Gemini Rain

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Gemini Rain Page 19

by Lj McEvoy

  Lauren smirked, David told her about this woman and the publicity stunt he was persuaded into and their tempestuous relationship which seemed to switch on and off more often than a light bulb. Beginning to cheer up watching him become so uncomfortable, she turned smiling to Helene and winked. Lauren observed the woman and her carry on, with her outfit and long peroxide blond hair she looked every bit a bimbo and the perfect soft-porn queen. Lightly Jaqueline shook everybody’s hand then immediately dismissed them turning to David who in turn had sat down again. ‘We’ll be working together soon, I believe Mon Cherie,’ Jaqueline announced loudly to all but only had eyes for him, David shot a surprised glance at Claude, sat back amusingly asking how.

  ‘Oh, Mon Cherie did you not hear, Maria has pulled out,’ referring to the actress who was to play David’s wife in the Colombian film. ‘I’m so excited about it,’ she drawled arranging her hair, looking around to see who was listening, ‘I must dye my hair chestnut and totally downgrade my image, it will be wonderful to work together, won’t it?’ mockingly smiling at Lauren as she said those words.

  ‘Wonderful,’ David whispered derisively.

  Lauren glared at her disdainfully then dismissed her repeating Jaqueline’s earlier greeting. Claude nearly choked on his wine, Helene didn’t know where to look, Jaqueline drawled her good-byes leaving to join the new love of her life.

  There was silence at the table; Lauren thought the melted ice in the champagne bucket was going to re-freeze. ‘Enough is enough,’ Lauren decided to break the silence by nudging David saying, ‘her new partner looks half her age.’

  ‘He couldn’t be Jaqueline’s younger than us Lauren.’

  ‘Oh, you wouldn’t think it, not with all that muck she wears on her face,’ she spoke whimsically so all would take it as a joke, Claude and Helene nervously chuckled. David looked across to Jaqueline’s table, she was now eating the poor and extremely handsome young man accompanying her instead of the meal placed on the table he could see the waiter serving them was getting embarrassed. ‘Christ, did I behave like that with her?’ David felt nauseous.

  Lauren took his hand comprehending his thoughts, smiling to him she spoke softly in English, ‘I’m a sucker for men in distress, give us a kiss mister.’ Hugging her he kissed her hand gently, skipping coffee they left for the nightlife of Paris.

  The nightclub was as good as David said it would be; Helene and Lauren whiled some of the night away dancing. Both Claude and Helene cut down on their alcohol intake but David and Lauren made up for them threefold. Claude was anxious to get back to the apartment before anything else happened, he was not enjoying himself and Helene understood his reasons when he said it to her. Watching David, he knew there was definitely something wrong but was afraid to ask. Both he and Lauren were drinking so heavily, Claude couldn’t wait for the night to end.

  By 12.45am David and Lauren stood hugging, rather supporting each other staring at the people on the dance floor. As the DJ was playing some slow music, David enviously watched Claude and Helene, how uncomplicated their lives seemed to be. The ghastly news of having to work with Jaqueline was the last thing he wanted to hear, then there was Lauren’s ghost, it nagged and tore at his mind, pulling her in closer he kissed her forehead, ‘Can we go home?’ he requested.

  They waited for Claude and Helene to finish dancing before saying that they were leaving. To their surprise, Claude jumped at the chance; Helene was already gathering their possessions and they headed off for a taxi.

  When they finally got into bed after struggling to put David and Lauren into theirs, Claude gave a deep sigh of relief, ‘What’s going to happen tomorrow?’ he cuddled into Helene, ‘Enjoying your little holiday, my love?’

  Helene giggled in return admitting that up until this evening the answer was definitely yes, then she asked, ‘they’ll be dying tomorrow, what are they like with hangovers?’

  Claude gave a loud moan, burying his head in her shoulder; ‘I know exactly what David is like and with Lauren being so similar I dread the thoughts!’ He suggested leaving a note that they were going shopping all day, Helene hastily agreed.

  Lauren woke up trying to raise her head it was stuck to the pillow and thumping. She groaned reaching out for David but he wasn’t there, she groaned again ‘He hates me! I’ve got to leave for Dublin as soon as possible. Why the hell did you tell him everything Lauren,’ she sighed.

