My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2

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My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2 Page 18

by Taylor Rylan

  “Wait. I need to prep you.”

  “No, it’ll be fine. We had sex right before we went to the Realtor’s office. I’ll be okay, I promise,” I slowly sunk down onto Jasper’s cock. It felt so wonderful. Once he was consumed to the hilt, I stopped and looked down at him and repeated my three favorite words to him again. I love you. So, so much.”

  He softly ran his hands from my hips to my shoulders and back down. “I love you too, Liam. More than I’ll ever be able to tell you.”

  “You tell me all the time, Jasper. You’ve been telling me for months in the way you look at me. In the way you make love to me. Do it again, Jasper. Make love to me and show me how much you love me."

  Jasper held me firmly at the hips and lifted me almost all the way off of his cock. He held me there while he thrust his hips up into me repeatedly. When his arms got tired, I took over and rolled my hips.

  That action gave us a completely different feeling, one that hit my prostate with every rotation. It drove me absolutely wild. Jasper couldn’t hold his orgasm long. Before I knew what he was doing, he sat up and latched onto my neck and bit down and sucked on that magical spot where my neck and shoulder met on my left side. That spot always makes me cum. Without disappointing, I came. Jasper told me several times that he loved me that night. Both by saying those beautiful words as well as showing me by the way he made love to me. It was a night that I'll never forget and always cherish.

  27 — Jasper

  Never in a million years would I have ever thought that Liam would have the same idea I did to tell me he loved me. The night we closed on the house turned out to be the best night of my life. Never before had I told a man I loved him, other than my fathers and brothers. They didn’t really count. I didn’t want to spend my life with them. I did with Liam. I was so happy with where we were in our relationship. I knew that one day and probably soon, I was going to ask him to marry me. For now, I was happy and content to just be in love with my boyfriend.

  We had so much stuff to move. Everything was packed and ready to go, we just needed to transport it. I cheated though. I hired a few of the guys from one of our crews to help us load and unload all the boxes and furniture from both the house we’d been renting and Liam’s storage unit. Between the two of us, we had more than enough stuff to fill our new home. What we didn’t have or what Liam didn’t want or like, he'd just get rid of and go out and buy something else. For the most part, we both had similar tastes in décor. We both liked comfortable furniture, neutral colors, and nothing too fancy or overly modern. We wanted our house to feel warm and welcoming.

  When we first got together, we’d bought a king-sized bed. That’s where we slept. We moved my old bed into the spare bedroom. I had no reservations with buying the new bed. Liam didn’t even bring the bed he used in Seattle with him. Moving two king-sized mattresses was not something I wanted to try and do by myself so I bribed the crew with a promise of pizza and beer. I even paid them a little cash for help. I received more than enough volunteers to get everything moved in just a few hours. That left Liam and me in a maze of boxes at our new place.

  Hemingway was pissed that we locked him in one of the upstairs bathrooms while we were moving, but quickly forgave us when we offered pets and some cubes of chicken. Yeah, Liam spoiled that cat.

  We lived among boxes for a week while we slowly unpacked everything. Things were still incredibly busy at work which didn’t help. I needed to be home earlier than I was so I could help Liam unpack. It wasn’t fair to him that I only had a few hours each evening to commit to it.

  I owned just as much stuff as Liam did, if not more. He said he didn’t mind, but I still felt guilty for leaving him to do most of it. I tried to make it up to him by bringing home dinner or offering to take him out but he said he was tired of fast food. So was I, honestly. I’d gotten used to cooking dinner with Liam each night and I missed that.

  Sean must have noticed a change in my mood because he mentioned it to me one day at the office in between meetings. “What’s got you so cranky? You’d been so happy and eager to get home or run off for a date. What happened? Did things not work out?”

  “No, things are great. I’m just trying to juggle everything and I haven’t even unpacked yet. It’s just getting to me. That’s all.”

  “Unpacked? Wait, you moved already? Why didn’t you let me know?”

