Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy

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Discovery: Altera Realm Trilogy Page 34

by Jennifer Collins

  They made good time, getting to the town a couple of hours before sunset. He never had been to Colchin, and he had to admit he was expecting more. It was rather large, but the simple houses, businesses, and marketplace were all reminiscent of the wall towns—nothing extravagant, just wooden and clay houses with thatched roofs. He liked the place immediately. They rode down the dirt road until Hunter spotted a sign for an inn. He tied up their horses out front and led the way inside. The entire bottom floor of the building was a pub, with a long wooden bar along one wall, a few scattered square tables, and some gaming tables in the back.

  The place was empty besides a couple of men at the bar and a hearty redhead behind it. She smiled over at them as they entered. "Newcomers! I love to see new faces!" she called out.

  Hunter led Syney over to the bar and gave the woman a polite nod. "Good evening. We were hoping to get two rooms for the next couple of weeks."

  The woman kept up her smile but eyed them both intently. "The name's Willow. I own the place with my sister, Catlynn."

  "Nice to meet you. I'm Hunter, and this is Syney."

  "Pleasure." Willow placed her hand on top of Syney's, which caused her to jump a little and step back from the bar. "I only have one room to let, though."

  "That's fine," Hunter said.

  She shifted her weight. "Only got one bed in it."

  Hunter looked over at Syney, who rolled her eyes and shrugged. "We'll take it."

  "Follow me," she said, leading the way up a set of stairs behind the game tables. She pushed open a door at the top of the stairs and motioned them inside.

  Hunter looked around. It was small but had everything they needed. There was a bed and a dresser, along with a bathtub.

  "Toilet's down the hall. It's five dailins a night. We also serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner downstairs. Catlynn's the cook. Best fired ovas you've ever had. And if they aren't, just don't tell her." Willow gave a bellowing laugh.

  Hunter pulled out a bag of dailins and paid the woman for the two weeks.

  "Have we met before?" Syney asked her.

  Willow frowned. "Don't think so. I would remember those pretty eyes. Now you two wash up and get on down for some food. You look hungry enough to eat a horse!" She left, closing the door behind her.

  "I could swear I know her," Syney said, flopping down on the bed.

  "You're probably just tired. Do you want to eat?"

  "Where are you sleeping?" she asked, rolling onto her side to look at him.

  "The floor."

  She looked at him for a moment before jumping up. "I'm starved."

  "Do you realize you're jumping topics?"

  "Short attention span? Come on. I'm hungry," she said, walking out of the room and back down the stairs.

  The food was pretty good—more like his mother's food than the processed food of the Village. Hunter couldn't tell whether Syney was enjoying it. She kept the same passive face on throughout the meal, neither one of them really talking. He didn't ask her if she was OK. He knew she wasn't, and he was starting to get the impression that there wasn't anything he could do about it.

  "Hello. Are we enjoying the meal?" a skinny redhead asked, as she walked up to their table. She smiled at both of them. There was no mistaking the resemblance between her and Willow. She must be her sister, Catlynn.

  "Yes. Thank you," Hunter said politely.

  She put down a large glass mug in front of Syney. "I made this special for you. Should take care of that pain."

  "Excuse me?" Syney asked as Willow huffed over.

  "Now, Catlynn, what are you up to?"

  The skinnier one shrugged off her sister. "I felt it from the kitchen. God knows how she's dealt with it."

  "You can feel my pain?" Syney asked, cocking her head to the side. "Like a psychic? Oh, god, that's who you remind me of!"

  "Psychic, huh?" Willow put a hand on her large hip. "You were raised in the Human Realm."

  Syney nodded. "I met a psychic once. Madam Racksha."

  "Racksha? She's our cousin. Chose to go out into the Human Realm," Catlynn said with a smile. "She had a vision when she was young. Said she was destined to help the Realm become one again."

  Hunter watched the color drain from Syney's face. He remembered something she had told him about a psychic soon after he had found her.

