My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2

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My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2 Page 3

by Taylor Rylan

  Liam was as excited for Simon’s proposal as the rest of us. When it came out, he cried right along with the rest of the family. As the week progressed, I managed to talk to him more and more. As his bruises faded, his personality started to emerge. Rhett told me that Liam was quite spunky and full of sass. Some of that sass appeared when we discussed the New Year’s Eve party.

  He wanted to go because he loved to dance, though he told me that he didn’t want to dance with a bunch of strangers. He figured nobody would want to dance with him, anyway, with all those bruises in sight. He was noticeably upset, knowing he didn’t have a date. He didn’t know many people in Crooked Bend. Rhett smirked at me and asked Liam why he didn’t just go with me, I wanted to both kiss my little brother and ask him what the hell he was thinking.

  Liam looked to me with a hopeful expression. Fuck! I knew I was trapped. I was a goner. My attraction to Liam grew over the past week, but that look clinched it. I was definitely attracted to Liam. Not in the I-just-want-to-fuck-him way, either. After almost a decade, I felt something for someone. That scared the shit out of me.

  "Sure, I’ll be your date for the New Year's Eve party, Liam. I don’t mind dancing with you and keeping others away if they make you uncomfortable," I said while looking toward Liam.

  The smile he gave me in response made my discomfort worth it. The last thing I wanted to do was spend a lot of committed time in close proximity to Liam. I was sure that if I spent too much time with him he'd either think I was a complete creep for lusting after him when he was so obviously battered by his ex, or he'd realize I had a thing for him and somehow use that to his advantage.

  I didn’t recognize myself. That wasn’t me. I didn’t have things for men. I had hook-ups. I fucked and either left or kicked them out. I didn’t do feelings. Well, damn! It seemed I was developing feelings for the blond-haired imp. There was nothing I could do about it, either.

  When Liam and Rhett went upstairs to get ready, Sean turned toward me and gave me a look. I knew that look.

  “What? What was I supposed to do? Tell him he’s on his own and make him even more uncomfortable because he’s going to be around so many new people?”

  “Did I say anything? I was just thinking that I haven’t seen you acting like this in quite a long time. As in, not since we were in university.”

  “Please can we not go there right now? I’m confused enough as it is. The last thing I want to do is bring our university years back up.”

  “Is something wrong?” Sean asked.

  “No, nothing’s wrong. Well, a little. The other night I had an odd dream about that night back during junior year. Now I have all these feelings and I’m just a mess. You know this is not me. This isn’t who I am, Sean.”

  “I know, Jasper. Maybe it’s time for you to think about settling down. Maybe find someone to spend more than just a night with."

  “Look at you using a contraction!” I teased. I knew that Simon had made it a point to corrupt Sean in an attempt to make sure he wasn’t quite as formal when he talked. Thanks to one British father, we’d both had a very formal education during our early years. When our Papa Taylor came into the picture, and later, Rhett, things were much more lenient and lax, but the early education and influence was still there. I’d long ago learned to use contractions, my motivation much like Sean’s, to impress a man. Though I still tended to speak formally at times. We’d both started making a concerted effort to loosen up a bit. We both enjoyed teasing each other if we sounded too academic. It was all in fun. It was working though; Sean was using contractions more and more.

  “You are changing the subject.”

  I smirked at Sean. “No, not really. I’ve started thinking about things lately. Even before Rhett and Liam showed up for the holiday. That was one of the reasons why I moved to Crooked Bend last month. To tell the truth, I’m getting a little tired of the club scene. That doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped hooking up. You know me. I did think about what you said last summer and decided it was time to focus on other things...sometimes.”

  When Sean chuckled and said to me, “Never change,” I knew he understood. At the moment, I had a New Year’s Eve party to get ready for. I definitely didn’t want Liam to feel like I didn’t put effort into my appearance. I went upstairs to shower and get ready for my date. The first date I ever had in my entire thirty years of living. I was nervous for sure.

