A Shade of Innocence (The Illuminati Book 1)

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A Shade of Innocence (The Illuminati Book 1) Page 30

by Jane West

  I may not have to worry about my next meal, but when my freedom of choice got jacked, everything else paled in comparison.

  We stopped in front of an elevator. Bane pressed the button and after a moment, the bell dinged and the doors opened. He nudged the small of my back, urging me to step inside of the box. I complied, rolling my eyes.

  Bane punched first floor button and the doors closed. With a sudden jolt, my stomach lurched as the elevator engaged. I rocked on my heels, listening to the awful music.

  Seconds later, once again, the bell dinged and the doors slid open. We stepped out into a dark foyer. Bane took my elbow again, leading me down a narrow hall and into the bright kitchen. I spotted Dom preparing dinner at the large stove and Jeffery sitting at the island reading the newspaper.

  The king of the castle didn't waste any time shedding the likes of me. “Jeffery,” Bane's voice was on the brink of snapping. “Can you escort our guest to her quarters? Give her the presidential suite on the east wing. I think it will suit her taste. See to her needs and make sure she is dressed for dinner tonight.” He ordered as if I were an unwanted child. Maybe that was the norm for the elite. I did note he seemed distracted and a thousand miles away.

  Once he finished instructing Jeffery, Bane dropped my elbow and left me standing alone without even a glance in my direction. I felt discarded like a cheap tramp after a Friday night bargain fest. I didn't get it. Clearly, I was a nuance to him, so why bother? I watched as he disappeared around the corner, leaving me in the kitchen alone with Dom and Jeffery.

  Jeffery glared at me like I'd stomped out his last cigarette.

  “I should ask for a raise,” Jeffery went on to say. “You being here is addin' to my long list of chores.” He slammed the paper down irritably, sliding off the stool.

  Dom shot Jeffery a glare, and then looked at me smiling. “Don't pay him no mind.” Dom's eyes lit up warmly. “Jeffery's list of chores consists of gathering the newspaper and shredding it into a messy pile before Monsieur Aidan has had a chance to read it.”

  My eyes dropped down to the scattered paper over the granite. I smiled inwardly.

  Dom continued, “If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that Jeffery had glued his butt to that stool.” Dom's pencil thin mustache stretched across his face, smiling.

  I smiled back. I got the feeling that those two were going to make my stay here a little easier, even Jeffery and his snappiness. I dropped my book bag on the floor and made my way to the island. I climbed up on the stool next to Jeffery. “I do appreciate your hospitality.” I directed my comment to the chef with the stained apron.

  Dom placed a cold glass of Coke and a croissant sandwich in front of me that instantly made my mouth water. “Thank you.” My eyes sparkled at the sandwich. All of a sudden, I realized that I'd missed lunch.

  I turned to Jeffery and asked. “Did you go to your Aunt's house today?”

  “I did, and told her that you is pesterin' the hell outta me too!” Jeffery pursed his lips. “She sends her love and says to keep up the good work.” He bobbed his head. “Any old hoot!”

  I laughed. “I'm worried about Ms. Noel. I've been making deliveries to her customers. She needs help.”

  “I can take care of my aunt, don't you fret none, otay.”

  “Someone's a little snarky today.” I smiled at Jeffery as I bit into my sandwich.

  Dom smiled.

  Jeffery's face twisted, eyes narrowed as he swiftly changed the subject. “Well… how did your day go at school today?”

  I detected a suspicious tone to his voice.

  “Hmm… it went okay.” I shrugged, taking a bite of my sandwich. The bread melted in my mouth as I chewed. I had swallowed before I spoke. “I did find something odd online.” I took a sip of my Coke.

  Jeffery perked up in his seat, leaning closer. “Oh! Gimme, gimme,” he chimed.

  I rolled my eyes. “This might sound strange, but I Googled Demon. I mean Aidan.” Whoops!

  Dom smiled, and Jeffery laughed so hard he slapped his hand on his pants. “No, gurrrlfriend, you had it right the first time. That rich mofo hadn't given me a raise in two years.” Jeffery twisted his lips into a sour face. “He should be glad I ain't quit.”

