Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3)

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Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3) Page 14

by KL Donn

  “Then, by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Cheers went up in the air before Sage could catch her breath as Lochlan descended on her.

  His kiss stole all the air from her body. His arms wrapped around her so tightly she couldn’t have breathed if she wanted to. When he nipped at her lip, she could feel her nipples pebble against the fabric of the dress, causing electrical currents to run through her body. She throbbed and ached in places she’d only just discovered. His tongue dueling with hers, mimicking the carnal act of love, made her moan from deep in her throat. His hands flexed against her back; hitting bare skin, he pulled away.

  Smoothing his palms from her shoulders to her hips and all around, he murmured against her mouth, “You have nothing on.”

  “I know,” she replied just as quietly. “I need you, Lochlan. Please make me yours.” She had no shame left.

  “You are mine. Forever you are mine, Angel.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When its real, you can’t walk away.

  Lochlan was left speechless and stunned as Sage walked down the aisle. Her stark white dress with hints of skin showing through the lace in her arms and across her collarbone, left him panting. When the minister had granted him permission to finally kiss her, and all he’d felt on her back was smooth skin, the hard-on he’d been fighting to get under control raged forth with a vengeance.

  He couldn’t hold back anymore.

  Picking Sage up, cameras flashed, friends, family, and strangers cheered as he walked her straight to the elevators and up to their room. All without taking his lips from hers except to catch a breath.

  “Close your eyes,” he sighed as he carried her over the threshold of their room. Walking straight over to the window without turning a light on, he gently placed her on her feet. Hands on her hips, he said, “Look.”

  Loch could tell the moment her lids lifted. It wasn’t in the quiet gasp or the whispered, “Wow,” it was in the vibration that travelled throughout her body, filling her with excitement as she stood still. He could see her reflection in the mirror as her eyes flitted across the window as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.

  “This is why you chose this place?” she crooned.

  “It is,” he confirmed. Moving his hands up her body, Loch unclipped the veil from her head, dropping it on the chair beside them. Seeing one small pearl button at the back of her neck, he grumbled, “Is this all that’s holding you in?”

  Turning to face him as he flicked the object free, Sage held onto his forearms, gazing into his eyes. “It is.” Her arms relaxed and the loose fabric fell to the floor, revealing silk lingerie that had been designed to form with the dress.

  A small string hung around her neck, triangles covered her breasts, leaving the valley between wide open, then trailed down into a skirt that barely went below her ass cheeks. Her nipples poked through the silky fabric, begging for attention. She was a feast for his eyes, his body, his mind. She was his angel.

  “Say something, Lochlan.” Her voice was hesitant, full of the fear of rejection.

  Running a rough hand down his face, he couldn’t find the words. “I don’t know what to say, Angel. This…” His hand swept up and down her body. “You’re stunning.”

  Her smile brightened as he leaned down to devour her mouth. Their tongues touched, and his body lit on fire. His cock hardened to painful proportions, and when she rubbed herself into him, her hip grazing the hard flesh, he couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure.

  “Lochlan,” she moaned as his lips moved slowly across her jaw and to her ear. “I know we haven’t spoken much about it, and I know neither of us has done this. But what do I do?” Breathless, he stared at her.

  “Let me show you. Let me take care of you, sweetheart.” Guiding her away from the window, unwilling to share so much of her with the world, he removed his jacket and tie. Tossing them in the direction of where her dress lay.

  “Can I?” she asked, deftly unbuttoning his shirt before he could answer. Her smooth skin against his chiseled chest a sweet agony. Sliding his hands up and down her arms and across her shoulders, Loch couldn’t help but kiss along her neck. Knowing how sensitive she was there, he nibbled on her flesh with every button undone.

  “That feels wonderful,” she sighed.

  When her hands reached for his slacks, he hurriedly shed his shirt, glad he hadn’t opted for the cufflinks the retailer tried to sell him. Her fingers grazed the head of his dick, and he damn near exploded in her palm.