  I looked at my brother in disbelief. “Umm, I did. You’ve been so busy with planning that thing, you know, your wedding. It’s all good. I paid a few of the guys from one of the crews and bought pizza and beer. We got everything moved in just a few hours. Easy. Now I’m just annoyed with living among walls and cubicles of boxes. I need a day off to unpack but things are so busy here. Collin said he’d be here next week sometime so I really need to get things going on getting my place ready.”

  “Collin is staying with you? When did that happen?”

  “When I offered? Is it a problem that I offered for him to stay with me until he finds a place? I honestly didn’t think you’d have a problem with it.”

  “I normally wouldn’t. I don’t. It’s just...just don’t sleep with him, alright?”

  If he wasn’t my twin brother, I might have slugged him. “What the actual fuck, Sean! Why would I sleep with him? You know I’m seeing someone and have been for a while.”

  Sean quickly backtracked. “Sorry, Jasper. I’m stressed and you haven’t ever dated someone, especially as long as you have this guy so I keep forgetting about him.”

  I sighed—loudly. “Why are you stressed?”

  “Mostly, my future mother-in-law. She’s great. She’s wonderful. Though, all of a sudden she’s turned into someone we don’t know. It’s like she’s become possessed or something with this wedding. She’s fighting everything about it, the location, the colors, everything. Simon is so busy at the ranch with all of the new foals, I hardly see him. There’s so much for him to do so she keeps bugging me about everything. Also, trying to plan the bachelor party. Deciding where to go on our honeymoon. Like you said, work. Things are crazy here. So there’s plenty to be stressed about.”

  “Hold it!” I stopped him right there. “Rhett and I are planning the bachelor party. We’ve got that covered. Last time I talked to him, Liam had some good ideas for that, too. Mark that off of your to-do list. You’re on your own for planning the wedding though. As for the honeymoon, I recommend going somewhere warm. That way you and Simon won’t need many clothes, at all.”

  “That’s not a bad idea about the honeymoon. Actually Ana is helping out tremendously with the wedding planning. Then again, that’s what we hired her for.”

  “About Cammie, tell Simon. Let him know his mother is still hounding you about the wedding. I know he told you to tell him if she tried to take over again. Let. Him. Know.”

  “Ugh, you’re right. I just don’t want to cause any tension between them.”

  “You may not want to but you have to realize she’s causing tension for you. It’s your wedding. Remind her, or have Simon do it.”

  We were interrupted when Sean’s phone rang. Luckily for him, it was Simon saying he was in town. He wanted to meet for lunch. He seemed hesitant to leave the office, so I waved him out the door. Things were hectic and busy, but we both needed to eat. I decided it was the perfect time to eat the lunch Liam packed for me and get caught up on work so I could leave earlier than usual.

  Wanting and doing were two different things. I didn’t make it home until almost nine. I was so busy at work and didn’t realize it was so late until my phone rang. It was Liam wondering if he should hold dinner for me. It was only then that I realized how late it was. I felt horrible that I’d done that to Liam. Not only had we not been intimate since the day we closed on the house and told each other that we loved each other, but I’d worked late every night since. I was really winning when it came to showing Liam how much I loved him lately.

  Grabbing only part of what I needed, I ran out the door, only barely remembering
to set the alarm and lock the office. I stopped and grabbed a burger on my way out of town and made it home in just under forty minutes, my regular time frame. It was late and I felt like shit for being so late. Running inside after I parked the truck, I stopped in my tracks when I spotted Liam and Hemingway curled up on the couch.

  “Hey, Cupcake. I’d ask how work was but I already know it was busy. I got about a dozen boxes unpacked today. I wrote for several hours, too! I'd say that it was definitely a productive day for me. How are you doing?”

  There he was, my Liam, sitting on the couch and acting like nothing was wrong. What did I ever do to deserve him? I needed to make sure he knew I was completely committed to us. I was starting right that minute. I walked up to my man and picked him up off of the sofa and swung him over my shoulder. The giggle that accompanied him grabbing my ass let me know I made at least one right decision today.

