Two Polluted Black-Heart Romances

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Two Polluted Black-Heart Romances Page 33

by Kevin James Breaux

  Sabrina arched her back and fluttered her wings.

  “Come on, Jackson. Fuck me.” She urged. “Fuck me harder.”

  One set of deep, hard trusts lead to another. Sabrina’s heart raced as her attention focused on the tautness of the muscles in his lower abdomen and the way they slammed against her buttocks.

  “That’s it,” she moaned. “Give it to me. Make me come again and then I want you to come for me.”

  “Soaking wet,” he mumbled.

  His hand brushed her wings as it reached for the back of her neck, and set off a chain reaction she could not control.

  “Damn it! Fuck!” Sabrina groaned. “Close your eyes!”

  Amped up and extremely sensitive from all the hormones and intense sexual activity, her wings suddenly pulsed.

  “You okay?” she asked when Jackson pulled out.

  He did not answer, so she gazed back at him. “Did you come?”

  Jackson shook his head and then reached out and placed his hands on her ass. The way he gripped her was nearly enough to make her melt.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked. “Stick it back in.”

  Jackson bent down and, with his hands still on her cheeks, dove his tongue between her crack.

  “Oh fuck!” Sabrina shrieked. “Fuck that feels good!”

  Jackson ran his flicking tongue up and down and wet her end to end; she screamed louder than she ever had during sex.

  When he stopped, she wanted more, but his hardness quickly changed her mind when it filled her once more.

  “I want to fuck you until we both break, Sabrina.”

  “I can take it.”

  “I know you can.”

  His thrusts were harder than before, and the grunts that followed tipped her off.

  “You’re going to…”

  “Yeah,” he said with a heavy breath. “I wanna come on your face.”

  “Um—” Sabrina wanted something more. “I’d rather you come inside me.”


  “Do it inside me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Sabrina nodded. “I want you to.”

  With that, he released hard at the end of a deep thrust and with a grunt that shook his and her body. She felt it all. So warm…so fucking warm.

  After he stroked himself done, he collapsed to the seat. “That was incredible.”

  “It was,” Sabrina agreed. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “Fucked in the backseat of a limo? That was incredible.” Jackson hooted. “I feel so alive.”

  Sabrina meant let a man orgasm inside her, but how could she tell him that now? She sat up next to him and then leaned over his lap so she could lick his tip clean. After he shook and squirmed with delight, she batted her eyes at him. “I’m glad you liked it.”

  “God damn it, I feel like a fucking pro,” he stated surely. “Like you said, pro athletes live like this. I was meant to live like this.”

  Sabrina wiped herself clean with his shirt. “Too bad we don’t have a driver—”

  “Don’t we?”

  Sabrina watched Jackson look about a moment before he called out. “Hey, Weston.”


  Weston replied, his voice seemingly out of nowhere. Sabrina had no idea he was there.

  Oh no. Did he just see everything? He must hate me…

  “I want you to drive us,” Jackson said.


  “Where to, Sabrina? Is there a bar you want to go to. Or maybe a late, late dinner? I’m starving.”

  “We have to go Moselle’s house,” Sabrina repeated solemnly. “Remember?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Well, I might need some clothes first,” she said and then held up his shirt. “And you might need a new shirt.”

  “Walmart is open,” Weston said.

  “Okay. Then let’s go. But nice and slow, Weston.” Jackson looked her in the eye. “There needs to be enough time for me to fuck this horny fairy again before we get there.”

  Sabrina could not believe Jackson. “Seriously? I—”

  Jackson interrupted her. “Can you do that, Weston? Can you drive us slowly?”

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. Right, Sabrina?” Jackson asked.

  Sabrina heard the engine turn over and the car shift into gear. The tremors rattled the limo. She had all but forgotten about the quake. The vibrations had not stopped; she had just been too preoccupied to pay them any attention until now. After an especially long one, she swore she heard the stone of one of the buildings outside crack. It was all a reminder of her reality.

  “Good?” Jackson asked again, this time as he nodded at her.

