My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2

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My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2 Page 15

by Taylor Rylan

  I was in awe that this perfect man thought so highly of me. “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Out of all of that, you only got sexy? Seriously?” He laughed. I guess I did sound a little ridiculous.

  “No, it’s just the first thing I wanted to discuss.” I smiled up into Jasper’s face. Damn, he was the sexy one.

  Jasper crawled toward me on the bed and gave me a small kiss before he sat down beside me. “Of course I think you’re sexy. How could I not? Tell me the truth. Do you think you don’t do it for me? Especially after last night? What’s it going to take, Liam?” I could tell he was getting exasperated with my low self-esteem.

  I was unhappy with myself, now. “I’m sorry, Jasper. Just give me some time, okay? I know you like me and are attracted to me. I’m just a little insecure and it has nothing to do with you, okay?”

  He seemed to find some peace with my reply, but I could tell he wasn’t completely over his frustration. “Alright. How about some breakfast?”

  “Breakfast sounds great. Just let me go to the bathroom first."

  While I was in the bathroom, Jasper took that time to wheel the room service cart over to the little table in the room and set the food out. I stepped to the table and he lifted the lids on the trays like he was a server. I had no idea that I was even remotely hungry until I smelled the delicious breakfast in front of me. My stomach was certainly ready for breakfast; my stomach growled in complaint that I wasn’t already putting something in there.

  We ate everything quickly. I was famished! When we finished, I went to take a long, hot shower. I vaguely remembered showering with Jasper last night but I wanted a long soak this morning. The hot water heater at the rental we lived in wasn’t the greatest and didn’t allow for very long showers so I intended to take advantage of the water supply at the lodge while I could.

  We spent all day Saturday, and until checkout time on Sunday, in our room, naked. So different from Friday night, Saturday morning Jasper and I didn’t have sex; we made love.

  There were no other words for the slow, gentle way he worshipped my body with his. Though we’d had gentle sex before, it had always felt like fucking, or releasing tension. When he looked down into my eyes as he slowly stroked in and out of my body, I knew. Without a doubt, I was completely and totally in love with Jasper.

  It was too soon to tell him, I knew that. I could show him though. I could show him with my body, my actions, my choices, with words other than those three little words that weren’t so little. They were a big deal. I’d only ever said them to one other person before and look how that turned out. But was I ever really in love with Mike? My feelings for Jasper felt so different. They felt so much more. Now I just needed to find the right time and place to do it. For now, I was content just being with him.

  All too soon our time at the lodge ended and we were forced to return to reality. Those three days with Jasper, spent away from our hectic lives, was wonderful and exactly what we needed. Not only did we connect in a new, more intense way sexually, but we spent hours and hours talking. It was during the times that we were talking I felt that our relationship grew. I’ve never known anyone as well as I did Jasper and that was reassuring. He held nothing back, kept no secrets from me. When we weren’t fucking each other to an exhausted stupor, we were talking about any and everything. When we got tired of talking, we’d make slow, sensual love to each other.

  All good things come to an end, though, and too soon we packed our bags and left our escape behind. We walked to Jasper’s truck and started the forty-minute drive back to our house. When we arrived, real life came crashing down on us by way of dozens of voicemails, texts, and emails. It was probably too much to expect just one more evening without having to deal with reality, but we were given no choice. We were both extremely busy and we knew getting away for just a few days would be all we could manage anyway, but our few days weren’t up yet. Well, not in my summation.

  I returned to the chaos that was my life by returning emails to my editor, while Jasper took his phone and went into the living room to call Sean. When I finally got to my texts and voicemails, the ones that seemed most important were from Rhett. I had either texted or called him every day since I moved to Crooked Bend but I had only been back to visit once. I expected to have visited more, but once I left, he seemed to become increasingly distant. When I asked Taylor about it, he reassured me it was to be expected and that Rhett would, hopefully soon, be more his old self again. I decided I needed to call my friend and see if there was anything I could do to offer support for him. Luckily, he picked up right away. I never expected him to be as excited as he was when I called. I was happy he was excited and sounded happy, for a change.