  “While you’re back there, reach into my pocket and text Sean and let him know I’m going to be in late tomorrow, if at all. It’s Saturday for fuck’s sake. Then turn the phone off, got it?”

  “Yep! It’s going to be a red and green night?” Liam asked while hanging down my back. He slipped my phone back in my pocket about halfway up the stairs to our bedroom.

  “Nope. Tonight, I’m just going to worship your body as long as you’ll let me.”

  “Okay. If I happen to want you to fuck me into the mattress instead?”

  “That can definitely be arranged.”

  Liam nodded his head enthusiastically. “That. Yes, please. Fuck me. Hard. Multiple times. Worship next week. Tonight, make me scream.”

  With his request well defined, I tossed Liam onto our bed and set about making each of his wishes come true. It was a very good night.

  I absolutely loved our new house. Liam seemed just as happy with it as I was. We unpacked boxes. It seems we did nothing else! I had a plan for the extra bedroom. Liam would have one for his own office. I was going to have a bunch of custom bookcases built for it. We kept several custom woodworkers on speed dial for special projects and I knew that getting a wall of book shelves wouldn’t be a problem. When we moved, we put both desks in the same room like they’d been in the rental. That wasn’t really working out because I knew it bugged Liam when I was in the office with him when he was writing. I had no problem giving him the extra bedroom. He definitely deserved it.

  While we were unpacking the last few boxes, we started talking about my most recent conversation with Sean. I let Liam know that I was a little concerned about Sean and how much Cammie was stressing him out. I didn’t know what I could do to get her to back off, other than to call Simon and let him know. Liam suggested that it sounded like the only option. I agreed.

  When the conversation migrated to Collin’s impending arrival, the conversation turned a different corner.

  “You’re really okay with Collin staying here, right?”

  Liam looked at me with confusion. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be? The poor guy is moving all the way from Alabama to join your firm. He doesn’t know anybody. Why would I have an issue with him staying here?”

  “I was just making sure. When I mentioned it to Sean, he seemed shocked that Collin was staying here and told me to make sure I didn’t fuck him.”

  “Why would he say that?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe because after Rupert and before you, I only wanted no-strings hook ups and almost never any repeats. I was a bit disrespectful, I guess. I reminded him that I was seeing someone and he seemed shocked that I was still seeing someone. I should've told him it was you then, but Simon called and he was lost to anything but him after that.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it. I think it’s best if we wait until after their wedding to tell him it’s me you’re seeing. He is under enough stress. Since I’m such a close friend of Rhett’s, I don’t want to add stress. Knowing Sean, he'd stress because of your history with Rupert and everything you went through after that. Even though Rhett is the one who told me to come back to you and give us a try, Sean would still be worried about my friendship with Rhett if we didn’t work out. I think you definitely did the right thing by not pushing the subject.”

  “I agree with you, Liam, but I hate that Sean doesn’t know that it’s you that I’m seeing. It makes me feel like we’re hiding or something.”

  Liam looked me straight in the eye. He had a determined expression on his face. “If it bothers you that much, we can call him right now and tell him. I’m not hiding and I know you aren’t hiding us. He knows you’re seeing someone. He knows you have been for a while. He just doesn’t know my name. How about you tell him in increments? First let him know you’ve gotten serious, then tell him we’ve moved in together, then tell him who you’ve been seeing. Whether it’s me or someone else. That you went through all those milestones in your relationship should be what matters most.”

  “You’re so smart! I want to make sure you know how important you are to me. That’s all. I’ll tell him if that’s what you want, or I’ll hold off if you think that’s the way to go.”

  “Trust me, Jasper, I know. Collin gets here tomorrow. That means you only have tonight to fuck me on those stairs until after he leaves. I’ve been thinking about you pounding into me from behind on them since we woke up this morning.”

