My Best Friend's Ex

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My Best Friend's Ex Page 3

by Tina Gayle

  “I can’t,” he groaned. His mouth covered her breast. The intense, wet heat scorched her. His teeth, lips, and tongue teased the tender flesh and drove her slowly out of her mind.

  Just when she believed she couldn’t take a moment more, he switched to her other breast. He ruthlessly explored her weakness until her body became his to control, the low moan rumbling in her throat an admission of surrender.

  Her skin burned as his fingertips slid over her curves, mapping the lines of her body and exposing secret spot she hadn’t even known existed. He built a fire inside her, one that threatened to consume. She cried for mercy, for relief, for oh, so much more.

  After what seemed like an eternity, he lifted his head. The blackened intensity of his gaze was a dead giveaway to his desire. Without a word, he crushed his mouth over hers.

  She went wild, bucking and wriggling beneath him. Her hands slid down his back and met the rough fabric of his jeans. Needing him free of the barrier, she tugged at the waistband and ripped her mouth from his. “Garrett, please.”

  How he knew what she wanted, she couldn’t say, but he rolled off the side of the bed and stepped out of his pants. Even in the dark, his body was impressive. She automatically reached for him.

  “No. I’m not done with you, yet.” He leaned forward and scraped his teeth across her inner thigh. The tantalizing caress had the strong muscle quivering with desire. His mouth continued along an erotic trail and sampled each inch of her exposed flesh.

  Her heart pounding in her chest, she curled her fingers into the bedspread. Shudders ripped through her, demanding relief. Light-headed, she arched her hips and opened herself to him.

  He feasted, driving her closer and closer to the edge. Passion coursed through her turning her body into molten lava. Her orgasm erupted, sending a flood of pleasure through her system. She sobbed out his name.

  The mattress swayed. He lifted his head and skimmed his hands along her ribs, rising over her. Each touched thrilled. Each caress renewed the hunger inside. Greedy for what he was offering her, she gave him whatever he wanted, shifting and rocking to the heart-pounding pace he set.

  Without hesitation, she gloried in tasting, touching, demanding more and giving it. The fire between them locked her to him and him to her. They became one, pulsing together to an ultimate high. The view from the top of such bliss stunned her. She screamed, her mind and body shuttering with the joint explosion of pleasure.

  Drifting slowly back to reality, Brooke tried her best to calm her breathing and think. Seeing him without his shirt on had pressed all her buttons, she’d known within seconds of stepping into his house she’d sleep with him.

  Now, what?

  Could she claim she’d lost her head or admit she’d wanted him since high school? Neither appeared to be the right thing to say, so she held her tongue, hoping against hope he’d say something.

  “You’re thinking too hard about this.”

  His sexy voice evoked a tingle of awareness, which flutter down her spine. She closed her eyes to memorize the pleasure of simply lying in his arms. “All right, then tell me what we do next?”

  He rose onto his elbows and stared into her face. A wicked grin played over his lips. “Well, I promised you dinner.”

  “Yes, you did.” She rested her hands on his chest and enjoyed the tickle of curly hair against her palms. “Which means, we should get dress.”

  “No. Let’s keep it simple and choose only one article of clothing.” He rolled off the bed and bent to retrieve his pants.

  “And why would I agree to such a thing?” She stared at his sculptured shoulders and fought with the sin it’d be to cover such perfection.

  “Because you like ogling my chest,” he teased and stepped to the dresser, which was positioned against the wall leading into the master bathroom. “Also because I’m feeling generous, I’ll let you borrow one of my T-shirts.”

  Glancing around, Brooke noted that other than the dresser and bed, the room had only one other object worth mentioning, a large flat screen television. It hung on the far wall and had a stand with assorted equipment positioned under it. She recalled leaving most of her clothes on a chair in Garrett’s dining room. His shirt, her bra, and panties were all she’d had on when they came upstairs. Pleased by his offer of clothing, she sat up to have a lump of soft fabric hit her in the chest. “Hey.”

  “Sorry, I guess my aim was a little off.” He leaned back against the dresser and stared. His dark brown gaze zeroed in on her breasts and slid progressively southward along the length of her body. The heat radiating from his eyes had a heated blush rising in her cheeks.

  Tugging the T-shirt over her head, she hoped to hide the passionate effect he had on her. Once she had her arms in the sleeve, she shifted to the edge of the bed and stood. “So what do you want me to do why you’re firing up the grill?”

  He laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Nothing, just stand around and let me admire the view.”

  Chapter Eight

  Garrett stood in the middle of the kitchen, staring at Brooke. Everything in his world had changed because of her. In the last few days, they’d fallen into a comfortable pattern of spending time together. Saturday night’s dinner had ended with a promise from her to return on Sunday.

  Now, on Monday evening, she was back.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t see you again until Friday. I have class every night until then. The only reason you saw me at the grocery store last week was because my Wednesday night class was canceled.” She placed the last of their dinner dishes in the dishwasher.

  “You’re welcome to come over afterward.” He struggled not to become the domineering beast Janet always claimed him to be, but he hated not seeing her. His evenings for the last year had been a challenge to endure. He’d found things to do such as work out or spend time on home improvement projects, but he’d prefer doing both with Brooke or simply sitting on the couch with her.

