one fluid movement.

  Pain shot across my back, and I slumped to the ground. A poke in my arm made me cry out. “Son-of-a-bitch! What did you inject me with?” I asked.

  He threw his head back and cackled. “Same as last time. You will no longer have powers to torture me with.”

  Everything spun, and spots danced in my vision.

  Victor’s voice rolled across my mind. “I’ve lost my powers,” he said.

  “It’s my fault,” I answered in my head.

  As I tried to catch my breath, I heard the priests gasp. When I looked up, I saw the doctor knocking them out with balls of energy.

  Dr. Larson turned to look at me. “No priests, no spell.”

  I gazed at their slumped bodies. He had stifled my powers, but I still wanted to fight. I spun my body around and swept my foot at his head, stunning and dropping him with the hard blow. In seconds, he was back up, swinging at me like Mike Tyson. I grabbed his throat and drove my knee into his crotch. He screamed in agony. I loosened my grip, and he fell.

  The doctor scuttled toward me. I launched myself toward him and was rewarded with a punch in the gut. With speed only an immortal could muster, he delivered another blow. I ducked to the left, and his knuckles swung by in a blur.

  He charged me, but I sidestepped. On his next lunge, his fist connected with my jaw in an explosion of star-seeing pain. Another blow to the stomach curled me over, and with the look of a madman, he came jabbing at me again. With quick reflexes, I blocked him and managed to give him a shove. His eyes twinkled, as if the sick freak was enjoying it. I knew then why he hadn’t knocked me out already with a zap.

  Dr. Larson swung again, and I went on the defensive. I ducked his next swing, and his speeding fist whizzed over my head. He tried to hook my leg and throw me off balance, but I somehow managed to sidestep that, too, and sent a powerful punch to his face.


  The perfectly delivered sucker-punch caused him to fall back, and he landed with a crushing thud. I knew I had broken something, but I also knew it would heal far too soon.

  He came at me once again. I kicked and power slammed him. We tangled on the floor and traded more punches, fighting for position. He wanted to dominate me, to control me, but it wasn’t sexual, as it had been with Ethano. The doctor was not a rapist; he simply wanted to savor my suffering. He enjoyed tormenting people and got off on it.

  His hand reached under my hip, and he flipped me on my back. Cold hands wrapped around my throat. He squeezed, tighter and tighter, choking the life out of me.

  Suddenly, I sensed something, the presence of blue-ringed immortals at the door. As the door swung open, I slammed it shut with my mind. I then sealed it off with a crackling blue force field. The immortals pounded but I didn’t give them one thought.

  “How did you do that?” the doctor asked.

  “My body is fighting off the shot,” I said. “You’d better watch out! I’m stronger since the ceremony.”

  The doctor smiled. “They’re coming for you. They’ve got your husband, Jackson, Liz, and Charles. Your priests are out for the night. Nice try, but I think we both know this is over. I can appreciate your valiant attempt, though, no matter how futile.”

  I closed my eyes and felt the rush of my powers returning. The ceremony Jackson had put us through had given us unspeakable powers. The rules had changed, and the shot that used to paralyze us for thirty days now only lasted for minutes. I waved my hands in the air, ready to deliver another blast, but before I could, he quickly restrained me with invisible handcuffs.

  Chapter 31

  The doctor inched closer. “It’s over, Sarah. Surrender to me, and I will spare Victor. You have my word.”

  “Your word? That’s about as worthless as the rest of you. You need me alive. If you kill Victor, I die as well.”

  “Ah, the dreaded bond. What a weakling he must be. I would never allow a woman to bond to me like that.”

  “Don’t worry about that, Doctor. I don’t see them taking a number to get at you. In any case, you can’t kill Victor without killing me. We are connected, one beating heart.”

  “Smart girl. Perhaps, then, I shall have to harm your beautiful sister, or maybe I’ll just send someone to fetch that little brat of yours.”


  He grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up. “I will do whatever it takes, Sarah. You should know this by now.”


  “Just take a minute to compose yourself.” He reached for his cell and called downstairs. “The situation is under control,” he said.

  “Victor!” I called in my head.

  “I’m right here,” he repl

  “Are you captured?” I asked.


  “What do I do?”

  “Your power is strong but not strong enough to take out hundreds of immortals. Their bullets are laced with guardian poison.”

  “Victor, I-I don’t know what to do!”

  “Jackson just told me there’s another way. Tap into the power of the immortals. The priests tied their powers to the Box of Shadain.”

  “How?” I asked.

  “Touch the box and absorb the powers. You’ll see them, because they’re different from your own. Concentrate. Their powers will merge with yours, and since we are one, I will benefit as well.”

  “Can the box be opened, or am I sucking all the energy? Doesn’t the box need it?”

  “You can return it when we’re ready. Do it now, Sarah. Jackson says you must hurry. The situation is growing more and more dire with each click of the clock.”

  “But I’m handcuffed.”

  “Find a way to touch that box, and you will be free.”

  I glanced up at the doctor and managed to squeeze out an Oscar-worthy performance. “You’ve won. Please spare my family and friends.”

  “I won’t spare Jackson. He’s committed treason against his own kind, and he will die a traitor’s death.”

  “I’m only asking for the lives of Victor, Charles, and Liz.” I burst out in tears and inched toward the table. “I didn’t want to do this. Jackson made me.”

  Just then, while he was caught off guard by my faux pity party, I lunged for the box. The doctor tried to stop me, but my reflexes were much too fast. I touched the ancient relic, and electricity flowed through me. Blue sparks invaded my vision, and I felt my eyes rolling back. My body shook like a ragdoll in a hurricane as energy surged through me. In my head, I could see Victor shaking, taking the brunt of the energy, since he was hundreds of years older than me.

  Then it just stopped, and I slowly let go of the box.

  Dr. Larson stared at me hard. “What’s wrong with your eyes?” he asked. “What did you do?”

  I looked in a mirror that was hanging on the wall. My eyes were blue and glowing, as if I was possessed. The invisible handcuffs fell right off me, and when the doctor seized me with streams of energy, it didn’t even faze me.


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