  I leered at Liam with my most intrigued expression. “Since this morning, huh? Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “Because if I had, we wouldn’t have gotten everything unpacked and ready for our house guest tomorrow. Now, what’s a man gotta do to get his boyfriend to fuck him on the stairs in their new house? It has to be intense enough that he feels it tomorrow.”

  I winked at my boyfriend. “Simple, ask.”

  Liam didn’t ask. He did something even better. He stripped completely naked and he crawled up the stairs, wiggling his ass with each step. I couldn't take my eyes off his perfect backside. When his cheeks parted, I could see his rosebud winking at me. I grabbed the throw blanket off of the couch to cushion his knees before I joined him and did exactly what he asked. If he was walking a little funny when he met Collin the next day, well, Collin was a gay man as well so I was sure he'd understand.

  28 — Liam

  Holy Shit! When I asked Jasper to fuck me on the stairs, I had absolutely no idea that he'd be at the absolute perfect height to do such a thorough job from below. I was undeniably feeling it the next day. I wasn’t complaining, though. It’s exactly what I asked for.

  Jasper spoiled me something awful. No matter what it was, if I wanted something, all I had to do was ask. If he was able to, he gave it to me. I hit the jackpot when Jasper decided he wanted me for keeps. I would never take him or his love for granted.

  Collin called a few minutes ago. He let us know he was going to be arriving soon. I know that Jasper and I were both anxious, though for different reasons. I was anxious because it had been just the two of us for the past six months. Jasper was anxious because it meant they were going to have a much needed third architect. Although, I'd benefit from that aspect of it for sure. Jasper already said they wouldn’t be taking on more work just because they acquired another architect. They already had more than enough client projects for three. By adding Collin, they would be able to lighten both his and Sean’s workloads. That'd be nice. I might get to see Jasper for dinner on a more regular basis again.

  I don’t know what I expected when Collin arrived, but it definitely wasn’t the taller version of Jonathan and Travis. The blond-haired, blue-eyed, six-foot-five giant wasn’t what I was expecting. I’d met a couple of his cousins; he was slimmer than they were. I expected him to look like his brother Daniel.

  I found out that Collin was the oldest and the only blond among his brothers. The others were all brunette. Collin was so friendly! Even though he was almost as tall as Taylor, he had an easy-going way about him, nothing intimidating at all. He was likeable. After spending some time talking to Collin and finding out more abou
t him, I knew that he would be an asset to Sean and Jasper at the firm.

  I thought we’d have an awkward first evening together but it was comfortable. We spent hours talking and getting to know one another over dinner. We kept the conversation going well after we’d finished eating, too. Even Hemingway made nice and graced Collin with some lap time. We understood that the three-day trip had exhausted Collin. By ten he was more than ready for the king-sized bed in our guest room. We said our goodnights and turned in shortly after he did. Because we had absolutely no way of knowing how well sound traveled in our house, we made sure to keep the noise down while Jasper made love to me that night. I loved that he was just as content to make slow, sensual love to me as he was to fuck me into the mattress or the stairs when I asked.

  It was July and we still had no real concrete plans for the bachelor party for Sean and Simon. When they came back from their week away, they told everyone they’d found a perfect location. They also hired a wedding planner who was part of the staff at the vineyard. There was only a little over a month until their wedding, so we really needed to get our act together and figure out what we were going to do for their combined bachelor party.

  Jasper and I were on speakerphone with Rhett one evening trying to come up with ideas. It wasn’t until Collin walked in during our conversation that we really got anywhere.

  “Sorry, guys, I didn’t realize you were on the phone,” Collin said while turning to quickly leave the kitchen.

  “Hey, wait!” Jasper said to Collin’s retreating back. “It’s really no big deal. We’re just chatting with my brother Rhett, trying to plan Simon and Sean’s bachelor party. Unfortunately we’re getting nowhere.”

  “Bachelor party, huh? When is the wedding?”


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