Ninian turned around to stare at us, his fists clenched, fuming. I was stunned, furious beyond words, couldn’t believe my ears. Nin was absolutely right: how the heck dare he! What a complete moron! To scare Alice like that! Was it not enough that he had been bothering Nin and me with these crazy conspiracy notions for years and years! Was it now necessary to scare an innocent and totally oblivious nine year old! To achieve what exactly? So that Nin and I would finally listen? I could have murdered him! And, looking at him, so did Nin!
Alice was still sobbing and burying her face in my chest as if she wanted to hide away from these strange words she couldn’t possibly understand.
Yuki was looking at Ninian, bewildered and scared. “What kind of a sick joke is this? What is he talking about?”
She obviously didn’t know. However close she and Nin had grown, he apparently had not told her about this. Quite understandable given the extent of Dad’s and Uncle Phil’s crazy ideas.
And now he obviously wanted me to explain it all to Yuki, for he nodded at me in a rather helpless fashion. Maybe he was scared of her reaction or just too embarrassed to be the one to let her in on our family secret.
Explain what and how? How was I going to tell this right, to let both Yuki and Alice know what they must be told without making my Dad and Uncle Phil look like complete idiots?
I sighed, sat down on the little sofa at the back wall of the office, made Alice sit on my lap and pulled Yuki along so that she could sit on my side. I took her hand, squeezed it and began:
“I can explain you some of it, not all, Yuki. We’ll have to call Dad for a full explanation. But let me tell you the part we, I mean Nin and I, know about.”
The way she glared accusingly at Nin, she clearly resented not having been told about this earlier and by Nin himself. He beckoned his head as if to apologize, but before she could say anything, I squeezed her hand again, demanding her attention and continued.
“How am I going to put this?” I sighed. “I am sure you know that Dad, and even more so Uncle Phil, have a bit of a reputation in their respective fields of expertise. They are certainly brilliant scientists but they are also both a bit crazy. They have been the main advocates and voices of a group of fellow scientists and professionals who think that a global man-made pandemic is lurking just around the corner.”
Yuki just goggled at me.
“Yes, I know, this sounds crazy, to say the least, but that’s what they are. As far as I know, it has something to do with what happened during their days as students. For one, there was a bit of a pandemic scare all over the planet every now and then at that time, at first because of SARS and later because of avian influenza, swine flu and other local or regional incidents of infectious disease flaring up with a clear animal-to-human transmission mode. Uncle Phil said that some scientists who worked with these viruses tried and managed to make them more virulent. They published their work in detail and therefore, in the opinion of some scientists and Dad and Uncle Phil, too, gave possible bioterrorists or other misanthropes the means to pursue their darker goals. Apparently it all caused quite a stir in the media at that time and was all over the news for some weeks. Even though the scientists concerned denied that their work could be easily replicated by terrorists or some such people willing and bent on setting loose a very dangerous virus or pathogen, the whole issue led to quite a controversy, at least in scientific circles. There were those who claimed that you needed a special training as virologists plus all kind of high-tech equipment to pull such a thing off, versus others who feared that any determined garage-scientist might be able to replicate this kind of work in his back-yard lab. Mind you, not necessarily with a hidden dark agenda in mind, but maybe just to prove that they could do it.
Anyway, this all had made a hell of an impression on Dad and Uncle Phil. And ever since, they have, as they call it, kept a close eye on things just in case. They are both absolutely convinced that it is simply a matter of time for such a pandemic to happen. Something to do with probability and time. Like that even really rare events will eventually happen with near certainty if one just waits long enough. Or something the like. Of course, with their reputation and connections they had and have access to all sorts of insider info. Apparently, this didn’t exactly lessen their paranoia. In fact, quite the opposite. They became ever more determined that the worst would happen; and that it would happen sooner rather than later. And they have like-minded friends all over the world – the one closest to us being Professor Papadopoulos in Cambridge.”
