Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Alien Former: Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Books 1-5) Page 128

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Hurry, they are coming!” Jessie cried.

  “I’m almost done!” I said as I opened the last cell. The Neutomians all gathered together on the platform talking in their own language. They were confused about what was taking place. I grabbed one of the translating devices from the nearest control panel and began to speak to them:

  “Listen, my name is Yahn. I am a Karkastian. I come in peace. The Sarceastians are coming so you must hurry. Hide where you can!” I said.

  One of them looked to have some sort of crown on his head. He seemed to understand what I said.

  “Let them come, now that my whole family is reunited, we can face them!” he said.

  Jessie and I looked at each other. We had no idea what he meant by this, but we couldn’t hang around to find out. I grabbed Jessie’s hand and we ran down the platform opposite from the walkway that the Sarceastians were using to reach the cellblock. A few of the Sarceastians broke off from the main group to come after us. We ran as fast as we could to get back to the pod. I turned around to see what was happening to the Neutomians and was astounded at what I witnessed.

  The Neutomians had gathered in an open circle and were holding hands. They closed their eyes and the leader wearing the crown began to chant something in their language. The others were repeating the chant. As soon as the Sarceastians ran into the circle, holding their laser guns, they disintegrated. A beam of light went from the leader, through the others in the circle, and was then directed outwards towards the Sarceastians. One by one they disintegrated, letting off loud shrieks as Jessie and I watched in wonderment.

  Chapter 7


  After the Sarceastians were defeated, the Neutomians held a great feast in our honor high up on the highest platform. Their ruler, Hohenwald had Yahn and I sit in a place of honor next to his throne. Several tall and beautiful Neutomians, wearing flowered headbands came and served us their finest food and drink. A lovely female Neutomian filled out mugs with a honey-like drink that was sweet and satisfying. Plates full of unknown fruit and yellow cakes were served to us as their ruler got off of his throne and turned to address the masses. I turned on the language decoder on my suit so that Yahn and I could understand his speech.

  “Today, we honor these brave friends of ours who have helped us defeat the invading Sarceastians. Although we have considered Earthlings and Karkastians to be our allies in the past, today we will forge an even stronger bond with them. Yahn and Jessie, whenever you have the need for our assistance, you can call on Neutomia to come to your aid. This we pledge for the rest of your days. Long may you walk?”

  “Long may you walk!” the crowd shouted, echoing their leader. We were treated like royalty as we sat watching the proceedings. Entertainers of every shape came to honor us. A group of five Neutomians flipped and danced for our pleasure, forming a pyramid, not unlike the cheerleading routines I remembered from my high school days. Finally, the hour grew late and Yahn and I both grew tired. Hohenwald, showed us to our rooms, high on a platform just next to the royal chambers. The platforms and walkways were clear and strong, made out of some kind of crystal. They zigzagged in all directions, but did not block out the beauty of the gas formations below our feet. Yahn and I watched from the balcony outside our chambers as huge, forest green gas plumes leapt into the air. Luckily, none of them leapt up high enough to touch the floor beneath our feet.

  “Look over there!” Yahn said, pointing to a large darker green region of rotating gas to our east.

  “That’s a massive storm!” I said, taking Yahn’s hand. He turned and smiled at me. We kissed and then headed into our chambers, feeling worn out from the day’s events. Yahn went over to the large bed that had been prepared for us and closed his eyes. I went over and lay down next to him. He opened his large eyes and smiled at me again. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity until Yahn pulled back slightly and looked into my eyes.

  “You said that there were other ways in which you showed affection for those that you love when we were in the pod. Will you show me one of these ways?” he said.

  I smiled and got up from the bed. One by one, I removed my clothes until I stood naked in front of Yahn. His eyes seemed to grow huge as he took in the full measure of my naked body for the first time. He gazed for a long while at my large breasts as I noticed a bulge in his pants.

  “Shall I remove my clothing as well?” he finally asked me. I nodded my head and began to crawl up the bed towards him. He slid his meager clothing off of his body to reveal his large member. I must admit I was a little nervous because he was quite a bit larger than the few men that I had previously been with.

  I crawled on top of him and began to kiss his neck and full lips. He looked me up and down as I received his eager kisses.

  “So what do I do now?” he asked me innocently.

  “I’ll do everything, leave it to me,” I whispered. I slid his large member inside of me, slowly and carefully and began to move up and down on him. His eyes grew huge and he began to moan loudly.

  “Oh my goodness!” he said as I steadily increased my movements.

  I could tell that he probably wasn’t going to last long if I kept up this pace, so I slowed down and allowed him to gain some composure.

  “This feels better than mind-melding,” he managed to say as his breaths got shorter.

  I continued to ride him feeling myself getting closer and closer to climax. Finally, my mouth fell open and my eyes rolled back in my head as a wave of pleasure washed over me.