  Forcing herself out of the bed, she struggled across to the bathroom, hitting her shoulder off the doorframe, ‘who the fuck put you there!’ she gave it a classic look of distaste, informing it that she was in no mood for walking into door frames today.

  Turning on the shower, the water felt refreshing on her skin, waking up she quickly shampooed her hair washing herself down, the make-up was caked into her face. ‘How the hell did I get to bed?’ she hardly remembered the nightclub, ‘and where is David now?’ Leaning on the wet tiles she rested her head on her arm then she heard the distant hum of music being played; it was Massive Attack’s orchestral version of ‘I want you’ with Madonna, loving that song how she wanted David right now, deciding the best cure for a hangover was making love.

  Closing her eyes, she turned her face up towards the water as it sprayed down like a waterfall, she thought she was going to burst out crying but then came the feeling of David’s arms softly flow around her waist, he began to kiss and caress her neck and shoulders. She didn’t want to turn around afraid to open her eyes in case she was dreaming. Moving down he turned her towards him his kisses were smooth, he knew precisely how to please and gently tease, making her react erotically. Caressing her clitoris with his lips and tongue, he fondled her breasts, she gasped opening her eyes thinking she was going to reach an organism, but he teasingly, slowly moved back up her body discovering, exploring. Right at that precise moment she had more than just butterflies dancing in her stomach.

  David felt exhilarated, Lauren’s body was lithe but firm she smelled and tasted of lavender, her supple lips of honey. This was the moment he had waited for he knew it would be perfect. He never felt this way about a woman before and he was determined to make it perfect for her. Lauren learned from his moves gently massaging his body with the soapy sponge; the look of contentment on his face delighted her. Then he lifted her so that her legs were around his midriff, his strong legs well able to support her small frame. Teasing her with his penis she gazed into his eyes as he gave her that wonderful sexy smile, ‘Good Morning,’ he said in a soft seductive voice while arching his eyebrow.

  Returning his smile she decided to ask lightly, ‘how come we always end up getting wet in situations like this?’ hoping he understood her double meaning. ‘It’s like when we first held each other, it was raining then!’

  ‘Shh,’ he kissed her as he gently slipped his penis inside her, both groaned with delight, with ecstasy as at last they were together as one, neither moved staring each other eye to eye the bond was finally complete. Lauren could feel David deep inside her, she didn’t want him to move and he didn’t but then he thrust slowly at first, changing with strength, it was like he could read her mind.

  With her back against the wet tiles he placed one of his arms between her and the cold wall. Lips touching, embracing, discovering every part of their necks, chests and shoulders, both felt the adrenaline flowing through their blood like a transfusion bolstering each other. Movement became more intense, rapid, continuous and finally they reached their mountaintop, climaxing, they released cries of relief and sheer bliss.

  Lauren couldn’t believe she just climaxed through intercourse it was so long since it last happened she hardly remembered how elated she could feel after it. Both breathing heavily into their necks, they stayed in the same position not wanting to break the bond.

  The song was playing again; David had set it on repeat so they continued washing, discovering their bodies, unearthing new secret pleasures. Everything was forgotten all problems thrown out the window, they were at last in their heaven.
  Moving onto the bed, with both deciding they were hungry for food as well as sex, Lauren lay on her stomach as David placed the tray he prepared earlier in the middle of the bed then he left to reheat the coffee. Lauren never felt so secure and content since the morning after her wedding, she shivered quickly correcting herself, ‘no it was since the first time I held Emma and Keith,’ she stated dreamily, her memories of Peter were now blurred with the problems he left behind. ‘But this guy’s good!’ she thought about what just happened, giggling with delight.

  ‘Claude and Helene have gone shopping,’ David laughed as he re-entered the room, ‘I think they’re avoiding us today and just left a note. What are you laughing at?’

  ‘Nothing,’ she got embarrassed at being caught quickly changing the subject, ‘Christ David I hardly remember last night, do you?’ putting her head in her hands she wailed, ‘we have to make it up to them somehow.’ Deciding to make dinner that night explaining that it was just a misunderstanding, they vowed not to keep secrets from each other ever again. ‘Oh dear,’ Lauren sighed, ‘I think I better make my first confession then.’

  ‘Oh, and what’s that?’

