Clancy, Tom - Ballance of Power

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Clancy, Tom - Ballance of Power Page 13

by Balance of Power [lit]

  foreground sounds and play them separately.

  Arm came around the desk and leaned over Hood's

  shoulder. Her warmth, her closeness were comforting. He

  concentrated on reading the translation as the message


  "Ladies and gentlemen, good evening," said the

  announcer. "We interrupt the supper club

  troubador to report about further developments in the

  explosion of the yacht tonight in La Concha

  Bay. A few minutes ago, a tape recording

  was delivered to our studio. It was brought by a man who

  represented himself as a member of the First People of

  Spain. This recording is reportedly of a conversation

  which took place onboard the yacht, identified as the


  moments before it blew up. With the delivery of this

  tape, the FPS claims responsibility for the

  attack. They also declare Spain as the province of

  Spaniards, not of the elite of Catalonia. We

  will play the recording in its entirety."

  A parenthetical comment from Herbert read:

  The FPS is a group of Castilian

  pure-bloods. They 'we been publishing

  broadsides and recruiting members for two years.

  They've also claimed responsibility for two

  acts of terrorism against Catalonian and

  Andalusian targets. Their size and the identity of

  their leaderggs) is unknown.

  His jaw tightening. Hood continued reading the

  transcript as the recording began to play. He

  listened to the cool, quiet voice of Esteban

  Ramirez as he


  spoke about the Catalonian plans for

  Spain and boasted about the involvement of his group in the

  murder of Martha Mackall. His group-with the help

  of Congressional Deputy Isidro Serrador.

  "Lord Jesus," Hood said through his teeth. "Bob-

  is this possible?"

  "Not only is it possible," Herbert said, "but it

  explains Serrador's unwillingness to continue the

  talks with Darrell and Aideen. That son of a bitch

  set us up, Paul."

  Hood looked at Arm. He'd seen many of her

  darker moods during their nearly two years together but

  he'd never seen anything like the way she looked now.

  The compassion had faded completely from her face.

  Her lips were pressed tightly together and he could hear

  her breathing through her nostrils. Her eyes were hard and

  her cheeks were flushed.

  "What do you want to do, Paul?" Herbert asked

  Hood. " "And before you answer, keep in mind that

  the Spanish courts are not going to throw the book at

  a leading political figure because of an illegal

  tape recording made by someone whose hands are

  probably as dirty if not dirtier than

  Serrador's. They'll have a long, tough talk with

  him and investigate the hell out of him. But if he's

  got friends-and I'm sure he has- they're

  going to say he was framed. They'll do everything they can

  to stall the machinery of justice."

  "I know," Hood said.

  "I know you know," Herbert replied. "But they could

  let him plea-bargain, just to keep his constituents

  happy. Or they may let him off. Or they may

  let him 'escape" the country when no one's

  looking. What I'm


  saying is, we may have to take this matter into our own

  hands. If Serrador turns out to be a terrorist

  sponsor, we should fight fire with fire."

  "I hear you," Hood said. He thought for a moment.

  "I want the bastard, and if I can't have him legally

  at least I want him dead-to-rights."

  So much for higher morality.

  Hood told himself. He thought for a moment more. He

  didn't want Serrador to slip away.

  Unfortunately, he had only two

  HUMBLEANT resources on the scene, Darrell

  and Aideen. And he didn't know if they were up

  to keeping tabs on him until Striker or some

  third party group could get in and have a

  heart-to-heart talk with the bastard. He'd have

  to talk to Darrell about that. In the meantime,

  he needed more intelligence.

  "Bob," Hood said, "I want you to set up

  whatever electronic recon you can on the deputy."

  "It's already done," Herbert said. "We're getting

  on top of his office and home phones, fax lines,

  modem, and mail."


  "What do you plan on doing with Darrell and

  Aideen?" Herbert asked.

  "I'm going to talk to Darrell and then leave the

  decision in his hands. He's onsite; it should be his

  call. But before I do I want to talk to Carol

  banning, see if State can give us the big

  picture of what's really going on in Spain."

  " 'What do you think is going on?"'" Arm


  "Unless I miss my guess," Hood said, "the



  of Martha and her killers probably weren't just

  warning shots."

  "What were they?" she asked.

  Hood looked at her as he rose. " "I

  believe they were the opening salvos of a civil war."

