Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3)

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Unchained (Hogan Brother's Book 3) Page 17

by KL Donn

  “It’s Hayes’ fault.” She giggled.

  “Sure, throw me under the bus. Sage is the one who started it.” Her eye roll was felt.

  “Angel…” His voice held a warning. His innocent little bride enjoyed when he took control. She often told him she couldn’t wear panties when he was all growly.

  “I have a surprise for you,” she sang.

  The lyrics to “Hit Me, Baby, One More Time” played, and all three girls opened their robes, displaying tiny baby bumps colored in either pink or blue.

  Except Sage.

  One half was pink, the other blue.

  “Twins?” Loch groaned, filled with excitement. He laid his head on her now pregnant belly and soaked up her sunshine and life. Twins. He couldn’t believe it.

  Levi was beside him, devouring his wife’s face as she giggled against his lips.

  Nox had Soph wrapped around him as he whispered in her ear. The blush she wore and the glazed eyes spoke volumes about what he was saying.

  “Are you happy?” Sage whispered, gently brushing her fingers through his hair.

  Standing, he crowded against her. Leaning down, he murmured against her lips, “I love you more than life and faith, Sage. You are my dream come true.”

  Running her hands along his cheek, she spoke softly. “You are my faith, Lochlan. You define my life and in your gaze, is every promise I never knew I had.”

  Their kiss was soft, sweet, simplifying their love for one another as they relished in the news of not one, but two children.

  Three years later

  “Annemarie! Don’t you dare dump that paint on Uncle Porter’s head.” Her fool brother just sat there and let her. At two and a half years old her twins, Annemarie and Lucas, were tiny terrors. Usually because he was encouraging them to be that way.

  “He looks so pretty, Mama!” Annemarie cheered as the purple—supposed to be mess-free—paint slid down his back and face turning the grass another color. Sage couldn’t help laughing at the picture he made.

  Lucas hadn’t been feeling well, so he was missing the fun and laying down for a nap. She expected him to be his regular happy self again any day now.

  “Honey, I’m home!” Loch called from the front door, and she smiled. Their life was far beyond anything she could have dreamed of.

  “How’s Sophia?” She immediately asked. It was Soph’s turn to carry twins, and she’d been put on bedrest until her due date next month.

  “Putting Nox through hell. He deserves it.” Loch grinned as he pulled her into his arms. “Liam’s thrilled to help her out, though.” Their son had been born just two months after Loch and Sage’s twins.

  “That’s great.” She smiled.

  Knowing their small family, their friends, everyone, was settling down and falling in love was heartwarming. All she had to do was find the perfect girl for her brothers.

  Thinking of them reminded Sage about her other two sisters, Anastasia and Kaidence. They wanted nothing to do with her, Porter, Trusen, or Jossilyn. Their mother had turned into a bitter, vile woman that she refused to subject her children to. While it made her sad to think they would never get to know that grandparent and two aunts, she believed it was for the best.

  “Stop thinking so hard,” Loch murmured as he leaned down for a kiss.

  “I’m just wondering…” she replied with a smirk.

  “Oh boy,” he groaned, “what’s spinning in that beautiful mind of yours?”

  “That maybe we could be ready for another?”

  “Another what?” he asked, getting distracted by their daughter’s happy laughter, clueless to what she was saying.

  “Another baby.” She pressed her lower body fully into his now hardening cock.

  His eyes locked on hers. Heat filled them as his mouth opened and shut. They’d spoken so many times about having more children, but Sage had wanted time to appreciate the two they already had.

  “You mean…”

  “I’m ready, Lochlan. I want more. I want you to ravage me so thoroughly I can’t see straight.” He picked her up, carrying her over his shoulder, yelling to Porter, “Kids are yours for a bit, Port!” Laughter followed them as he made the way to their suite. A thorough loving on the horizon.

  Never in her wildest dreams, did Sage believe such happiness was meant for her. Lochlan was every dream come true, and she felt their children were God’s apology for every treacherous moment in her life.

  A loving ending.


  One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.

  ~ Ida Scott Taylor

  About the Author

  Krystal is a proud Canadian girl, hailing from Sherwood Park, Alberta. She has a strong dislike for the winter, and a love for spring. Married to her husband Steve, for 13 years, they have 4 beautiful read headed spawns ranging in ages 5-12. She has a strong love of coffee, sarcasm, and wine. (Not necessarily in that order either.)

  She has been a published author for over 2 years now. With 9 full length novels (1 unpublished) and a dozen novellas with 3 published, 3 waiting to go into edits, 2 being rebranded, and 1 being extended into a novel.

  Krystal loves to write about instalove between couples looking for love. She has a passion for contemporary romance and springs into menage as often as she can.

  Currently, she is working on 2 new series, the Adair Empire (with the first 3 books already written). The Adair’s are a whole lot darker, dirtier, and grittier than what her readers are used to, but boy has she had a ton of fun writing them.

  The What Happens When series will begin with Anonymous Bride on Oct 19 and continue with untraditional love stories. Bringing you all the good feels, a ton of love, and maybe – if you’re lucky ;) a surprise baby or two!

  With the exception of Anonymous Bride, you’ll be able to find all her books on all platforms!

  You can always find her in her reader group; KL’s Fighters!

  Or subscribe to her website for all new information!

  PS: Check out the playlist for Unchained ;) It’s kind of awesome if I do say so myself <3


  [email protected]

  Also by KL Donn

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Redemption

  The Possessed Series

  OWNED by Dominic

  One Dance for Case

  Lost & Found

  Love Letters Series

  Dear Killian

  Dear Gage

  Dear Maverick

  Dear Desmond (Coming Soon)

  Hogan Brother’s

  One Chance

  One Choice


  What Happens When Series

  Anonymous Bride

  Task Force 779

  Missing in Action (Coming fall 2018)

  Adair Empire is coming early 2018!

  Bullied Duet

  Bullied & From the Ashes are being rebranded and rewritten to come Late spring 2018!




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