Alpha Ascending (Shifter Clans Book 2)

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Alpha Ascending (Shifter Clans Book 2) Page 4

by Tiffany Shand

  “That’s not true, I…” he protested.

  “You need to put your differences aside. You’ve always been connected. Now is the time to act like it,” Magda snapped. “First, Christy, you need to learn how to shift.”

  She let out a small yelp. “No! No way, I can’t – why can’t we just learn some hocus-pocus instead?” The thought of shifting terrified her. What if she couldn’t shift back? What if she stayed a wolf forever?

  “Christy, you were born shifter,” Magda said. “Try to embrace it. Put the trauma of your first shift behind you.”

  “I told you, I can’t do this.” She stormed away, out of the camp, letting the tears fall.

  To her surprise, Ronan rushed after her. “What’s wrong?” he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

  She shoved his hand away. “As if you care!”

  His lips thinned. “I do care, I never said I didn’t.”

  “Just go away, I can’t do this. I can choose an alpha, or give them my power but I can’t do it myself. Enough people have died already because of me.”

  Ronan shook his head. “This isn’t all about you, Chris.”

  “Isn’t it? My family are dead because I said no to Alec, your family died because I’m somehow connected to the curse. What good can I do for anyone?” Her hands balled into fists, she felt power bubble to the surface as her wolf screamed at the edge of her mind, trying to get out.

  He put his hands on her shoulders. “Alec would have done all those things no matter what you said or did,” he said. “My family wasn’t killed because of you. I don’t know how you’re connected to the curse, but we’ll figure it out.” He paused. “I should have stayed with my clan too, I let them become like this. We all make mistakes. But it’s how we make up for them that counts.”

  She stared at him, anger failing. “The first time I shifted it was because someone tried to kill me. That’s why I never did it again.”

  “That won’t happen this time. Come on, let’s give it a try.”

  “You first.” She’d seen him shift hundreds of times. Maybe it would put her more at ease.

  “I – I can’t. Oren did something so I can’t shift anymore,” Ronan admitted. “I don’t know how else it might have affected me.”

  Her mouth fell open. She hadn’t realised such a thing was possible. That must’ve been why he’d been so distant. “I’m so sorry, Ro.” She touched his cheek.

  He kissed her forehead. “Shifting is easy. Just let it happen.”

  Christy stood there, waiting, feeling her wolf scratching at the cage of her mind.

  Nothing happened.

  How had she done it the first time? She couldn’t remember. She’d been so terrified at the time.

  “Close your eyes. Try to remember what it felt like. See your wolf in your mind.”

  She shut her eyes. Come on, wolf. Come out. It’s okay. Christy frowned, remembering her first shift, focusing on that instead of her fear. She felt her body vibrate, muscle popped, bone cracked as she shifted.

  When she looked down, she saw two white paws in front of her. The world became brighter. She heard the thump of Ronan’s heartbeat, birds singing in the trees, people talking. Every sight and sound became sharper, stronger, more overwhelming. Her delight turned to panic as she covered her face with her paws.

  “Christy, it’s okay.” Ronan knelt in front of her. The smell of him and the pumping of his heart sounded like a jackhammer. “Chris, it’s alright. Just focus on me. Breathe.”

  Panting, Christy looked up as everything calmed. She moved past him, looking at herself in the stream. A wolf with brilliant white fur stared back at her. Her hazel brown eyes still looked the same. A long bushy tail wagged behind her.

  Strange, all her worries faded. Being in wolf form felt like pure freedom. Her old concerns didn’t matter anymore. She turned, jumped on Ronan, knocking him to the ground. This is incredible, she said, putting her paws on his chest and licking his face.

  She turned, ran back towards the camp, said hello to Magda then raced back to Ronan.

  “Told you it wasn’t bad.” Ronan laughed. “Shift back now.”

  Christy didn’t want to shift back, she wanted to run, discover all the sights and smells of the island, feel the grass between her paws.

