Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set

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Bait: Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set Page 8

by Colleen Charles


  “How long do we have to keep this up?” I breathed into his ear.

  Nolan grabbed another glass of champagne from a passing tray. “Have another one, dear.” He placed the flute in my hands. He was really getting off on this charade. Like some kind of sadist. Or masochist.

  I took the flute and licked the rim before taking a sip, making a show of darting my tongue out to caress the smooth glass. Nolan hissed in a breath. Then I leaned over and kissed him, giving him a drop of the bubbly on his tongue.

  “You keep this up and we’ll have to leave the party before it begins,” Nolan whispered so he couldn’t be overheard, giving my butt a quick squeeze. “I can think of a lot of places that tongue would look good. On my body.”

  I was turned on. Oh my god, I wanted this man again. What the hell had I got myself into?

  Simone gave a good-natured laugh at the sign of affection between us. “Oh my, I do love to see a young couple so in love with each other. Warms my heart. But ‘old’ love can be just as sweet.”

  “Darling, we can’t keep them too much longer,” Raminsky said as he squeezed Simone’s shoulders. “I see other people who would love some attention from Nolan.”

  “We do need to go mingle,” Nolan agreed.

  “We’ll see you at dinner,” Simone said. “I saw on the seating chart that we’re at the same table.”

  I smiled an affectionate goodbye as Nolan pulled me in tight as we skimmed the outskirts of the ballroom. “You’re being a good sport,” he whispered in my ear. “Thank you.”

  “This project is important to me,” I answered.

  “So that’s all this is to you?” A stricken look crossed his face. He looked hurt. Like he cared about the pretense more than he’d let on.

  “Isn’t that what you want?” I asked, clearly confused. I was just a B-list actress in the Banks mini-series.

  “Well, I thought after last night we actually might have a shot at something real. I care about you, Charlie. You don’t feel the same way?”

  What kind of game was the king of the one-nighter trying to play here?

  “I like you, Nolan. But I don’t think now is the time to discuss a future. Now is the time to knock our charitable efforts straight out of the park. Let’s do some good for other people. Those less fortunate than we are.”

  His eyes grew soft. “You know that you and I make a good team.”

  “This is true.”

  “So, why not … us?”

  Before I could answer, another couple grabbed Nolan’s attention and we were pulled into a conversation about the luxury high rise Nolan had on the docket for the next year.

  While Nolan schmoozed with the businessmen, I got lost in my thoughts. I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about the make-believe. I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Especially the Raminskys. Did Nolan really think we had a future together? How would that work around the office? We already had resentment from Jasmine, although she was gone and it shouldn’t really matter. But I didn’t want the rest of the staff to think I was just there for Nolan’s money. Besides, I was okay for this one night, but I didn’t fit in to his elitist group long-term.

  As the night continued on, I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and concentrated on having a good time since my chariot would turn in to a pumpkin at midnight. I didn’t harbor any delusions that this night would ever be repeated in my boring life. Nolan whirled me around on the dance floor, fetched me glasses of champagne, and introduced me to important people who might be willing to help with our project.

  I tried desperately not to think of all the reasons this little farce could go wrong. I also pushed aside thoughts of us lying naked on his couch with Nolan kissing me, licking me, making me scream his name. Multiple times. It was hard to sweep the lustful thoughts aside every time Nolan laid a chaste kiss on my lips, caressed my bare back or tucked an errant tendril of hair back in to place. Every time he touched me, I wanted to drag him into the bathroom and explore every naughty fantasy I’d ever had but was afraid to pursue.

  There was one thing that he was right about. We did make a great team. We convinced a lot of these people into committing funds for the Grant Project. Or to help with the continued fundraising.

  After dinner, I excused myself to use the ladies’ room. I pulled out my lip-gloss and slicked a coat across my lips when I heard someone come up behind me.

  “You must be Charlene de Monaco?” I whirled around to address the older woman dripping with diamonds currently eyeing me up and down. And it was obvious that I didn’t pass inspection. “Sorry, dear, did I startle you?”