Alice had stopped sobbing and now lay quiet in my arms, saying nothing but listening attentively. And Yuki kept glancing over to Nin, who watched her nervously and was clearly debating with himself whether to come over and try to smooth her ruffled feathers or to stay put and face her anger later.
It was comical, yet I felt pity with him. So, turning back to Yuki, I said, “You can’t imagine how embarrassing this all was for Ninian and me. We had to listen to these conspiracy theories over and over again while nothing really ever happened. Since we have been children we heard those two – mostly Dad but Uncle Phil had his fair share in it too – spreading these ideas. Whether because we were too embarrassed by it all or had heard it once too often, we certainly preferred not to talk about these ideas to anyone let alone someone we cared deeply about. We never told our friends about this. I mean, would you? We would just have looked like complete pricks ourselves, wouldn’t we? It didn’t need Dad as well as Uncle Phil reminding us over and over again that we were not t talk about this to anyone – we complied only to gladly.
“Anyway, eventually Dad and Uncle Phil cried ‘Wolf!’ once too often and, in the end, it damaged their professional reputations. Uncle Phil officially left his last position in order to concentrate on his on-going research on rare earth-minerals. But really he had been told to leave because he had aired his controversial and so far unsubstantiated views once too often for his employers to stomach. Sadly, he had become an embarrassment.
“And Dad, too, has apparently recently received some serious advice by friends to keep his pandemic notions to himself, or else face the consequences. I know of this, and told Nin, because Auntie Kamene talked to me about it last autumn. At the time, Dad had been particularly nasty with me for not wanting to remain in the States to study, and she explained to me that he’d acted like he did because he was afraid for us all. That he and Uncle Phil have, through Professor Papadopoulos, heard of rumours about a group of misanthropes particularly determined to achieve their goal of exterminating humanity, or some such thing. And that they are both very concerned about what they heard. But that they also felt totally helpless because they have, as yet, no real clues as to who these people are and how they plan to operate. Plus, they felt, they could do nothing because nobody would listen to them anymore anyway”
Yuki looked at me as if I were mad. She clearly couldn’t believe her ears. But I wasn’t ready to answer questions yet and continued, “Frankly, when Auntie Kamene told me all this, my reaction was that I could absolutely understand their critics for thinking them to be mad. After all, we all have heard their stories over and over again during the past years without anything ever coming to it. I can’t remember how often Nin and I have been lectured by Dad to be vigilant, to prepare, to do whatever or else. It was just embarrassing. Believe me.”
I glanced at her, “Be honest Yuki, how would you react if you were told such things? Would you talk about it to outsiders? Isn’t this just the kind of stuff that would make anyone want to distance themselves from you? Plus, would you tell this to someone who you were trying to impress because you were in love with her?”
Ninian looked up at this and glowered at me. I was only trying to help him here, but I could see that he was not pleased and thought me an interfering busy-body. Well, he might still learn to thank me. The look he got from Yuki did not bode well. She clearly wasn’t convinced, not yet, and was angry that she had been left in the dark about all this.
/> Alice glanced up at me and asked in a scared voice, “But why is Dad writing to me now? What does this mean? Will we all have to die now? I am so scared, Lia!”
I tightened my hold on her and replied, “I don’t know, tiger. Why Dad wrote to you, I mean, and what he really means by this. But I will never let anything happen to you, kitten, never!”
Then I looked at Ninian, “What are we to do now? What do you think?”
Ninian glanced at Yuki and replied, “Let’s call Dad!”
He turned back toward the computer and began dialling up the connection to Dad. It took just a few seconds, then we could see Dad in front of his webcam. He must have been waiting for us, coz he looked alert, somehow cautious but also very eager to talk. He sat in his office at home, with his back to the window and we could see that it was raining over there. Dad smiled at us, that silly condescending smile he always wore before lecturing one on an unwanted subject.
Holding little Alice, still scared stiff, in my arms, I felt a surge of annoyance raise within and I didn’t know what to say, but Nin was already shouting at Dad for giving Alice such a scare.
