Why Stars Chase the Sun (Forget Me Knot Series Book 1)

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Why Stars Chase the Sun (Forget Me Knot Series Book 1) Page 23

by C. R. Ellis

He gripped my hips and flipped me onto my back before I even realized what was happening. As quickly as he’d adjusted my body, he was there, hovering over me and so close I could feel the tingle of his breath against my nose as he searched my face. The dim light enhanced Emmett’s sharp features, making his intensity almost palpable. I ran my hands over the smooth, muscled plane of his chest that now consumed my entire view, but he was faster. He grabbed my wrists and held them together with one hand, while pulling something off of the nightstand with the other.

  The tie.

  Playful, fun Emmett was ridiculously hot. But this? It was fire, and I was begging to be burned to the fucking ground. I was so far gone all I wanted was to be devoured, consumed by him like the wildfire burning through my body.

  “You should, uh, probably, do…something…,” I huffed, not even caring how breathy and desperate I sounded. Silky fabric tightened around my hands, biting into my skin just enough to keep my wrists secured in place.

  “Something?” he asked, tugging my shirt up until the fabric was draped over my eyes. “Nah, Tiny. I think I’ll do several somethings,” he promised, dropping his mouth to my chest.

  My back arched, lifting off the bed as a result of the scrape of his teeth along my sensitive, fully exposed skin. I wanted to see his face; he knew I loved watching his reaction along with seeing everything he did to my body. I squirmed, but he held my hands in place and kept the shirt over my eyes, keeping me in complete darkness. This was my punishment, the consequence I had to face for my ass not being in his bed.

  I can live with this, I thought as a shiver raked through me when his hands danced over my red, silk panties. “You were right, Jade, I’m a big fan of red now,” he murmured, slowly pulling them down my legs. “But I’m an even bigger fan of having you like this.”

  I gasped when I felt two of his fingers slip into me, but the gasp quickly faded when he started pumping them just the way he knew I liked. “Emmett,” I moaned, between short, choppy breaths.

  He swiped a thumb over my clit while his other fingers kept working me. “Is this what you want?” he asked, his voice sounding rough and sexy. I never thought I’d get to a point in my life where I’d beg for sex. But Emmett ‘Sex God’ Sinclair apparently had other plans.

  And I kinda liked it.

  I nodded vigorously, panting a fuck, and a yes, and a please. My hands itched to find his arms, to create some kind of contact with him, but I kept them together, gripped against the headboard.

  “You can do better than that, Jade,” he commanded, removing his hand. With my eyes still covered, my other senses were trying to compensate for the loss of sight. There was no mistaking the sounds he made as he licked the fingers he’d just had inside me. God, that’s hot. He pressed wet fingers against my lips until they parted, allowing him access to dip them into my mouth. I sucked, tasting my own desperation and moaning against his fingers.


  Emmett’s tongue filled the void left by his fingers and earned him another throaty moan from me. He alternated between licking and sucking until I was bucking against him, mumbling a string of incoherent words.

  I was close, teetering on the edge of an orgasm only Emmett could provide, when he stopped. He crawled over my body until I could feel his chest pressing against mine, his breath against my mouth. I was about to voice a protest when his fingers were back inside me, pumping in and out in a torturously wonderful pace. “Oh, God…fuck me. Now,” I begged at a moan, thrusting my hips into his movements.

  He was purposefully building me, bringing me to the brink, only to pull me back. I was wrong before; this was my punishment for not following orders.

  Jesus. Emmett didn’t play. It’d probably be best to remember that in the future.

  The future. As in, the one we were actually going to get to have. I didn’t have time to dwell on the realization because lips—ones I’d never be able to forget—pressed against mine. I eagerly opened beneath them, letting his tongue, and subsequently the taste of myself, flood into my mouth. He kissed me like his fingers fucked me—hard, demanding, and with the kind of pressure he knew would bring me close to falling apart around him. With his lips still on mine, his fingers left, causing me to whimper a protest into his mouth. He chuckled lightly and moved against my body until his cock was there, rubbing me. I moaned, trying to thrust up so he’d be in me.