  “Yeah.” Sabrina forced a smirk. “Who had five orgasms and really enjoyed when you licked her?” She tried to cut the tension.


  “This girl.” She pointed both thumbs at her vagina.

  “Fantastic.” Jackson lit up. “I think I can help her again.”

  Sabrina patted her head dry with a clean part of Jackson’s shirt. “I think I need a drink first.”

  “The bar here is fully stocked.”

  “Water?” Sabrina asked.

  Jackson just stared at her a moment and then smiled. “Whose limo do you think this is?”

  “Oh. Right.”

  Time to Meet Cade’s Maker

  Cade drove the last few blocks to Moselle’s home. He needed to, at the very least, appear like he was in total control. He knew Nicodemus and Natalia awaited him, and the idea of them seeing him arrive, driven by a cursed undead woman, made him fear he would lose their respect. He could not risk that. Not now. Especially not now.

  Cade glanced at Moselle. In her circle, she’s treated like royalty. She has no idea that most vampires consider her kind—all other undead—as lowly. That which rots is trash. That which rots is not us, he recited something he had heard Dunyasha say long ago.

  Dunyasha…she’s awake. I can feel her.

  “Nico, it’s Cade,” he said into his cell phone. “I got your messages. I’m less than a minute from Moselle’s driveway.”

  “Much happened.”

  “Obviously. Tell me, is everything set?” Cade asked as he turned the fire engine too wide and scraped the left side into Moselle’s security gate.

  “Could you be more careful, Cade?” she asked snidely. “I’ve had to repair that once already this year.”

  “Sorry,” he whispered back.

  “I should have drove all the way home,” Moselle said as she picked some dead skin from the knuckles of her damaged hand.

  “Hey, Nico,” Cade said ignoring Moselle’s complaint. “You never told me how you got here so quickly. Did you steal a helicopter?”


  Cade looked into his rear view mirror in time to see the security gate swing back, clearly damaged beyond repair.

  “Then how?”

  Cade panned Moselle’s estate. He spotted Nicodemus first. The big man stood alone in the otherwise empty guest parking lot.

  “Where’s the truck? Where did you park?” Cade wondered aloud.

  Cade waved his arm out the window. Moselle’s large front yard was dark, but he could see enough to know Nico waved back. He spotted Natalia next. She paced underneath a tree not far from the parking area. Her arms were crossed and she appeared annoyed. No doubt bored, he figured.

  As soon as the fire engine’s headlights lit up what remained of the driveway, they suddenly flickered and shut off.

  “What the hell?” Cade said as the truck’s engine died and an odd crackle of static hummed in his ear. “Nico? Nico?”

  “It appears the engine and your phone have both died.”

  “My phone died?” he asked as he looked at its black screen.

  “It ceased to glow at the same time the lights went off.” Moselle pointed. “I was looking at you when it flickered.”

  Cade tossed his phone and grabbed the steering
wheel with both hands. He pumped the brakes, glanced at the speedometer and then the gas meter.

  “This makes no sense. You think maybe one of those things got into the gas tank or engine or something?” He shook the wheel as he gazed out at the dark driveway. “At least we’re slowing down and not going crash into… oh shit.”

  Dunyasha stood in the middle of Moselle’s driveway, her hands up in the air. Cade was shocked to see her. He knew she was awake, but he never would have expected her to be here—so far from the caves during the slumber.

  “Who is that?” Moselle asked curiously. When he did not reply, she repeated, “Who is that women, Cade?”

  Cade had nearly forgotten just how angelic Dunyasha looked. She was dressed in a long, flowing white dress that flaunted the elongated lines of her lithe frame. Her nearly waist-length black hair shimmered with an inexplicable blue sheen that made it look like feathers. Those hazel eyes—he’d lost himself in them before—they both terrified and excited him.

  If she would only smile, he thought. Her smile must be rapturous.

  “That, Moselle, is the lady Dunyasha.”

  Moselle gasped; Cade knew how she felt. “Your sire? Awake? Here?”

  “Yes.” He smiled.

  “You brought her here?”

