Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy

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Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy Page 32

by Jennifer Collins

  Noelle sighed and shook her head. "I have to go. I need to get Syney's dress order in for her coronation." She closed the door behind her. "Go find someone else to annoy." She started off down the hall.

  Gabe didn't look at her as his smile fell from his lips. She reminded him too much of Faye. Headstrong, independent, beautiful. He could say the same about Syney, but she was an open book. Noelle had secrets, and something else...a spark of something. He shook his head. He needed to forget about this day, the death of a colleague, and the annoying blonde that was hot and cold. He headed up to Syney's room and didn't even bother to knock.

  Syney looked over at him as she walked out of the bathroom, her hair wet, and dressed in a thin white robe. "Hey, what's up?"

  Gabe kicked off his shoes. "You know how you've been using me for the past week to feel better?"

  "I...wouldn't put it...that way," she stammered.

  Gabe rolled his eyes at her while he pulled off his shirt. He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  "Fine, OK, yes. What of it?"

  He walked up to her and pulled on the belt of her robe. "Now I need something."

  Her heard her breathing pick up. "What's that?"

  "I need to forget about everything, clear my mind, at least for a few hours. Can you handle that?"

  She bit her bottom lip. "Yes."

  "Good," he said, leaning down and kissing her. It didn't take him long to make everything disappear—except, that is, the guilt over using Syney to do it. On top of that, the whole idea of what he had been doing with Syney was starting to eat at him. He lay back in the bed and squeezed his eyes shut. How had he gotten here? This wasn't part of the plan, but neither was Raine being executed.

  "You OK?" Syney asked, her heavy breathing brushing against his neck. "Do you need me to do something...different?"

  Gabe shook his head. "It's not you. You're perfect." He looked at her. "You're better than this, though."

  She looked at him, tears filling her eyes. "I'm not so sure."

  He ran his fingers through her hair. "You're crazy."

  She wiped a tear from her face. "This is it, isn't it?"

  He nodded. "Yes." He went to move, but she grabbed his arm.

  "You said at least a few hours. It's only been twenty minutes. If this is it, we'd better make it worth it."

  He smiled at her. She wasn't the timid girl he had met seven months previous. He leaned back into her and kissed her until his mind went numb again. If she was offering, who was he to refuse?


  She almost never went to the Guards' meetings, although she always had a standing invitation, as she did with any function in her palace. This one, however, she was more than just a little curious about. The execution had gone off without a hitch, which couldn't have pleased her more. The awakening of the Daemons had been a warning to her. Someone or something was in motion, and it was most likely tied to that little bitch being here. A public execution, of a Protector no less, should send the type of message she wanted. If you wanted to screw with the queen, you had to be aware of the risks. She stood in the back of the room, in the shadows, behind the large group of Guards and Protectors, who all stood at attention. Leaf was in front of them, calling off the roll. She didn't want to be seen, not yet. She did, however, want to hear what was going to be said, only an hour after their comrade had been put to death.

  "There isn't too much to review today. There's a new protocol for the master alarm. On the desk upfront are your room assignments for when the alarm is sounded. The standing protocol—to go to your charges as soon as you can—is still in effect. From now on you will then escort them to the designated areas. We want to get them all to safer places instead of exposed rooms. Any questions?" Leaf looked over the crowd. "I know this has been a hard day. It's never easy seeing a brother fall, and we've lost many recently."

  Mellisandrianna looked more closely at the group. There were more sagging shoulders than usual. She couldn't have morale down, especially not with the threat that loomed over them. She stepped out of the shadows. "Perhaps there is a way we can make our days not so hard," she said, walking toward Leaf.

  "Your Majesty," Leaf said, giving her a bow.

  Mellisandrianna turned to the group. They all stood a little taller in her presence. "I am very saddened by the losses among our ranks. There really isn't any way to make it easier on any of us. But perhaps, Commander, we can organize some games to possibly lighten the mood in the palace."

  Leaf nodded. "Of course."