  “Jessie!” Yahn exclaimed as I got off of him, realizing that he was very close to erupting. I managed to remove myself just in time.

  We lay together in a post-coital daze, gazing into each other’s eyes.

  “That was truly amazing. You are truly amazing,” Yahn said as he ran his fingers through my hair. “If someone had told me just weeks ago that I would be falling in love with a human, I would have told them they were flare,” he said.

  “Flare? That must be a word that means the same thing as crazy,” I said.

  “Yes, crazy, that would be the right word in your language,” he said.

  “So, what do you think? Is Neutomia going to be our new home?” I asked him.

  “Well it certainly is safe enough and beautiful,” he said, looking at the high ceiling above our heads. Neutomian dwellings had very high ceilings and were quite spacious. Most of the walls were open and made of clear crystal so that you felt as if you were amongst the clouds. There was little need for privacy in their society.

  “I think I could get used to this place. The people couldn’t be any nicer and the scenery is unsurpassed,” I said.

  We stayed in bed half the day and finally decided to go outside and get a breath of fresh air just as Hohenwald and a group of his subjects came walking across the platform towards our dwelling.

  “Greetings guests. My subjects have brought you food and water. Did you have a good rest?” Hohenwald asked us.

  “Yes, your hospitality has been amazing,” I said to him, prompting him to smile.

  “It is the least I can do for you after the peace that you have brought us. I have some news for you that I wish to share,” he said, taking on a slightly more serious heir.

  “Yes, what is it?” Yahn asked.

  “Over on the far western platform, a group of humans has just arrived in order to re-fuel and replenish themselves. This is not unusual as humans are our allies and stop here quite often. However, I thought I should inform you. They say that they are on the trail of two fugitives and their descriptions fit the two of you,” Hohenwald said.

  Yahn and I looked at one another. It was obvious that we were both thinking the same thing.

  “Can you describe this group? How many of them are there?” I asked.

  “About eight or so. There is one female with them. They say that they are an expeditionary team sent by the US army,” Hohenwald said.

  Yahn and I looked at one another in alarm.

nbsp; “It’s as I feared. They have caught up with us,” Yahn said.

  “Why are they after you?” Hohenwald asked us.

  “It’s a long story. One of them attempted to kill Yahn and I injured the man that tried to do so. Afterwards, we escaped the planet Karkast where the expedition team was stationed. They did not pursue us right away because they still hadn’t fulfilled their mission. I suppose that they are finished now and hot on our trail,” I said.

  “I see. What I can I do in order to assist you? I can hide you or provide you with a ship,” Hohenwald said.

  “Hmm, well if I know this group they will not rest until they’ve searched the entire area. I wouldn’t want them to accuse you of aiding known fugitives. As much as I love this planet, I think it would be a safer option for everyone involved if we left,” I said.

  “I agree. I cannot allow us to put your people’s safety at risk after the hospitality that you have shown to us,” Yahn said.

  “Well then, I will have my subjects prepare a space cruiser for you. It is one of the finest ships that we have so it should serve you well. It has been designed for fast speeds in order to shorten the duration of space voyages. Hopefully, it will be difficult for them to catch up to you,” Hohenwald said.

  “You are so kind. We will always remember the generosity that you have bestowed upon us,” Yahn said.

  We quickly packed our things and prepared to go to the nearby launching pad where the space cruiser was being fueled up. I felt a tinge of regret to be leaving so soon. We had just gotten there and now we had to leave again. It made me wonder if we would ever find somewhere that we could settle down, at least for a while. The space cruiser was round with no sharp edges and had a sleek white color like a giant albatross. It seemed so much roomier and aesthetically pleasing than most Earth ships. Yahn and I loaded our things onto the ship as quickly as we could. As I came out of the ship and down the ramp, I saw a familiar figure approaching the platform. It was the last person in the universe I wanted to see. James spotted us and began running on the opposite direction, presumably to tell the others in the crew.

  “We’ve got to lift off now. I just saw James and I’m certain that he saw me!” I said.

  “Oh no. Well, let’s not waste any time. Let’s say our goodbyes to Hohenwald and get out of here,” Yahn said.

  Hohenwald and his subjects came walking up at just the right time to make sure everything was to our satisfaction.

  “How do you like the ship?” he said.

  “It’s wonderful. One of the members of the human crew has spotted us, so we must leave immediately. We hate to have to leave your splendid planet so quickly, but we cannot allow them to capture us,” Yahn said.

  “I understand! I wish you all the best. You will always have friends on Neutomia should you find yourselves in need or if you want to stay indefinitely one day,” Hohenwald said as he shook both of our hands.

  “Thank you so much for everything,” I said. Then, we turned to leave. As soon as the ship lifted off of the platform, we saw the grey expedition ship approaching.

  “Quickly, we have to make a jump to light speed if we can!” I said.

