Fanon, Frantz, 203, 203n61, 205, 216
fantasy, 10–12, 13n39, 104n49, 114, 119, 169, 214, 240
Feinberg, Leslie P., 224n113, 224n114
Ferenczi, Sandor, 12n33
Ferguson, Roderick, 7–8n20
Firbank, Ronald, 212
Flavin, Dan, 203
Fleetwood, Nicole R., 203n61
Fordism, 13, 90, 130, 171n86
Foster, Hal, 50n150, 144n28, 198–200, 200n52, 207n69, 209
Foucault, Michel, 21, 21n65, 24n73, 26, 46, 46n139, 123n101
Frankfurt, Suzie, 58
Franklin, Aretha, 181
Franklin, Benjamin, 53
Franzen, Jonathan, 36–38, 36n114, 43
Freeman, Elizabeth, 49
Frei, Georg. See Catalogue Raisonné
Fremont, Vincent, 228
Freud, Sigmund: on affect, 97; on analysis, 141, 152; on collecting and liking, 57; on death drive, 97n31; on emotional tie, 12; on melancholic identification, 10, 10n27, 10n28, 134–35; on sexuality, 25; on “shell shock,” 18; on transference, 12n34, 57n15, 57n16
Fried, Michael, 142, 143n25, 218
Friedan, Betty, 139–40
Friedberg, Anne, 172n92
“functional differentiation,” 116, 130. See also “differentiation of society”
Fuss, Diana, 10n29, 25, 25n75
Gallese, Vittorio, 87, 88n90, 208
Gance, Abel, 162
gay: Chauncey on, 25n73; as distinct from queer, 7; gay male fans of Monroe, 217n95; gay men on television, 29; Johns and Rauschenberg as, 30; and lesbians as a “people,” 27; in “mixed marriage,” 245; and modern literature, 25; “shows the way,” 224. See also lesbian
gay liberation, ethos of, 46, 76
Gay Liberation Front, 224–26
Geldzahler, Henry, 26, 47, 68n47, 160
Giallo, Vito, 3, 54
Ginsberg, Allen, 87
Giorno, John: on foot fetish, 121n92; on homophobia of art world, 30n93; on Jackie Kennedy, 49n147; and Marilyn Monroe, 64; and role in Sleep, 160–63, 165–68, 171
Girard, Rene, 9, 9n25, 12, 12n36
Gluck, Nathan, 14n41, 71, 71n58
Goffman, Erving, 30
Goldstein, Ann, 137n1
Gonzalez, Jennifer, 182, 182n10
Graham, Dan, 23n71
Greenberg, Clement, 120
Griffin, John Howard, 244n144
Grudin, Anthony, 16, 16n49, 186n21
Grundmann, Roy, 16n48
Guignon, Charles, 41n128, 42
Guilbaut, Serge, 144n27
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich, 42n128
Haase, Matthias, 2n6
Hackett, Pat, 29
Haidt, Jonathan, 34, 41, 98
Hall, Radclyffe, 25
Halliwell, Stephen, 99n42
Hansen, Miriam: on anaesthetics, 19–20; on Benjamin’s similitude, 5n13; on innervation, 19n59, 100n45; on “intermedial relations,” 115; on mimesis as relational practice, 4–5; on receptivity, 98–99n38
Hardt, Michael, 39n120, 76, 76n62, 107, 117
Hartman, Saidiya, 192, 192n37, 208
Harvey, David, 90n5
having: being-vs.-having, 10–11, 12, 24, 56; and desire, 9–10, 76; feelings, 96
Hayworth, Rita, 215
Heidegger, Martin, 41–42, 141, 141n19, 208
Herko, Freddy, 87
Herring, Scott, 54n7
Hoban, Phoebe, 244n142
Hobbes, Thomas, 171
Hoberman, J., 119
Hochschild, Arlene, 43
Hoffman, Abbie, 141
Hoffman, Josef, 53
Holzer, Jane, 80
homosexuality: and attacks on Factory, 29; Bersani on sameness and, 27n85; and the “dancer type,” 109; desire as contradictory, 25; Foucault on friendship and, 46n139; as identity, Foucault on, 24n73
Honan, Mat, 38n117
Hughes, Fred, 53–55, 54n5, 55n8, 60
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne, 192