  Dom laughed, turning from the stove, facing Jeffery. “You should be glad Monsieur Aidan hasn't fired you.” He arched a gray brow. “You do nothing but eat food and bitch!” Something told me that Dom had Jeffery pegged.

  Jeffery dropped his long chin, gawking incredulously. “What do you know? You don't know half the shit I do around 'ere!”

  Dom retorted with just the right amount of spice. “Ah, the half I do see,” he tapped the corner of his eye, “is enough to satisfy me a lifetime, ami!” (Friend)

  Jeffery's face drew into a dried-up prune. “That's not what you told me last night!” He held an undertone that I didn't want any part of knowing.

  Jeffery decided to switch his focus back to me. “Boo, what were you sayin' about school today?” He used his sweet voice, yet it came off as sneaky.

  I thought it might be best not to share my findings. My gut was warning me to wait, “Oh, nothing,” I shrugged, “Just another day at school.”

  By the twinkle in Jeffery's blue eyes, apparently, he didn't buy it. Even if so, he didn't have a clue to what. That was in my favor.

  “Well, since your little secretive-self ain't got nothing' to tell, I guess I best show you your new room.” He stretched as he slid off the stool. “What was wrong with the first room, it didn't have enough elegance for your princess butt?” The snideness in Jeffery's voice bubbled over.

  My eyes narrowed. “My butt is far from royalty. If I had my way, I'd prefer sleeping on a park bench than listening to you bitch.” I snatched up my bag, brow arched. “If your butt ain't too proud, you think you could show me where I'm staying?”

  Dom cackled out, “Jeff, I do believe you have met your match!” He winked at me.

  Jeffery's head snapped up at Dom. “You hush up! Don't give this chile any ideas.”

  “I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. I think this young lady is smart enough to figure you out on her own,” Dom replied as he waved his wooden spoon, laughing.

  Jeffery did an about face quickly with both hands flushed against my back, ushering me out the kitchen. “Let's get outta 'ere! I'm about to stuff that Frenchman in the trash packer.”

  I bit my lip to hold my giggle, though I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.

  La vie du Chateau

  The light stopped on three. The elevator doors parted like the Red Sea.

  Right away, a cold draft skidded across my face. I felt like I'd stepped into the past. Dim lighting marked the tapestry that dotted the whole stretch of wall and century Old Persian rugs embellished the dark, stone floor.

  Finally, we came to a halt, and Jeffery spoke his first words since we left the kitchen. “Here we are.” Sarcasm churned in his voice, mixed with the jingle of keys, “Home sweet home.”

  We stepped inside and a familiar scent of sweet pepper flooded my senses. A huge bouquet of red roses sat in the centered of a round table in the foyer in a vase. Crystal, I assumed.

  Unlike the other room, this one was light and full of sunlight. It felt more like a hotel suite than a dank bedchamber.

  The suite came fully loaded with the works just like any expensive hotel room. I noted a large flat screen television in the sitting room and just off to the side, a bedroom passed the French doors.

  I'd forgotten about Jeffery until he cleared his throat. He stood by the window. “Well, does this fit your taste buds a little better?” Jeffery's lips puckered like he was posing for Vogue.

  His tone ignited a sudden feeling of ire. “Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not an opportunist. I explained to you my situation.” I dropped my bag in a huff, glaring at the skinny man who seemed to have jumped to conclusions.

  Jeffery's eyes softened as he made his way to the couch and eased himself onto the soft cushio
n. “One thing you need to know about me is that I can read people.” He brushed the lint off his pants.

  “I reckon you must think I'm a gold digger then.”

  He crossed his legs and sighed, meeting my gaze. “I did in the beginning.” He flashed a self-assured smiled. “I think you like Mister Aidan.” He paused. “One thing I don't understand is why he's holding you here when you clearly wish to be elsewhere?”

  “I've been asking the same thing myself.” I paused debating whether I should ask. I decided to go for it. “Is your boss mental?” I kept my face a blank canvass.

  Jeffery folded his arms over his chest, slightly kicking his foot back and forth. “You probably have discovered for yourself that Mister Aidan is a hard one to figure out. He's broody as hell and is a never-ending mystery. Mostly, he's a loner. Don't get me wrong, he has family, just none of 'em comes around. I think Mister Aidan likes it that way. I hate his cousin, no good account.” Jeffery's face soured. “Mean as hell too!” Jeffery's leg kicked a bit faster.