  The games were a timed-honored tradition in the Village. Almost all of the Guards and select Royals participated in various sporting events. The whole Village attended them. It was the time when camaraderie and friendship was highest in the Village.

  "Good. I'll have Justice make some preparations. I'm very sorry for all of the losses. The Village mourns as one right now."

  "I speak for all of us when I say, 'Thank you,' " Leaf said. "I would also like permission to run a drill on the new master alarm protocol."

  "Are you sure that is wise? There are many on edge as it is," she said.

  "That would make it the best time."

  Mellisandrianna nodded. "Very well." She smiled over to the Guards. "Good day." She walked away, pleased with herself. She needed to make herself known, especially to those who didn't trust her, and she had no doubt every one of them in the room didn't. Not that it bothered her much. They didn't have to trust her to do what she needed them to do, or to die for her.


  He needed to get Syney to the old infirmary in the basement. It was a small room with no windows and only one entrance. It made a good bunker. The three royal princesses also were assigned there, so he wouldn't be alone with her. The new protocol made perfect sense to him. All first Protectors were to escort their charges to the assigned rooms, where they would meet not only their charge's other Protectors but also a handful of Guards as added protection. Leaf pulled the master alarm soon after he dismissed their meeting. Better to get practice in as soon as possible. He headed straight to Syney's room, knowing she would be there. She didn't go many other places these days. He was worried about her. She seemed to have stopped caring about pretty much everything. But she wouldn't talk about it to anyone, except Gabe, which worried him even more. He couldn't choose her friends for her, but as much as he didn't want to admit it, Gabe was growing on him. Gabe cared about Syney—Hunter could tell—and that went a long way in his book.

  He stopped at Syney's door, only slightly out of breath, walked in, and stopped dead in his tracks. They both looked like a hunted animal that knew it was about to be shot. He looked away, even though he was pretty sure the image of Syney and Gabe half-naked and struggling to throw on clothes would never escape his brain. "Get dressed, and hurry up," he said, walking out of the room. He slammed the door shut and let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Dozens of emotions and thoughts slammed into him as he leaned against the wall across from the door. He wasn't sure whether he was more hurt or angry. Both were pretty high on the scale right now. His throat felt like it might close forever, but he couldn't do this right now. He had a job to do, and that was it. That was all he should have been doing from the beginning.

  Gabe was the first to walk out. Hunter looked at him, mentally ripping his head off. Gabe stared at him for a moment before quietly cursing and running off.

  Syney stopped when she saw him, as if she didn't realize he was going to be there. ""

  "There's a new protocol. Come on. We have to get to a safe room," he said, leading the way down the hall.

  She ran after him then kept his pace the whole way. He didn't realize she was crying until they reached the room. He opened the door for her. She briefly looked up at him, her face wet and pale, before hiding in the far-right corner of the room. He shook his head and stayed across the room from her, his hands squeezed into fists. He needed to hit something...hard. He knew from his training and the talking that
had picked up since Gabe had come to the Village that a Vampire rarely had sex without biting his partner. The thought of the two of them doing either made bile rise in his throat. He wondered when it had started but stopped himself. Did he even really care about the specifics?

  "Everything OK?"

  Hunter looked at Ember, Princess Helen's Protector, and nodded.

  "She doesn't really look it," Ember said slowly.

  Hunter looked over at Syney, and a pain thumped in his chest. She was still in the corner, shaking off an inquiring Helen. "I'm fine," she said, with a hitch in her breath.

  He looked away. "Just a bad day. Women stuff," he managed to get out, his jaw tight.

  Ember nodded and drifted away.

  He turned to the wall and squeezed his eyes so tightly that they stung. He needed to physically get rid of his anger. But the hurt—he wasn't sure what to do about that.

  Leaf came in after a while to make sure that everyone had come. His gaze lingered over Syney then questioningly went to Hunter, who ignored him. "Good job. Make sure we get the same results if this is ever real," he said, dismissing them.