  “Christy!” Magda called. “Come back. Now is not the time for messing about.”

  She hesitated. How did she shift back?

  “Think of who you were. The woman, not the wolf,” Ronan suggested.

  She imagined her human form, felt her body shift. “That was incredible,” she breathed.

  “Told you.” He grinned.

  She grabbed his shirt, kissed him hard on the mouth, before pulling away. “You might be afraid of taking things further between us, but I’m not.” She headed back towards Magda with a smile on her face.

  Chapter 7

  Ronan settled down by the fire with Josh, Caleb and the others in the main hut that the outsiders used for meetings and meals.

  “So Christy finally shifted, huh?” Lola grinned.

  He nodded, unable to hold back a smile too. Christy was beautiful in both human and wolf form. “Too bad the magic side isn’t so easy,” he murmured. For me too, he thought. He couldn’t use it the same way Christy could, and he suspected that was the curse.

  “So are you guys together now?” Lola wagged her eyebrows.

  Josh snorted. “Yeah, Walker. That princess of yours is one good-looking wolf – for a royal I mean.”

  “I wouldn’t say no.” Caleb smirked, jabbing Ronan in the ribs with his bone of meat.

  He glowered at them. “I’m not jumping into bed with her just because of our…situation.”

  “Yeah, come on, Ro. We both know you’re crazy about her, so what’s the problem?” Lola demanded, chewing on her own peace of chicken.

  “Maybe he just doesn’t know how to,” Caleb suggested, and they all burst out laughing.

  Ronan scowled and stormed off. It wasn’t that simple. He didn’t just want Christy because they had a chance to be together now. He wanted more than that.

  He stalked back towards the camp. Wished he could shift and run, but there were only so many places he could go on this damn island without being killed.

  Instead, he ran through the woods, feet pounding on hard earth as he circled the woods and camp three times.

  Ronan didn’t know why he’d said no to Christy. Yes, they had a chance to be together and yes, he wanted her. He’d loved her for as long as he could remember, yet he needed more. No amount of assurances from Magda about being destined to be mates mattered.

  Rain pelted down him, a storm rumbling in the distance, lighting up the night sky. He ran back through the camp straight into Christy’s hut.

  She sat on her bed cross-legged reading through a pile of books. She looked up and rose when he came in. “Hey, I can’t believe they managed to keep books here,” she gushed. “There’s even information about your clan’s lore.”

  Drops of water fell from his hair. “Are Magda and Lola coming back?” he asked, breathing hard.

  “No, they moved to another hut, it’s warmer there for Magda,” she said. “I think I found a way to–”

  He wrapped one arm around her waist, used the other to cup the back of her head. He captured her mouth in a kiss, drinking in the taste of her. Christy moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He kissed her long and hard, his fingers tangling in her long silky hair. The way he’d wanted to do for years. This kiss was filled with years of longing and repressed desire. She pulled him closer, pressing her body against his. Ronan nuzzled her neck, savouring the smell of her.

  Mine, his wolf growled. Mate. He felt fangs protrude from his mouth, ready to bite her. Make her his.

  He pulled back, breathing hard.

  “What’s wrong?” Christy gasped, staring at him wide-eyed.

  Ronan braced himself against the wall, still struggling for breath. “Nothing. God damn it
!” He hit the wall, muttering a curse.

  “Ro, why the hell won’t you tell me what’s going on?” Christy demanded. “You flushing hot and cold is getting bloody confusing.”

  “Because…” Damn it, he couldn’t get the words out. Instead, he backed her against the wall feeling the warmth of her body so close again made it all the harder to concentrate.

  Her breath caught, her desire mixed with anger.

  “Damn it, Christy. I love you,” he murmured. “I’ve loved ever since that day your father introduced us again. But I don’t want to be with you just because I have the potential to be an alpha.”

  “I love you too, Ronan.” She smiled. “So what’s problem?”

  “This is the problem. When your dad was alive I knew we could never do this, but now… I don’t want us to be together out of obligation,” Ronan said. “Mating is forever. We won’t be able to walk away from it. I just want you to be sure that this is what you want.”