  He peeled his lips off mine, shifting his weight. “I love the way you taste, and the way you feel when you come against my hand or mouth, but right now, I am really fucking desperate to be buried inside you,” he growled before thrusting once and filling me completely.

  I cried out and pressed my hips up to meet his thrusts. He hooked an arm over my leg, bending it at the knee to get his desired angle. Oh. My. God. He knew exactly what to do, what tempo to set—everything down to the way I needed him branding me with his mouth, sucking, biting, tugging against my nipples—to bring my elusive orgasm back. He probably set the record for fastest orgasm-induction, because all it took for me to scream his name and come apart was a few thrusts. I’d barely recovered from the first one when he eased his cock out of me and flipped my body so I was face-down against the mattress. With a swift push, he drove back into me, gripping my hips to steady us both.

  “Come for me, Jade,” he demanded. I didn’t need convincing; I was already there; his voice, the way he growled my name as a command, shoved me over the edge. After I let go, he was right behind me, groaning and murmuring into my ear.

  Hours later, I whispered into the darkness against his chest, “Emmett?”

  He stirred, tightening his grip on my hip. “Yeah, Tiny?”

  “No more secrets, ‘kay?”

  “Never,” he promised.

  Chapter 20


  It only took nine torturous days for me to crack under the desperation I felt to have Jade back in my arms. She left Saturday night, and I immediately felt her absence in my chest, like she’d taken my ability to process oxygen with her. I knew she had to go; life had to carry on while I wrapped up everything in Boston. That’s what motivated me most, though—knowing once I got this shit handled with the Senator and Will, I’d be free to leave Boston and live in the same city as the woman who consumed my mind, demanded my attention, and permeated every single thought I possessed.

  We talked, video chatted, and texted every day. Anything short of physical contact would never be enough, though. I needed to feel her soft skin beneath mine, to inhale the citrusy scent of her hair, to see the blindingly beautiful smile she reserved just for me.

  I was three miles into my run when I looked up and found Harrison’s reflection in the mirror to my left. The gym took up half of the twelfth floor of the J.S. building, and always had employees littered throughout the space.

  Harrison strode my way with a scowl on his face severe enough several employees whipped their gawking stares away from him, directing their attention back to whatever machine they were using.

  “Anything?” I asked, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

  “We’ve got enough photos and surveillance on Will to get him arrested and charged on possession and solicitation. Still working on the others, though.” On linking Will to the club in New York, and on finding out where he’d scored the date-rape drugs.

  I shook my head. “Solicitation’s not enough. The Senator will have the charges dismissed in no time.”

  “I know. We’re still digging. In the meantime, how’s it coming on your end?”

  “Good. We’ve made a lot of progress. Should be done by sometime next week.”

  It’s truly remarkable what a person can accomplish given the right motivation. After Jade’s plane took off, I didn’t even bother going home; her scent would still be all over my bed anyway, so I went straight to my office and got to work on forming a plan to keep my father from making it to the primaries. If I did this right, there was even a good chance he’d lose his seat in the Senate.

on nodded and turned to leave the gym. I knocked out a couple more miles before a satisfying burn spread through my legs and chest, momentarily distracting me from the thoughts of Jade that were always there, demanding to be kept in the forefront of my mind.

  It should’ve startled me, the fact Jade had slammed into my life and completely owned me in such a short time. But it didn’t. She’d engrained herself in my mind and under my skin. I knew time didn’t define the depth of my feelings for her; I was convinced every single emotion she made me feel had always been there, right from the start. Time only served to peel back the layers and reveal each emotion she elicited within me.

  “How do you feel?” John asked from the doorway of my office. “Based on your smile, I’m guessing pretty damn good. Looks like you’re almost done.”