  4 — Liam

  I couldn’t believe my luck. I just knew there was no way Rhett’s brother would've ever asked me out on a real date. I took what was handed to me and ran with it. Jasper was definitely my type. If only I was in a proper emotional and mental state to let him know I was interested. I obviously just got out of a horrible relationship—the hard way. After what I’d been through, there was no way Jasper would want me anyway. I was content with being friends.

  When Rhett and I went upstairs to get ready for the party, he used the bathroom in the empty bedroom while I used the one in the room we were sharing. There wasn’t a whole lot either of us needed to do to prepare. We didn’t bring much with us and it was insanely cold in Wyoming in the middle of winter. Since we planned on dancing, we both chose long-sleeve button-downs instead of sweaters. I’d bought some concealer and foundation when we were out shopping for Christmas presents. With Rhett’s help, the remainder of my bruises were almost invisible. I hoped with bad lighting, they wouldn’t show. After messing with our hair and adding kohl, we were both ready.

  Rhett told me he intended to dance with anyone that asked him. Anyone except Logan that was. I learned this past week that Logan ran hot and cold where Rhett was concerned. I guess Rhett was tired of it. I’d never really known Rhett to be one to play games anyway. From what I observed, that was what Logan seemed to be doing.

  After Rhett and I finished getting ready, we went downstairs. We were surprised to see everyone else waiting for us. We left as a group as soon as Rhett and I reached the kitchen.

  Because of the number of vehicles we had, the drive to town took about a half hour. When we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised with the size of the party. I didn’t expect a small town to have such a large New Year’s Eve party. They turned the town’s community center into a beautifully decorated dance hall. There were balloons and streamers everywhere. There was a DJ who took requests. Even though there was a full bar, I stuck to water because of the pain meds I was still on. That didn’t really bother me though. I was finally able to stop taking the oxycodone but I was still on other strong meds for swelling, thanks to the bruising on my ribs, stomach, and back.

  That night I wasn’t going to let a little bruising stop me. I needed to prove that I could and would go on and live my life. I was going to do it by getting my groove on with Jasper. After we ditched our coats, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the center of the dancefloor. I heard Rhett laughing as we walked away. From our trips to the clubs in Seattle, he knew I loved to dance and also knew I’d been looking forward to the party from the moment I’d first heard about it.

  I'll admit, after growing up in the Seattle area and going to college in Vancouver, country music wasn’t exactly my first choice for dancing. I made it work, though. Jasper didn’t seem to mind when I had my back to him and started grinding myself against him. No, Jasper seemed to like it. A lot. At least his dick did, because it was hard as steel and poking me in the small of my back. Sometimes I really hated being short. This was one of those times; I wanted his dick to be grinding against my ass and not my back.

  Jasper and I danced for hours. True to his word, anytime someone else asked if either of us wanted to dance, Jasper told them we were both taken for the night. It was an amazing feeling to hear him say those words. If only they were true. For a few hours, I was able to forget about my problems. I liked seductively dancing against Jasper during the upbeat songs but I completely loved it when slower songs came on and Jasper would wrap his warm arms around me and hold me close, both of us swaying to the music. I was elated t
o find that he was such a good dancer. We didn’t just shuffle back and forth, either. Jasper could really dance!

  I swore a few times I felt his lips ghost over my temple. It was sweet.

  Before we knew it, it was close to midnight and we got situated for the countdown. Jasper made sure that I was in his arms to ring in the new year. I had no idea what he planned, but whatever it was, I was sure I'd have no problems with it.

  "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"

  Before I could even get the word year out, Jasper had his palms on my cheeks and neck, tilting my face up to his. All I could think about as his mouth descended toward mine was how I wished that it was real. Jasper’s kiss was soft yet firm and I’d never been kissed quite like that before. When his tongue swiped across my bottom lip, I gasped in surprise and Jasper took full advantage and plunged his tongue into my mouth. He tasted like cinnamon gum.

  He continued to gently explore my mouth with his tongue. On some level it was almost as if he was scared and hesitant to kiss me. I knew there was no way that he meant anything by the kiss. I knew he was only kissing me because it was New Year's. I sure could dream, though, and dream, I did.