  Cade shook his head as he pumped the brakes again. The truck rolled a little further before it finally came to a stop several feet before Dunyasha.

  “Did she… Did she do this? Did she shut the truck off?” Moselle rattled off her questions. “Can she do that?”

  “I’m not sure…”

  “Cade?” Moselle whispered. “Will she hurt me?”

  “No, Moselle.” He sighed. “She’ll only hurt me. She’d kill you.”

  Cade put the truck in park, took the key out of the ignition, and opened the door.

  “What?” Moselle peeped.

  “Stay here until I call you.”

  Dunyasha had lowered her arms and now stood still. As best as he could tell, his sire stared at Moselle, but her head jerked abruptly from side to side with an occasional twitch.

  “Dunyasha.” Cade bowed to her. “Head of my family, sire of my blood, your champion welcomes you to the great state of California.”

  When she did not answer, or even look at him, he followed her gaze back to Moselle.

  “Mistress?” he called to her softly.

  Cade heard heavy footsteps on the pavement behind him. He also smelled a familiar scent of leather oil. Nico’s had time to clean his boots.

  “She does not move…” Nico said as he approached.

  “What was she doing?” Cade asked. “Her hands were up; she looked like she was—”

  “She stopped your truck,” Natalia said as she strolled over. “Didn’t you see the pulse? Looked like a blue, wispy flame.”

  Cade looked at Nico as he looked at Cade; the old man did not share his look of surprise.

  “Second,” Nico stated dryly.

  “Appears you were right all along.”


  “Then she has power like we’ve never imagined.”


  “You missed it, Cade,” Natalia said as she looked up and waved to Moselle, who sheepishly waved back. “Not long after you left me alone here in this dreadfully boring place, the sky opened up and Nico and his truck drove through.”

  “What?” Cade felt his reality swept out from under him.

  “You should have seen Nicodemus’s face. A smile from ear to ear. I have never seen the old man so happy.”

  Nico smirked as he nodded. “Second.”

  “Finally, after ages, you two can stop arguing about it.” Natalia pointed at them both. “Nicodemus here lived the proof.”


  “What do you mean ‘tunnel’?”

  “Remember that goofy science fiction show back in the late nineties, the one called Sliders?” Natalia asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” Cade was surprised she named one he’d actually seen. “I remember I wanted to sink my teeth into that one woman’s ass.”

  “Captain Maggie?”

  Cade shrugged; he remembered the show, not the names of the characters. “Your point, Natalia?”

  “My point, darling, is that while standing here, no, not even a clean place to sit—”

  “Natalia, please.”

  “A portal, like the ones in Sliders, opened up right over there and out drove a tractor trailer.”

  “A portal, Nico?”


  “Nico skid and tore up that lady’s grass.” Natalia waved again to Moselle. “But he got the thing to stop, and after he did, I ran over to see if he was okay. To my surprise, Cade, he was not the only thing that came out of the portal.”


  “Second,” Nico stated again.

  “Okay. Okay,” Cade said to Nico. “You win. You hear me? You win.”

  Nicodemus smiled as he crossed his arms. “I was right.”

  “You were right.” Cade gave Nico’s arm a light jab. “Now stop riding me like a beat horse.”

  Dunyasha’s sudden movement startled them all. It appeared almost as if she had jumped forward and then back, but she’d only turned to the side. She muttered something over and over, but Cade could not make sense of it. She spoke in Old East Slavic; Cade had never been able to learn it well, and for the briefest moment wished the Bloke were there to translate.

  “Dunyasha.” Cade bowed with Nicodemus and Natalia quickly to follow. “Mistress, please let me introduce to you—”

  Dunyasha’s voice pierced his mind. “She cannot replace her.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She is not her,” Dunyasha said telepathically.

  Natalia and Nico kept quiet. Cade knew they knew better than to interrupt, even if they were not hearing their sire speak.

  “I tried. I tried to help her.” Cade would have sobbed had he not been so mortified. “Leanne’s death is my fault.”

  “She will never replace her.” Dunyasha pointed at Moselle.