  ATX-UL1024 m m

  ATX-UL0 Monday, 11:30 p.m. Madrid,


  During the months that Congress was in session,

  Deputy Isidro Serrador lived in a

  two-bedroom apartment in the very fashionable Parque

  del Retiro section of Madrid. His small

  seventh-floor rooms overlooked the spectacular

  boating lake and beautiful gardens. If one leaned

  out the window and glanced toward the southwest,

  Europe's only public statue of the devil was

  visible. Sculpted in 1880, the statue

  commemorated the only place where eighteenth-century

  Spanish ladies were permitted-by tradition, not

  by law-to defend their own honor in duels. Very

  few women had ever done so, of course. Only men

  were vain enough to risk their lives in order to reply to an


  Serrador was sitting in a divan and looking out the

  window at the lamplit park. He had come home after

  working on congressional business for the rest of the day,

  content in the knowledge that things had gone exactly as

  planned. Then he had taken a hot bath and

  briefly fallen asleep in the tub. When he got

  out, he turned on the oven to heat the dinner left for

  him by his housekeeper. He enjoyed a

  brandy while his pork shoulder, boiled potatoes,

  and chickpeas warmed.


  While he ate, on the hour, he would watch

  television and see how the news channel interpreted

  the shooting of the American "tourist." Then he would

  check his answering machine for calls and return them

  if it wasn't too late. He just didn't feel

  like dealing with people right now. He simply wanted

  to savor his triumph.

  Watching the news,

  he thought,

  will be very amusing.

  The experts would talk about the impact of the shooting

  on tourism without having any idea
what was truly

  going on-or what was going to happen over the next

  few weeks. It was astonishing how little political

  and economic forecasters ever really knew. For

  everyone who said


  someone else said


  It was all just an exercise, a game.

  His back was settled comfortably in the thick pillows

  and his bare feet lay crossed on the

  coffee table in front of him. The last of the brandy was

  settled comfortably in the back of his throat and

  reflections of the day's developments were resting

  comfortably in his head.

  The plan was ingenious. Two minorities, the

  Basques and the Catalonians, would unite to take

  over Spain. The Basques would contribute their

  arms, muscle, and experience at terrorist

  tactics. The Catalonians would use their

  influence over the economy, winning political

  converts by threatening a massive depression. Once

  control over the nation was established, the

  Catalonians would grant autonomy to the

  Basque country, allowing those-like Serrador-who

  wanted self-rule to have it. And the wealthy

  Catalonians would con 128 OP-CENTER

  tinue to run Spain, keeping the other

  nonautonomous groups in check by controlling


  It was ingenious-and foolproof.

  The telephone rang a moment before there was a knock

  on the door. Serrador started as his reverie was

  interrupted-on two fronts, no less.

  Grumbling unhappily, the politician slid his

  feet into his slippers and rose. As he

  shuffled toward the telephone he shouted roughly for

  whoever was at the door to wait a minute. No one

  could come upstairs without being announced by the concierge.

  So he wondered which of the neighbors wanted a favor

  at this hour. Was it the owner of the grocery chain who

  needed to expand his stores? Or the Castilian

  bicycle manufacturer who wanted to ship more

  units to Morocco, the bastard. At least the grocer

  paid for favors. The bicycle maker asked for them just

  because he happened to live on the same floor.

  Serrador helped them because he didn't want

  to make an enemy. One never knew when the

  neighbors might see or hear something that could be


  Serrador wondered why he was never visited by one

  of the beautiful concubines who lived here. There were at

  least three that he knew of, kept by government

  ministers who went home to their wives each night.

  The antique telephone sat on a small

  drop-leaf table in the carpeted foyer. Serrador

  finished tying the red sash of his smoking jacket and

  picked up the receiver. Let them wait at the door

  another minute, whoever it was. He'd had a long

  and exhausting day.



  he said.

  The pounding on the door grew more insistent.


  Someone outside was calling his name but he didn't

  recognize the voice.

  Serrador couldn't hear whoever was speaking on the

  telephone. Annoyed, he turned from the mouthpiece

  and yelled at the door. "Just a moment!" Then he

  scowled down at the phone. "Yes? What is it?"

  "Hello?" said the caller.


  "I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Ramirez."

  Serrador felt a chill. "Who is this?"

  " "My name is Juan Martinez,


  " said the caller. "Are you Deputy Serrador?"

  " "Who is Juan Martinez?"'" Serrador


  And who is at the door? What the


  is going on?

  "I'm a member of the


  was Martinez said.

  A key clattered against the door. The bolt was

  thrown back. Serrador glared over as the door

  opened. The superintendent stood in the hallway.

  Behind him were two police officers and a sergeant.

  "I am sorry,

  Senor Deputy,"

  said the concierge as the other men entered around him. "

  "These men I had to let up."

