My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2

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My Choice, My Chance: Men Of Crooked Bend Book 2 Page 20

by Taylor Rylan

  “Alright, so Jasper and I aren’t drinking tonight, well, maybe a shot or two, but that’s it. Let’s start with one here and we can work on getting you a little loosened up. That way you can get out there and be less inhibited and flirt with some of those dancers. While that’s happening, Jasper is going to talk to Logan to let him know it’s time to man up or move on." With the look Liam was giving me, I knew I didn’t have any choice but to do what he said. I was going to be having a heart-to-heart with Logan tonight.

  Liam grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured three shots just as there was a knock at the door. I walked over to see who was there and was greeted by a smiling Isaac, a glaring Tyler, a sheepish-looking Graham, and a distressed Logan. The distress on Logan’s face immediately cleared when he saw Rhett. Yeah, there was definitely something there. The look of distress quickly turned to one of concern when he saw Rhett take not one but two shots of whiskey in quick succession. Yeah, my little brother earned a little relaxation if you asked me. There were plenty of people to watch out for him tonight. He'd be alright.

  “Do any of you want to join us in a shot before we collect the grooms-to-be?” I asked the rest of the group.

  Everyone but Logan joined. I discovered that Logan didn’t drink. Ever. That was commendable. Since he wasn’t going to join us in drinking shots, I decided the time couldn’t be better to have my chat with him. I figured now was probably the best time because later, we’d be at the strip club, highly distracted.

  I asked Logan to walk with me to the lobby. I wanted to check on the cars we hired. He seemed anxious to accept and agreed to join me. We left the rest of the group in Liam’s care.

  After we verified the cars, I stalled Logan long enough to tell him I didn’t think it was cool that he was playing with Rhett’s feelings. He needed to either man up and claim him or he needed to cut all contact and let him be. I also hinted that Liam and I had shown a pic of Rhett to Collin and that Collin was interested in meeting Rhett once he moved to Crooked Bend. Logan didn’t like the idea of Collin anywhere near Rhett, nor had he known that Rhett decided to move to Crooked Bend. That was a mistake on my part but I figured Rhett would forgive me for spilling his secret if it got him his guy. All in all, I felt the chat went well considering I was given so little time to do it in. We made our way back upstairs and joined the rest of the group outside Sean and Simon’s room. It was time to get the bachelor party started.

  30 — Liam

  When we arrived at Simon and Sean’s door, it was obvious that we’d interrupted something. I wish Jasper and I could be so open about our relationship but we couldn’t. Not yet. I understood that. In just a few weeks, everyone would know that we were together. I couldn’t wait for that wonderful day!

  We collected the two grooms and headed toward the club. I was anxious to see Simon’s reaction once Sean got on stage and surprised him with a lap dance. I knew Jasper possessed some moves and I could only assume that Sean did as well. More than once, I’d seen Simon with a satisfied smile on his face. So I could only assume that Sean had some moves that he used on his fiancé on more than one occasion.

  Rhett’s several shots of whiskey kicked in while we were in the car. He was starting to get that blissed-out look that he got when he was either well on his way to drunk or had just been thoroughly fucked. Since I knew he hadn’t just been thoroughly fucked and I just watched him take three shots of whiskey back to back, I knew it was from whiskey and not a good fucking. He could surely use the latter. Just for good measure, I decided to turn a death glare on Logan. He looked shocked and apologetic in response. Good. He should feel sorry. He’s been messing with Rhett’s feelings the past few months. My friend Rhett did not need that shit. He needed someone to love him unconditionally, no matter what age or circumstances.

  When we pulled up at the club, Sean discreetly looked over toward me and gave either me or Rhett, or both, a sly wink. I was anxious about what he had planned. When he got out and Simon plowed into the back of him because he suddenly stopped, it was all Jasper and I could do to not laugh at the show Sean was putting on. He mentioned the name of the club and it being Poles and sounded utterly shocked, but we both knew he already knew the name of the club. He was in on a set up with the owner for Simon’s surprise. Trying to get things rolling, I shouted to the group to get things started. Jasper played along and scolded me for being too excited. This was going to be an interesting night.