Dad raised his arms defensively and asked Nin to give him a minute to explain.
“Listen Nin, this is not the time to growl at me. We have serious matters to discuss. Listen, all of you.”
He moved closer to his computer and his face filled out the whole screen. He looked very serious and concerned and, strangely, sad. This made me forget my fury at him and even Nin stopped ranting.
Dad looked at each of us and then began, “I had to do it this way; otherwise you would never listened to me. Be honest, you never would, wouldn’t you? Lia? Nin?”
Since this was clearly a rhetoric questions and I anyway didn’t feel like replying to it, I just kept shtum and waited for him to continue.
“Phil called me about two hours ago. He was alerted by Papadopoulos who has intercepted a message about an imminent attack of global proportions by a terrorist group that we have secretly been shadowing for the last few months. I know, this sounds crazy, but it isn’t! It’s the truth! It is really happening now! You must listen to me! Carefully! Apparently, these people have got hold of a pathogen that can be spread by water as well as by air. And, it seems to be absolutely lethal!
“Phil tried to pass this knowledge on to the authorities, but it seems that no one is prepared to listen. So, we must act on our own. We don’t know, what will happen, but we must prepare for the worst. I am sure that we will hear about this crisis in the news soon. Maybe they will try to cover up the real dimensions of it all; but once they will start announcing the disruption of international airline connections, you will have the confirmation and will know that trouble will soon start!
“I want you to immediately shop supplies for several weeks and prepare the hideout in the sub-basement. Understood. And, Nin, make sure that you store enough fuel for the car somewhere safe. If possible, get your Mum and Nate and the twins to come back soonest possible. Otherwise they might be cut off from you!
“Then, get everything that you need to live for some weeks down into the sub-basement! Phil thinks that we will have to remain in hiding for two to three months. After that, you must carefully scout your surroundings before venturing out. According to Papadopoulos, these people have cells in many places all over the world, apparently also at least one in Switzerland. And, most importantly, from what we know about their agenda, they are bent on killing all humans except for their select few members!
“Papadopoulos and his people tried to infiltrate them, but their identity and intentions were discovered when these terrorists did an extensive background check on them. Now his assistant Josh, you know him Lia, together with a close friend are spying on them and managed to get this information out. Apparently the plan of this group of morons, who call themselves Nemesis 4.2, is to release this toxin, then remain in their hideouts until they’ll deem it safe to reappear and repopulate the world with their superior race while hunting down any possible survivors of this apocalypse. I am quoting what Josh and his friend reported; nothing that I cooked up myself. It’s urgent! It’s happening! It may already be too late!
“That’s why I want you to prepare to go into hiding yourselves. There’s no time to lose. And then, as soon as the worst will be over, in about one to two months, you will have to get down to Phil’s and Kamene’s hideout in Kenya. I have discussed it all with Phil and we are of one mind about this. It’s no joke; it’s really happening now; this is not some overreaction by Phil or me. Do you understand? This time it’s really happening!”
We all sat there, dumb-folded.
Ninian was the first to recover. He croaked, “Have you now gone totally mad? What do you mean by all this? And, what’s ‘getting down to Phil’s hideout in Kenya’ supposed to mean? How do think we could do that? Walk over there? Drive? Or steal a plane and fly all the way? … And frankly, why the hell should we believe you now. Why should now be different from all the other times before when you or Uncle Phil warned about some imminent catastrophe and nothing ever happened? And how dare you scare Alice about all this nonsense?”
Something in the face of Dad when Nin said all this, gave me a scare. He sat there and listened to what Nin said. Actually listened! Not just waiting for a cue to snatch up the conversation and parade his views as he so often did. He looked sad, and exhausted, and very, very worried. Like I’d never before seen him. And when he answered Nin, he sounded genuine, for once.