  She felt her cheeks go rosy, ‘Promise you won’t tell anyone and I’ll tell you.’

  ‘What is it?’ he laughed but she could see a nervous reaction in his eyes so she played on it.

  ‘Promise you won’t tell,’ she lightly demanded. This time he was silent so she decided after the events of last night not to push it too far, ‘I can’t cook.’

  Bursting into laughter David admitted, ‘Mon Dieu neither can I!’

  ‘What! And I thought French men were only good for two things, cooking and sex!’ Both just silently smiled. ‘He’s waiting for me to say something,’ she lightly thought, ‘well mister you can wait, you’re ego is bigger than both of us.’

  David broke the silence, ‘Lauren, if that’s the case then I have a confession to make too,’ sounding serious but boyishly grinning as Lauren eyeballed him, he didn’t look away adding, ‘I didn’t use a condom, I forgot.’

  ‘And you think I didn’t notice,’ she chuckled as she put the tray on the floor crawling across the bed towards him, ‘I’m very, very annoyed with you,’ she murmured, quickly pouncing on him but of course he won the struggle. ‘Okay, Okay I’ll forgive you,’ she surrendered, ‘but just this once mind!’

  ‘Great!’ he kissed her quickly and started looking around, ‘now where did I put them?’

  Later that evening Claude and Helene arrived back at the apartment to find the table set for dinner with music playing softly in the background. David came out from the kitchen making a comment that Lauren was hopeless at cooking, a wet serviette quickly flew from that direction hitting him on the back of the head, ‘You promised you wouldn’t tell!’

  He burst out laughing ‘I’ve ordered a takeaway, it’ll be delivered in twenty minutes.’

  Claude and Helene immediately relaxed, relieved that all was back to normal. Excuses and apologies were made over dinner, conversation and jokes in abundance as both couples let the evening flow into night and then the early hours of the morning.

  On Thursday David had his appointments with his agent and manager and then Jacques, his solicitor. After a major debate, Lauren persuaded him that Jacques was not to be informed and under no circumstances was David going to Dublin with her. He reluctantly conceded but secretly decided to talk to Jacques anyhow. As soon as he left, Lauren started to check her emails and the internet then left in a taxi, leaving a note for Claude and Helene, who were gone for a walk. Helene read it out to Claude as it was in English, ‘You’re hopeless! It simply reads Gone shopping, L.’

  Claude shrugged, ‘I suppose it’s our turn to make dinner.’

  ‘You mean my turn,’ Helene nudged him in the ribs knowing full well he’d burn jelly.

  David returned close to 6pm, he didn’t have a good meeting with either parties and was exhausted he needed to talk to Lauren. Looking around he could hear voices in the kitchen and entered but it was just Claude annoying Helene by attempting to help with preparations for dinner.

  ‘Where’s Lauren?’ he asked them as he kissed Helene on the cheeks.

  Claude shrugged, ‘gone shopping since this afternoon, she left a short note.’

  David was surprised as Lauren didn’t tell him she had planned a shopping trip today, saying he was going to have a shower, he casually left but then quickened his pace towards the bedroom. Opening the wardrobe his heart was beating fast but then it stopped, the wardrobe was empty he swung around, his eyes searching the room. Letting out a gasp of relief as he spotted her suitcase lying opened and packed in the corner. ‘Why did he doubt her?’ After his shower his mind started to race again, thinking of his earlier meetings and worrying about Lauren being so long but then he heard her voice, he smiled and waited for her to come into the bedroom.

  ‘Well hello there mister!’ Lauren gave her familiar greeting as she struggled with her bags and the bedroom door, ‘I’ve been doing a small bit of shopping,’ she collapsed onto the bed beside him, dropping all the bags around her feet. Kicking her shoes off she placed her legs across his lap begging for a massage, David kindly obliged.

  ‘How did your meetings go,’ she asked.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were going shopping?’ he ignored her question.

  ‘That bad eh,’ she said sympathetically, ‘I wanted to surprise you.’

  David looked over to the wardrobe which still had its doors ajar, ‘you did.’

  Realising what he was saying, Lauren sat up putting her arms around him whispering, ‘do you think I’d leave without a goodbye, without telling you?’

