Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5) Page 86

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Then I will take her back to Earth and see if they can help her. She is my wife and I love her with everything in me.”

  His laughter fills the air and makes me angry. “You love her? Are you mad? You barely know the woman. You love fucking her. Just say that.”

  Now my blood is boiling and I’m seeing red. “Father, do not speak about my wife that way. I will not tolerate it!”

  He takes a seat on his overstuffed chair and looks out the window at the blackness dotted by the far away stars. “What has happened to us, Kerr?” He places the empty glass on the table beside him. “You and I have always gotten along pretty well. With this woman’s arrival, things have gone sour between us.”

  “I am stuck in the middle, Father. I know you mean well. The fact is she’s mine to care for and deal with and I am doing all I can to do that. Let me alone to do what is mine.” I pace as I try to think about what can get him to understand my feelings for her.

  “Am I to close my mind to the fact she is looking to destroy us all, Son?” He refills his glass with the decanter next to his glass on the table top. He fills another glass as well. “Come, have a drink with your father and let us talk like gentlemen. Like we always have.”

  Doing as he’s asked. I take the glass and take the seat across from him. “Surely you understand I do have real love for Kataline. She is a wonderful woman. You held love for my mother after all.”

  His eyes dart up to mine. “Still do.”

  “Of course.” I take a sip of the tangy drink. “Still you hold love in your heart for her. No one would dare to say anything different.”

  “Her death was a horror to me.” He takes a long drink. “Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Not even the Earthling.”

  No matter how much I ask, he just cannot stop himself from keeping his tongue still where my wife is concerned. I swallow another drink and look out the window.

  “She saved us all, Father.”

  “And she will end us all, Son.”

  “How do you know this to be true?” I look directly into his eyes.

  “I’ve seen it.” His tone is solid, and he seems to believe the words which have come out of his mouth.

  “You accuse her of being bewitched, yet you have seen her end us all?” My foot taps as I await his answer.

  “I may have some of that primitive blood coursing through my veins as well. It often gives gifts of that kind to Earthlings. With the fever, I saw your wife ruling over Euthenia.” Another long drink empties his short glass.

  “That is the first time you’ve admitted what all know. That’s a step in the right direction, Father. And if you did see that in the future it could be true. She is my wife and as such will one day rule by my side.” I get up and go to pick up a morsel of sustenance off the tray on the table.

  Popping a black beetle into my mouth, I crunch it up. My father clears his throat. “You were not there. It was only her.”

  “And that was a fevered dream, Father.”

  “She has the mental power to do it. You know that to be true, Kerr.” He gestures to the platter. “Bring your father a tasty morsel, Son.”

  I take the tray to him and offer him a bite. He chooses the largest one on the plate and eats it. My stomach lurches as it breaks in half and the white insides glob down his chin.

  He wipes it away and I wonder why I had that reaction. Then my head goes light and I go to sit down quickly. My father eyes me. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m not sure. I got dizzy and my stomach felt odd for a second.” I lean my head back and look up to steady myself.

  The room seems to be spinning. “Father what was in the drink?”

  His laugh has me worried. “A little something I like to call evening the odds.”

  He gets up and walks away as I watch helplessly. I cannot move and he is walking towards the corridor which leads to the rooms. “Father, do not go to her. She will kill you.”

  My words stop him. He turns back and looks at me with question etching his expression. “How do you know that? Has she threatened my life? For that, son, is treason and you damn well know it.”

  “She’s more than capable of killing you without ever touching you. Stay away from her. I have her in our room for your safety.” I close my eyes and try to move my body, but I can’t.

  He walks back to me and looks down at me. “Answer my question, Kerr. Has she threatened to kill me?”

  “Not while conscious, no.” I look up at him. “If you value your life, you will stay away from her. She’s not entirely herself right now.”

  “What is she?” His eyes are dark and I know he’s intrigued.

  “Something inside her is fighting for control. I suppose it’s the thing which gave her the power to stop the lasers from destroying our ships and turned them back to where they came from. She is not well. She needs to be left alone. Once we get back home I will have the medic run her through the scanner to find out what’s happening to her brain.” My fingertips begin to wiggle and I can feel the effects of whatever he put in that drink wearing off.

  “We could poison her, Son.”

  My heart stops as I see my wife walk in wearing a white robe. “I know you’re talking about me. My ears burned and woke me.” Her voice is even, and its deep. Her eyes are black and void of emotion.

  It’s not her.

  I try to move and can only make feeble attempts to get up. “Father, get behind me. She will kill you.”

  He turns. His finger points out at her. “You are an abomination.”

  With not even a flick of her wrist my father flies through the air and hits the wall.