  “I can’t. I get home late and have to be up early to head to work the next day.” She dried her hands and hung the dishtowel over the handle on the stove before turning. “Friday is the best I can do.”

  He stepped forward, caught her around the waist, and pulled her close. Her alluring scent teased his senses, awakening the need to stake a claim on her as belonging to him. “I know how important getting an education is to you, and I support your dedication.”

  “But that strong possessive streak of yours doesn’t appreciate me spending time away from you.”

  Her answer shocked him. He tightened his hold and studied her face, looking for a sign that indicated he might have offended her. “Yes, well...”

  “You’re probably worried that like Janet, your overprotective attitude will bug me. It doesn’t, but I don’t know a way where I can be here and still attend class too.” She slipped her hands over his chest and up around his neck.

  Surprised and pleased by how she understood him, he relaxed. “You could drop by afterward and spend the night here.”

  “Or you could meet me at my apartment and sleep over.” She rocked her head as if unhappy with the idea. “But either way, one of us has to leave early so we can go home and get ready for work.”

  “And leaving clothes at each other’s places can quickly become a pain.” He recalled, playing that particular game with Janet. Before too long, he couldn’t remember what was in his closet and what was in hers.

  What other alternative did they have?

  “Why don’t you move in with me?” The moment the words were out of his mouth, Garrett realized how much he liked the notion.

  “What? We’ve only been dating for a few days. It’s too soon to even talk about moving in together.” Brooke shifted and strained against his hold.

  “Wait a second, don’t panic. Just give it a minute for the idea to sink in.” He smoothed his hand along her back and spoke in a reassuring tone. “It’d solve the problem of us having to divide our time between your place and mine. It’d als
o give us a chance to get to know each other better.”

  “But I still have several months left on my apartment lease.” She shoved on his chest, trying her best to break free of his embrace. “And what will Janet say?”

  Unmoved by her argument, he offered, “If you talk to your apartment complex, they may let you out of your contract. If not, you can still move the stuff you’ll need during the week here. Then on the weekend, we’ll hang out at your place and play.”

  “And Janet? What do we do about her?” Brooke stared at him as if her best friend was the bigger hurdle to overcome.

  He knew better. Janet had a new life and didn’t care what he, Brooke, or the rest of the world did as long as she got to do what she wanted to do. “I really don’t think it’ll matter to her one way or the other.”

  “And if it does? What then? She and I have been best friends forever. I...” Brooke’s eyelids drifted closed, and a pain expression flashed across her face. With a sigh, she lowered her head to his shoulder and whispered, “I’ve already lost her, haven’t I?”

  Recalling how close the two had been, Garrett wondered if Janet valued their friendship as much as Brooke. During his marriage to Janet, he’d heard her say several derogatory comments about Brooke, which proved they had a complicated relationship. One, he didn’t understand, but he refuse to give up on his chance with her because of what Janet may or may not like.

  Hoping to soothe her, he ran his hand up under her hair and cupped her neck. “I don’t know. When was the last time you talk to her?”

  She snuggled close and whispered, “Thursday night, I called to tell her I was coming over here.”

  He tightened his hold and contemplated giving his ex-wife a call. “What did she say?”

  “That she couldn’t care less if we hooked up, but she was...” She gulped in a quick breath and continued, “At a party and drinking.”

  “And with another guy too, right?” The truth of the statement didn’t sting like it once had. In fact, he liked that she’d moved on because he felt no guilt at doing the same.

  Brooke lifted her head and tears sparkled in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought up the subject of Janet.”

  He cupped his palms around her face. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Janet is part of our past, but we can’t let her rule our future. Now, let’s get back to the possibility of your moving in with me.”

  A weak smile fluttered over her lips. “Can you give me some time to think about it?”

  Worried he already knew her answer, he decided to enjoy the rest of the evening. “Sure, but that’s not changing my plans for tonight.”

  “And they are?”

  Unwilling to release his hold, he dropped a kiss on the side of her neck and nibbled on her ear. His hand slid under her shirt. He unhooked her bra with a quick twist of his wrists. “To have you under me, begging for mercy.”

  She giggled and her fingers ran through his hair. The light scrape of her nails played over his scalp. “Right, that’s what you said last night. If I remember correctly, we spend over an hour in the basement on your exercise equipment. What type of workout do you have planned for me tonight?”

  He lifted his head. The heat in her gaze when their eyes met thrilled him. He circled his hands around her breasts, the peaks tightening in response to his touch. A sigh whispered from her lips.

  “I was thinking of an activity that requires more personal contact.” The thought of having her in his bed overruled his earlier plans.

  “But you said we were only having dinner and watching a little TV.” She released her hold and toyed with the hem of his T-shirt.

  Pleased by her desire to have him out of his clothes, he stepped back and waved a hand down the hallway. “Yes, but I didn’t say where we would be watching TV. Remember, I have a very nice, flat screen in my bedroom.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Oh, please, you can’t tell me you’re really dating Garrett.” Janet’s incredulous tone rang through the phone. “He likes blonde hair beauties, not curvy redheads.”