“Yes, Nin, I mean for you to fly over there, if possible. And no, Nin, I am not joking. This super crisis is imminent and will happen, because no one will stop these Nemesis-people. We, because we haven’t got the means, and nobody else either, because no one listens to us. You will just have to prepare yourselves. And then stick it out in the sub-basement for at least a month. Afterwards, the world as we know it will be gone. And I trust that you will be able to survive and find the means for travelling to Kenya. There’s the airport just down the hill and across the river from you. You will be able to get there and you will certainly be able to get access to a plane. I trust that you will find a way to do this. And you, Nin, know how to fly a plane … I am not saying that you will have to undertake that journey all by yourselves. Josh is at the moment still in Cambridge, and he will remain there until the worst is over. But then he will immediately proceed down South to you. He knows where you live and he will come and join you there. Papadopoulos said that you should wait for him until end of July at the very latest. If he won’t show up by then, he never will. And in this case, and this case only, you would have to travel to Phil by yourselves. But Josh is very resourceful, I am sure he will make it to you. With his help you should then be able to proceed all the way to Kenya. He knows it all, the way there, I mean. Plus he as detailed knowledge about Phil’s place in Kenya. He will be of great help to you.
“I’m not saying that it will be easy or a quick trip. But I trust that you will make it and that we will all meet up there within some few months.”
Was he mad, did he honestly mean what he was saying?
We all starred at him in shock and disbelief.
Alice whimpered and Dad looked at her directly, “Alice, little darling, Lia and Nin will take care of you. I will see you all again, we will all see each other again, my love, once you have reached Phil’s hideout in Kenya. In the meantime, do as Lia and Nin say. And be strong!”
“Wait, just wait a minute!” Ninian was really angry now. “How do you propose that we get all this done? How are we ‘to prepare’? Assuming that we believe you, that is. What will happen? I mean, how will we know that this is happening for real, that it is not just one of your usual crazy warnings? And how … Lia, say something, this, this is just too crazy for words!”
I felt numb with confusion. First the anger at Dad, then the sinking feeling that he was dead certain about what he’d told us. He was apparently totally convinced that he was talking about something real, something terrible that
was about to happen. And that it would happen very soon. Then there was Alice, little, innocent Alice, who understood nothing about this all, except that she felt scared. We must protect her, take care of her.
And Mum, Nate! I wanted to call them immediately and make sure they heard about all of this. I wanted to know what they thought. Wanted them to be here, now! I felt alone and scared.
But I was the oldest here. And I was the one who must now be strong, at least for Alice’s sake. And Yuki! By the look of her, she was absolutely gobsmacked and at a loss for words. She would want to contact her parents. Maybe she would want to try to get to them. I was afraid for her, for Nin. Nin was still glowering at Dad.
But before I managed to say something, anything, Dad took over once more, “I expect you to use your minds, as I trust you can! Stop shouting at me and listen! I don’t know if or when I will be able to contact you again. It may now all develop very fast and we may be cut off from each other soon. You will find your way! It will take you a while, but you will make it. Anything else is unconceivable for me, you understand! You must survive!! Understand that!!” his voice was so anxious and urgent it almost broke.
“I will travel to Phil’s now. He has his boat ready. Lia, you saw it in September I think, didn’t you? It’s equipped with everything necessary and we should be able to get by sea to Kenya within some weeks. We’ll be okay, so don’t you worry about us. Then, we will all meet at Phil’s place in Kenya. Nin, Lia; you know how to get there. So does Josh.
“But first things first. Now, I mean tomorrow, you will have to start preparing for several weeks in the sub-basement. Buy enough food, drinks, get medicine stocked up, get fuel for the car, warm blankets, clothes, everything. You know what has to be done, I taught you many times.”
We were all just flabbergasted by this. The more he talked, the more I realized that he really meant it, and the less I felt able to do a thing. Like the proverbial mouse in front of the snake, I had just frozen in time and space. And Yuki and Nin were just as astounded as I was. They couldn’t believe their ears either. We were totally gobsmacked.
Lia's files 1_Presumed extinct Page 2