  “Yeah, just a little,” I merely said as I made my way to a chair across from the couch. For the first time, I was getting a better understanding of the king of the castle. “What else do you know?”

  “I know that Mister Aidan likes you.” Jeffery studied my reaction as he kept his foot swinging.

  I smiled back, disguising my shock. “How can you tell?”

  “For starters, Mister Aidan is very protective of you.” Jeffery dug into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Lucky Strikes. He patted his pants on both sides. “Damn! I can't find my lighter.” He looked up at me. “You wouldn't happen to be a pyromaniac by chance?” His lips flattened.

  I laughed. “No! Guess you're outta luck.” I leaned back in my chair and crossed my legs.

  “Well, since you ain't got no lighter, I'm leaving.” He sprinted to his feet.

  “Oh please! Can't you stay for a minute longer?” I smiled sweetly, jumping to my feet, trying to block him from leaving.

  Jeffery paused eyeing me suspiciously. “Look! I can't hold off for a smoke, but I'll tell you this much.” Jeffery side stepped me and headed for the door. “Somethin' is stirrin', and it's got me a bit edgy,” his voice, near a whisper, “My best advice for you is to stay the hell away from Aidan's uncle and that damn cousin of his, they's mo evil than the devil.” He twirled on his feet and reached for the doorknob, then stopped. “Oh yeah,” he paused, one brow arched. “Mister Aidan expects you dressed for dinner at eight sharp. I'll be escortin' you to the formal room.” He started to leave but halted. Facing me, finger touching his chin, “Oh, by the way, keep that damn cat away from me. He's in my bedroom snoozin' on my fabulous bed.” Jeffery gave me a once over look, scrunching his nose with obvious distaste. “You is cute with your red hair and dazzlin' green eyes, but this country hillbilly shit ain't workin' for you, boo. Burn that whole attire,” he wagged his finger at me from my head to my toes, “Those garments is frightful.” An impish grin toyed with his plump lips. “I picked you out somethin' that will show off those killer curves of yours! Look beautiful tonight.”

  With that said, he left, shutting the door behind him. I let out an angry screech. I hated snobs!

  I mindlessly ran my fingers through my hair. Jeffery was right. I looked like a scrounger. Even the hired help had more class than me.

  I pulled out my cell, checking the time. It was only five. I had three hours to kill before dinner. I padded over to the Television and picked up the remote, starring at it. I didn't feel like watching a movie either.

  Then the window caught my eye. I made my way over to it, tugging the sheer curtains back. The land stretched far as the eye could see. It felt as though I stood on the tip of Mt. Everest. The clouds hovered low, dark and ominous. A storm was brewing just like my stomach churning.

  Jeffery voiced the very concerns I had. Why Bane's family was forcing him to enter into an unwanted marriage?

  Then my mind reflected back to Ms. Noel's séance. I bit down on my bottom lip. I'd almost forgotten. She touched on the subject of some faction, vile and dangerous coming for me. For the life of me, I couldn't fathom why. What would someone want with me? I had nothing of value. But to put the eerie cherry on top, Bane mentioned he wanted to protect me, but from whom?

  Suddenly, I yawned and my eyes felt heavy. I decided a nap would be nice since I didn't get much sleep last night. I couldn't do anything about my situation now, I might as well rest up for dinner.

  I went through the French doors entering the bedroom. As my eyes lifted, I halted, gawking in disbelief. It was as if I'd stepped back in the fifties.

  In the center of the room stood a white four-poster bed with a pink quilt and bold pink and gold pillows. The wall was papered with pink bunny rabbits. I laughed as my eyes combed over the room. I reckoned this was Jeffery's attempt at humor. “What a funny man!”

  I stepped into the bathroom, eyeballing white marble and pink towels, and a matching terrycloth robe, pink of course. I bit my bottom lip stifling a laugh. I spied the large garden tub that could've fit five large people. My eyes locked onto a trail of rose petals leading to the tub. Overwhelmed with delight, I drooled at the bath oils and various soaps placed beside the tub, and to top it off with a titillating lure, several white candles lined the tub with a soft glow.

  “Hmm!” I tapped my finger against my lip. A soft laugh escaped my lips. “Jeffery lied about his lighter.”