  "She's dead," Syney said, quietly looking down at the table.

  Willow nodded. "I felt it, even here. But she knew what she was doing. You're never allowed to reveal visions to anyone. If you do, you let the darkness in, and you can't escape the darkness. But that's all part of our magics."

  "Now drink up. It'll give you relief for a while. I can make more when it wears off," Catlynn said, walking toward the room off the bar.

  "Sorry about her. She likes to mettle," Willow said, and headed to the bar.

  "I guess she was the first casualty in all of this," Syney said, picking up the mug and taking a large gulp. A moment later she sighed and seemed to relax a little into her chair. "Wow, that really worked."

  "Do you regret finding out about all of this?" Hunter asked, looking at her.

  Syney returned his gaze. "Sometimes. It would probably be easier on everyone."

  He sighed and looked away. Where would he be if she hadn't been found? Still outcast, living in a wall town, sneaking into Guard trainings. Probably Joined with Fern by now as well. Somehow none of those things seemed appealing to him. He always had been fine with his life, but he didn't want to go back to it, not without Syney. They lapsed back into silence for the rest of the meal. He didn't want to push her, but it hurt him to see her this way. He mentally slapped himself for thinking that just taking her out of the palace would make all of her troubles disappear.

  Hunter did as he'd said and set up a bed for himself on the floor next to the real bed. He didn't need much, only a pillow, and even that he could have done without. The Guards were trained to sleep in any conditions, and a hard floor was one of the least harsh he had seen. He heard Syney toss and turn in bed and finally sigh with frustration.

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  "Sure," he said, staring at the ceiling.

  "Have you slept with Fern?"

  He closed his eyes. He didn't like where this conversation was going to go. He had promised not to bring Fern up around her, and he wanted to keep that promise. It pained him to talk about his betrothed to the woman he loved.

  "Sorry. Forget it. It's a stupid question," she said quickly.

  He frowned. She was talking, which was better than how she'd been most of the night. "No," he said quietly.

  She didn't say anything, but she did stop fidgeting in bed. After a moment she rolled to the end of the bed and looked down at him. "I think I met my mother."

  "Your real mother?" he asked skeptically.

  She nodded. "I've been having these...not visions but... When I've been attacked and unconscious, I've been seeing things. I saw my parents and Jess. And once I saw you. You were standing in bright sunlight, and you asked if I was ready."

  "Ready for what?"

  She shrugged. "I don't know. I woke up. And I saw Gabe and his wife."

  "He's married?" Hunter asked, again not really believing it.

  She nodded. "He said she died a long time ago. But I saw her, clear as day. And then one time I saw this woman who said she was my mother. She looked like me. She said her name was Amelia and that I shouldn't trust anyone but you."

  "That doesn't make sense. Amelia never had a child."

  "I don't know. I kind of brushed it off. Thought I was just dreaming. I'd been reading about her in my lessons with Helen. But then I saw Gabe's wife the next time and...other stuff that came true. So am I crazy?"

  Hunter shook his head. "No. Queen Amelia had visions. It was a lost trait that she was born with. Maybe you have them too, just not the same way."

  Syney frowned and rolled back out of his view. "Thank you for taking me away," she said after a while.

Anything—you know that."

  She dropped her hand off the side of the bed. Hunter stared at it for a moment before taking it in his. He heard her sigh, and he gently squeezed her hand. That's when he realized he would never get over Syney. He needed her almost as much as he needed air to breathe. He was screwed.


  She never had seen a more love-struck couple in her life. And of course they sat there eating dinner like two cold fishes who just happened to be hanging next to each other on a fisherman's line. It pained her to see young love like that, which is why she had ignored her four empty rooms and given them the smallest, with only one bed. That should help things—although he was all duty, that one. Definitely a Lycin. She hadn't seen one out of the Village in many, many years; it was nice. The girl—she was a bit of a mystery. She looked like the uptight Magic Users but had been raised in the Human Realm. That was what made her interesting.

