Gemini Rain

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Gemini Rain Page 25

by Lj McEvoy

  ‘Don’t worry, everybody knows not to inform David of your little trip,’ he smiled, ‘I’ll leave that to you.’

  She took off her blouse and removed the bandage.

  ‘Mon Dieu!’ Jean-Pierre’s expression was one of shock, ‘should I ask how it happened?’

  ‘No,’ she replied bluntly but then changed her mind, ‘I’m sorry Jean-Pierre it’s just that…Oh, Christ I feel so tired!’ Lauren cried inconsolable tears for her loss, of what could have been – Peter, family, friends. Telling Jean-Pierre everything it flowed from her, the grief and despondency. He sat listening never interrupting; a frown was on his face it was the only expression shown as he fixed a new bandage on her arm.

  ‘You’ll have to tell David when he comes back,’ he said softly.

  ‘No, not immediately,’ Lauren responded, ‘after his experience in Colombia, I think he’ll have enough to handle.’

  Jean-Pierre thought for a minute, ‘maybe you’re right. But he must be told,’ he was serious, ‘and I don’t want it slipping from anybody else about you’re little trip. You must tell him, promise me Lauren. You must tell him.’

  Lauren promised but added when she felt he was ready no sooner.

  ‘You’re a very brave woman Lauren Connolly,’ Jean-Pierre admitted, ‘I don’t know if I would have the strength to do what you did, how did you think of helping Paul too?’

  ‘It was an old phrase Emma said to me last night, killing two birds with one stone. Have you ever heard of it? I think it’s an English expression.’

  Jean-Pierre didn’t answer her but smiled knowing exactly what she meant.

  The following morning, Lauren was still exhausted when she arrived back from leaving Keith and Chantal to school.

  Gabrielle came rushing out of the house, ‘David’s on the television! Quick Lauren, the plane has just arrived in Paris.’

  Both women rushed in, everybody except for Helene was in the small sitting room, eyes glued to the television. Lauren sat down beside Veronique and smiled. Veronique in turn smiled back and clasped Lauren’s hand, ‘He’ll be home by three,’ she whispered to Lauren.

  ‘Shh!’ Gabrielle scolded Veronique for talking while she was concentrating on what the reporter was saying. Jean-Pierre turned to them smiling and threw his eyes up to heaven.

  ‘There he is!’ Pierre screamed, ‘There’s papa!’ he jumped onto his grandfather’s lap hugging him.

  Everybody let out a sigh of relief and then cheered, but Lauren didn’t join in, she was happy and relieved to see his face once more but it wasn’t all she saw. Jaqueline Orliac was clinging onto him and he was returning the hug, shielding her from the glare of the cameras and the screams and flashes of the photographers. Lauren felt her world was collapsing yet again into an open grave.

  Veronique noticed her friend’s agony immediately holding onto her hands tightly, ‘they’ve just been through Hell together. Don’t worry my friend he’s coming home to you.’

  Lauren half-smiled hoping with every piece of strength she had left that Veronique was right.

  Veronique was right about one thing by 2pm Lauren arrived back with Keith and Chantal only leaving them in school for a half day. And now double the amount of photographers and reporters were outside the entrance to the farm, the local police were finding it hard to control things and called for extra help, soon barriers were set up so the small rural road was clear. Jean-Pierre was annoyed David didn’t telephone but knew a simple telephone call would not be enough for David, he would want more and voices down the line would not suffice. By 3.10pm Jean-Pierre, Joel and Lauren were outside the back garden smoking when they started hearing the furore at the entrance of the farm. Jean-Pierre started walking quickly to the house but Lauren hesitated, he noticed turning back to her.

  ‘I’m afraid to face him,’ she held her hand up to mouth unable to comprehend why she was feeling this way, tears were starting to well up in her eyes. Jean-Pierre put his arm around her gently telling her to wait for him in the Dining room.

  David was exhausted and exhilarated all at once, getting out of the car before it stopped he ran to the screaming children, ‘Oh you’re a sight for sore eyes,’ he exclaimed.