identity: drugs and, 17; loss of, 88, 164, 219; normative, 44, 80; Screen Tests and, 82; self, 5, 10–11, 11n30; sexual, 5, 27; and similarity, 20, 27, 198; and specificity, 76, 177; Warhol’s refusal to affirm, 7, 24, 27, 29–30, 29n92, 33, 44, 86, 151–52, 155, 198
imitation: and attachment, 49; capacity for, 6; in children, 99; and color line, 182, 214, 236–37; and drag, 219, 228, 230, 232; and identity, 20, 24, 26; and incorporation, 10–13; and likeness, 17; and liking, 6, 8–10; of machine, 90–91, 96, 98, 135; and medium, 11–12; as process, 20–21, 24; in Screen Tests, 82; of stars, 109–10, 222–23, 240–42; of Warhol, Basquiat’s, 250. See also mimesis; mimetic faculty; resemblance
Indiana, Robert, 160, 162
interest, 34, 35; as aesthetic goal, 137, 142, 147–48; and disinterest, 122–23; Fried on, 142–43; Judd and, 137–39, 144, 152, 166; and liking, 37; Ngai on, 145n33, 169n81; Perry on, 145; “physiognomic,” 61; “polarity,” 145; in Sleep, 164; Tomkins on, 145; and value, 145; Warhol and, 4, 17, 52, 159; Warhol’s, 54, 76, 159
invert: discourse of the, 24–27; and inversion, in drag, 218n98. See also homosexuality; lesbian
Iris, Warhol’s portrait of, 228, 236–37
Ivette, Warhol’s portrait of, 228, 232–33
Jackson, Jermaine, 247
Jackson, Jesse, 208
Jackson, Michael, 181
Jagger, Mick, 236, 238
James, David E., 2n6, 70, 81James, William, 97, 97n31, 145
Jameson, Fredric, 92n10, 131, 132n117, 134, 137
Johns, Jasper, 23, 30–32, 53
Johnson, Jed, 53n4, 59, 59n23
Johnson, Lyndon, 48
Johnson, Marsha P., 220, 224, 226, 228, 240–42
Jones, Caroline, 14n41, 91, 91n7
Jones, Grace, 181
Joseph, Branden: on EPI, 80n72; on hallucinatory effects in Warhol’s films, 85n88; on Sleep, 161–62, 168, 168n78; on Warhol as machine, 96; on Warhol’s affect, 96; on Warhol’s editing, 162n68
Jouffray, Alain, 189n24
Judd, Donald, 23, 51, 52, 137–58, 176; apparent affectlessness of works, 138, 159, 176; color in works of, 203; critique of consumer culture, 138, 158; and Fibonacci series, 148; Fried on, 142; on interest, 137–39, 144, 152, 159; “Jackson Pollock,” 145; materials of, 157n59; mimetic strategy of, 155–56; and minimalism, 23, 51–52, 138n6; and natural beauty, 148–50, 156, 174; noncompositional strategies of, 150–51, 156–57; nonreferentiality, in works of, 138; on observation, 148n43; on Oldenburg, 146n37; on painting, 150; on “polarity,” 145–47; refusal to hierarchize, 151; and reification, 156–58, 177; in relation to art market, 158; and seriality, 151; “specific objects” of, 137, 148, 174; on time, 149n44
Judd, Donald, works by: 100 Aluminum Boxes, 152–56; “wall stacks,” 148–50
Kahan, Benjamin, 47n143, 249n153
Kant, Immanuel, 34, 123, 128–29, 128n106, 138
Karp, Ivan, 182n13
Kelley, Robin, 209
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 5, 16, 24–28, 47–49, 61–62, 107. See also Warhol, Andy, works by
Kennedy, John F., 47–48
King, Homay, 85n88
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 179, 192–93, 204, 206
King-Nero, Sally, 71n55
Kittler, Friedrich, 111
Klee, Paul, 53
Klein, Yves, 22, 203
Koestenbaum, Wayne, 9n24, 14n41, 27n82, 33, 58n20, 63–64, 113
Kracauer, Siegfried, 115, 140, 176
Kraft-Ebbing, 26
Krauss, Rosalind, 9n25, 104, 109n57, 132, 152n53
Kronengold, Charles, 22n69
Lacan, Jacques, 10, 200n52
Lanigan-Schmidt, Thomas, 223
Lears, T. J. Jackson, 144n27
Lee, Pamela, 175