  “Stop!” I manage to get up and stagger towards Kataline. “Kataline, stop! It’s treason.”

  I take in a deep breath and feel stronger. I scoop her up in my arms and take her back to our room. Her body shudders and her black eyes roll back in her head.

  Then she is still and her arms go around my neck. She blinks and she’s back. “Kerr? What happened?”

  Into the room, I take her and see Bet shivering in a corner. She hauls ass as we come in. No words needed to come from her. I know what frightened her.

  Lying her on the bed, I hold her to me. “Are you okay, Kataline?”

  She holds tight to me. “I feel myself again. What did I do?”

  “Something that could get your head taken from your body.” I kiss her lips softly. “And I very much like your head where it is. I will deal with my father. I am still technically in charge here.”

  “Kerr, something’s really wrong with me.” Her eyes look frantically into mine.

  “When we get home, we can get you help. If you can try to hang onto yourself until then we can get you all better.” I kiss her again.

  “What if they can’t make me better?” Her bottom lip is quivering, and she’s about to cry.

  I place my finger to her lip to steady it. “Then we will travel back to Earth and see if they can help you. I will not stop until you’re better, Baby. I swear that to you.”

  A smile moves slowly over her beautiful face. “What did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful man?”

  “Rest now. In a few hours, we’ll be on Honra to recharge. It’s a beautiful planet. Waterfalls abound and the sun always shines there. Sweet little primates swing through the giant trees and come to play with you at the sides of the springs.” I tweak her adorable nose.

  “Sounds like paradise.” She pulls me to her and leaves a kiss on my lips. “Are you taking me to paradise, Husband?”

  “Seems so,” I say with a smile and kiss her again.

  It seems when I hold her in my arms she’s better. She’s herself. Without letting her go, I climb on the bed with her and hold her tight as I look into her eyes.

  Her kind, sweet eyes have so much in them which tells me she loves me. Not a glimmer of the black which clouds them when that other thing comes out in her.

  She cuddles into me and sighs. As I run my hands over her back a thought cr
eeps into my head that she may have been implanted with something to make her kill the King and make it possible for Earthlings to take over Euthenia.

  A device like that could be activated by either a remote or a timer. And that’s exactly what it seems like is happening to her.

  Not to her knowledge, but done by the rulers of Earth to make sure they have a fighting chance at taking our planet. If we just had the scanning system on the ship, we could find out in a millisecond.

  Instead, I have to try my best to keep her from killing my father until then. Looks like I’ll have to stay wrapped around her to keep her with me until we get home.

  There’re worse ways to spend the next week!



  The sun’s light is bright as we step off the ship and onto the second surface I’ve been on since we left Earth. This surface is springy and covered in tiny, pink flowers.

  The air is warm and smells of flowers. It’s wonderful here.

  Wings beat the air and Kerr and I look up to see a large flock of birds flying over us. They’re large, blue and one makes a loud squawk.

  Kerr slips his hand around mine and his shoulder bumps mine. “I can’t wait to get you to the nearest spring, Baby. I’m going to clean you all up then mess you all up.”

  My body goes hot and I fan myself with my free hand. “Kerr!”

  A short young man with nearly white hair and very tanned skin pulls up in front of us. He’s on a small, two seated vehicle with a hovering device beneath it, keeping it off the ground. It reminds me of old pictures I saw of what were called motorcycles.

  “Two shillings will get you the use of this for this day, sir,” the young man says.

  Kerr pulls out what the boy has asked for. “Here you go.”

  Kerr climbs on the contraption and holds out his hand. I take it and climb on behind him. Running my hands around his waist, I hold on tight.

  He takes off and I scream as I feel odd with nothing to protect us from the elements. But within moments I love it. The wind blows our hair and I find myself smiling with a freedom I’ve never felt before.

  The port we landed at is quickly behind us and pink trees fill the horizon. Different, bird-like creatures swarm them as I assume they’re finding things to eat in them.

  “There’s so much pink, Kerr. It’s adorable.”

  “Wait till you see the small primates. I dare say you’ll want to take one home.” He takes one hand away from the steering mechanism and places it on top of mine. “But you can’t.”

  I giggle as we fly over the surface which changes the instant we go through the tree line. A pink hue covers us as the trees filter the sun’s bright light.

  The sound of water falling fills the air and a damp mist can be felt. Then he turns a corner and there it is.

  A giant and magnificent waterfall. Brilliant, blue water falls over a silver cliff into a deep pool of dark blue water. Floating on the surface are a few large birds, white feathers cover their bodies and their beaks are lavender.

  “They are beautiful,” I say as Kerr pulls the vehicle to a stop.

  A chattering sound has me looking up into the tan branches of the pink leafed tree we parked under. “There’s one of the little primates now, Kataline.”

