Daddies of the Castle

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Daddies of the Castle Page 5

by Adaline Raine

She was beginning to realize just how little she had outside of what she did for a living. Funny how she’d never noticed it before. Even on her previous trips to the Castle with Kurt, their sparse conversations had mostly revolved around what they intended to do to one another. Neither had been keen to talk about themselves in any kind of depth. Whereas Master Landon seemed determined to get to know Nayla very well indeed. Part of her was flattered, but the other part wondered why he was bothering—after all, they would probably never see each other again beyond the end of her week-long stay.

  She wondered idly whether she’d ever return to the Castle. She didn’t think she’d like to risk being assigned to another Master if she did. Landon was very attractive and definitely knew how to push her hot buttons—even if he seemed hell bent on trying to get her to try ageplay—but just because she’d been lucky once, that didn’t mean it would be the same again next time. And it was highly unlikely she’d find another casual play partner like Kurt, who was happy to meet for kink and sex every few months with no other commitment.

  “Are you all right?” A voice broke into her thoughts and Nayla glanced up at Landon, who was peering down at her with mild concern on his handsome face. “You looked like you were very far away.”

  “I’d be fine if I hadn’t been forced into this ridiculous costume,” Nayla snapped, feeling only a brief flicker of shame at her harsh tone.

  “Everyone gets dressed up to go trick or treating,” he countered, seemingly unfazed by her attitude.

  “Everyone under the age of twelve, maybe,” she said. “Or teenage girls who go to Halloween parties dressed like hot vampire chicks. Besides, Roman handmaiden is a costume. And you’re still in a suit.”

  “Well, I happen to think you look adorable,” he said, patting her backside. “Not to mention what you’re wearing is a lot warmer than that flimsy little dress. And I’d like to add that this onesie has a very practical dropseat, so if you don’t stop pouting, I might make use of it sooner rather than later.”

  Nayla glanced around at the crowd of people who were all heading toward the same destination: the famous Castle maze. While she didn’t mind playing in public in the Dungeon, that was entirely different, as she and Kurt usually booked a room to themselves and only had to contend with the occasional person peeking in. The thought of having her bottom bared in full view of everybody—while still being otherwise completely dressed as a giant, fluffy purple unicorn—made her shudder, and not in a good way. “Fine,” she muttered. “I’ll try to have fun.”

  “That’s my girl,” he said, taking her hand.

  Nayla felt a little trickle of warmth in her belly at his words, and she resolved to really, genuinely try to have a good time. Or at least give that impression.

  “So now what?” she said a moment later as they reached the entrance to the maze.

  “We go in and hunt for treats.”


  “Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll be right beside you.”

  There was a loud shriek, and Nayla jumped almost out of her skin. “The fuck was that?”

  “There, er, might be a few monsters in the maze, too,” Landon said, grinning.

  Nayla stared up at him, wondering how she’d ended up here, of all places. If Kurt hadn’t stood her up, they would either be in the Dungeon right now, or they’d be in bed. He wouldn’t have dragged her out into the chilly October air in a ludicrous costume to go wandering around in the dusk. Still, she reasoned, it wasn’t Landon’s fault Kurt had been such a monumental dickhead. It wouldn’t be fair to take her frustration out on him.

  “You look tense,” Landon said, reaching out to stroke her cheek. “Try to relax.”

  “I am relaxed,” Nayla lied.

  “No, you’re not.” He leaned in and whispered, his words muffled slightly by the unicorn head-shaped hood she was wearing, “Do you need a little something to relax you?”

  “Like what?”

  “A good, intense orgasm often helps.”

  Recalling how hard he’d made her come in the bath earlier, Nayla felt a bolt of lust slam through her core. “I wouldn’t say no to that,” she murmured. “Shall we go back to my room?”

  He let out a dark, seductive chuckle. “No need for that. We can do it right here.”

  At that moment, three women dressed as bunny rabbits raced past them, giggling, the white bobtails on their butts flashing as they ran. They were followed by three panting guys, one of whom was calling out breathlessly exactly what they could expect when they were caught.