  With the legal paperwork for the Axtero deal finally done, I was days away from splitting time between Boston and Austin until things settled down. And I could not fucking wait. After Hope told me she’d personally come kick my ass if I stayed in Boston, I finally let go of my apprehension.

  My grin broadened. “It just feels…right. And a little bittersweet, knowing I won’t be sharing a wall with you anymore, but I swear, I never knew I’d be so excited to leave Boston.”

  He stepped into what was no longer going to be my office after today, marching toward the window behind my desk overlooking the Boston Harbor. “This place won’t be the same without you, Emmett. But there’s no one I trust or want more than you to run Axtero. You deserve this.”

  I moved to stand next to him, taking in the incredible view below us. I’d always loved watching the boats come and go. I knew I’d miss this view. But I already missed Jade more. “Means a lot, John. Thank you. I’ll do my best to make you proud.”

  A large, comforting hand came down on my shoulder, causing me to turn his way. “Emmett, you already make me proud. Not a day goes by I’m not proud of the man you’ve become, son.”

  Not even my actual father called me son, but John had all my life. I stuck my hand out and he placed his into it, giving me the same shake he’d shown me when I was six and insisted he teach me how to have a proper handshake. I dropped his hand and pulled him in for a hug. He might’ve taught me how to shake hands like a man, but he also never shied away from showing me all the affection my father never did.

  “You know you’re not getting rid of me just because I’ll be in a different state. I’ll come back all the time and fully expect you and Em to visit.”

  “Knowing your aunt, we’ll be visiting before you can even settle into your new place.”

  I chuckled through a nod in agreement. “God, I’m going to miss her.”

  John, Harrison, and I spent the next hour going over my progress with the plan for crushing the Senator’s political aspirations, and I left the J.S. Innovations building feeling completely confident it would actually work. Freed from thoughts of Senator Sinclair on the walk to my condo, I was able to finalize some plans of a different variety.

  With only one more detail to work out, I knew exactly who to call for help. “Jas, it’s Emmett. I need some information from you, but you can’t tell Jade I’m calling.”

  I got home and spent a couple of hours packing, killing time until Jade was ready for our nightly video call. My phone started ringing at the same time I reached into my pocket to text her. Assuming Jade was the one calling, I didn’t check the caller ID before answering.


  “Tell me, big brother, is it true?” Hearing Will’s voice felt like a thousand needles being stabbed into my brain.

  I had to force my jaw to unclench. “Is what true?”

  “A buddy told me you’re moving. Leaving J.S. Innovations and Boston.”

  I hesitated. I knew he’d find out eventually, but I didn’t think he’d fucking call to chat about it. “Don’t you know not to believe everything you hear, Will?”

  He just chuckled. “What’s with the secrecy? I feel like you don’t want me to know where you’re going.”

  Ignoring the fake pain in his voice, I countered, “And I feel like you’re calling me just to hear the sound of your own voice.”

  “Careful, Emmett, you sound defensive. I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I didn't react. “Is there a reason you’re suddenly interested in my residential status?”

  “Damn. A guy’s not allowed to wonder where his twin lives?”

  “Not when physical characteristics are all he’s got in common with his twin.” My voice was flat and unemotional. I’d had years of practice reining in the short fuse I always had with Will.

  “Oh, come on, I wouldn’t say that’s all we have in common.”

  I walked through my condo, to the balcony off of the living room. For some reason, having Will on the phone made me feel like he was lurking nearby, watching me. My eyes darted down to the street, but everyone looked like little blobs from this height, moving along the sidewalks like worker ants. I felt the soft breeze brush against my skin, but its typical calming effect was missing. I usually loved coming out here to feel the breeze and soak in the view, but my brain refused to acknowledge anything remotely positive right now.

  Will continued when I didn’t take the bait. “I can think of several things we’ve got in common,” he said. “Of course, I’ve got much better taste in clothes and lifestyles, but we’ve always had the same taste in women.”