  “Lay down,” he encouraged her as he finished removing his clothes.

  Spread out before him like the angel he called her, her hair still in the perfect halo enhanced with flowers. Her body was flush with her excitement. He didn’t know where to touch her first.

  “You have tattoos,” she inquired, pointing to the crescent moon on his pec with the family name in it. Something all three brothers had done together. Her gaze travelled down his chest, seeming to devour every dip and valley of rippling muscle and flesh. “Oh my!” she cried out when she got to the tattoo of an angel in prayer with a ring of sage and lavender in a crown on her head that adorned his ribcage. It was the only color on the piece. Sage for her namesake and lavender because she always smelled of it. “You got that for me?” Tears pooled in her light gaze.

  “After the third time we met.” He shrugged.

  “I’ve seen you with your shirt off; I never saw it.”

  “I hid it. I needed you to be ready.” He’d meant it when he said love wasn’t a strong enough word for what he felt for her.

  Leaning over her, he didn’t give her time to dissect what it meant for long as his fingers plucked at her covered nipples. “Oh,” she gasped again, her hands sifting through his hair and pulling when he did.

  Releasing one nipple, Loch drifted a hand down the side of her body to her thigh, where he slowly slid beneath the silk covering. Shocked to discover she was bare underneath her dress.

  “Brave little thing, you are.” He continued his exploration of her lower body, lightly grazing his fingers against her sex, feeling the slickness of her desire for him.

  “Please,” she hissed when he rubbed against her clit with a small amount of pressure.

  “Tell me, Sage.” He groaned when her thigh lifted to wrap around his hip, pulling him closer.

  Circling her opening with one finger, he pushed in with a small amount of pressure. His thumb rubbing her pleasure nub as her body drew his digit in further. Her back arched as he moved slowly in to the second knuckle, pushing her breasts into his face. Her thigh rubbing his shaft made it harder for him to hold on to his control. Her fingers dug into his scalp, pulling his head up so she could kiss him. That snapped the last shred of restraint he had.

  Sliding down her body, he did something he wasn’t sure he’d ever do—listened to Levi. Spreading her thighs and pushing up the luxurious material covering her, he stared, amazed at the pearly, glistening pussy ripe for his taking.

  Outlining the smooth skin around her center with tentative fingers, she spoke quietly. “Ashley took me for a wax.”

  She had only a small patch of hair left above the hood hiding her arousal. “I love it,” he uttered, leaning closer, rubbing his jaw against her smoothness, recognizing that the stubble was returning again and would mark her.

  Her thighs tensed as his breath moved over her outer lips. Licking lightly up the middle of her, her hips rolled forward, and he was greeted with all the natural sensuality that she was as her pussy pushed into his face. Grinning, he set to work creating within her the feeling of nothing but absolute desire for his body to be rocking inside of her.

  Going right for her clit, he kissed around it, listening to her mewl with frustration until he sucked the little pearl into his mouth. Her scream was music to his ears as she yanked on his hair. His thumbs spread back her precious lips so he could devour as much of her as he could. She tasted of peaches and cream on a
sunny morning.

  He could live between her legs. Listening to her pleasure-filled screams and moans as she begged for him to stop, only to plead for more.

  “Lochlan, it’s happening again.” She tried to pull him from her. With his thumbs massaging her labia, he could feel as soon as her orgasm hit. The pulsing deep in her pussy as he pushed two fingers in called to his cock.

  He needed her.


  Sage couldn’t believe Lochlan had gone down on her. She asked Ashley all kinds of questions earlier, and the woman had suggested this very thing to make it easier for him to breach her. She’d only laughed it off. Now she couldn’t get enough as the erotic desire flowed through her like wildfire in a dry heat. It was never-ending and almost painful.