  We could smell alcohol, coconut oil, and sex from the minute we stepped into the club. I immediately considered dragging Jasper back to our room and lubing him up with oil and rubbing my body all over his. I was always horny around Jasper. Add alcohol and strippers and I was ready to go. He was a master at getting me to cum whenever he wanted and if the looks he was throwing my way were anything to go by, he knew just what state my dick was in; a painful one. Luckily, we were in a strip club and it wouldn’t be inappropriate for me to obviously adjust myself. There was absolutely nothing supportive about the Andrew Christian jocks that I favored, but Jasper loved me in them and the easy access they afforded was definitely a plus.

  We made our way to our reserved table, center stage. We had an amazing time. The dancers at Poles definitely knew how to work the pole. I observed a lot of impressive and interesting positions. My mind wandered to Jasper and how adventurous he would get with me.

  After about an hour of nonstop dancing and gyrating, the DJ asked for the two grooms to please come to the stage. Sean looked excited but Simon looked like he was ready to murder someone. I just tried not to laugh too hard. This was perfect and I was so glad we would have it on video for future blackmail purposes. Well, not really, we just wanted Simon and Sean to have a little something to remember their bachelor party by.

  Simon and Sean made their way to the stage and took their seats like they were instructed by the two jock-wearing dancers. It wasn’t until the music started and no dancers came out that Simon began to look confused. That was, until Sean looked over at him and gave him a devious smirk and winked before getting out of his chair and dancing his way over to Simon. The show that Sean put on for Simon was hot. There was no other word for it. At the same time, it was a bit awkward for us since we knew both of them and neither of them really did it for any of us. Instead, we all started taking shots and discussing what else we had planned for this weekend while Sean did his best to seduce Simon with a lap dance up on stage. Tonight was the big night of our weekend and the rest was pretty much open.

  Before we knew it, the song was over and Simon was dragging Sean off of the stage. They did manage to stop by the table long enough for Jasper to give a half-ass toast to the couple before they were again on their way out of the club. That was to be expected though, because Sean just spent four minutes half-naked grinding his cock against Simon’s. Yeah, they were going to have fun back in their hotel room. If they made it that far.

  The rest of us decided to stay, even though the two grooms left early. New dancers came out onto the floor in either jeans or skin-tight shorts that hid absolutely nothing. They roamed around so we could chat and mingle with them. It was a good plan; get the patrons even more excited and they'll tip the dancers even more. Going with our earlier plan, Rhett and I made our way over to one of the dancers who was drool-worthy. Rhett made it clear that he was interested and winking at me, the guy decided to play it up and slid his hands around both me and Rhett. He then reached down and squeezed our asses. Rhett moaned, I squeaked.

  When I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, I turned around to see Jasper glaring at the dancer and before I knew it, he grabbed me by the shoulders and jerked me away and loudly, in front of everyone there declared, “Mine!”

  He didn’t stop there though. He planted a soul-stealing kiss on me in order to stake his claim, as if he needed to. I was already his and had been for a long time. When the kiss ended, I noticed that a very drunk Rhett was being dragged out of the club by a very pissed off looking Logan. Either Rhett wa
s finally going to get what he wanted or he managed to piss Logan off enough that he no longer wanted anything to do with him. I had my money on option number one.

  Once they were gone, that left me, Jasper, Isaac, Tyler, and Graham. Jasper told the others that we were headed out to see the sights of Vegas and we would see them tomorrow, and we headed out the door. It wasn’t until we got into a cab that was waiting curbside that I realized that Jasper was pissed.

  “Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Seriously, Liam? You have to ask what’s wrong with me? I’ll tell you what’s wrong. You were cuddling up with a stripper and he had his hand on your ass! That’s what’s wrong with me! I told you before, I. Don’t. Share. Period.”