  Silence hung between us as I struggled to control my reaction. My grip tightened around the phone. “I’m not playing this fucking game with you, Will.”

  “What game? I’m just trying to bond with my brother before he leaves Boston by talking about things we’ve got in common. Like hot, feisty brunettes. Though I don’t usually have to import mine from another state,” he added, just in case I wasn’t clear which brunette he was talking about.

  I forced oxygen back into my lungs and chose not to acknowledge his attempt to goad me into talking about Jade. “You just pay for them instead.”

  His laughter grated against my ears. “Only when I’m bored and in need of an easy lay.”

  He’d just given me the perfect opening. “Well, you could always do what everyone else does to find a hookup, and go to a bar or a club.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to give me advice, Emmett.”

  “What can I say, you caught me in a generous mood,” I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “You know; I did meet someone at the last club I went to. Had a nice little ass and a sweet smile after being properly fucked. What was her name? Jessica? Jasmine? No, not Jasmine.” He paused, giving me enough time to rip the balcony door open and seek privacy for the shitshow about to ensue. “Jade. Jade was her name.”

  It was a talent Will possessed, the ability to elevate my temper from a controlled simmer to surface-of-the-sun hot in a matter of seconds.

  I’m gonna kill him. This motherfucker is dead.

  I’d never wanted to inflict so much pain on another human being, even this piece of shit human, as I did right now. My chest was heaving, heart pounding with enough adrenaline I could probably fly. “Listen to my next words carefully because I’m only gonna say them once, Will. You are done seeing, speaking, or even fucking thinking about Jade. If I find out you so much as look in her direction, there will be nothing the Senator can do to protect you from the hell I’ll make your life. You hear me?”

  Will’s low whistle rang in my ear. “Easy, Emmett. Here I am thinking we’re making some memories, bonding like you always wanted to, and now you’ve gotta ruin it by threatening me.”

  “No, Will. It’s a goddamn promise. I will fucking destroy you.” I lifted my eyes to the hallway mirror in front of me, and I could barely recognize the man staring back at me. My eyebrows pulled down and my eyes were narrowed, angry slits. I had to fight the urge to smash my fist into the mirror at my reflection after remembering Will’s reflection matched mine.

  “Just tell me one thing, EJ.�
�� He paused, and like an idiot, I stayed on the line instead of hanging up. “Which one of us do you think she pictures when you fuck her?”

  I didn’t think, I just reacted. All of the Will-related frustration and anger I’d held on to since New York demanded to be released. My fist connected with the mirror. Pain sliced through my knuckles thanks to the shards of glass lodged in them.

  My phone clattered harshly to the ground, and I didn’t even care if Will heard the reaction his words caused. Stepping through pieces of glass, I cradled my left hand to try and contain the blood on the way to the bathroom. After pulling out two big chunks, I could see the damage was limited to my middle knuckles, and the glass had only penetrated half an inch or so into the skin. I grabbed the first aid kit and quickly bandaged my wound.

  You, Emmett Sinclair, are a fucking idiot.

  That’s exactly the kind of reaction Will wanted, and I’d walked right into it.

  Goddamn it.

  My laptop started ringing with an incoming video call, and the tight knot of anger in my chest instantly relaxed because I knew only one person would be calling right now.

  “You have no idea how glad I am to see you right now,” I said.

  She smiled and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Right back atcha, handsome.” Her smile faded after she had a second to study my features. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  She arched a brow, displeased with my vague answer. “Emmett.”

  I sighed. No more secrets. “I thought you were calling, so I accidentally answered Will’s call. Talking to that asshole is always going to piss me off.”

  Jade’s face pinched together in a grimace. “Shit. I’m sorry, Emmett,” she lamented, biting her bottom lip and looking guilty and anxious. She didn’t like to talk about it, but I knew she still had trouble coming to grips with what happened in New York. I still had a hard time; I couldn’t imagine how she felt.

  I frowned, wishing I could wrap my arms around her. “Not your fault, Tiny.”


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