  Hunter led the way back to Syney's room, with her right behind and Reed some ways back, as if he sensed that he needed to give them space. When they approached her door, he stopped and looked at her, every fiber in his being sparking with anger.

  Tears were still flowing from her eyes. "I..." She shook her head.

  "I thought you actually liked Noelle," he spat at her.

  "What? I...I do."

  He gave a bitter laugh. "Sleeping with the guy she likes really isn't the best way to show it."

  "Noelle... I don't... I didn't know. I just...I needed something—"

  "Did you think about anyone else?" He took a jagged breath. "Did you think at all?"

  Syney's face turned sour. "Do you think about me when you're with Fern?"

  He moved to within inches of her. "Every damn second," he said slowly. He shook his head. "You know, I expected a lot from you, just not to be this disgusted."

  Her face scrunched up as she started to cry again and spun on her heels into her room, slamming the door behind her.

  Hunter took a deep breath as Reed slowly walked up. "Stay here. Make sure she doesn't leave," Hunter said.

  Reed nodded. "Yes, sir."

  Hunter backed up. "I'll be in the gym." He took off as fast as he could without running. The gym was empty, which he appreciated. He went straight to the back, where the standing punching bags were, and pounded his anger away.


  These master alarms were fraying Noelle's nerves. She took little comfort in the fact that the last one had been only a drill. Ever since the attack at the Great Lake, she had been on edge, and with the way Syney had been acting lately, she was even more stressed out. She sighed and stopped in front of Syney's room. Reed was there, looking warily at the door.

  "You OK?" she asked.

  "I'm fine, ma'am. It's just...the princess."

  "Is she OK?" Noelle asked, as she heard a loud bang and crash inside the room. It was closely followed by a few more.

  "I wouldn't go in there if I were you," Reed said. "She's been throwing things for the past ten minutes."

  "Oh, OK. Did something happen that you know about?" she asked, concern filling her voice.

  "Well, um ... I didn't want to listen."

  Noelle put a hand on his arm and gave him a small smile. "It's OK. I know how it is. Things happen, and when you're around, you try to look like you're not paying attention. But I'm worried about Syney. So what happened?"

  He sighed. "The princess and Hunter had some kind of fight. I didn't really hear much—honest. But he was mad and she was crying, and he said something about being disgusted by her."

  Noelle's eyes widened. "What?"

  "I mean, I could have heard wrong...but I'm pretty sure I didn't."

  Something heavy hit the door with a thud, which made both of them jump. "Is Hunter in there?" Noelle asked, eyeing the door warily.

  "No, he went to the gym. He looked like he needed to hit something."

  Noelle nodded. What had happened between them? The last thing she had seen, Syney and Hunter were avoiding each other the best they could, and when they were together, they were nothing but cordial. And now he was disgusted? It made no sense.

  "Do you think this has something to do with..." He leaned forward and whispered the last part. "...the Vampire?"

  "Gabe?" she asked. He and Syney had been spending a lot of time together.

  Reed nodded. "He's been in her room a lot. I try not to listen when I'm out here, but...the walls aren't really soundproof. Plus they're kind of loud."

  Noelle stared at him. Sure she had thought that the two might have crossed that line, but she didn't really think it would happen. Syney wasn't like that and Gabe...well, she would like to think he wouldn't do that. Maybe thought of her feelings. But Hunter being disgusted—that would make sense. "OK, um, if the throwing stops, just check to make sure she's alive."

  Reed nodded.

  Noelle started down the hall, not quite sure what she was feeling. She was unsure of her feelings for Gabe beyond a physical attraction. And she felt that Syney was becoming more like family than just a friend. But when she thought of the two of them together, she felt almost betrayed. She needed to talk to Hunter and find out what really had happened.


  He wasn't going to run; there wasn't anywhere he could go. He needed to be here, to help Syney see what she needed to do when the time came. But if he wanted to stay, he needed to make peace with Hunter. He had grown quite fond of the wolf, but it wasn't that. He needed Syney. If he didn't do something, Hunter never would let him near her again. It didn't surprise him to find Hunter in the gym attempting to break a standing punching bag with his fists. Gabe walked up slowly and stopped a few feet away when Hunter stopped hitting the bag.