  Photographers were shouting up to him to turn around but he ignored them and carried both Chantal and Keith into the house with Pierre and Emma clinging onto his waist, everybody was waiting to greet him. He took a deep breath closing his eyes, sensing the familiar smell of home then he looked at his parents, Gabrielle rushed to hug him she was still crying as everybody gathered around to greet their brother home. Veronique showed him how much her new baby girl had grown Anaïs gurgled a smile and burped.

  ‘Thanks for the welcome!’ David laughed, as he looked around but the one face he so desperately wanted to see wasn’t there.

  Knowing what he was thinking Joel tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the Dining room, ‘She’s in there,’ he whispered.

  Lauren stood at the window watching David as he hugged the children she smiled as she heard the family cheer and greet him in the hallway. Why was she so nervous, so afraid to face him? Was this not what she dreamed of, was this why she felt so exhausted from the events of the last two days? There was now silence in the house and she heard the door open and close, not looking across she could sense he was there, ‘Well hello there mister,’ she said with ease as she turned to him.

  He smiled but there were tears in his eyes, ‘I thought I’d never get to hear you say that again.’

  Lauren burst out crying as they both held each other, releasing the tension and anticipation built up inside, everything and everybody was forgotten as their bond re-grew and strengthened. Finally they kissed and it was as if they were never apart, the past two months no longer existed. They stood there together afraid to let go, not wanting to let go then David asked where was his ring. Lauren pulled the chain around her neck from under her blouse and showed him, ‘Wear it and never take it off ever,’ his voice was soft but steadfast, she didn’t hesitate.

  ‘What happened to your arm?’ she asked concerned.

  ‘Ohh that’s another story for another day,’ he smiled.

  ‘Snap, I fell while jogging,’ Lauren felt she should explain her bandage before he asked.

  Later David tried to get rid of the reporters and photographers by going down to them. Explaining he couldn’t answer any of their questions because all involved must speak with officials first before anything could be publicly revealed. He begged them to leave the family alone; ‘Don’t you think they’ve been through enough.’ The majority obliged with the rest giving up on their task late into the evening.

  As the family heartily sat down to dinner, Helene arrived from her work and warmly greeted David. Lauren was sitting with Gabrielle to her left, ‘Oh Mon Dieu, Jean-Pierre look at what she wearing! Look everybody!’ she was holding Lauren’s hand staring at the ring as everybody clambered to see.

  David smiled rubbing his chin as Lauren was blushing, how he loved seeing that familiar characteristic in her, ‘Oops,’ he laughed, ‘we forgot to tell you.’

  Heartfelt congratulations was expressed by all even Pierre kissed Lauren again, wine was forgotten that night as champagne was the only compliment for the double celebration.

  Chapter 45

  Lauren’s little voice in her head was working overtime again as she drove to Marseille with Gabrielle and Veronique for their ritual weekly shopping trip, she kept thinking about the past seven days.

  Having not heard from her father she decided to telephone him but each time she tried the answering machine was turned on. Then the call from Debbie was devastating, ‘Tell me its not true Lauren,’ Debbie cried down the phone line to her, ‘It’s not true what they’re saying about your family. Has Declan and your mother really been arrested?’

  Lauren couldn’t say anything to her except the truth, wanting desperately to console Debbie she told her of Declan’s admission and how Peter was getting out before he died, but it
only made matters worse. In the end Debbie cut her short and hung up. Lauren tried her father’s number again without success so she dialled Carl in America but he was out on call, reluctantly she just left a message saying she’d call another time.

  Then there was David. He was refusing counselling and Jean-Pierre informed her this morning that David suffered another nightmare last night. They made love once since he came home with disastrous consequences, both of them too exhausted. Neither even attempted to broach the subject, instead of getting closer to each other Lauren felt they were falling apart.

  On one occasion she thought she was getting through to him, but as quickly as he started talking he stopped. They were sitting on the couch and when he started to talk she put her arms around him but then he stopped and rose leaving for the kitchen. ‘Was he holding something back?’ she brushed the thought aside.

  It was like he was withdrawing from her, not willing to let himself free. Lauren felt a coldness that was never there with David before. ‘Give him time Lauren, give him time,’ it was something she kept repeating to herself.