  Catlynn walked up to the bar and started to put away some of the mugs that Willow had been drying. "Nice couple, don't you think?"

  "I was just thinking about them. I think they might need a little push."

  Catlynn nodded. "Do you think she knows she has a curse on her?"

  "Oh, I doubt that." Willow said.

  Catlynn stared off into the empty pub. "You know what those two need, don't you?"

  "Oh, no, you don't. Don't you remember what happened the last time we had some new faces in town, and you decided they needed to let loose? There was all sorts of lewd behavior! Naked swimming in the pond and lovemaking in the market. I thought you learned your lesson."

  "I did. Never charm Vampires. But these two are different. Didn't you see that dark cloud over her?"

  "That was the curse."

  "But it has the same effect. She's sad, and he's restricted. They need some happiness together," Catlynn said with a firm nod.

  Willow shook her head. Her sister was always getting into other people's business, and it usually had disastrous consequences. She did, however, see the longing coming from the young couple, and they were both too tense to do much about anything. Maybe they did need a little nudge.

  A smile slid onto Catlynn's lips. "See. It's perfect. I'll just jump on upstairs and charm them."

  "No, I'll do it," Willow said, putting down a towel and heading up the back stairs. She stopped at the door and listened for their even breathing before she slipped into the room. Any second thoughts she had fell from her mind when she saw the two of them. He was on the floor holding her hand, which was draped over the side of the bed. Together but still far away. She shook her head and closed her eyes. Holding out her hands, she laid the charm on both of them. When she opened her eyes, neither had moved an inch. She smiled at her handiwork and left the room. She looked forward to seeing them the next day.


  The market in Colchin was amazing. There were booths for pretty much everything: food, clothes, and accessories. Syney bought a couple of pouches that would make cute purses and would match her leather wardrobe, which seemed to get bigger every week when Noelle brought more and more in. She also picked up a kick-ass belt with purple stones on the buckle. She immediately looped it through her black leather pants. She asked Hunter what he thought, and he just raised his eyebrows and nodded. He was the anti-Village dresser. He barely wore leather, preferring cotton T-shirts and what she would describe as cargo pants, both usually white, which completely clashed with the brown and black the other Guards always wore. She liked his style, though. It was him—the outcast who had fallen into a high position but still acted like an outcast. As these thoughts occurred to her, Syney stopped and smiled—a genuine smile she hadn't had in months. She looked back at Hunter as he perused a display of personal knives. She knew his was in a sheath strapped to his back, but it was very old and even chipped in a few places.

  She walked over to him and touched one of the blades. It was beautiful. The metal had a stunning glean, and the handle looked like white ivory. "I like this one," she said, looking up at Hunter.

  He nodded and picked it up. "It has good weight to it."

  "You should get it. We have tons of money with us, thanks to Princess Syney's expense account. It's the queen's money. Why not spend it?"

  Hunter looked at her for a moment before giving her a small smile. "This knife is for a woman."

  "Oh, how can you tell?"

  "The blade is thinner." He ran a finger along the metal. "But it's a really nice knife for you."

  Syney raised her eyebrows. "I'm getting weapons now? Awesome."

  Hunter stared at her for a moment, as if he were confused by why she was standing there with him.

  "What?" Syney asked.

  "It's just... You seem different."

  Syney frowned. She felt different. For the first time in months, she didn't feel like there was any darkness around her. She took a deep breath. "I guess I really did just need to get out of the palace."

  Hunter nodded and handed the merchant some money for the knife and a leather sheath. He clipped the container to the side of Syney's new belt and slid the knife into it. "How does that feel?"

  "Good. Kinda kick-ass actually." She looked down at her new toy. "So how come I get a weapon now?"

  "Because people keep trying to kill you."

  She frowned up at him. "It's been that way for a while now."

  "But now I'm not always with you."

  "I thought you liked Reed," Syney said, walking down to the other booths.