  Shifting in her seat, Brooke tightened her grip on her phone and debated starting her car. She’d tried for days to get a hold of her best friend so she could get a little friendly advice.

  Of course, in her normal way, Janet hadn’t picked the best time to return the call. Luckily, Brooke’s class tonight had let out early or the ring would have set off her professor. Instead, she’d been on her way to her car when Janet phoned. “Maybe, his tastes have changed, but we are dating. He even asked me to move in with him.”

  “Okay, now that makes more sense.”

  Confused, Brooke stared through the empty parking space in front of her car and watched a steady stream of cars leaving the lot. “Why?”

  “Because just like when he came home from college, he’s looking for a woman to take care of him,” Janet offered.

  The silence stretched out for several seconds.

  Brooke opened her mouth to speak when Janet answered, “Remember, he wanted me to share an apartment with him too before we got married.”

  “You never told me that.” Brooke sat up straighter in her seat, wondering what else Janet hadn’t bothered to divulge.

  “Yes, well, you thought he hung the moon. If we argued, you always took his side.” She released a disgusted sigh. “You two were constantly taking up for each other. I was the odd man out.”

  “That’s not true.” Brooke remembered Janet making this claim while she was still married to Garrett. To fix the problem, Brooke had stopped visiting their place whenever she thought he might be home. “You’re my best friend.”

  Janet chuckled, “Then take my advice, Garrett doesn’t want a woman with an independent bone in her body. He wants to be in charge and have you fall in line with his orders.”


  “But I’m not you. I wanted more than to be his wife, cook his meals, and have his kids. I still do. That’s why, I’ve signed up to study abroad. I’m spending this summer in Spain.”

  “What?” Brooke rocked her head back as if she’d taken a pop to the chin. She collided with the headrest of her seat. “Why didn’t you tell me this before now?”

  “Because I knew you wouldn’t approve and would try to talk me out of doing it,” Janet stated with a note of authority. “But don’t let me being away stop you. Go have your fling with Garrett, and we’ll catch up later.”

  “But it has to be a few weeks before you leave. We can get together and do lunch.” Brooke scrambled with the likelihood of not seeing her friends for weeks.

  “Can’t, I have too much to do between now and the time I need to leave. I’ll call when I get back.”

  Recognizing the stubborn note in her tone, Brooke didn’t argue. “Fine, have fun and call me when you come home.”

  “Sure,” Janet answered.

  A click and the phone went silent.

  Shocked by the abrupt goodbye, Brooke lowered her phone and argued with herself as to what to do.

  Garrett wanted an answer.

  She promised him one by Friday, which meant she had less than twenty-four hours to come up with what she wanted to do. Move in with him and see if they could make it work or...what?

  Give him up entirely?

  Chapter Ten

  The sound of the doorbell had Garrett barreling up the stairs in his running shorts. Brooke had promised she’d come over right after work so they could talk. During their brief conversation on the phone, she’d refused to comment on his invitation to move in with him, saying they discuss it later.

  Tonight, he planned to settle the subject once and for all. Glancing at the clock on the sideboard in the living room, he noted the time and figured she must be anxious to see him if she bugged out of work early.

  He flipped back the deadbolt and tugged open the door. “Hey, sweetheart, I’m so glad you...”

  The rest of the sentence evaporated in his head as he stared at his ex-wife.

  “Hi, Gar
rett, Brooke told me you bought a new house,” Janet said with a smile and glanced beyond him to the front room. He’d rearranged the room and rehung the pictures on the walls.

  The shock of seeing her left him cold, and a little irritated so he didn’t bother to invite her inside the house. “What are you doing here?”

  She shrugged. “This is just a quick visit to let you know I’m heading out of town. Not that you really care, but I wanted to make sure that while I’m gone you don’t do anything stupid like hurt Brooke.”

  “Right, like you care one way or another what happens to her,” he grumbled and tightened his hand over the handle. Ready to shut the door in her face if he felt so inclined.

  “Yes, well, we’ve known each other a long time.” Janet toyed with the strap of her purse and appeared almost ready to leave. She glared at him and squared her shoulders. “I don’t want to see her crushed and battered after you leave her. She’s been in love with you for a long time.”

  Confused by the comment, he blinked. “What are you talking about?”

  “She fell for you in high school, but I’m the one who screwed it up. When we got together after you graduated from college, she stepped aside, saying she wanted the most important people in her life to be happy. At the time, I didn’t realize what she meant. It wasn’t until after our divorce that she came clean on her feelings.”

  Janet shook her head and stepped back. “Hell, I thought her crush on you in high school was simply puppy love. But it wasn’t, she loves you much more than I ever did.”

  Pausing before turning, she ran her gaze over him as if he were a tasty side-of-beef and rubbed a hand over her neck. “If you two getting together is some type of vengeance against me, rethink your plan. Because if you break her heart, I’ll not rest until I make you pay.”

  “Janet, I really...”

  She held up her hand. “Save it. I’m not interested. Just remember my warning.”

  Stepping off the porch, she walked down the sidewalk to her car. Without any farewell, she stepped inside and backed out of the driveway before she disappeared down the street.


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