Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5) Page 84

by Ashley L. Hunt

  He gives a nod and I find a chill running through me. I’m not entirely sure he can be trusted. But I’m not in charge.

  I go with Kerr to the bridge and find it’s at the top of the triangular shaped ship. It’s all enclosed in a see-through, glass-like material. From this point, I can see three smaller ships coming towards us.

  “Have the other ships in the armada line up behind us, Captain,” Kerr orders.

  The captain looks back at him. “Mind telling me why?”

  Kerr gives him a smile and points at another incoming red light. “Watch.”

  He pulls me to stand in front of him and I raise my hand. Once the light is almost to us, it deflects and jets off into space.

  The captain and all the other men in the room look back at me in awe. Then the captain gets on his communication device and tells the other ships to get behind us.

  I watch as the other ships move into place. Kerr takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes. “I think you can turn the laser around and send it back to the ship that sent it. It might blow it up. Think you could give that a try?”

  I nod and we move closer to the edge of the room. The distance seems far by sight but I can make out the three ships. They come at us in a row. The middle ship pulses out another laser beam and I watch it speed towards us.

  This time, I focus on the middle ship, never letting my eyes move from it. When the red of the oncoming laser fills my vision, I hold up my hand and it bounces off some invisible wall and moves in the opposite direction.

  All are quiet as we wait to see what it will do to the ship which sent the destructive thing our way. A quick flash of light from the middle ship sends another red laser beam towards the one I sent back and they collide in a burst of red, flaming light.

  “Not what I intended but perhaps if you tried to deflect it from further away from us, giving them no time to get another laser ready to fire would be the key, Baby.” Kerr gives my shoulders a squeeze as he rubs them from behind me.

  “I can try.” I watch all three ships and find myself a little overwhelmed as they all three fire at the same time.

  “Kerr!” I look back at him frantically.

  His blue-green eyes level on mine. “Stay calm. You can do this. Turn and focus. I believe in you, Kataline.”

  My heart is pounding as I have the real fear if all three of those hit us it could blow us up. I turn and focus on the three beams rushing towards us.

  Both hands go up and I imagine all three beams turning back. Shouts and the sound of the men slapping each other’s hands fill the air as all three laser beams turn back.

  I can’t even take in a breath as I wait to see what happens. In a glorious explosion of color, all three ships are no longer a threat to us.

  Kerr has me in his arms before I can really take in what I’ve done. “You did it!”

  My body begins to shake and I find tears rolling down my cheeks. The sound of the other captains on the communication device draws my attention. One of them ask, “How did you do that?”

  Our captain tells them all, “Our new Princess did that!”

  Kerr nuzzles my ear. “I have the best wife ever.” His lips press against my neck, sending chills through me.

  “What the hell am I, Kerr?” I look at him and he finally sees I’m crying.

  His thumbs wipe my tears as he takes my face in his hands. “Baby, don’t cry. You’re amazing. You saved us all.”

  The sound of the King’s voice comes from behind us as he seems to have made it to the bridge. “She is amazing and she will be the end of us Kerr.”

  I shake my head and sob then bury my face in Kerr’s wide chest and wrap my arms around him. “Father, she just saved the entire royal family and you dare to speak about her that way?”

  “Mark my words, Kerr. If you allow her to live, life as we have been accustomed to living it will end. This woman will never see fit to walk a step behind or do as she’s told. Hell, you couldn’t take the strap to her if you tried.” The King’s words sting my ears and I stop crying and pull my head off my husband’s chest.

  Controlling my temper so I don’t hurt the old asshole, I say, “Sire, I am not a threat to you. Please try to understand. This is new to me. But I am not an evil person who will use this against you. You are right about one thing. I will not allow the strap to be used on me. And once I’m Queen it will be outlawed on your planet.”

  Kerr’s arm tightens around me. His lips press the side of my head. “A discussion for another time, my love.”

  “Do you see how she means to take our lives away?” The King throws his hands in the air. “Am I the only one who cares for our planet? The Earthling’s have managed to take over yet another planet by awarding her to you, Kerr.”

  Only men fill the room and all look at me for an answer. I shake my head. “I don’t wish to take over anything.”

  “But you will, Kataline.” The King nods. “You will.”

  Could he be right?



  Though no breeze moves the air, I feel a chill. The chill of change.

  My wife sleeps in my arms and I hold her tight as she does. My father may well convince the others she needs to be put to death.

  Her gifts are powerful and though I know she’d never use them on anyone she loves, others will not see it that way.