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 151
Lenin, Vladimir, 84n79
Lennon, John, 41
Lepenies, Wolf, 140
lesbian: as identity, 27–28; and “invert,” 25–27; in “mixed marriage,” 245; as represented in Well of Loneliness, 26; and sodality, 27
> Levine, Naomi, 180
LeWitt, Sol, 23, 51–52, 89, 91–95, 121–35; affectless artwork, 122; and likeness, 134–35; and machine, 89, 91, 122; nominalism, 133; pleasures of systematicity in works of, 95, 122, 134–35; in relation to abstract expressionism, 89; seriality in, 122–23, 129–30; tension between perception and conception, 128, 130, 133; wall drawings of, 122–23; works of as producing surprise, 124, 130, 133
Lewitt, Sol, works by: All Combinations of Arcs from Corners and Sides, 122; Five Cubes on 25 Squares, 124; Serial Project Set A, 123; Straight Lines, Not-Straight-Lines and Broken Lines, 122; Ten Thousand Lines, One Inch Long, Evenly Spaced on Six Walls Each of Differing Area, 123–24; Variations of Incomplete Open Cubes, 95, 122, 124–26, 130, 134–35; Vertical Lines, Not Straight, Not Touching, 123–24, 129
Lichtenstein, Roy, 2n5, 22–23, 53, 138n5
like (the word), 6n17, 8–9, 8n22, 9n2
like-being, 6, 14, 58, 60, 74, 215. See also semblable
likeness, 5–6, 8–9, 11, 43, 49, 51, 52, 174; in Basquiat’s representations of Warhol, 247–48; capacity to perceive, 52, 60, 112, 115; and collections, 68–69, 76, 80; in drag, 222; experience of in USSR and US, 13–14; and identity games, 33, 74–75; in Lewitt, as compared to Warhol, 134–35; and mood, 42; Nancy on, 1, 5; opposition to, 17–24; Phillips on, 34; promotion of, as project, 23, 115, 122; and racialization, 181–82; and racism, 180; in Screen Tests, 80, 82, 85, 87–88; in silkscreen paintings, 101, 110; Silverman on, 5; and spectatorship, 215; stardom, 238; in transference, 57–58; transformation into, 215; Warhol’s promotion of, 6, 49, 51, 116, 134
“like-o-meter,” 41, 98, 108
liking, 1–52; as active and transformative, 215; as affirmation and form of attraction, 37; as basic positive feeling, 4, 35, 35n110, 37, 98, 100, 172; Basquiat’s, 246, 251; and boredom, 159, 164, 166; as capacity, 5, 8, 11, 35, 42, 98, 108, 115; as caring, 69; and collecting, 53, 57, 68–70; and color line, 238; and consumption, 36–37; like Deleuze’s conception of desire, 40n23; as distinct from desire, 5, 7, 9–13, 74–76; and drag, 234–36; everybody/everything, 1–6, 8, 34, 37–38, 63, 96–97, 108n55, 109, 179; as force, 37; and imitation, 13; and interest, 52; as like being a machine, 95–110; as (utopian) practice, 6, 38, 41, 47, 49, 117; as project, 4, 6, 23, 37–38, 41, 43; as queer, 7–8, 46–47, 70, 76; in relation to racism, 179; as similarity, 23n71; like sleep, 172; stardom, 238; and volition, 41; Warhol’s, 1–52, 76, 77, 97–98, 116, 134, 137–39, 158, 159, 183, 222
Lin, Tan, 85n88, 120, 120n91, 123
Linich, Billy, 159–60
Lisanby, Charles, 47
Litvak, Joseph, 28, 100n44
Liu, Benjamin, 244n142
Lodder, Christina, 91n6
loss: getting lost, 105; and identification, 10, 88, 134–35; memory of, 66; pain of, 36–37; and race, 249; reparation of, 140. See also melancholy and melancholia
Lott, Eric, 195n44, 213–15, 214n81, 236n134, 244n144
Loud, Lance, 242
love, 34, 36–37, 105–6
Love, Heather, 7–8n20, 25, 30, 32, 32n100, 32n101