  When Loch sat up, spreading her thighs wider to accommodate his own girth, she wasn’t even nervous. She wanted him with a ferocity she’d never known. Submitting her entire being to his dominance was what she craved.

  She could feel the mushroomed head of his hardness as he began to enter her. The stretch and burn weren't uncomfortable; she found she craved the pain he was bringing her. Her desire ran deep for everything he would give to her.

  Hitching her thighs around his waist, he held her ankles together in one hand as the other trapped her wrists above her head. His knees scooted up to her butt, and their eyes met as he pushed in one smooth move to the hilt.

  The sting of him taking her virginity caused a soundless scream to emit from her. She could feel him pulsing inside of her; the heat of his pre-cum coating her virgin walls made all the pain worth it.

  “Tight. So tight,” he groaned like he was in agony as well.

  “I’m sorry,” she couldn’t help whispering.

  His hands flexed where he held her as his searing gaze opened and snaked down her body with a voracious appetite for more. Her limbs grew heavy with burning need for more of what he’d already shown her.

  “You feel so good, Angel,” he mumbled against her lips as his hips began to move. The tug of war she felt as he drew free and slammed back into her body was pleasure unlike anything she’d ever known existed.

  “I can feel everything. All the bumps and ridges, every pulse of your heart beating.” She was breathless as she thought of just how connected they truly were.

  “Tell me what you need,” he demanded in her ear on another groan.

  “I don’t know,” she answered, unsure of how to express her desires.

  His hands let go of her limbs to wrap around her hips and grip a butt cheek in each hand. Flexing his fingers roughly against her porcelain skin, he pulled the flesh apart. As his hips flexed, pumping in and out, she felt his balls slapping against her forbidden hole. Adding an extra layer of stimulation to their loving.

  “You like that?” He kissed below her ear. His breath hot and heavy with each pant.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t say anything but the truth.

  Pulling free of her body, his hands flipped her onto her stomach before she could protest. His hardness re-entered her before she felt the loss.

  Their knees sat side by side as they switched position, his big body hovering over top of hers as he again spread her luscious globes, the coarse hair above his shaft rubbing along her hole with every stroke.

  The angle was deeper this way; he filled her more. Hit a new spot inside of her that had her ears ringing and her body buzzing as her womb pulsed again.

  “More, please, so much more,” she begged, not really understanding what she was asking from him.

  “You have an edge, sweetheart.” He hissed as his hips picked up speed. Pumping harder, faster, deeper. “I want more.”

  At his words, she spurred to push her hips back into him as he slammed forward. Their mutual groan full of excitement as they found a new level to their lovemaking.

  “You ready, Angel, come for me again, Sage.” His hands let her hips go as one slipped down to pinch her clit while the other massaged her breast.

  Arching her back deeper and pushing her hips further into him, he made one final thrust and hit something deep inside of her that had her eyes blacking out for a second and her ears going deaf. The depth of her pleasure was incomparable to anything he’d given her before. Her body locked up tight around him as he rushed to follow her bliss. She knew the exact moment he let go. His hips rushed forward with alarming speed and strength as his hands pushed down on her lower back, holding himself up as his seed splashed against her walls.

  She felt the strong gush of fluid pulse in rivulets as he emptied inside of her. His hardness throbbing with aftershocks as their breathing sounded harsh in the room. Neither willing to move too far, they both collapsed to the side. Lochlan’s arms enfolded her in a tight hug as he whispered, “I love you more than life.”

  Feeling safe and surrounded by all the emotion he spoke of, she told him, “I love you more than faith.” Twisting her so she was facing him, he didn’t need to say anything for her to know he understood her love for him. How deeply it ran.

  Sage was always the dreamer, and Lochlan was her dream come true.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Home is where your heart lies.

  Sage Hogan.

  Mrs. Hogan.

  Mrs. Lochlan Hogan.

  Sage was on cloud nine. Imagining all the ways she and Loch were intertwined, the goofy grin she’d been sporting since breakfast wouldn’t leave.