  "You must really want me to kill you," Hunter said, not turning around.

  "I don't really. I kinda like life, sometimes."

  Hunter turned. "Then I suggest you leave, because I'm not done hitting things, and you're my ideal target."

  Gabe nodded. "Makes sense. But I'm not leaving, because we need to talk, like adults. We are ad—"

  Hunter punched him, knocking him off balance.

  He caught himself and stood back up. "OK, I deserved that. Now let's—"

  Hunter hit him again.

  Gabe rolled his eyes. If the wolf really wanted a fight, he would get a fight. Lycins were strong and healed quickly, but Vampires were stronger and healed within seconds. It wouldn't be a fair fight. He was about to say as much when Hunter hit him again, knocking him to the floor. Gabe hissed and jumped to his feet. Now he was pissed. He went through a series of punches and kicks he had learned many years ago, hitting Hunter with all but the first two. Hunter staggered a little, blood dropping out of his mouth.

  "Can we talk now?" Gabe asked.

  Hunter looked at him for a moment before charging him, knocking them both to the ground.

  "Guess not," Gabe managed to get out as the larger man laid some punches into his gut. Gabe pushed him off and jumped to his feet.

  Hunter did as well, his eyes wild. Gabe realized there was nothing he could do but let him get his anger out, which was going to hurt. He rolled his eyes and let Hunter give some punches and kicks. He gave some of his own, holding back as much as he could. They went on like this for a while, neither really getting the upper hand, although Hunter looked much more hurt than Gabe. Somewhere along the line, Gabe picked up on Leaf's mind close by. He dared a glance at the door and saw the wolf standing there with Noelle at his side. He didn't like the look either was giving him. He grimaced, distracted, and Hunter lunged in with a powerful roundhouse kick. Gabe staggered back. He didn't want to fight anymore, but Hunter looked nowhere near ready to call it quits. He glanced back at Noelle; her expression hadn't changed.

  Hunter got close but wasn'
t hitting, which was good. "You want to screw them both. You do, don't you?"

  "No, I don't actually," Gabe said, looking back at him.

  "They're too good for you. Both of them. Any woman who would be with you is a complete and utter moron and probably a bitch."

  Gabe clenched his teeth. Hunter was angry. He needed to let him get his anger out. But Gabe had had it. He wanted to kick the wolf's ass. He punched Hunter, knocking the wolf back a few feet. They started to fight again; this time Gabe didn't hold back. By the time he had Hunter on his knees with his head in the crook of his elbow, Gabe finally started to see straight again. He couldn't kill Hunter. He let go of the wolf, who fell forward, struggling to breathe.

  Hunter crawled over to the wall and sat against it, while Gabe went to grab a towel from a stack at the side of the room. Gabe shot one more look to Noelle. Leaf shook his head and left the room, but Noelle stayed, a look of sadness on her beautiful face. Gabe looked away and handed the towel to Hunter, who looked like hell. His nose and lips were bleeding, and several bruises already were forming on his face. He took the towel and spat out a mouthful of blood before holding it to his mouth.

  Gabe sat down next to him. "You bleeding internally?"


  "You should get that looked at."

  Gabe listened to Hunter's heartbeat and breathing starting to slow.

  "Why her?" Hunter looked at Gabe, his eyes filling with tears. Gabe wasn't sure whether it was from the emotion or the pain. Both were surging through Hunter's mind.

  "She needed it."

  Hunter gave a bitter laugh. "I knew there was no point in talking to you. Everything's a game to you."

  "No. This wasn't a game." He paused. "She's falling apart. In pain and depressed."

  "You should have come to me and told me."

  "Really? You were around her every day. You knew," Gabe said, shaking his head. "Anyone who looked at her knew."

  "She's been sad. Everyone gets sad. Not everyone screws a Vampire." He paused. "And gets bit, or at least I'm assuming."


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