  “Um, no. I mean, yes, I’m Charlie.” I held out my hand. “And you are?”

  She stared at my hand for a moment, like she was deciding whether or not I was clean enough to touch. She put her delicately soft hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. “So you’re the girl who has stolen my son’s heart.”

  Oh my God, this was Nolan’s mother? I knew he said his parents would probably be at the function tonight, but as the night went on, I’d completely forgotten since he hadn’t mentioned them again.

  “Um, yes. We are dating,” I said. “I apologize, Mrs. Banks. If I had known you were in attendance tonight, I would have made sure to meet you before now.”

  “Don’t worry yourself, dear,” she soothed. “Nolan isn’t the best at formalities. Especially when he’s wrapped up in a project that’s close to his heart.”

  As soon as my racing pulse settled, I noticed that she did look like Nolan. They had the same expressive brown eyes, albeit hers had laugh lines around them. I guessed her to be in her late fifties. Her brunette hair had threads of gold that a talented hair stylist had obviously colored for her. She was no stranger to fillers. From a distance, I would have put her around forty something. Gorgeous and elegant.

  “I’m Emily Banks,” she introduced herself.

  I smiled. “Nice to meet you.” I hoped I sounded sincere.

  Her eyes flicked down my dress, to my shoes and back up again. “You aren’t his usual type,” she said in a low tone. “And I hear you’re a lawyer. Smart. Too smart. Smart enough to know better.”

  I inhaled a sharp breath, shocked by her sudden change in demeanor. How dare she judge me? Judge him. I knew Nolan had his share of supermodels and actresses, but who was she to say that I was not his type? She might as well have just yelled ugly throughout the entire ladies’ room. Not that we were actually dating, I reminded myself. Rude.

  She leaned so close to me that I could smell her expensive perfume and the champagne on her breath. “Dear, you must know that my son never stays with the same woman for more than a few weeks. And if he were ever to find something serious, it would need to be with a young lady of wealth and breeding. Like him. I’m sure you understand? Do yourself a favor and don’t fall in love with my son. He’ll only hurt you in the end.” And with that, she swept by me and left the room with the smell of Chanel in her elegant wake.

  I slumped down on the couch in the ladies’ room as my head spun in all different directions. Did I already have feelings for Nolan? If this was all a charade, then why the hell did I care what his mother thought? She was right about one thing. Nolan did bounce from one woman to another. And he was out of my league. I struggled to pay my rent every month, saving every penny I earned.

  I was only in this for the opportunity to do some good for the community, I told myself for the hundredth time. I couldn’t let myself fall for his playboy ways. I wasn’t going to fall in love with Nolan. I took a deep, cleansing breath and left the restroom, vowing not to tell Nolan about meeting his mother. And vowing to erect a wall so tall and solid a battering ram couldn’t burst through it.

  “Charlie, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you,” Nolan said with concern as I approached. He took in the sight of me and his lips turned up in a smile so dazzling it lit up the room. “Are you all right?”

  My heart raced and I plastered a fake s
mile on my face. “Everything is all good.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?” he asked as if he could read my mind. “Would you like to go home?”

  “I’m ready whenever you are,” I said. “This is your night.”

  Nolan looked at me closely. “Something’s wrong. I can tell. What upset you?”

  “Why do you care?” I snapped at him. I didn’t mean too, but tonight had taken a toll on me. The lying, the deceptions. His mother’s passive aggressive threats. But she was right. I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. As Nolan stared at me with concern, his eyes concentrating on me, I started to feel bad for snapping at him. “I’m okay, really.”

  He put his hand in mine and said, “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked as he tugged me to the middle of the ballroom.

  Nolan pulled me into a deep embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He buried his face in my neck, kissing me before whispering in my ear, “Proving something. Please trust me.”

