Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3)

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Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3) Page 8

by KL Donn

  The buzzing from his phone broke into his melancholy thoughts.

  Frank: Sure did. Her folks are a special kind of crazy. I’ll be at your Ma’s tomorrow afternoon with some info.

  Loch: Shit. Just how crazy?

  Frank: Her grandparents marrying their underage daughter off to a man old enough to be her father kind of crazy.

  Loch: See you tomorrow.

  Not exactly the news he wanted to hear. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t shocked, however. The only thing that actually worried Loch was just how crazy her folks were going to turn out to be.

  Chapter Nine

  Don’t call it a dream, call it a plan.

  Sage was awoken by the light sounds of snoring and the crisp breeze from an open window as the sun began to rise on what she would describe as a perfect autumn day. Lochlan was fast asleep in the chair his mother had occupied most of the day before and looked mighty uncomfortable.

  Not wanting to wake him but desperate to touch him, her fingers slithered through his thick hair as he slept. Soft, spiky strands grazed the top of her hand causing goosebumps to line her flesh. Having fallen asleep so early the night before, she hadn’t been able to see Lochlan when he arrived. Depressing as that may be, she felt far better after such a long and restful sleep. She was beginning to feel human again.

  Her wounds were healing, the infection was nearly gone from her body, and Sage was hopeful she would be released later in the morning. Even knowing she didn’t have any worldly possessions or a plan on what to do when she was discharged, she kept her faith that the Lord would take care of her and guide her through the uncertainty.

  She was so torn between not wanting to abandon all of her beliefs and needing to rediscover their meaning on her own, without the influence of the people she’d grown up with. Not having to listen to her father preach of only what he believed. Confident that her Lord was waiting with open arms no matter her decision was a comfort Sage intended on indulging in.

  One of the first things she wanted to do when she left the hospital was go to mass. The calling she felt deep in her bones couldn’t be ignored now that she was on the mend. Turning back to look at a sleeping Lochlan, she knew he was a major reason for it coming back to her. Because, even though her family betrayed her on the deepest of levels, he helped to restore her faith. Due to his compassion and empathy, Sage was able to break through all the hurt and pain. She was able to move forward and accept that everything happens for a reason, and she hoped he was her reason.

  Giving into temptation again, Sage leaned forward, and her fingers drifted amidst the bristly strands of his hair. Softer than she had previously imagined as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of him between her fingers.

  His whispered, “Angel,” made her jump and squeal from the sudden move.

  “You scared me.”

  He grinned, likely because her fingers were still playing with his hair. “Tried not to.” His yawn was endearing as he attempted to hide the sleep from his eyes. The stubble on his cheek was rough as her fingers slid down, free of his hair. “Have you been awake long? Are you hungry?”

  Before she could answer, there was a light knock followed by an orderly bringing in her breakfast. After placing the tray on the table, the woman left with a nod.

  “Call, and you shall receive.” Loch laughed pulling the lid off the hot plate. “Scrambled eggs, toast, fruit, and juice. What would m’lady like to try first?” Even tired from an uncomfortable sleep, he always put her first. What more could she really ask for?

  “Just the juice, please.” He gave her a funny look as he opened the container and passed it to her along with a slice of toast.

  “Sorry, Angel, you need your strength.”

  “Thank you.” Her words were soft as he sat and watched her. “You could have the rest if you want.” She offered.

  “Hospital food?” He raised a brow. “I think I’ll pass.” After a beat, he continued. “So should you. I’m going to find someone to see when you get to leave.” As he stood to go, his lips grazed her cheek briefly before walking out.

  He couldn’t possibly know how every touch affected her. Her heart stuttered with each press of his lips, no matter how soft on her skin. Loch left her speechless with his selfless caring. She wasn’t so naïve she didn’t believe that, eventually, he would expect things in return. Sage also didn’t believe he would pressure her before she was ready.