  They will see a woman. One who could force things upon them. I agree with her about getting rid of the hook and the strap. I agree with her about making women equals on our planet.

  Only, not many other men will. It’s them who worry me. Her life may be in constant danger once we get home and she starts the process of change.

  I do worry too my father will make her so mad she hurts him or worse, kills him. No one could save her if she did that. Even if he weren’t the King.

  Murders are punishable by death on Euthenia. Even if you are a royal. About the only way to cause a death without paying the price for it is when you’re the King or the Queen and you order an execution. Which hasn’t been done in a hundred years or so.

  There is no way I will allow her to be killed, but I may have to allow some type of sedation to keep her under control if she gets out of hand.

  I hope that never happens, though.

  Her dark hair I move off her shoulder and place my lips on her soft skin. My heart swells with emotion with all I feel for her.

  It’s hard to believe so little time has gone by since I first saw her coming down the aisle to join me in this life. If someone told me all this would happen I’d have told them they were lying and crazy.

  My mother keeps flitting through my mind these last few days. She’s always there in some form or fashion. Here of late though she’s in it more often than not.

  It has two effects on me and they are conflicting. It gives me the idea that my life is on the right path by accepting the award of Kataline by the Earthlings. The conflicting feeling is that this was a very bad thing to have accepted.

  Change is evident. I look forward to it. But will my people?

  If I was to ask Kataline not to force her hand about the changes would she see fit to do as I bid her to?

  Would I be wrong to even ask that of her?

  If my mother were here, the changes would’ve already been made. Perhaps that’s why her memory keeps stirring in my brain.

  I had a dream the last time I was asleep that felt so real it was even painful. Someone was trying to take over our world. Someone from within.

  Could that have been a premonition about Kataline sometime in the future? Is she going to change herself with this power she has? Will it make her into something she isn’t right now?

  I’m both excited and terrified at this moment. Anything could happen. I know that.

  “Kerr?” Her voice sounds weak.

  “Yeah, Baby.”

  She turns in my arms and looks at me. My finger runs over her high cheek bone. Its red where she was lying on it.

  “They’re a
ll going to be afraid of me, aren’t they?” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears.

  “I’ll try hard for that not to happen. You know, show them how you’re going to protect them, not harm them. I just have to be louder than my father that’s all.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

  She looks unsure of what I’ve said. “Kerr?”

  “Yeah,” I say as I brush the hair back off her face.

  “What if they are so afraid of me they do call for my execution?” Her eyes search mine.

  My heart aches. I swallow hard as I have thought about this too. Then it comes to me. “Then you and I will leave the planet together.”

  She blinks and takes in what I’ve said. “We could do that?”

  “You and I can do anything we want to. Some other planet would allow us to live there. You might not be allowed to use the powers you’ve acquired, but we could live together.” My hand runs over her exposed breast and I roll her pink nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

  “You’d give up your place as Prince or even King to be with me?” Her head shakes slightly. “I could never let you do that.”

  “You could let me do that. And I would do that. You are my life, Kataline. I would choose you over anything else.” I push her back and move my body over hers.

  Her hands run around my neck as I press into her. Her breath comes out in a sweet sigh. “You really love me that much?”

  “I do,” I say then press my lips to hers.

  Softly I touch her lips as I run my hands down her sides. Chill bumps pop up on her skin and she moves her body to accommodate me better.

  The way I feel when I’m inside her is phenomenal. I would leave with her. I would give up the throne for her. I’d do anything for her.

  This beautiful woman who looks at me with deep blue eyes full of love is my life.

  It seems impossible to me that I could be so ready to give everything up for someone I didn’t even know a little over a week ago.

  The pressure of her hot, wet walls on me feels beyond amazing and her beauty is beyond compare. “You will always have a home in my arms, Kataline. Wherever you and I are together is where home is. Whether I rule there or not. My place is with you, always.”

  Her breasts press against my chest like pillows and everything about her ignites something in me I never knew I had. A different purpose for this life than I’ve thought it was about thus far.

  This unique woman was meant for me. She needs my protection against the people who won’t understand her and fear her.

  It will be up to me to make sure she is accepted into my world. Her legs move up mine, sliding her silky skin against them. It stirs me and I kiss the soft skin of her neck.

  Her moan fills my ears and her hands move to tangle in my hair. “Kerr, you always know just how to touch me.”

  I nip at her neck and let out a growl. She giggles and bucks a bit.

  Moving my hand down one of her legs, I draw it up and place her knee near her head. My thick cock moves into her deeper and she moans with the feeling, “Harder.”