  “We can’t. It takes several minutes for the boosters to charge up to the necessary level. We will have to outmaneuver them!” Yahn said. I sat next to him looking at the digital maps of the area. Yahn made several sudden dips and turns in an attempt to lose them, but I knew the captain was an expert pilot that would be difficult to shake. Sure enough, he stayed right with us.

  “I think I know what we have to do,” I said as I made a discovery looking at the maps.

  “What?” Yahn asked me as the Earth ship got right on our tail.

  “You need to head directly north. There lies the Gammadon belt. It’s a region full of asteroids. It’s risky, but they probably won’t want to follow. The captain will face grave consequences if members of the crew or their ship are harmed.”

  “I can understand why he wouldn’t do such a thing. I don’t want to either. However, I can see no other way to shake them so let’s give it a shot,” Yahn said, making a sudden turn towards the north. After a few minutes, the belt came into view. Where there had been clear, empty space before, the view was littered with asteroids of every size and description. It was like entering a galactic minefield.

  “Brace yourself, I’m going in!” Yahn declared. The ship jolted forward at top- notch speed, barely missing a gigantic asteroid that came barreling towards us. The expedition ship slowed down and was no longer on our tail.

  “It’s working!” I said.

  “Hold on!” Yahn yelled as the ship dove downwards like a hill on a roller coaster. I felt my heart leap up into my throat as we barely missed another asteroid. I looked behind us and the expedition crew was nowhere to be seen. It had worked!

  Chapter 8


  Although we had escaped the expedition crew, now we faced the onerous task of flying the sleek Neutomian ship through the field of swirling and rotating asteroids. They were all around us and came in all shapes and sizes. Some were only as large as boulders, while others were as big as small moons. All of them were various shades of orange and brown, pockmarked and full of craters of different sizes. I had to maneuver the ship back and forth and dive suddenly to avoid having a collision with them. It seemed that the further inside the belt we ventured, the more numerous the asteroids became.

  “Hold on!” I yelled to Jessie who looked as if she were turning blue. The swoops, turns, and dives I was making, were starting to affect her human stomach. Humans did not have the tolerance for such a motion that we, Karkastians, had.

  “As soon as I find a place that looks safe enough, I will attempt a landing!” I said as Jessie closed her eyes and tried not to become sick. Just a second later, a medium-sized asteroid struck the side of the ship. It was becoming increasingly difficult to steer. I was losing control of the ship. It was pulling to one side and I knew that the alignment had been thrown off by the collision. I also began to notice that smoke was beginning to pour out from the location of the impact from the asteroid.

  “I am going to have to land the ship immediately or she might just break apart!” I said.

  “I see the smoke pouring out. Oh, Yahn are we going to make it?” Jessie asked, her voice sounded panicked.

  “Yes, don’t worry. I am going to land the ship safely. Hold on tight!” I yelled as I scanned the immediate vicinity of the ship. I spied a very large asteroid just south of us that seemed to be moving very slowly. Our safest bet was to try and land on this enormous rock. I fired the boosters to slow our descent and began to maneuver the ship down towards the asteroid. I barely escaped an even larger asteroid that was barreling down on us, towards the north, as the ship moved southwards. Finally, I could see the rocky surface of the asteroid below us as we moved in for a landing.

  “Brace yourself, this could be quite a bumpy landing!” I said. I gave the boosters more power to slow down our movement, but we still struck the surface of the asteroid with some force. The ship ground to a halt and Jessie opened her eyes.

  “We made it. You did it!” she shouted, throwing her arms around me.

  “Yes, let’s just hope that the ship isn’t damaged beyond repair,” I said.

  As I opened the hatch and extended the ramp, I ventured out of the ship with my laser cannon in front of me. I had no idea what creatures might be living on this rock, so I wasn’t taking any chances. Jessie came behind me, wearing an oxygen suit and carrying her own weapon. Everywhere the landscape was brown and rocky. There were low hills and mountains here and there that dotted the landscape, but there seemed to be no sign of life. Craters were all around the ground, some as large as a lake and others that were very small in diameter. We walked for some miles without seeing any sign of another living creature.

  “Seems safe enough. I suppose we might as well set up camp. Once we’ve had some rest, we can determine how badly the ship has been damaged and try to make th
e needed repairs.”

  “I hope that we can do that. I don’t think that this is a place where we would want to become permanent residents,” Jessie said.

  “I would be happy to live anywhere safely where I can be with you,” I said as I smiled at her and took her hand. She smiled back as we walked back to the ship to get some wood for a fire. The asteroid was quite cold, being fairly far away from any star to give it warmth.

  After the fire was built, we began to feel relaxed and share stories.

  “My father was always so supportive of me even when I wanted to join the army. It’s my mother that told me that it would come to a bad end,” Jessie said.

  “Well, mothers always want to protect their children. My mother was no different. She would always tell me, ‘Yahn, your place is here on your home planet. There is nothing out there in space but trouble. We have enough problems down here on our own planet.’”


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