  “Liam! I’m so glad you finally called back! You’re never going to guess who just called me!”

  “You’re right, I’m not. Who?” I paused. I should explain why it took me so long. “Sorry for not getting right back with you. I was away for the weekend with Jasper.”

  I heard Rhett groan. “Shit, I forgot you said you were going away. How did that go?”

  I smiled to myself before I answered. “Don’t worry about that. But, just so you know, you’re brother is a sex god. Now tell me who called you!”

  “Logan!” He was clearly beside himself with excitement at that bit of news. “I just about shit my pants when the phone rang and caller ID told me it was him!”

  I was excited for Rhett at that news. “Holy shit, Rhett! You’re right. I never would've guessed that. Tell me everything. I mean everything!”

  23 — Jasper

  To say that life had returned in full force would be an understatement. Technically, I was only gone for two and a half days, but with all the work that was piling up, it felt more like two and a half weeks. We desperately needed Collin to come aboard before July. We also needed more than one full-time and one part-time office manager. We never envisioned that things would take off as well as they did. I couldn’t complain, but it was getting out of hand.

  It looked like things were going to be crazy for the next couple of weeks. Since Sean would be gone, things were going to get downright insane. I could foresee a lot of hours at work, which meant Liam would be at home alone a lot. When I was finally able to drag my ass home, I'd be too exhausted to do anything other than shower and fall asleep.

  Times like these often made me wonder why we did what we did. Was it worth it? In the end, I knew it was. I was already used to sleeping wrapped around Liam each night after mutual orgasms of various types. Those mutual nightly orgasms were looking like they were going to be less frequent.

  I still had tonight at home with Liam before I was back at it. I was definitely going to enjoy the time we have left. On our way home, we stopped at the store in Jackson. I wanted to be sure we would have groceries for the week. Tonight we planned to cook dinner together and finish up the night cuddling on the couch. That one benign act always led to sexy times. I hoped I could convince Liam to cuddle in bed instead, and be done with it.

  His birthday was coming up next month and I needed to figure out what to get him. He said he had everything he could want when I asked him but I knew there had to be something that he'd like—or love. Maybe there was something he could love. I know that he likes kittens. The background on his laptop was kittens and he was always watching cat videos on YouTube. Maybe I could get him a kitten. He'd like a kitten, wouldn’t he? I guess I could always hint around about it and see. The last thing I wanted to do was get him something he hated. We always had dogs growing up. Never cats. Cats were new territory for me. I knew that we didn’t have time for a dog. Isaac had one, but he worked at the ranch and it was with him all day. I wasn’t home all day and I’ve seen Liam get so engrossed in his work that he didn’t realize that eight hours had gone by. Yeah, definitely not a dog. But...a cat? Possibly.

  With that decided, I went in search of Liam. I found him lying on the bed, talking to Rhett. I really needed to talk to my little brother more often
so I plopped onto the bed beside Liam and got in on the conversation. They both just laughed at me. It was so good to hear Rhett laugh again. He was coming around, slowly. I told him about Simon’s plans and he was excited to see them both when they went west. We talked about work and how he was doing.

  He told me how good a friend Travis was becoming and how he felt comfortable around him. I asked if it was more than that, and he said no, that Travis was into older partners, and preferably more than one at a time. There was no way he ever wanted to be involved with someone like that. That cleared up any questions I had about Rhett and Travis. It was so good to talk to my little brother, and I made a vow to call him at least once a week, if not more.

  Leaving Liam to finish his call with Rhett, I wandered into the kitchen. I really didn’t feel like cooking so I called the local Italian restaurant and placed an order for pizza and breadsticks. Tomorrow would be soon enough to return to our routine—cooking and being all domestic and shit.