  ‘Lauren the light is green,’ Veronique tapped Lauren’s shoulder.

  ‘What? Oh yeah, sorry. I’m not with it this morning am I?’ Lauren tried to sound light-hearted. Veronique looked at Gabrielle, maybe the shopping trip wasn’t such a good idea this week.

  ‘Do you want to go back?’ Gabrielle asked.

  Lauren didn’t answer trying to concentrate on the busy Marseille traffic; Veronique nodded no to Gabrielle maybe that wasn’t such a good idea either.

  They continued with their window-shopping and Lauren looked as if she was starting to cheer up, buying some clothes for both herself and the children. Both Veronique and Gabrielle relaxed as they finally stopped for coffee in the little café they now called their gossip corner. Lauren wanted a cigarette she hadn't thought about one since David came home, she left Gabrielle minding their bags as Veronique was gone to get the coffee and pastries.

  The newsagent was across the busy arcade and as Lauren approached she decided to check for an English magazine. ‘Even if it’s a few days old it’ll do,’ she thought. ‘None, ah well the cigarettes will suffice for now,’ she decided.

  While queuing Lauren checked that magazine shelves beside the counter but with no luck then she spotted a familiar face on the cover of Exclus! one of the largest gossip magazines in France, leaving the queue she walked over to the magazine, her eyes became like saucers. The headline stabbed at her heart, she wanted to take the magazine down and tear it apart, instead she remembered her vow never to trust again, ‘What a fool you’ve been Lauren Connolly!’ Buying her cigarettes and the magazine, she walked calmly back to the coffee shop, she didn’t reveal the magazine to Gabrielle or Veronique, this was one piece of gossip that could wait, deciding to thoroughly enjoy chain smoking with her coffee.

  David was reading the report the government official left with him; the children were painting on the kitchen table and Emma was updating Pierre about school, he checked on them while he was walking around the house. He hated sitting for long periods of time now and the official asked him to read the report thoroughly making any additions as he could remember.

  It was a draft report for the American, French and British governments, a collaboration of witness’ statements quickly drawn together. The final few pages were the Colombian official stance on the whole affair, ‘they’re not giving much away,’ David laughed.

  The commander Xavier they said was working alone and did not agree with the way the American movie was highlighting his country. So he took it upon himself to discredit the film with a suspicion of drugs being a big part of producers choosing Colombia in the first place. David, it stated panicked and tried to escape, at that stage Commander Alejandro had been informed of the error and knew it would cause an international incident if David was killed. Commander Alejandro opted to injure his colleague to stop him from killing David but the shot proved to be fatal. An international incident! They were trying to place the man’s death on me, David rebuked. Once he finished reading David decided to begin his additions and email it immediately to Jacques, ‘no way were they pinning this on me,’ he decided.

  Entering the kitchen to get some paper and a pen he winked to Pierre.

  ‘Ah, it can wait until later,’ changing his mind as he sat down to see what the children were painting. Looking at Pierre’s picture - he has the family talent he proudly thought and Keith too. I wonder is that in Lauren’s family, as he studied the wonderful colours the young child was using. Emma was helping Keith having already finished her own.

  ‘What are you doing Chantal?’ he asked softly.

  ‘I’m painting!’ was her simple response.

  Everybody laughed, ‘I can see that but what are you painting?’

  ‘Lauren flying to Ireland to save you,’ she replied innocently. The children stopped their work. Silence hung in the air.

  ‘What did you say?’ David was shocked, half-laughing as he asked her. Pierre tried to stop her from saying anymore but David held up his hand authoritatively,

  ‘When did Lauren go to Ireland?’ he stared at the other children individually then back to Chantal.

  ‘When the bad men had you Papa, you know when! I heard granpapa telling the grown-ups,’ she said coolly.

  ‘Is this true?’ David looked at Pierre but he was scowling so he turned to Emma knowing he could worm the truth from her, ‘Emma is this true?’ she wouldn’t look at him, ‘I want to know Emma,’ he raised his voice, ‘Is it true!’