  I was stunned. I’d never seen Jasper angry like this. “Whoa, Jasper. I get it his hand was on my ass, but I didn’t ask for him to put it there. If you were closer, you would've known that I didn’t want it, didn’t like it, and was about to shove away right before you walked up and made a show of things. He was supposed to cuddle up with Rhett, not me!”

  “Damn, fucking sexy strippers,” Jasper muttered quietly.

  “Hey, look at me,” I implored to Jasper. When he finally looked at me, the look in his eyes was not one that I wanted to see on a regular basis. He was so pissed off. “Are you pissed at me or the stripper? I need to know what’s going on, Jasper.”

  “You’re mine, Liam. He grabbed your ass and smirked when he did it.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry, Jasper. Again, I didn’t want him to grab my ass. I was with a quite drunk Rhett and he was supposed to cuddle up to Rhett, not both of us. Really, Cupcake, I’m sorry. You know I love you and I don’t want anyone else but you. Please, Jasper. I didn’t ask for it and it meant absolutely nothing to me. Please, don’t end us because of that.”

  Jasper’s expression turned to shock, but he was still angry under that. “What? You think I’d break up with you because of that? I’m pissed, but you’re stuck with me, Liam.”

  I still felt horrible. My stomach was beginning to churn with nerves. “Why are you pissed at me?”

  “I’m not.” He groused. “I’m pissed at him for grabbing you and I’m pissed at myself because I should've openly claimed you a long time ago.”

  “Okay, so claim me. You’ll get no complaints from me.”

  “Alright, wait here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  It was then that I noticed our cab had taken us back to the Bellagio. Jasper was out of the cab before I had a chance to say anything. I did as he said and sat there, waiting for him to return. When he did a few minutes later, he looked exactly like he did when he left. I didn’t know what was going on so I decided to find out and ask.

  “What’s going on? Why are we back at the casino and now leaving again? I don’t understand, Jasper.”

  “I know, but you will. I was checking on Rhett. Logan answered his door so I know he'll be alright. As for you, you little imp, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  “Really, you know I love surprises! You’re so good at them too! Hemingway was the absolute best surprise!”

  “Well, hopefully this will top Hemingway.”

  “Do I get any hints?”

  “Nope. You’ll know soon enough. What I said, Liam. I meant it. You’re mine. I love you and I’m claiming you.”

  “I've got no issues with that, Jasper. I love you too.”

  “Good. I sure as hell hope so because that’s about to be tested, Liam.”

  Now I was feeling pissed. I huffed and looked out the window before looking back at Jasper. “What do you mean, tested? What’s happening? Do you doubt that I love you? Seriously? I changed everything for you, Jasper! I agreed to wait to tell your twin about us! Seriously? Do you seriously doubt that I’m in love with you?" I couldn’t believe what I thought Jasper was saying. What the fucking hell? Was he serious? How did we go from adopting a kitten and buying a house together to my love for him being tested in Vegas?

  “Liam, look at me,” Jasper said while grabbing my chin and forcing me to look him directly in the eyes. I loved looking at his eyes. They were the exact color of the whiskey that we’d had earlier in the room. They held so much expression. They told me his moods and his thoughts. I could literally spend hours staring at them. I loved to look into his eyes when he made love to me. It connected us more than anything. “No, I don’t doubt that you love me. I know you love me. I just hope you love me as much as I do you.”

  I was still unhappy with this conversation, though I did calm down. “Jasper, I love you more than anything. I thought you knew that. If you don’t, I’m sorry I haven’t made that clear enough.”

  “You can make it very clear right now, Liam. Come with me.”

  I didn’t even realize the car stopped at first. I didn’t recognize this place. Somewhere on the strip but it just looked like any other buildings on the strip. “Where are we? What are we doing?”

  “You’ll see.” Jasper grabbed my hand and pulled me into the building. We were greeted by a very nice middle-aged man who introduced himself as Mark. I still didn’t know where the hell we were. I looked over at Jasper and he was pulling his wallet out of his pocket.