  The toast and juice he’d pushed on her were gone before long, and she was left sitting alone, waiting for him to come for her again.

  The pure anticipation of Lochlan walking through the door was just enough to get her through the toughest of times. While she’d tried extremely hard not to be some needy, clingy woman, he’d made it impossible not to be. He accepted each outcry for comfort, encouraged her to lean on him when she needed a warm shoulder. She was at a point where not seeing him at the beginning and end of each day would be next to impossible.

  Hearing his voice coming closer, she welcomed his presence again. “Yeah, fine, Mac. I’ll be there.” He didn’t sound happy as he hung up the phone coming through the door.

  “Is everything alright?” The stress in her voice couldn’t be hidden.

  Loch was at her side immediately. “It’s fine. I have to go into the shop for an hour or so. That customer that didn’t show up yesterday is coming in for an update on his car, and since I’m the one working on it, I need to be there.” He sounded annoyed.

  “Okay.” She couldn’t protest when it was his career.

  “Doc’s coming in here in a few minutes to give you some information. I’ll wait until after, then head to the shop, and be back to pick you up in time for release around lunch, okay?”

  “It’s fine, Lochlan, really.” She tried to smile to reassure him, but she was certain it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “You break my heart, Sage.” Pulling her forward, he placed a gentle lingering kiss on her lips. Not giving her time to ponder his confusing statement before there was another knock on the door and someone else was entering the room.

  “Miss Marlowe!” The older man greeted boisterously. “I hear you’re ready to get out of here?”

  “Yes, sir, I am.” Loch was holding her hand as the new doctor walked closer. She couldn’t help her reaction. The tensing of her muscles, the shaking of her limbs, the excessive pounding in her heart, she was helpless to stop any of it. Thankfully, Loch understood it all and squeezed her fingers for support.

  “Everything’s looking good. No more reactions to the antibiotics or painkillers. I’d like to run more blood tests just to clear you of everything, and then, you’ll be free to go home around lunch. Sound fair?” He finally looked up, and she didn’t like what she saw in his gaze.

  While his smile may be welcoming, his eyes were ruthless. She’d seen that look every time Morgan had his attention on her.

  It was the look of a predator.

  Loch had been reluctant to leave Sage after her blood was drawn. From the moment the doctor walked into her room, she had grown quiet, withdrawn in a way he hadn’t seen since the first couple of days. After another angry phone call from Nox, he’d been forced to leave.

  Driving down Main Street, the jewelry store caught his eye, and he suddenly remembered the gift he’d forgotten to give Sage for her birthday. He’d wanted to it to be special for her. With her discharge from the hospital looming, Loch knew he could take her out on a real date, show her around, and let her explore. He’d give her a night to remember.

  Parking his car, the customer who started out as a pretty good guy then turned into a complete dick was waiting in the parking lot leaning against his oversized truck. Elianna had joked that he was overcompensating for something with it. He couldn’t agree anymore.

  “Good morning, Mr. Shultz,” he greeted with a forced smile.

  “Well, it’s about time. I thought you’d be done by now.”

  “No sir, we’re right on schedule.”

ening the front door, Soph was waiting with her own strained look. “I was hoping to have it back by now. There’s a car show over in Denver I’d like to attend this weekend.” The man was oblivious to the tension around him.

  “The only thing left for me to do is put the drawing on the hood of the car and paint it,” Loch explained as the man followed him through to the back.

  As they stopped in front of his Fairlane, the man had a look of astonishment on his face. Almost like he expected Loch to be lying to him about the progress of the car. “Well, I’ll be,” he muttered. “Just the dragon left to put on, huh?”

  Loch didn’t like his tone. “Yes, sir. Asher will be doing that later this afternoon.”

  “I’d like it back tomorrow.” His words didn’t shock Loch in the least.

  “Not possible. Not if you want the image to dry properly. I have to hand sketch this onto the hood. It’s too large for our printer.”