  Lauren dropped Veronique to her house and then quickly drove up to the farmhouse, Gabrielle knew something was up. ‘Lauren please stop the car,’ she requested.

  ‘Huh?’ Lauren quickly glanced at her.

  ‘Stop the car now!’ Gabrielle repeated.

  Lauren pulled over and turned to her friend. Gabrielle gently put her hand to Lauren’s cheek and softly, shakily attempting to smile, ‘What’s happened Lauren, what’s gone wrong?’ tears were beginning to form in her eyes.

  Lauren’s face was hard she was finished with crying all she felt now was anger bending down to her bag she took the magazine out placing it on Gabrielle’s lap. As Lauren stared out the window Gabrielle read the headline and now understood. Lauren was not Francoise, the woman who waited and waited for her wandering husband to come home and accept whatever excuse he had to offer. No Lauren would not wait, make one mistake, hurt her and then she would leave quicker than you could say ‘forgive me.’ Gabrielle put the magazine back in Lauren’s bag; no words were spoken as Lauren continued up the short journey to the farmhouse.

  As they entered the house, the children were playing football in the back garden David was sitting at the kitchen table. Gabrielle didn’t look at him walking directly out to the children. He was staring at Lauren, his eyes were black it was something she wasn’t expecting but she checked herself saying, ‘we need to talk.’

  ‘I know!’ his response was as black as his eyes. Standing up he threw the report to her, ‘what the hell did you do in Ireland. Who was that commander?’

  Lauren was taken aback as he shouted at her, ‘the report says that his death was related to his unhappiness of the movie content and how I tried to escape because I failed the drugs test. But now I remember he knew you were my girlfriend. Who the hell did you visit in Dublin Lauren! What did you do?’

  ‘Who told you?’ Lauren could hardly speak; her world was once again falling into an open grave. She was confused; looking at the magazine in her hand was she not here to argue with him?

  David stormed over to her glaring at her straight in the face, ‘What did you do!’ he said it with such venom.

  Lauren responded by slapping him across the face, dropping the magazine to the floor as she replied, ‘I saved your life, is that not enough! No! It’s never enough for you!’ She walked out the back door yelling to Emma and Keith to get to the car, the children knew not to hesitate. As they left the house Gabri
elle called after her but she got into the car screaming at the children to hurry up with their seat belts driving the car away as quickly as possible.

  When Jean-Pierre arrived back that evening he found Pierre and Chantal silently watching television with Gabrielle crying in the kitchen as she prepared the dinner. She told him everything she thought were the events of the argument showing him the magazine. Jean-Pierre was furious wanting to know where David was.

  ‘He out cold on his bed, drunk from the whiskey he’s been drinking all afternoon,’ she cried.

  Jean-Pierre checked on the children and Pierre informed him of what Chantal revealed to David.

  ‘How did you know?’ he sat down astonished.

  ‘We were listening, thinking you were trying to hide some bad news about Papa from us! It’s not our fault!’ Pierre retorted.

  ‘I didn’t say it was and don’t talk to me like that young man!’ Jean-Pierre was beginning to lose his temper, an emotion, which he detested towards children. He rose and walked out of the house calling to Gabrielle to say that he was going up to Lauren.

  But when he arrived at her house everything was silent, a hall lamp was the only sign of life. Checking for her Landcruiser he cursed when the garage door was locked. He attempted knocking and calling to her once more but got no response. Reluctantly he returned home, ‘have we lost both Lauren and David?’ he sighed.

  Chapter 46

  Slam! David woke up with the sound of his bedroom door being deliberately slammed shut. The shutters and window were wide open, he squinted at the early morning sun, a cup of coffee was on his bedside locker. With his head woozy he pulled the pillow over his head to go back to sleep. But then he remembered why he was in this condition and he lay there thinking of Lauren, what will she do, will she now leave?

  The one chance she possessed of protecting herself and the children and she wasted it on him. He cringed, ‘and all he could do was lose his temper with her for doing it. Why in God’s name did he do such a thing?’ Lauren’s words stung at his heart – ‘I saved your life, is that not enough? No! It’s never enough for you!’


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