  The tub was calling to me right in front of a picture window looking over the horizon. I quickly peeled off my clothes and soon the tub swirled of rose-scented water as my excitement escalated. Wasting no time, I jumped in with both feet, sinking into the soothing magic.

  A soft moan escaped my lips as I leaned against the cool marble and closed my eyes, letting the warmth soak into my weary muscles. A little piece of heaven.

  A sudden bright flash of light flashed in my face. My eyes flew open, catching an angry streak of lightning ripping through the sky in the far distance. The clouds were building fast, growing darker and more menacing by the second. Another streak of light lit the bruised sky as thunder rumbled with ferocity. I jumped with a start as the crash reverberated around me.

  After a second, I eased back and watched the display of fireworks until my bathwater grew cold. With a sigh of regret, I drew myself from the tub and stepped out onto a pink rug, snatching up the thick robe. I slipped it on and made my way to the bedroom.

  I looked around and spotted the closet. It was as if a light went off in my brain. I shook my head, feeling stupid, of course, the closet. After living in cheap hotels most my life, I'd forgotten about a practical thing such as a closet.

  I swung the double doors open, and there hanging all by its lonesome was a scarlet red dress. I spotted black heels on the floor. I reached for the sheer dress and examined it. “Damn!” I fretted. “There isn't much to it.” I grabbed the shoes up, kicking both doors closed.

  I spied a small pile of black on the bed and something shiny next to it. I padded over to it and picked up a diamond necklace and earrings to match. “Very nice, but I can't see something of this elegant on me.” I whispered.

  I then turned my attention to the small black pile. I picked it up holding it in my fingers. “Holy cow!” my eyes orbed. “This isn't underwear?” I was staring at a lacy bra and a matching thong. I felt naked already as my cheeks blazed. There wasn't much thread to either piece. Judging by the bra cup, I wasn't sure it would hold my boobs.

  Come to think about it, the satin dress didn't leave much to the imagination either. The back plunged low as well as in the front, and the length… There was no length? I think Jeffery just punked me with a shirt. Fright rolled over me. Dinner was a bust already. I couldn't wear this one-thread-count dress!

  Flames of Magick

  Straight up eight o'clock, a faint knock came at the door. The dinner date had my nerves frayed. Wearing a spaghetti strapped dress with a label that read Couture and the Louboutin heels made me feel more l
ike an expensive hooker than a dinner guest.

  I checked my hair once more in the mirror before I rushed to the door. I was unsure if my hair pinned up in a French bun would suffice. “Oh well, it'd have to do,” I mumbled to myself as I hurried to the door. I pictured Jeffery's sour face on the other side waiting impatiently.

  Nearly falling flat on my face, I managed to jerk the door open with my mouth like an Oreo ready to wail into Jeffery's skinny ass, but I halted, gaping at the person standing at the threshold. Surprise siphoned the blood from my face. “Aidan!” My voice sounded startled against my ears.

  A moment of silence dropped as his eyes slowly roved over me like warm melted chocolate coating every curve and line of my body. He drew back a pearly smile of approval.

  My cheeks flamed.

  “Is there a problem?” I glared at him, feeling the sting of embarrassment.

  “No problem where I'm standing, Princess.” His deep sultry voice sent a spurt of warmth to places unmentionable as his blues continued roaming over my body, lingering a moment too long on the swells of my breast.

  Instantly, I wanted to cover myself as I dropped my gaze to my hands.

  Bane recovered his poise and spoke. “I thought I'd escort you to dinner.” His blues danced. “Will you do me the honors?” He held his arm out.

  “Hmm, okay.” I bit my bottom lip, trying not to mess up my cherry red lipstick. Compliments to the butler for picking out the color. I flashed a faint smile, though I felt terribly ridiculous in this outfit and makeup.

  Even under duress, I didn't miss the tall, dark and beautiful escort. Bane stood tall, poised, just the perfect combination of yummy in an Armani tux. A delightful shiver washed over me, and I blushed even deeper.

  “I hope your accommodations are more suited to your taste.”

  Then a quick sting hit me, bringing my attention to why I was here in the first place. “If you mean my taste to being held against my will, I'd have to say, yes indeed.” I held my chin straight.


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