  David put his head on her shoulder admitting his foolish doubts and his rotten day. Lauren just listened occasionally kissing him, reassuringly hugging him.

  David told his manager and agent that he was retiring and they in turn tried their damnest to change his mind. An argument ensued with threats of libel action, etc. and David stormed out of their office, ‘My contract with them ends in four months, they can’t sue.’ Quickly relating his meeting with Jacques, he deliberately forgot to mention their conversation about Lauren’s predicament.

  ‘And I thought I had a bad day shopping!’ Lauren tried to lighten his mood.

  “What did you buy?”

  ‘Oh, just a few bits and pieces and of course your birthday present,’ she teased.

  ‘A few?’ he looked at the heap of bags lying on the floor then realised what she said, ‘and my what?’

  Lauren laughed and reached down nearly falling off the bed, ‘It’s here somewhere, Aha!’ she exclaimed taking a small black box out.

  David looked at her curiously as she handed it to him opening it he saw a gold ring, an Irish Claddagh ring. Lauren recited the history behind that band of gold;

  ‘You wear it with the point of the heart turned in towards your own to let the world know your heart belongs to another.’

  ‘It’s magnificent,’ he said softly immediately placed it on his wedding finger, ‘How did you know my ring size?’

  ‘Oh no, not on that hand that’s not until we’re married,’ she explained.

  David grinned, ‘Are you proposing to me, Mme. Connolly?’

  Lauren got embarrassed, ‘I didn’t mean it that way, stop teasing.’

  ‘I’m wearing it on this finger,’ he held his hand up, ‘Proposal or not we’re together forever. But how did you know my ring size?’

  Lauren blushed again, ‘I found your wedding ring on the dresser and brought it with me you don’t mind, do you?’ she attempted her childlike approach again.

  David just laughed the earlier events of the day now forgotten. As they kissed, David commenced removing her clothes, ignoring the telephone ringing in the background, ‘Claude will get it,’ he thought.

  But just as things were starting to become intense Claude knocked on the door, they sighed. David called out to him as Lauren headed for the bathroom

  ‘Sorry for the interruption, but I think you better take this call David its Francoise.’

  Lauren stopped at the bathroom door turning to Claude his tanned face was now waxen David said he didn’t want to talk to her.

  ‘No, I didn’t mean it that way,’ Claude shakily corrected himself, ‘it’s Francoise’s brother, Andre. David…’ Claude hesitated as David continued staring at him, ‘David, Francoise been in a car crash, she’s dead.’

  David jumped up from the bed grabbing the phone from Claude, ‘Hallo,’ as he listened his face contorted from panic to pain to anxiety, ‘and the children….’ Relief swept through his features, Lauren came over supportively holding him. Claude just stood there like a wax dummy she put her hand on his shoulder, ‘go to Helene, Claude,’ she said softly, he numbly nodded and left.

  David was still listening to Andre, ‘Okay, I’ll try to get to Barcelona as soon as possible, I’ll phone with the flight times the minute I have them confirmed.’

  Finishing the call he immediately clung onto Lauren, she could feel him breathing heavily into her neck then he broke down, falling to his knees his head nestling into her breasts, deep wails of grief and sorrow for what was lost.

  It reminded Lauren of when they first met at their rock, the memory of his grief and desolation then; it brought her close to tears now. She cradled his head in her hands then bending over softly brought her arms around his shoulders, kissing his head.

  David clutched at her tightly, ‘Why?’ he kept asking, ‘she didn’t deserve that. Why?’

  Lauren sat in the sitting room alone it was the following morning, her eyes studied the room, she checked her watch again, one more hour before the taxi arrived. Feeling weary from the previous night and the early morning, she rubbed her eyes and went to make another tea. ‘I’ll be peeing tea all the way to Ireland if I drink anymore,’ she said aloud knowing there was nobody around to hear her. Everybody was gone and she was alone in the apartment. With her work connections Helene was able to get a 5am flight to Barcelona for David and Claude she left 30 minutes ago for her own flight to Marseille, leaving Lauren alone with her own thoughts. Everything was etching away at her brain. Why did this happen? Why did Peter leave such a mess? Why can’t things run smoothly for David and me?’ What was her week in Dublin going to be like? Should she keep the file secret from Paul? Would she have the strength to face her mother if they met?


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