  Banging into her, I do as she’s requested and her breathing changes to panting in no time. Her nails scratch my back as I fill her over and over until she’s screaming my name.

  I can’t stop, I keep going as she writhes and twists as she comes undone. “Kerr!”

  The sound of shattering glass makes me pull my head up, leaving her neck neglected of my bite. I look over and find the decanter of some purple liquid has busted into pieces and has spilled all over the white surface of the table it sat on.

  The sound of her voice draws my attention back to her. “Come, Kerr!”

  My body jerks and does as she’s said to. I was nowhere near ready for that and it surprises me as the intensity takes me over.

  A loud groan comes out of me as I climax. The sensation begins to fade and I see her looking at me. “Wow, did I make you do that?” she asks.

  Taking in a deep breath, I stare into her eyes, golden sparks look as if they’re making little explosions in them. “You did.” I feel numb all of a sudden as a smile creeps across her face which is glowing.

  “Did you like it?”

  How do I tell her that I fucking hated it?

  I look into her eyes instead of answering her. The sparks of gold slowly subside. “Well?” she asks.

  “Not really,” I say.

  She looks away and pushes at me to get off her. I roll off and lie on my back as I run my hands through my hair in frustration.

  “Sorry! I won’t do that again. I didn’t mean to do it anyway,” she says as she gets out of bed and disappears into the attached washroom.

  A sudden guilt flows through me and I get up and go to her. Her body is shaking as she showers. She’s crying and now I feel awful.

  “Baby, I’m sorry.” My arms enclose her quivering body.

  “Kerr, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  The warm liquid flows over us and should be comforting the way it's designed to be. It's bringing me no such comfort as my wife cries in my arms.

  I kiss the top of her head. “I shouldn’t have said I didn’t like it. It’s just that it was kind of taken from me rather than me giving it to you. You know?”

  “I know. I do!” Her cries go into full blown wails and her body is shaking even more. “What’s wrong with me?”

  I have no idea what to say to her. “We’ll just have to work on this thing you have going on is all. We’ll figure it all out. With time, we can figure it out.”

  I trail kisses over her shoulder as she continues to cry. The water stops and I pick her up and carry her to the dryer. In moments we’re dry and I take her back to bed.

  While we were on Ulta Minor I had Bet go purchase some of the Earth food they sell there. I have a bag of what they call cheeseburgers in the food storage area.

  Lying her on the bed, I prop her up with some fluffy pillows and give her nose which is now red from crying a little tweak.

  “I have a surprise for you, Baby.” I make my way to retrieve the food and when I come back she’s stopped crying and her tears have dried.

  “What’s on the tray, Kerr? I’m really not in the mood to eat.” Her eyes look away from the tray.

  I’m sure she’s afraid it’ll be some of our food and be moving about on the plate.

  I pull the lid off, and her eyes dart to the steaming cheeseburgers. “Not even for this?”

  “Kerr!” Her arms are thrown around me and she kisses my cheek. “You’re the sweetest man alive. Do you know that?”

  “So does that mean you like what I got for you?” I ask with a laugh.

  She laughs, and the sound fills my heart with joy and love and I never want to hear her cry again.

  It seems to take a little piece of my soul when she does.

  Pulling a small chunk off the round sandwich, I place it to her lips. She readily accepts it and moans. “It’s really good. I love it. Thank you, Kerr.”

  She takes the rest of the burger and takes another huge bite. I laugh and go to find something to clean up the spilled purple stuff on the table and get the broken glass thrown away as well.

  As I look at the mess, it doesn’t skip my attention that it could be some type of foreboding sign. The purple representing royalty and the bursting of the glass which contained it our hierarchy.

  Then again, it could just mean her power got away from her and it means nothing.

  I know one thing. I’m sure as hell not mentioning anything to her about it either way.

  She looks content munching away on the food I gave her. That alone fills me with happiness.

  To think I could find joy in seeing her happy over a little thing like a greasy cheeseburger is nearly overwhelming.

  What all would I do for her?

  A wiggling little piece of me wonders if she’s manipulating my thoughts. Then I push that down and remember what my aunt and I talked about.

  She told me love makes you feel completely differe
nt. And I do feel different. That’s for sure.

  “That was delicious, Kerr.” I turn to see her licking the last bit of ketchup from her lips. “Bet told me there’s a man who works in the kitchen at the palace who knows how to make Earth food. Please tell me you’ll allow me to eat it.”

  Her eyes sparkle. As if she needs me to allow her to do anything. It’s fucking obvious I will have no control over this woman.


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