Lucie-Smith, Edward, 2n4, 63, 96, 96n28, 98n36, 107n55, 232n129
Luhmann, Niklas, 92–93, 92n10, 95, 115, 122. See also “differentiation of society”
Lurdes, Warhol’s portrait of, 228, 231–33
Lynch, Kevin, 131
machine: and art, 89–91; and collecting, 78–79; Deleuze and Guattari on, 89; LeWitt on, 89, 122; and liking, 41–42, 52, 95–110; as repetition, 4; Warhol’s imitation of, 5, 89, 91, 95–96, 98, 101–2, 104, 108, 113, 115–16
Makos, Christopher, 26n82, 222, 222n107
Malanga, Gerard, 1n1, 22n68, 49n146, 50, 113n73, 211n78, 223
Man Ray, 53, 221
Mao Tse Tung, 5, 181. See also Warhol, Andy, works by
Marcuse, Herbert, 93n16
Marshall, Richard, 244n142
Martin, Trayvon, 204
Marx, Karl, 56–57, 83–84n79, 90, 129, 220n102
mass culture: attachment to, 109, 132–35, 236; and beauty, 219; and boredom, 139–40, 159; disruption of, 38, 47, 49–50, 90, 134; experience of, 13n39, 139, 143; mass production and, 152; Ohmann on, 13n39; presentation of world by, 95, 98, 108; in the sixties, 143
Massumi, Brian, 39–40n122, 41, 47, 116
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 90
McClay, Wilfred, 139n10
McFadden, Syreeta, 196n49
McLuhan, Marshall, 111
Means, Russell, 181
Mekas, Jonas, 174
melancholy and melancholia: Freud on, 10n27; Lepenies on, 140; melancholic incorporation and identification, 10, 24–25, 110, 134–35; Muñoz on, 249. See also loss
memoire involontaire, 65, 157
memory: as damaged by modernity, 18–19; Warhol’s, 64–69
Mercer, Kobena, 220n103
Merck, Mandy, 120n92, 222n107
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 87
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26, 62
Meyer, James, 138, 138n5, 145
Meyer, Richard, 62n32, 74, 77, 77n66
Midgette, Allen, 32–33
Mills, C. Wright, 139–40
mimesis: as a basic mode of apprehension, 100, 110; and collectivity, 48; critical, 215; Hansen on, 4–5; and imitation, 9, 17, 20, 214; mimetic attachment, 109; mimetic centers, 60; mimetic comportment, 108, 120–21, 155–56; mimetic compulsion and factory, 18, 129–30; mimetic connectedness, 65; mimetic copying, 10; mimetic desire, 9, 12; mimetic practice, 33, 40, 52, 61, 111, 236; mimetic rivalry, 9; mimetic vitality, 98–99; Plato/Socrates on, 99–100, 110; in psychoanalysis, 141; reparation of, 157; Stern on, 85–86
mimetic faculty: Benjamin on, 4, 4n10, 5, 5n12, 18–20, 98–100; dulling of, 19, 176; in/out of factory, 18; reparation of, 157; and spectatorship, 219
mimicry, Caillois on, 29–30
minimalism, 23, 51, 138n5, 138n6, 142–44, 161, 174
mistakes, 22, 24, 28, 29, 61, 101, 108n56, 110, 111, 119, 121, 198, 200, 205, 230. See also failure
Mitchell, Joni, 165
modernism, 53, 91n7, 93, 138, 142–43
modernity: Benjamin on, 18–19; fantasies of, 13n39; Fried on, 143; industrial, 13, 152, 156–57; Judd, 144, 156; and mimetic faculty, 18; noncapitalist, 91; similarities in, 13
Monroe, Marilyn: and death, 190; paintings of, 5, 12, 22, 62, 101, 107, 110, 133; publicity shots, 56; as queer icon, 16; and skin, 210–19, 250; as star, 216–18. See also Warhol, Andy, works by
Montez, Mario, 32n100, 181, 183n16, 193n40, 218n95, 221