  My heart fell to my stomach. What was Nolan about to do? I felt a sense of dread so intense the hair stood up on my arms. An overwhelming need to flee the sparkling ballroom overtook me. But Raminsky’s hand stayed me when I tried to turn and leave.

  Nolan turned and called over his shoulder. “Just trust me,” he said again.

  All of the sudden, the music from the DJ stopped and everyone turned to look at us.

  “Charlie,” he said, his voice carrying across the ballroom. “We’ve only been together for a short time, but in that time, I’ve come to realize that you and I were made to be together. I love you more than life itself. You are my moon, my stars, my universe. You make me a better man. And I couldn’t imagine living that life without you.”

  He paused for a moment. The crowd around us murmured with pleasure while my heart fell to my stomach and warred with my butterflies. What was he doing? I felt like I was the only one that wasn’t in on the joke.

  Nolan continued, “You deserve nothing but the best. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Together, we can conquer the world.”

  Oh my God. No, he wasn’t. This was not what we had planned. My eyes pleaded with him. Please don’t do what I think you’re about …

  “Charlene de Monaco, will you marry me?”

  I gasped as Nolan pulled a small velvet black box from his pocket. Inside was the most beautiful diamond engagement ring, nearly the size of a large marble. My heart skipped a few beats. The crowd was silent at first. Waiting for me to answer.

  I didn’t know what to say. I was in shock as the crowd started to murmur. I felt like I was going to pass out. Another panic attack was coming on; I could feel it. I couldn’t breathe. Nolan started to slip the ring on my finger.

  “You haven’t given me an answer, Charlie. Are you going to make me the happiest man on earth?”

  I swallowed hard, struggling to regain my composure and reached up to his ear and whispered, “This wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “The deal will have to be renegotiated. I’ll make it worth your while. Just say yes, Charlie.” He kissed me on the cheek. “You won’t be disappointed.”

  I looked out toward the crowd. They were eagerly waiting my answer. As I scanned the faces, I saw Raminsky and his wife smiling from ear to ear. Nolan’s mom was standing behind them. The look on her face was priceless. I thought about what she said to me in the bathroom. I was just another girl Nolan was playing with? Really? Take that, you Chanel smelling bitch.

  I took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe I was about to do this.

  Pride goeth before the fall.

  “Yes,” I said loudly. Then my knees buckled.

  The crowd went wild as Nolan caught me then lifted me off my feet and kissed me so hard I felt branded. I saw his mother again over his shoulder and gave her the biggest smile I could muster as she squinted her displeasure.

  Nolan put me down as we were suddenly engulfed with well-wishers, hugging our backs and smacking wet kisses on our cheeks. Tonight ended up being a whirlwind and I felt like I was being tossed around like a rag doll. I would have been if it wasn’t for Nolan’s strong hands around my waist, gently guiding me around the ballroom. The canary yellow diamond ring glittered on my finger.

  Holy shit. I was fake engaged to Nolan Banks.




  Colleen Charles

  Chapter One

  I was the luckiest man in the world. Being engaged to Charlene de Monaco was an amazing blessing and a stroke of luck. I’d not only managed to convince Charlie to marry me, but I’d also wrapped up one of the biggest financial deals of a lifetime. All in one night. I was literally dancing on the moon.

  There was just one snag. Charlie didn’t look too happy.

  “I can’t believe you bamboozled me into a fake engagement!” she sneered in my ear.

  “Keep smiling, dear,” I reminded her through gritted teeth, knowing it would hit the fan later. Not caring. I’d convince her this was the right decision. Charlene de Monaco belonged with me. “People are watching us.”

  Before Charlie spit out a snarky reply, we were surrounded by the media and a throng of well-wishers. Bright flashes of light from cameras and smart phones snapped in our faces. Questions pelted my body like stones being thrown from every side.

  “Charlie! Nolan! Tell us how the two of you met?” one of the reporters shot out in a shrill scream, trying to get his voice to carry over the din.