  Tonight, I wanted as much time with Liam as I could get, so pizza it was. I left a note for Liam to tell him where I was going and grabbed my coat and keys and left to pick up our dinner. When I got home again, I realized that I didn’t need to. Liam hadn’t moved. He was right where I left him. When I showed him the pizza box, he gave Rhett an abrupt parting comment and joined me at the table.

  The evening was perfectly ideal. We ate dinner, cuddled on the couch until Liam realized he was horny. He straddled my hips and rode my dick while hanging on to the back of the couch. After taking a shower where we again worked each other to orgasm with mutual blowjobs, we collapsed into bed.

  All too soon, the Monday morning alarm was going off and Liam was crawling out of bed to start coffee while I got ready for work. What I wanted to do was pull him back under the covers and forget about our jobs for a few more days but I couldn’t so I got up and got ready for the day. I knew it was going to be a crazy day, but I couldn’t have prepared myself for how hectic it really had turned out to be. Monday was just the start of a hectic week, too! I think I saw Liam a whopping total of five or six hours that entire week. Not nearly enough. God, we needed Collin, now! The end of July was much too late. I'd have to add that to my to-do list. I needed to call and see if he could get out of his contract earlier.

  After an insane week of work, I finally had a day off. I spent it at home, doing absolutely nothing, except spending time with Liam, naked. It was my favorite state to be in around Liam. I needed some Liam time after the week I went through.

  In my covert questioning about feline companions, I found out he’d always wanted a cat but his parents wouldn’t allow pets. Eureka! Now, I just needed to find a rescue cat that I could adopt.

  I hoped my plan didn’t backfire on me. Being in a relationship was new for me and I was sure I was screwing things up. I called Rhett to see what he thought of my idea. Surprisingly, he thought it was a great idea and told me that Liam almost got a cat when they were living in Seattle but that he didn’t because of his ex. Rhett’s information sealed my decision in concrete. The majority of planning Liam’s birthday surprise would be a “during the workweek” event, so it would have to wait until I got back to the office and away from Liam.

  Over the next couple of weeks, we were slammed at work but I made it a priority to text Liam as often as I could. I was working long hours, but so was Sean, and I knew he had the added stress of trying to plan a wedding, too. I wanted to make sure I let Liam know I missed him and was constantly thinking about him. I only managed little bits of free time here and there, so, I texted in lieu of calling.

  Me: Hey there.

  Liam: Hey yourself.

  Me: I just wanted to say hi. Hi.

  Liam: Hi back.

  Me: I miss you. I’ll see you tonight for dinner.

  Liam: Really?

  Me: Yes, really. Gotta go. See you at 6:00!

  Shortly after five, I was walking toward the door. I met Sean on the way.

  “Where are you headed to so early?”

  “Home. I have a dinner date tonight.”

  “Really? Since when do you date?”

  “Since I met someone.”

  “Is that why you’ve been taking long weekends?”

  “Yes, now why don’t you go home to Simon instead of bugging me? I’m sure your guy would love it if you went home and gave him dessert before dinner for a change.”

  It took a moment, but Sean finally caught on. If his blush was anything to go by, he caught my meaning and liked the idea. If I didn’t leave soon, I was going to be late for dinner. I told Liam I'd be home at six and I was going to be there by six. I rushed off, waving to my twin and leaving him with a funny look on his face. I didn’t have time to think about his confusion or curiosity. I needed to get home to my boyfriend.

  I made it, with ten minutes to spare. Liam seemed so surprised. That told me things needed to change between us. If I told him I'd be home, it shouldn’t surprise him when I was. He should've accepted that I'd be there. I knew I was working long hours, but we were busy and he knew spring and especially summertime was busy for us. Because Sean was leaving next week for his romantic getaway and I'd be all alone, I had planned another surprise. Liam didn’t know it yet but he and I were headed to Bozeman, Montana for the weekend.