  “No, my mistress.” He shook his head. “It was not my intention. That is Moselle. This is her home. I was—”

  Dunyasha’s head twitched and titled again. “You brought me something dead.”

  “Moselle is cursed undead.”

  “Worthless,” she said telepathically. “This is not the one you left me for.”

  “No.” Cade spit out. “I did not leave you for anyone, my sire. I would never…”

  Dunyasha moved again, and the suddenness made Cade back up. Now directly in front of him, they locked eyes. She’s mad. Cade shivered; he had not felt so cold in years, not since he was alive.

  “My mistress, let me explain. I thought the wraiths—”

  “Allowances,” she said for all to hear. “The Roman Gladiators were given whores after winning enough battles to prove their worth. I rewarded you with yours. A fairy princess by the name of Sabrina. I let you wake that day. I let you venture from the caves to her arms.”

  “You…” Cade had no idea Dunyasha had woken him. He always thought it was the intense sexual dreams he was having. “You have my thanks, my mistress.”

  “No. I have your disobedience.”


  Although relatively the same height, she seemed to lean over him before she spoke again. “You left me for the whore I allowed you.”

  “Dunyasha, I—”


  Moselle had finally exited the truck. When her feet hit the ground, Dunyasha moved to intercept her.


  Cade always underestimated Dunyasha’s speed. She had crossed the ten or so feet that separated them so quickly, she seemed to blink in and out of existence.

  Cade rubbed his eyes. She’s a blur.

  “You are an abomination,” Dunyasha said to Moselle, who looked as shocked and appalled to hear it as she was surprised by the woman’s speed.

  “Don’t hu
rt her!” Cade shouted.

  “Cade, remind your master who she speaks to—”

  “She knows, Moselle,” he hushed her. “And she don’t care.”

  Dunyasha turned to face Cade, Nicodemus, and Natalia. “Cade Robert Lawton of America.”

  “Yes?” he braced himself.

  “Your defiance will cost you greatly. Your failure to protect my childe will cost you—”

  “YA tozhe ne udalos’ yey, moya khozyayka,”10 Nicodemus said as he approached.

  “Stay out of this, Nico,” Cade whispered.

  “Cade? Buddy? Pal?” a tiny voice emerged from behind him.

  He looked back and watched a small slime ooze from the grooves in his boot. He’s wasn’t sure why, but he knew it was Joe.


  “Yeah, pally.”

  “I saw you consumed, merged away into that mass.”

  “No, man, you saw that other guy torn away from me. I’m finally free. Finally solo.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Back in the hospital. You tore us in two. You should’ve torn us into three.”

  “There were three of you?”

  “Until…” Joe said weakly.

  “Shit, that other slime. He’s the reason Leanne is dead.” Cade looked at his master. “I was tricked…”

  “Who are you, lesserling?” Dunyasha said to puddle of yellow goo.

  “Name’s Joe. I’m a slime.”

  Dunyasha uncharacteristically emoted. Cade had never seen her look so melancholy before.

  “Your kind killed my childe?”

  “Pollution did.” Joe quivered. “The Tainted—”

  “The Tainted.” Dunyasha grumbled.

  “Pollution is a gigantic mass of Tainted all blended together. Like… like…” Cade tried to explain.

  “The Blob and Godzilla had a toxic, gassy baby,” Joe described.

  “I was going to say like Gayte,” Cade shook his head as he said. “Just much larger. Much more vile.”

  “Oh? Vile, huh?”

  “Shush, Joe.”

  Dunyasha was silent long enough for Joe to take the shape of a small rat and scurry over to Cade’s open hand.

  “Cade, my champion…” Dunyasha gestured for him to approach her. “Natalia. Nicodemus. Children one and all. Explain yourselves.”

  Cade went first. He did his best to abbreviate all that had occurred from the time he’d arrived at the hospital to the moment he’d pulled the fire engine into Moselle’s driveway. Dunyasha was quiet through his entire story. He was surprised. As much as he knew she enjoyed his storytelling, he was sure he had gone on too long.


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