  “You have all day to do it. I’m sure it can be done.”

  Unable to lie, Loch agreed. “It’s possible, but I won’t be here this afternoon.” He refused to give the man any information about Sage.

  “I’m paying you for a job, son. You’ll get it done for tomorrow.”

  “No, sir, I won’t.” Sage was a hell of a lot more important than this egotistical asshole.

  The man’s face was turning read as a tomato as Nox and Asher walked up to them, admiring the job Loch had done on the vehicle in the few months he’d had his hands on it.

  “Looks good, Loch.” Nox patted his back once.

  “Better than when it came in, amigo,” Asher laughed.

  “Look!” Mr. Shultz yelled. “I want it done tomorrow, or I’m not paying.”

  Nox stood straight at that. “Excuse me, sir?” His brother’s voice was cold as ice.

  “He admitted to being able to finish up the drawing today but refuses to do so because he’s busy this afternoon. I’ve contracted this to be done; it’s my money. It should be done when I want it.” He sounded like a petulant child.

  “Is he past his original estimated date?” Nox asked the man.

  “Well, no.”

  “Then what’s the problem? Loch has been working tirelessly on this beauty for months. Trust me when I say, you can’t rush perfection.” The man was wavering. “Now, if you’d like to take it without that last piece of artwork on the hood that you specifically came to us for, by all means, go ahead into the front and Sophia will be happy to settle your bill now.”

  The asshole was actually pondering it. “Fine. But I’ll be here at four sharp in two days to pick it up, and it had better be ready.”

  “It will be,” Loch confirmed with a smirk.

  The man walked out with a huff. “Dios, he’s like a spoiled niño.” Asher walked away shaking his head at a grown-ass man throwing a hissy fit.

  “He’s not wrong,” Nox muttered. “Sage being discharged today?”

  “Yeah. I think she’s nervous, too,” Loch confided.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She was acting funny before I left. I don’t blame her. She’s being thrust into a world she isn’t familiar with and has to navigate a life she likely didn’t know she was going to be given.”

  Whistling, Nox laughed. “Didn’t know you ran so deep, kid.” Loch’s lips twisted at his brother’s light teasing. “She still going to Ma’s?”

  “Yeah, Ma’s got my old room ready for her. Soph and Hayes brought her some clothes over yesterday.” He was quiet for a moment before asking what he was most afraid of. “What if she decides this isn’t the world for her? What if she wants to go back?”

  “You’ve always been a sensitive bastard, Loch.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “No, kid, I mean it. You’ve been more in tune with the world, Ma, everything, since the day you were born. You know what Ma said when she brought you home?”

  “Great, another boy?” He was only half kidding.

  “Shut up you idiot. Levi and I were assholes the day you came home. Jealous and wanting Ma and Pop’s attention. A quick whack on the ass had us both settling down right quick. Ma told us that when we were grown, we’d learn to appreciate each other. Stick up for one another. We did all that before any of us hit our teens. But she used to say that Loch is the one who we’ll have to watch for. He’ll be the one that falls the hardest and fights the most. You know why?”


  “Cause from the minute you came screaming into the fucking world—a thorn in my side—you were quiet, you watched and waited for everything. Until now, until Sage, you’ve not once had a passion as fierce as this. Pop knew you’d find a complicated girl, and Loch, you’ve found beyond complicated and dived straight into crazytown with her family.”

  “That doesn’t really help,” Loch muttered.

  Smacking the back of his head, Nox growled, “Stop overthinking it and fucking feel, Loch. Go with that.”

  Listening to his brother, leading with his instincts, Loch knew he had to stop overanalyzing what he felt and wanted with Sage. From the very beginning, their lives had been set in stone. Their fates were decided. All that was left to do was make the choice to accept it.

  Chapter Ten

  When life gets too hard to stand, kneel.