  They decided to head back home, wanting to get the mess with her family figured out and put behind them before they went on a real honeymoon.

  “Thank you for getting Porter and Tru to come, for helping them break free.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of her husband. The way he had played her body throughout the night, always considerate of her feelings and pleasure. She didn’t think it were possible, but she loved him more.

  Kissing the hand he was holding, he smiled sadly. “I’m sorry Jossilyn couldn’t be there.”

  Thinking of her sister made her heart clench tightly in her chest. Joss was so fragile that Sage had often wondered why her father hadn’t homed in on her instead of Sage with his hatred. She would have been much easier to bend to his will. Or maybe that’s what had finally happened.

  “Do you think she’s okay?” Just voicing the question caused shivers to wrack her spine with fright.

  “I don’t know, Sage.” His honesty was appreciated. “If she is, Braxton will find her.” They settled into a comfortable silence as they crossed the state line into Colorado, the sun setting behind them as they drove. The darkness enhanced the stars’ shine through a clear night, and she was mesmerized by its beauty.

  “A shooting star!” she gasped.

  “Make a wish.”

  Closing her eyes, she wished for Jossilyn’s safety and healing. Knowing full-well her sister couldn’t be in a calm frame of mind.

  “Do you think they ever come true?” She pondered aloud.

  “Anything’s possible.” He spoke softly. “I have you.”

  Watching Lochlan as he drove gave her peace. Witness to the control he exuded in maneuvering such a beautiful piece of machinery and still making her feel cherished heightened her feelings for him. If that were even possible.

  Imagining the life they would create together as the city lights came into view, had her smiling softly. Her eyes closed, and she could picture the children they would have. The home they would build with each other held her breathless with anticipation.

  Gone was any fear from her past. Apprehension of the untold future of her family faded like the stars behind them. With Lochlan by her side, she could and would do anything she set her heart to.

  Sage was quiet for most of the twelve-hour drive home, asking only questions she couldn’t contain. Concern for her sister never fled her gaze as she looked around at the surrounding beauty with wonder, but she trusted in Loch to find out what happened to her. He only hoped he didn’t disappoint.

  She’d struggled to keep her eyes open as Loveland came into view
, so when they pulled into the drive at his mother’s house—he’d promised Sage they would spend the night there—he was going to have to carry her in. She wanted to thank Lorraine for everything. The importance of her request wasn’t missed by him. Sage was nervous about going home. About them being intimate again.

  When she woke up in the morning before him, she’d been terribly shy. No matter that he found her demureness sexy as hell, she had been nervous. He’d fought back his lust to claim her one more time before they went home in favor of her modesty.

  She likely thought his mother’s place would afford her solace to gather her thoughts and courage. Being intimate with Sage superseded anything he’d guessed lovemaking to be. She was fire and wind. Earth and water. Grace and sensuality. Everything he could have asked for in a soulmate and so much more.

  Shutting the engine of his car off, he quietly exited, going around to her side. After opening the door and unbuckling her belt, she glided effortlessly into his arms. Pushing the door shut with his hip, he turned to see his mother standing in the doorway with a young woman behind her. He recognized her but couldn’t place her in the dimmed lighting.

  “My honeymooners.” His mother grinned.

  “Hi, Ma.”

  “Your room’s all ready.”

  “Thanks. I’ll put her to bed and be right down.” Taking his time going up the stairs and into his old room, he lay Sage down on the bed. Slipping her shoes and socks off, he left her pants and t-shirt on. Not wanting her to be embarrassed or upset if she woke and he wasn’t there.

  Kissing her lightly on the forehead, he murmured, “I love you, Sage.” Her contended sigh followed him from the room.

  Hearing hushed voices from the kitchen, he followed the smell of percolating caffeine to find his mother holding the young lady’s hand. “What’s going on, Ma?” Their visitor wore a look of worry and fear on her face.


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