  She laughed. “You stupid wolf.” She kissed him again, shoved him back onto the bed. “Ronan Walker, I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. Don’t even think about walking away from me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, just holding her. Christy rested her head against his shoulder. “Would it be so bad if we became mated?”

  “Maybe not.” He ran his fingers through her hair.

  “No more secrets, okay?”


  Ronan walked out to find Magda sitting outside. The first yellow rays of dawn had only just broken through the blanket of darkness. “Are you resting?”

  She snorted. “I don’t have that luxury, are you mated yet?”

  He rolled his eyes. “No.”

  “Ronan, we’re running out of time. Where is Christy?”

  “She’s still sleeping.”

  “Wake her up. We have work to do.”

  Christy grumbled about being woken up so early. “What’s going on?” She yawned.

  “You both need to learn magic, but there’s not much time before the full moon to show you how,” Magda told them. “I think there might be a way to speed up the process.”

  “How?” Ronan frowned. Anything that might help them stop Alec and Oren would be worth it.

  “I need my books – they’re all back at the mansion.”

  Ronan and Christy glanced each other. “Mags, you know we can’t go back there,” he remarked, slipping an arm around Christy.

  “A small group could. I have charms to shield you all.” Magda motioned to some twisted pieces of leaves and flowers.

  “I thought Oren bound your powers?” Ronan remarked.

  Magda laughed. “That old bastard can’t take away all my power, I’ve weakened his hold on them,” she said. “Both of you should go. Take Josh and Lola with you.”

  Ronan’s frown deepened. “But–”

  Christy glowered at him. “I can shift now. I know my way around the mansion better than anyone.”

  “But…” He sighed. “Fine, but stay close to me. If Alec tries anything, get the hell out of there.”

  “Ha, if anyone’s going to need protecting it’ll be you.” She grinned.

  Chapter 8

  Christy’s stomach fluttered with excitement. Despite the danger, it felt good to feel useful since only she had any real magic, or knew the way around the mansion without being detected. She knew Ronan didn’t like the idea of her coming along, but she liked being able to work together for a change, without him having to protect her.

  “Since when do we take orders from a witch?” Josh grumbled.

  “You didn’t have to come along,” Ronan pointed out as they made their way along the forest path.

  “I just think this is suicide. I have to make sure you don’t get killed,” Josh said. “Especially now you’ve had the sense to come back to your true people. Where’s this tunnel you told us about, pack princess?”

  Christy scowled at his nickname for her. “I told you, I’m not a princess anymore. I never liked being one anyway,” she replied. “It’s not far from here.”

  “How come I’ve never heard of these tunnels?” Josh asked. “I’ve been sneaking around this island all my life and never found one.”

  “You weren’t related to the alpha. Only my family know about it.”

  She moved ahead with Ronan following after her. “I still don’t like this,” he muttered.

  Her lips curved into a smile. “You’re not my guard anymore.”

  He folded his arms. “Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean people won’t still come after you.”

  “Hey, I can protect myself. I learned to fight from the best.” She squeezed his hand. They walked together hand-in-hand. Christy used her inner wolf to guide her, remembering the places Malic had shown her when they were kids. Her wolf remembered the way.

  She stopped when they reached a spot on the north side of the island, not far from the Stargaza lands.

  “There’s nothing on this part of the island,” Josh said, still looking unconvinced.

  Christy knelt, moving leaves aside. She dug down through the dirt until she found the metal hatch. It opened with a loud groan. “Believe me now?” She arched an eyebrow Josh.

  “I’ll go first,” Ronan said.

  She frowned at him. I thought we agreed to be partners? You said we were in this together.

  He nodded. We are, but I’m still going first.

  He disappeared down into the darkness.

  She climbed down the ladder, careful to keep her footing as the rays of light from the open hatch retreated.