  “No, no, no,” Sage couldn’t stop repeating the word. As soon as Lochlan left, the walls surrounding her came crumbling down like dominoes.

  The doctor—the man with the soulless gaze—was a close friend of her father’s from the outside world and had called him immediately.

  Everything after her father, Morgan, and a few other devout parishioners had shown up happened so quickly, Sage hardly had time to react.

  “You will be quiet. You will beg forgiveness. And so help me God, Sage, if you do not recite your vows as they have been laid out for you, it is not the pit you will have to fear.” The threat from Gideon’s lips shut her up.

  Morgan’s vile hands roamed her body freely as he sat next to her in the large van that was used to take crops to the farmer’s markets around the county. The smell of wheat she once found soothing, now brought bile rising into the back of her throat.

  “I’ll make you a fine wife, yet.” Morgan’s lecherous words and the intent in his body language made Sage wish the snakes had killed her on the first round.

  She had known…had just known that everything happening with Lochlan was too good to be true. She wasn’t meant for love and babies and happily ever afters. She was meant to succumb to pain and degradation.

  Morgan was going to make her life pure hell before she had a chance to live. His hand began to slither up her exposed thigh; they hadn’t even let her get dressed before carting her away under duress.

  Kirsten was the only nurse who knew just how deep her family’s depravities had become. She was the only one who would have been strong enough to stop them from taking her, but she wasn’t there. Everyone else, from staff to patients, and even security, had watched as Sage struggled silently. Tears streamed down her face as she had been dragged through the hospital’s corridors and into the waiting van.

  “Please don’t do this. Let me go; I won’t tell anyone.” She could do nothing but beg.

  They all ignored her. Treating her as though she were nothing and no one. The pain vibrating within her heart made breathing nearly unbearable.

  Not because they had hurt her in any way.

  But, because she lost Lochlan only as she’d found him.

  Strolling back into the hospital, Loch felt lighter than he had when he left just over an hour earlier. His mind and heart were settled in peaceful harmony while he made his way

  up to Sage’s room. More than ready to bring her home, even if it was to his mother’s.

  There was a weird commotion throughout the building as he made his way through. People were looking frantic as he passed nurses stations and there was whispering. Reaching the wing where Sage’s room was located, his spine began to tingle, and his hair stood
on end.

  Something was wrong.

  “Lochlan!” Kirsten called as he was about to enter Sage’s room.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Her father…he took Sage. That son of a bitch Dr. Stanley called the man, and they were here and gone before I came in. I would have stopped them, I swear I would have.”

  Took her.


  His heart stopped beating for what felt like minutes. He couldn’t breathe. Full-blown panic consumed every cell in Loch’s body as he tried to process what he was being told. She couldn’t be gone. He was supposed to take her home at lunch. She had to be there. Ignoring Kirsten’s words, he went in search of Sage.

  Inside her room, it was empty and a mess. The bag of clothes his mom had brought sat dumped upside down in a corner, and the breakfast she hadn’t wanted to eat that morning was tossed on the floor like garbage.

  “Where is she?” Loch’s voice was jagged like sharp rocks. He hardly recognized it.

  “I don’t know,” was the whispered response.

  “When?” His throat was tight.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, what do you know?” he yelled. The room filled with personnel from around the hospital. “Where the fuck is Sage?” The strain in his muscles as he tried to hold himself back from ripping the hospital to pieces was felt in every fiber of his being.

  “The police are on their way,” Kirsten whispered from his side, her hand reaching out in comfort only to pull away at the last second when a deep snarl vibrated from his chest. “I don’t know if they’ll do much because she’s an adult.”

  A ferocious roar tore from deep within Lochlan at the idea that no one would do anything to help his precious broken angel. She was his. Fuck what anyone else thought they could tell him. He would find her with or without the authorities’ help.

  “Get out,” he snapped. When no one made an effort to leave, he levelled them with a glare. “Get…out!” They jumped and moved with alarming speed.


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