  Before I could open my mouth to reply. Hell, before I could even bat an eye, several more blood-thirsty reporters popped up like gophers on a golf course, salivating over their next headline.

  “Have you set a date?”

  “What is Nolan Banks really like in person?”

  “Charlie, how do you feel about marrying New York’s most eligible man?”

  Champagne flutes came out of nowhere and I smiled at Charlie as we clinked glasses. I drained mine quickly and tried to field a few questions. If I didn’t, the sharks would never go away. Not until they were sated with my answers.

  “How many children do you want? Or, maybe there’s one already on the way.” Elaine Blake asked with a wink. I’d see her take on tonight’s happenings tomorrow in the Daily News.

  I scoffed. “Let’s get through the wedding and honeymoon first.”

  Her colleagues chuckled, smelling blood in the water.

  “Charlie, will you continue to work with Nolan as his attorney?”

  Before I could answer for her, Charlie interjected, always the confident and competent woman. I wanted to tell her how much I admired her brain. How much I admired her independence. How much I admired her. “Yes, I will continue to work for Banks Realty. If I don’t keep him out of trouble, who else will?”

  Another roar of laughter from the talking heads. They looked like cartoon bobble heads in the rear window of a 1970 Chrysler wagon complete with wood panels. I reached around and gave Charlie a discreet caress to her rounded ass.

  “Nolan,” she said through gritted teeth. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Support. Solidarity.” I kept my voice to a whisper and leaned in close so she could hear me. “For telling the truth. I trust you, Charlie.”

  And I’m not afraid to admit it. To make myself vulnerable. Which I’ve been doing ever since I laid eyes on you. Even though you didn’t know it.

  “Are you afraid people will think you’re only marrying Nolan for his money? I mean, this all came about rather quickly,” one of the reporters had the audacity to ask.

  Gold digger? That’s my future wife you’re talking about, asshole. The mother of my fucking children.

  Charlie wrapped her arms around me and replied again before I could even throw an insult his way. Or a punch. “I just snagged New York City’s hottest bachelor. The money is a bonus.” Then she laughed as she ran her tapered fingers under my tuxedo coat to land on the waistband of my dress p
ants. They slipped inside and my cock twitched in response. I had to get her the hell away from this three-ring circus.

  “What does Mrs. Banks have to say about your impending nuptials?” This question was from Lucy Wells, owner of a top internet blog about society weddings, Cake Topper. Now, I had to tread lightly. My mother needed to keep her nose out of my business. And away from Charlie. She still thought she knew what was best for me. She didn’t now and she never had.

  I changed my mind. These reporters weren’t sharks. They were scum of the earth. Lower than scum. Cockroaches. They continued to swarm around my head like hornets, buzzing their questions so I couldn’t move or break free. I continued to let Charlie take the lead and reply to the insane number of questions. God. She was such a poised woman. One to be proud of. She held her own while I looked for an escape route. I glanced up and locked eyes with an unlikely savior. My mother.

  I put my arm around Charlie and pulled away from the questions that continued to land at my feet via rapid fire. My mother’s diamond clad hand reached out to clasp mine.

  “Sorry, ladies, gentlemen, but we need to give my son and his fiancée some space.” She gave a slight tug and pulled me forward as the reporters made a pathway. Christ. I should never underestimate my mother’s place in society. She parted that crowd of media vultures like Moses with his staff.

  Once we were free from the crowd, my mother turned to us, her face frozen in a semi-permanent smile thanks to a regular dose of Botox and a lifetime of disapproval. Of me.

  “Congratulations are in order, I see.” Her gravelly voice still made my insides shrivel up. That tone reminded me of the time I’d punched Dean Wellington back in boarding school. She’d had to fly in to take me home after I’d been expelled. “I take it that you’ve impregnated this girl?”

  “What?” Charlie asked, looking between me and my mother. She pulled her neck forward to make herself more rigid as she bristled underneath her designer gown.

  “Mother, Charlie is not pregnant.” I clipped the words out staccato style.


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