mood: boredom as, 141, 159, 161–72; collective, 171; for dancing, 120; Facebook’s manipulation of, 36n114; as Heidegger’s concept of Stimmung, 41–42, 41n127, 41–42n128, 42n130, 42n131; and liking, 41–43, 47, 94, 119; and memory, 65–66; shifting and transitional, 167, 176; sixties, 16, 91, 165; Warhol on, 16
Moon, Michael, 17n52, 23n70, 28n88, 72n38, 242
Moore, Charles, 185, 190, 206, 210
Morales, Helen, Warhol’s portrait of, 228
Morris, Robert, 138n6, 142
Morrison, Richard, 224n113
Morrison, Sterling, 84n83
Morrison, Toni, 195n44
Morrissey, Paul, 32
Moten, Fred, 195n43, 209
Mulroney, Lucy, 27n82, 62n31, 119
Muñoz, José Esteban: on “anticipatory illumination,” 6, 15, 226; on Basquiat, 180–81, 246, 249–50; on “disidentification,” 214–15, 240, 240n138; on Montez, 181n8; on queerness, 7–8n20, 241n139; on Warhol and camouflage, 31n98
Museum of Modern Art, 248–49
Nancy, Jean-Luc: on compassion, 208; on like-being, 14, 215; on likeness, 1, 5, 5n13, 14n42, 76; on mimesis, 228n126; and negation, 18n53; on singularity and togetherness, 76n62, 84; on sleep, 17
Napoleon, 53
natural beauty, 152, 174. See also Judd, Donald: and natural beauty
Nealon, Chris, 25, 27
Neame, Alan, 212
Negri, Antonio, 76, 76n62
Negron-Muntaner, Frances, 181, 210n77
son, Maggie, 31n99
Nettleton, Taro, 181, 181n7, 216, 220n103
Newton, Esther, 26n78, 70n51, 218n98, 219, 240
New York News, 69
New York Police Department, 56
New York Post, 69
Ngai, Sianne, 34, 40n122, 43n133, 129, 145n34, 169n81
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 20, 20n62, 67
Noland, Carrie, 108n56
nominalism, 133–34. See also LeWitt, Sol: nominalism
noncomposition, 68, 89–90, 150–51, 156–57
nonidentity, 20n62, 21, 151–52, 177, 217
Nyong’o, Tavia, 42n131
O’Brien, Glenn, 2n4
Occupy movement, 132
Ohmann, Richard, 13n39
Oldenburg, Claes, 23, 145–47
Ondine, 56, 119
O’Pray, Michael, 2n6
Packard, Vance, 12n36
Paik, Nam Jun, 114
Palmer, John, 174
Panell, Alphonso, Warhol’s portrait of, 228, 231
Pastoureau, Michel, 195n44
Pavlov, Ivan, 97
Penzin, Alexei, 171–72, 171n86
perfumes, Warhol’s collection of, 64–69
Perry, Ralph Barton, 145
phantasmagoria, 19
Phillips, Adam, 25; on boredom, 141, 152; on liking, 34; on sleep, 170, 172
Picard, Rosalind, 98n33
Plato, 99–100, 104–5, 110
Pluhar, Werner, 34
“polarity,” 145–47, 204, 214. See also Judd, Donald: on “polarity”
Pollock, Jackson, 30n93, 104, 109, 144n27, 145
Pop Art: and autonomous art, 94; and “commonism,” 14; homophobic response to, 30n93; in relation to minimalism, 138, 159; Warhol’s, 1–2, 8, 89, 137, 158, 159, 176, 179
pornography, 44, 69; Empire as, 174
Potts, Alex, 137
Powell, Paige, 244
Powledge, Fred, 179n2
Presley, Elvis, 5, 12, 22, 28, 212. See also Warhol, Andy, works by
Prince, 181
Printz, Neil: on collage, 233n132; on color, 229, 232, 232n130; on Dance Diagrams, 103n48; on Death and Disaster, 180n5, 189n25, 214n82; on drag queens, 220n101, 223, 236; on drawing and painting, 218; on Ladies and Gentlemen, 220n102; on painting and film, 113–14n74; on police dogs, 186n22; on repetition, 21–22n67; on silkscreening, 34n106; on Warhol’s collecting, 62n30; on Warhol’s relationship with his mother, 27n82. See also Catalogue Raisonné
prosopopoeia, 11, 15n44, 185, 218
Prosser, Jay, 26n78
Protetch, Max, 236
Proust, Marcel, 65, 157
prurience, Warhol’s defense of, 44, 119
Like Andy Warhol Page 27