  We finally parted when neither of us could go without taking in a huge gasp of air. When Jasper gently said my name and kissed me again, with more passion, I began to wonder and had just a little bit of hope that he felt something for me.

  Jasper pulled gently away from my lips a second time and trailed kisses down the right side of my jaw toward my ear. He gave my earlobe a little tug with his teeth and quickly moved to the hollow just below my ear and gently sucked. If it wasn't for Jasper's arms wrapped tightly around me, I'd have fallen to the floor. He’d found one of my biggest erogenous zones. Jasper was sucking, nibbling, and licking it like he meant it.

  He jerked away suddenly. He looked shocked. “Fuck, Liam. I’m sorry, I know you…" Jasper was interrupted by Rhett joining us to tell us Happy New Year and give us each a big hug. I was so happy to see Rhett having a good time. Damn, did he have the worst timing, though! After Rhett moseyed off toward the next person, Jasper and I were subjected to a constant stream of well-wishers. Oh well. By then, the moment was over anyway. I really wanted to know what Jasper almost said to me.

  Simon and Sean found us a while later when looking for Rhett. We told them we hadn’t seen him since right after midnight when he wished us Happy New Year. We were tired of the crowd on the dance floor and decided to join them in looking for him. After a search of the entire community center with no sign of Rhett, we tried his cell phone. The call went straight to voicemail, which didn’t help us locate him. Nor did it set anyone’s mind at ease.

  We all knew that my ex was on the loose; everyone’s mind went straight to fearing that Mike was in the area and may have done something to Rhett. I was certain I'd never forgive myself if that had happened. I knew first hand just how brutal and evil Mike was.

  When we made our way outside, we found Rhett’s phone in the parking lot. Taylor used his scarf to carefully pick it up and immediately used his own phone to call someone. It was so hard to watch the range of emotions that played out on his face. I’d gotten to know the blond giant a little over the past week and I knew that he adored all of his sons. He was such a softie when it came to Rhett. The look of absolute torment on his face as he hung up the phone did not give any of us hope that he had good news.

  Sheriff McCoy had taken Rhett’s phone from Taylor to dust it for prints. He let us know it wasn’t likely that they’d find any. It had been found in the snow in the parking lot. The sheriff was good friends with the Redfeather family. He took all the information he needed to file a missing person report right away, instead of waiting the requisite twenty-four hours. He was more than willing to help locate Rhett, which was a relief.

  We tried once more to search the general area of the community center then made the trek to Wild Creek. No one said a word during the drive back to the ranch. It was all I could do to not completely fall apart. I just knew that Mike was behind Rhett’s disappearance. He was making me pay. He warned me what would happen if I didn’t end my friendship with Rhett. I’d already paid, but it wasn’t enough for Mike. He was punishing me more by taking Rhett.

  I’d already told Taylor everything I could about Mike when Rhett and I first arrived in Wyoming. Now, I felt it wasn’t enough. He still found me and had gotten to Rhett. Taylor knew the details of Mike’s assault, so he knew what he was capable of. I knew in my gut that Mike found me and took my best friend. I prayed my gut was wrong.

  Because of the nightmares I’d been having since Mike almost killed me, I’d been rooming with Rhett at his brother’s cabin. Now I was faced with sleeping alone in the room we’d been sharing. Looking around the room, I couldn’t contain the downpour of tears that I’d been holding back. All of Rhett’s things were mingled with mine. I knew there was no way I'd get any rest in that room. I couldn’t sleep in there knowing that Rhett was missing and probably in danger.

  I left the room I’d been sharing with Rhett with the intention of going to the den and curling up on the couch in front of the fireplace. Instead, I found my body poised, knocking softly on Jasper’s door. I wanted to make sure he was okay. When he opened the door, it just about shattered me.

  5 — Jasper

  My mind was racing. I didn’t know what to think about the situation with Rhett. Why couldn’t we find him? Returning to Wild Creek was difficult. My only thoughts revolved around Rhett’s safety. I was definitely worried. There was no way that I would be able to fall asleep. Instead, I paced back-and-forth in the room and pulled at my hair, just like I did every time I was stressed. Rhett was my little brother and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him.

  Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't initially hear the soft knock on my door. When I realized someone was knocking, I stepped to the door and yanked it open. Standing there was an emotionally distraught Liam. I could only imagine what I must have looked like to him, because his already large eyes grew even bigger when I swung the door open.

  Reaching for him, I asked, “Liam, are you okay?”

  He just stood there, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. He kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

  “Come here.” I reached for his shoulders. When I pulled him into my arms, he broke down completely.

  “It’s all my fault. If I’d listened to Mike and ended my friendship with Rhett, none of this would've happened,” he sobbed piteously.

  “What are you talking about?” I guided him toward the bed so we could sit down. Once we got settled, I wrapped my arms around Liam and pulled him into my chest. He felt so right in my arms.

  I don’t do this. I don’t cuddle. I don’t hold anyone. This was different. There was absolutely nothing sexual about the way I was holding Liam. This was protection, not intimacy.

  “When Mike found out about my friendship with Rhett, he got so jealous. He told me to end my friendship with Rhett or I'd regret it. I didn’t listen to him and that’s why he attacked me. I just know that he has Rhett.”

  “Shh.” I leaned back and pulled him half on top of me. It took a moment for him to realize what I was doing, but he settled with his head on my chest. Despite everything going on, it felt so perfect, so right to have him in my arms. This little imp was going to be the death of me, I just knew it.

  “We’ll find Rhett. This isn’t your fault and I’m telling you to stop thinking it is. Papa and Dad have already called their guys and they’re on it. They won’t stop until they find him, I promise." It was all I could do to reassure Liam. He was understandably distraught; he felt responsible. If Mike did indeed have Rhett, then the only person responsible was Mike. He picked the wrong family to fuck with.

  We both finally dozed off and got a few hours of sleep, if you could even call it that. Neither one of us woke well-rested. Knowing that Liam had a nightmare shortly after we both fell asleep didn’t help.

ng up next to someone that I had held all night was completely new for me. I’d never spent an intimate night with someone before. Sure, I had hookups I needed to kick out the next morning, but that was because we had fucked each other all night. But holding Liam in my arms all night was different. Even though Liam and I were simply sharing a bed in order to help each other cope, I couldn’t regret the night I spent with his slight body draped over mine. Under different circumstances, I could definitely see wanting more nights with him.

  Our innocent night came reluctantly to an end and we had to face the day. Sadly, we were reminded of Rhett’s absence by the lack of aromas coming from Rhett baking in the kitchen. He hadn’t miraculously shown up during the night. Instead, we awoke to more devastating news.

  Dad and Papa were in the kitchen with Simon and Sean. They told us that Mike had been spotted in the area. He was caught on a local ski resort’s video surveillance footage from the day before. Who knew where he was now? Papa believed that he was definitely involved in Rhett’s disappearance. He had three of his security guys en route and they would be there soon. Shit just got real.

  We called him Papa because we already had a Dad. We called James Dad from the moment we could talk. When Taylor joined our family, he became protective of me and Sean. Even though he was Rhett’s biological father, he treated us all as though he was our father, too. It was just who he was. He loved us equally, unconditionally. Right now, though, he was barely keeping it together. One of his cubs was missing. That wasn’t acceptable.

  When it was agreed that we would go to Sean’s parents’ cabin for the day, it felt like a relief. Anything we could do to distract us from the situation was welcome. While we were idle, just sitting around, our minds wandered. That sure as hell wasn’t a good thing. Liam was calm until he saw the men from Stealth Securities. Jonathan and Travis didn’t seem to intimidate him though. The Thompson brother’s didn’t seem to pose a threat to Liam. The threat came when their cousin Daniel got out of the back of the large black SUV. I’d met Daniel before and the guy was just a solid mass of muscle. He was a nice guy even though he was extremely quiet. Intimidating. Knowing him, I didn’t want to piss him off.


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