  I follow where his finger points and there it is. A tiny creature with little ears which stick straight up off its little round head. Large, dark brown eyes peer at me from a limb up high and it makes its descent towards me.

  Smaller than my hand it is as it comes swinging out of the tree and lands right on my shoulder. “Hello,” I say.

  It chatters like its telling me something and then it stops and smiles at me, revealing human-like teeth. Perfectly straight and white.

  Kerr smiles as he watches the little thing hold out one of its tiny hands and runs it over my cheek. “He likes you, Baby.”

  “How do you know it’s a he?” I ask as I wink at the thing and it winks back.

  “His head is dark brown and his body is white. The females are just the opposite.” Kerr reaches towards me and the little thing stands up on my shoulder and throws his hands out in front of him.

  It chatters away as if telling Kerr to go away. Kerr laughs and climbs off the vehicle. I get off and follow him to the water’s edge.

  From the side, you can see straight down and the bottom is silver just like the rock the fall runs over. “Do you suppose that’s real silver?” I ask.

  Kerr nods. “It is. There are many materials here that in most places are precious, but here they occur so much they aren’t even harvested.” He pulls his shirt off over his head. “Ditch the primate and your clothes and join me in the water.”

  The little guy looks at me and frowns then shakes his head while making that chattering sound again. I don’t think he wants me to get in the water.

  I take him gently off my shoulder and place him on the ground. “Sorry, little guy. My husband asked me to get into the water with him and I have to make him happy.”

  Pulling the dress off, I leave it on the shore and the little primate sits on top of the mound of dark blue silk as if protecting it. I give him a wave as I follow my husband into the warm water and he waves back at me then curls up and takes a nap on my dress.

  Kerr slips his arms around me as he swims us away from the edge. “You want to take him home, don’t you?”

  “He does seem to like me,” I say as I run my arms around Kerr’s neck.

  The water soaks his long hair as he takes us deeper. I can’t touch bottom and the odd sensation that something might come up and grab my legs has me wrapping them around his waist.

  His bulge presses against me and sends waves of need through my body. The greens in his blue-green eyes light up more than the rest and he smiles. “I love you, Kataline.”

  His lips touch mine at the same time a bunch of birds fly overhead and make little cooing sounds as they pass by. My heart flutters as it all seems too good to be true.

  He breaks the kiss and we look up to find the flock is made up of tiny blue birds and they’re looking at us. I blush. “Seems everyone here knows what we’re up to.”

  “And they seem happy about it,” he says as I hang onto him and he swims backwards towards the waterfall.

  A rainbow can be seen as we go under a heavy mist on the side of the waterfall. A natural ledge is there and Kerr picks me up and places me on it then climbs up next to me.

  He stands up and takes my hand and leads me along the ledge which is just behind the rushing waters of the falls. The sound is so loud it’s deafening.

  A light fills an area up ahead and when we get to it I can look up and see a hole in the top of a huge cavern which allows the sunlight to come into the large, open room.

  As we walk back further into it, the noise is less and Kerr stops and pulls me into his arms. “Beautiful, isn’t it, Kataline?”

  Silver glistens off the walls made from it. In places there are jewel-like colors of reds and blues. It is beautiful but none of it compares to the man who stands before me.

  My hands go through his wet hair and over his cheeks. I pull his face to mine and he kisses me. Strong arms wrap around my body and ease us to the cool cavern floor.

  Kerr’s touch always excites me and, this time, is no different. But this time, is different in the way he’s handling me. His hands run over my body as if he can’t get enough of me.

  His mouth is hard on mine and his body is rigid. One hand takes my breast, and he kneads it, roughly. The other takes my leg behind my knee and pulls it back to beside my ear and he plunges into me.

  It knocks my breath out of my lungs and I gasp with the hard thrust. But it has my body on fire for him and I find myself biting at his neck and clawing at his back as he pounds his body into mine.

  Without any warning, an orgasm hits me and I scream with the intensity of it. He growls and thrusts harder and faster. My body shakes with desire for him and I move my body with his.

  He fis
ts my hair and pulls my head back, exposing my neck and his teeth bite into it. Heat floods through me and I shout, “Kerr!”

  Incessantly, he plunges into me over and over. His lips press against my ear. “You are mine. You are only mine.”

  I don’t have enough breath to even answer him, I just moan and arch up to him. His hand moves over my breast then my stomach and he splays his fingers over it.

  An ache begins deep inside me as his hand rests on my stomach. He holds his body over mine with the other one and looks into my eyes.

  The colors are morphed into one cerulean color and look stormy. “I’m about to fill you with my seed. You will have our child. Tell me you want it.”


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