  Alright, actually, it was for a four-day weekend. We didn’t schedule any meetings for the next two weeks and I was taking Friday and Monday off. I found a Pixie-bob rescue that had a litter of kittens that were ready to go home. I applied and they approved me for adoption. We would need to drive to Montana to retrieve our new fur baby. It was still too cold for pets to fly in the cargo hold. I was trusting that Rhett told me accurately that this would be a good thing. If not, then Rhett would become the daddy to a new kitten.

  After dinner and enough sex to wear Liam out, I snuck out of bed and packed a bag for our trip in the morning. I truly hoped Liam would be happy with his surprise. I set the alarm for a little later than usual and crawled back into bed and curled around Liam. He sighed in his sleep and I quickly joined him.

  All too soon, the alarm was waking us up. When Liam reached over to turn it off, his screeching woke me the rest of the way up.

  “Jasper! Hurry up! You’re late! The alarm went off late and now you’re late for work!”

  I grabbed my sides as I burst out into gut-wrenching laughter. I almost felt bad about not telling him, but dammit, I wanted to surprise him. I did the only thing I could think of to calm him down. I pulled him back into bed and crawled on top of him. I dove under the covers and swallowed his still half-hard cock down my throat. Liam’s worry quickly turned to moans.

  Pulling off his now fully erect cock, I reassured him that I wasn’t late at all. “We’re going out of town for your birthday. We have to go pick up your present. Surprise! Now, do you want to cum in my mouth, or do you want me to fuck you?”

  It seemed like Liam needed to think about his reply at first, but I guess he was probably trying to think about what I’d just said more than anything. He seemed to have a problem concentrating when I was sucking his cock but I finally got my answer. “As if there is a choice! Fuck me, hard!”

  “Gladly.” I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom and the lube and quickly suited up. I prepped Liam and then did exactly what he asked. I fucked him. Hard.

  After a quick shower, we were out the door and on our way to Montana to meet our new fur baby. I planned ahead and bought everything we would need for him or her, and stashed it at the house. I had a kennel hidden in the back seat of the truck under an extra blanket. I really hoped this didn’t backfire.

  I’d been to Montana once before but never to Bozeman. When we finally reached Bozeman, I drove to the hotel I booked and checked in. We were only staying the one night. We would be collecting our newest family member tomorrow morning and then go right back home to Wyoming. It took everything in me to not spill the surprise but somehow I managed. Liam was easily distracted with sex so it
really was a win-win for me.

  When he discovered his birthday surprise was a kitten, saying he was excited about the idea would be an understatement. He screamed like a little girl. I had no idea his voice could hit that pitch, at that decibel. I worried my eardrum would burst!

  “Seriously! We’re adopting a kitten? Oh. My. God. You are the absolute best boyfriend. Ever!”

  The director of the rescue just stood off to the side and stared at us. When Liam finally calmed down, she introduced herself and took us to the kittens. Liam plopped down on the floor and played with as many as he could.

  “Are you sure you only want one?” she asked.

  At Liam’s hopeful look, I almost caved, but I stood my ground and told her that we were only looking for one right now. I hated leaving them there, but Liam never had a kitten before. I knew he'd give one all the attention it would need so I stood firm with my original response. I thought more than one would be too distracting for him.

  “No, just the one. Liam’s never had a pet. I grew up with dogs but Liam works from home and will be home with it most of the time, but I think just one is the best start for us.”

  “That’s a responsible answer. Okay then, Liam, now the hard question. Which one do you want?”

  In the end, it took Liam over an hour of playing with the kittens to pick a brown spotted tawny tabby. Of course he chose a unique kitty that also happened to be polydactyl with six toes on each front foot. He was a cute little thing with gray eyes. I was so relieved that my idea didn’t backfire.

  I paid the adoption fee and gave the agency an additional donation and thanked them. Finally, I got Liam and our newest family member out the door. It was still pretty cold in Montana, even though it was May. I didn’t want to be outside for long with our little bundle of fur. After we were all back in the truck, I looked at Liam and asked, “You ready to head home?”


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