  “Jasper, what’s going on?" Realization set in and my heart completely stopped. Jasper grabbed both of my hands and dropped down on one knee right in the middle of the floor in what I finally realized was a wedding chapel.

  “Liam, I know you love me. I know you know I love you. It wasn’t until you came along that I was willing to make a choice and take a chance on love. I’m so thankful that I did. You are the absolute best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want everyone to know that you’re mine, Liam. I want them to know I’m yours. I want to know; do you love me enough? Do you love me enough to take a chance and choose me? Will you marry me, Liam?”

  My mind was racing in competition with my heart. I was getting the whole kit and caboodle; everything I’ve ever wanted! I loved Jasper with everything I was and he just asked me to marry him; and he wanted to do it right then and there.

  31 — Jasper

  Liam and his parents didn’t talk so I'd never have traditional in-laws. I’d seen the stress that Cammie put on both Sean and Simon and there was no fucking way that I was ever going to go through that. I took a chance and took Liam to a wedding chapel on the strip. I hoped like hell that he'd be willing to elope with me. I hadn’t planned on asking him the first night we got to Vegas. We had three days there. I hoped to maybe slip away the second day. When I saw that stripper grab Liam’s ass and smirk at me while doing it, my inner caveman came out and I became a possessive asshole. Liam was mine, and I was going to stake my claim. Of course, that all bordered on the hopes that he would say yes. I was still waiting. I had to remind myself that I needed to breathe. It was painful, and seconds felt like hours.

  Liam probably didn’t realize that it would destroy me if he turned me down. The waiting definitely wasn’t helping any. After time slowed down even more, so seconds felt more like days than mere hours, I finally got the answer that'd change my life completely.

  “What. The. Actual. Fuck. Jasper! Of course I’ll marry you!" After those heartfelt and passionate words, I had one very happy imp wrapped around me. It felt, honestly, like quite the miraculous feat since I was down on one knee, but he managed. Liam’s lips crashed onto mine and everything in my world righted itself again. Time sped up to regular speed, my heart and brain slowed to a regular pace, and I was able to breathe again. After sealing our engagement with a yes-worthy kiss, Liam detangled himself from me and we both got off of the floor.

  “You’re sure? You’re ready to do this? Now?” I held him by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. “I can’t go through what Sean’s going through, Liam. I can’t handle a large, crazy wedding. I want to marry you now. After all, we’re in Vegas, so why not?”

  “Yes! Green! Now! I’m all in, Jasper. I’ll definitely marry you right now!”

  After Liam said yes, once again to my
surprise proposal, we took care of the required paperwork. Before I knew it, we were standing in front of the officiant with two witnesses, strangers whom I would never see again, as far as I could figure. Jesus, this was such a spur of the moment thing that, unfortunately, I didn’t even have a ring for Liam. That was definitely something I'd remedy, fast. I was claiming Liam, and I wanted everyone to know he was taken. That meant I needed to put a ring on the man, and soon. But, first things first. I tried my best to focus on what the officiant was saying instead of looking into Liam’s beautiful blue eyes. Liam squeezed my hands tightly, which cued me to what was being said.

  “Promise to love and honor him in sickness and health, and to be loyal to only him for as long as you both shall live?” the officiant said to me and I knew this was it. This was the point where my life changed forever.

  “I definitely do,” I replied while smiling down at Liam and squeezing his hands back. Unfortunately, I zoned out again while staring into Liam’s eyes while the officiant read the vows to Liam. I was coherent enough to hear Liam say “I do” and to repeat after the officiant when I needed to but, otherwise, I was pretty much on cloud nine. I was ecstatic to be marrying the man I loved, but at the same time the event was surreal. Before I knew it, the officiant said those magical words.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and husband. Gentlemen, you may now kiss your husband.”

  That was all it took, Liam was once again wrapped around me. I did the only thing a good husband would do; I grabbed his ass and claimed his mouth. We may not have decided on a traditional wedding, and I knew I was going to get a lot of shit for that once my family found out, but there was nothing traditional about Liam and me thus far, so why the hell would we change to say “I do?”


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