  "I do. "

  "I don't get it."

  "Why did you want self-defense lessons?" he asked her.

  "So I wouldn't always be helpless."

  "But you have Protectors with you all of the time."

  "I guess I wanted to hedge my bets," she said.


  She smiled over at him and gave a laugh.

  "What?" he asked.

  "Nothing. You just explain things like a teacher. You want me to come up with the answers. It feels good."

  "I'm glad."

  They shopped for most of the morning. Syney loved most of it but was transfixed with a display of stones and gems. The woman who owned it explained that each stone had a specific meaning. Some were spelled, or so she said, to do certain things, like attract or even repel. The one that caught Syney's eye the most was a small light-brown stone that shimmered and had flecks of gold all over it. The woman explained that it was a goldstone. It was spelled as well. She said the spell wasn't always active; it had to be turned on. One person would hold the stone and make a promise to someone and then had to give the stone to the other person. When the promise was finally fulfilled, the stone would disintegrate completely. It was a physical representation, a reminder of that promise. Syney ran her finger over the small smooth surface. "I'll buy it," she said. She tucked it into her pocket, not sure what she wanted to use it on but happy she had bought it.

  Once they were done shopping, they stopped for some food at one of the last stands in the market. They sat down at one of a few scattered tables that lined a small pond at the far side of town and ate. Syney had opted for a selection of funny-looking fruit that was surprisingly good. Halfway through her second pear-like fruit, she stopped and looked at Hunter. Something had been bothering her all day, and she had to get it off her chest.

  "Hey, so...why aren't we together?" she asked. "Because I love you and you love me. So it doesn't make much sense."

  Hunter looked at her for a moment. "I'm your Protector, and I'm paired with Fern."

  "Right, I know that, but it just.

  "Doesn't seem important," he said, slowly matching her odd look.


  They stared at each other for a moment before Syney reached across the table, her open hand palm up. Hunter didn't break eye contact as he smiled at her and took her hand. Syney reveled in the calm feeling he gave her and returned his smile. They walked hand in hand the whole way back to the inn, even laughing at a stupid joke or silly story one o
f them told. Along the way Hunter stopped to buy a flower, which he slid into her hair. Then he kissed her, right there in the open, with people walking all around them. Syney leaned into him, weaving her fingers behind his neck. This was the way things were meant to be, always. After that they couldn't get to their room fast enough. Hunter gently laid her on the bed and pulled off his shirt. When he lay on top of Syney, she slowly ran a finger over the small scar on his chest, the beginning of her amator mark. He was hers, and this mark proved it. Her hand itched to finish the job, but something inside her held it back. She chose to run her fingers through his hair as his mouth moved down her throat.

  Hours later they lay in bed covered by only the sheet, Hunter on his back and Syney on her stomach as she leaned on her elbows. Hunter ran his fingers through her hair, a smile on his handsome face.

  "So do you need to change into a wolf on a regular basis or anything?" she asked, leaning into his hand.

  "Nope. It feels good, though, to do it. I try to go for a run once a week."

  "Where do you go?"

  He shrugged. "Around. Usually outside of the Village. I try to stop and see Rose before going back to the palace."

  Syney frowned. "I don't think she likes me."

  He shook his head. "She's worried about me."

  "You? Why?"

  "Because I'm in love with you, and she knows somehow."

  Syney shifted closer to him and dropped a kiss on his lips. "I don't really care what anyone thinks about us."

  "Me neither," he said, kissing her back, a little harder than hers had been. "All that matters is you and me."

  She laughed into his mouth. "Can we stay here forever?"


  "Good," she said, climbing on top of him. "Because there's no other place I want to be, ever."

  Hunter smiled and reached up, pulling on the back of her neck to bring her mouth down to his while his other hand slid up her back. Syney smiled and closed her eyes, letting the whole world melt away.


  "Exactly how sick is Syney that she has missed three weeks of council meetings?"


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