  Lola and Josh followed behind, closing the hatch after them. Christy’s feet landed on hard earth. Her eyes adjusted to the pitch blackness. For once she felt grateful for her wolf allowing her to see in the dark.

  “This way.” She motioned for the others to follow her.

  Thanks to Ronan’s limited abilities they couldn’t use their shifter speed so had to walk instead.

  The tunnels broke off into two separate passageways. She took the right side, sensing her way back home.

  “What kind of book are we looking for?” Josh wanted to know. “Will it help us to blast Alec and Oren of the island?”

  “Magic doesn’t work that way,” Christy answered. “It’s to help Ronan and I learn magic since we both have the potential to become alphas.”

  “Does that mean you’re leading our people now?” Josh glanced at Ronan.

  “No, I’d never force anyone to follow me.” Ronan shook his head.

  “The others are starting to respect you. I never thought of myself as the leader, just as a stand-in until you got your act together.” He gave Christy a quick smile. “Maybe she’s a good influence on you after all.”

  “Careful, Josh. That almost sounded like a compliment.” Christy glanced up at the ceiling. “This is it. It leads up to a passage to Magda’s room.”

  “There’s no ladder,” Lola observed.

  “Not here. The tile moves so the alpha could come and go unnoticed.” She motioned to two small handles on the ceiling. With one leap, she scaled the wall, grabbed onto the handles and used her legs to brace herself against the wall. Stone groaned as she pushed the tile up and out. She climbed through. The air smelt damp and musty as she stared around the inky black passageway.

  Lola came up next. “How is Ronan going to get up here?”

  Damn, she hadn’t thought of that.

  Josh appeared with Ronan on his back. The four of them trailed down the passageway as Christy led them towards Magda’s chambers. The faint echo of voices echoed along the tunnel.

  The others froze, but Christy waved a hand. “It’s okay, let’s go.”

  She ran along the tunnel, Ronan and the others close behind her. The thick smell of salt and seaweed filled the air as she hurried past the stone walls and brushed cobwebs off her face.

  Christy stopped when the passageway ended. We need to be careful and quiet now, she told the others.

  Josh and I wi
ll go first, Ronan said, moving past Christy.

  Ro! She glared at him, hands on hips. You can’t shift, and your other abilities are weak too.

  Chris, if Alec has a trap set in there you and Lola need to get back to the others.

  He has a point, pack princess, Josh agreed. Better we get captured than you.

  Right, we’re better at saving your arses. Lola grinned.

  Wait, Christy said. Do we all have our charms on?

  The others all nodded.

  Okay, Ro, touch this part of the wall. She took his hand and placed his palm on the stone. Be careful!

  The door clicked open as the wall swung inwards, flooding the tunnel with light. Lola grabbed Christy’s arm, pulling her back a few steps.

  Christy’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched Ronan and Josh disappear into the room beyond.

  Chapter 9

  Ronan glanced around the room, hearing the some of his own heartbeat along with Josh’s. His inner wolf growled, locked in the cage of his mind. His senses felt weak. He hated feeling useless.

  Damn Oren!

  Josh gave him a thumbs up sign for the all clear.

  The room smelt of stale smoke and leftover incense. Books lined an entire side of the room, the large mahogany desk was cluttered with ornaments and crystals.

  “Jesus, how we going to find one book in this place?” Josh muttered.

  Mags said its dark blue with a silver pentacle on the spine. We need to be quick and careful. Oren must suspect we’d come back here, said Ronan. He started scanning the shelves. Magda must have every magic book in existence! Some books were piled on top of others with the spines covered up.

  “This could take days!” Josh groaned.

  “Any luck?” Christy appeared in the doorway.

  Ronan muttered an oath. “You were supposed to wait in the tunnel.”

  “Ha! I spent years hanging back while others looked out for me. It’s time to protect myself.”

  She and Lola joined them, each taking a bookcase as they scoured each tome.

  Ronan stopped. “This doesn’t feel right,” he remarked. “Oren wouldn’t just let us walk in here undetected.”


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