  "What are you doing?" Serrador demanded of them. His

  voice was indignant, his eyes unforgiving.

  Suddenly, he heard the phone click off, followed

  by the dial tone. He froze with the buzzing phone

  pressed to his ear, realizing suddenly that something had

  gone terribly wrong.

  "Deputy Delegado Isidro Serrador?"

  asked the sergeant.


  "You will please come with us."



  "To answer questions regarding the murder of an

  American tourist."

  Serrador pressed his lips together. He breathed

  loudly through his nose. He didn't want to say

  anything, ask anything, do anything until

  he'd had a chance to speak with his attorney. And

  think. People who didn't think were doomed before they


  He nodded once. "Permit me to dress," he

  said. "Then I will come with you."

  The sergeant nodded and sent one of the men to stand by the

  bedroom door. He wouldn't let Serrador shut

  it but the deputy didn't make an issue of it.

  If he let his temper go there'd be no getting that

  genie back in the bottle. It was best to suffer the

  humiliation and stay calm and rational.

  The men took Serrador down to the cellar and out through

  the garage of the building-so he wouldn't have to suffer the

  embarrassment of being arrested, he assumed. At

  least they didn't handcuff him. He was placed in

  an unmarked police car and driven to the municipal

  police station on the other side of the park. There, he

  was escorted into a windowless room with a photo of the king

  on the wall, a hanging fixture with three bulbs

  in white tulip-shaped shades, and an old wooden

  table beneath it. There was a telephone on the table and he

  was told he could use it to make as many calls as he

  wished. Someone would come to speak with him shortly.

  The door was shut and locked. Serrador sat in one

  of the four wooden chairs.

  He phoned his attorney, Antonio, but he was not



  Probably out with one of his young women, as a wealthy

  bachelor should be. He didn't leave a

  message. He didn't want Antonio coming

  home and some talkative nymph overhearing the

  message. There hadn't been any press waiting

  outside so at least this was being done quietly.

  Unless they were at the front of my apartment?

  he thought suddenly. Maybe that was why the police had

  taken him out through the garage door. Maybe that was

  what the concierge had meant:

  These men I had to let up.

  The press often tried to get to people who lived in the

  building, and the staff was good about insulating celebrity

  tenants from reporters. And his telephone number was

  changed regularly so
they wouldn't be able to bother him.

  But the caller had had it. He still wondered who that was

  and what he had tried to warn him about. No one could have

  known that he was involved with the people who had killed the

  American. Only Esteban Ramirez knew that

  and he wouldn't have told anyone.

  It occurred to him then to telephone the answering

  machine in his office. It also occurred to him

  that this telephone might be bugged, but that was a chance he

  was willing to take. He didn't have much of a choice.

  But before he could place the call, the door opened and

  two men walked in.

  They were not police.

  TE caret

  Tuesday, 12:04 a.m. Madrid, Spain

  The International Crime Police

  Organization-popularly referred to as

  Interpol-was established in Vienna in 1923.

  It was designed to serve as a worldwide clearinghouse

  for police information. After the Second World War, the

  organization was expanded and rechartered to focus on

  smuggling, narcotics, counterfeiting, and kidnapping.

  Today, one hundred seventy-seven nations provide

  information to the organization, which has offices in most

  of the major cities of the world. In the United

  States, Interpol liaises with the United States

  National Central Bureau. The USNCB

  reports to the Undersecretary for Enforcement of the

  U.s. Treasury Department.

  During his years with the FBI, Darrell

  McCaskey had worked extensively with dozens of

  Interpol officers. He had worked especially

  closely with two of them in Spain. One was

  the remarkable Maria Comeja, a lone wolf

  special operations officer who had lived with

  McCaskey in America for seven months while

  studying FBI methods. The other was Luis

  Garcfa de la Vega, the commander of Interpol's

  office in Madrid.

  Luis was a dark-skinned, black-haired,



  two-fisted Andalusian Gypsy who taught

  flamenco dancing in his spare time. Like the dance

  style, the thirty-seven-year-old Luis was

  spontaneous, dramatic, and spirited. He ran one

  of the toughest and bestinformed Interpol bureaus in

  Europe. Their efficiency and effectiveness had

  earned him both the jealous loathing and deep respect

  of local police forces.

  Luis had intended to come to the hotel right after the

  shooting, but the events in San Sebastian had

  caused him to delay his visit. He arrived

  shortly after eleven-thirty p.m., as McCaskey

  and Aideen were finishing dinner.

  Darrell greeted his old friend with a long embrace.


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