  Nayla shook her head. “I’m sorry, Sir, but as good as you are, there’s no way I could reach… not here.” She felt the heat creep over her cheeks and wondered whether he could see it in the dim light of early evening.

  “You really struggle with letting go, don’t you?” Landon said, his dark eyes intent, alert.

  “No,” she protested hotly. “I just struggle with being interrupted and distracted. I prefer to play in a peaceful setting.”

  He shrugged. “Don’t say I didn’t offer. Shall we go and see what goodies we can find?”

  Another ear-splitting screech was followed by fits of giggles.

  Nayla reasoned that the sooner they got this silliness over with, the sooner they would get back to her room. Maybe then she could convince Landon to take her down to the Dungeon. “Okay,” she said, resignedly. “Let’s go.”

  Landon took her hand and began tugging her toward the entrance to the maze. “Have you ever been in here before?”

  “No. For some reason, getting hopelessly lost and/or freezing to death aren’t on my kink list.”

  There was a pause, during which she saw a flash of what looked like anger cross his features. Then, just as quickly, it was gone. “Well, there’s a first time for everything,” he said tightly.

  Why am I being such a bitch? Nayla wondered as she followed him into the gloomy gap between the hedges. By the time they’d rounded several corners, she’d figured it out. She was a paying guest. This was her vacation. Working seven days a week, every week, she didn’t get much downtime, and as such, her little trips to the Castle were precious to her. But instead of doing what she wanted to do, Landon was forcing her to take part in what seemed like a childish and silly activity. She was feeling resentful. After all, weren’t the Castle Masters supposed to show the guests a good time?

  “Are you keeping your eyes peeled for hidden treats?” Landon’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  No . “Of course.”

  “It’d be a shame if you had to leave here empty-handed,” he said lightly.

  Biting back yet another snarky retort, Nayla began to focus more on her surroundings as they went. There was a buzz of excitement in the air—the Littles around her seemed to be having a whale of a time. Why couldn’t she get into the spirit of the thing?

  A flash of something light amongst the dark green leaves caught her eye and she moved over to it as if drawn by some invisible string. A tuft of something was sticking out of the hedge at about knee-height. It felt soft. Fuzzy. Carefully, Nayla extracted it. It was an owl stuffie, pale-colored, with enormous, cute eyes. She brushed off the twigs almost reverently.

  “What is it?” Landon came to stand beside her.

  “An owl.”

  “He’s cute!”

  Nayla had to admit that yes, he was. “How did you know?” she said, feeling a pang in her chest.

  “How did I know what?”

  “That owls are my favorite animal?”

  “I didn’t. Treats have been hidden randomly all over the maze. I guess you were just meant to find this one.”

  “He’s adorable,” she said, clutching the stuffie to her chest.

  The corner of Landon’s generous mouth quirked up. “You need to give him a name.”

  Holding the toy out in front of her, Nayla gazed at the huge, friendly eyes, the broad, round face, the slightly darker color of the wings, and the tiny, hooked beak. “Beaky.”

  Landon chuckled.
“I like it.” Then he leaned down, so close she could feel his breath on her ear, and whispered, “I like you .”

  Turning her head, she met his eyes and her heart skipped a beat at the expression in his gaze. There was only perhaps an inch of space between her lips and his. All she’d have to do would be to lean forward, just a tiny bit, and then—

  “Aaarrrggghhh!” The sudden, loud roar made Nayla jump out of her skin and she shrieked, throwing herself into Landon’s arms. He pulled her close and, still clutching Beaky, she turned to see who had made the noise.

  A wolf was towering above her, his mask cut out to reveal glittering eyes and a big, toothy grin. “Are you having fun, little one?” he growled. “Did you find a treat?”

  “Cut it out, Travis,” Landon snapped. “We were in the middle of something.”

  “I’m Trevor,” the wolf said. He sounded hurt.

  “Sorry. I had a fifty percent chance of getting it right,” Landon said. “Besides, you’re wearing a mask, albeit a terrible one.”

  “Hey, at least I’m in costume. What are you supposed to be? A stuck up dick?”

  To her horror, Nayla giggled, falling silent when both men glared at her.

  “How come you got out of monster duty, anyway?” the wolf—Trevor—said.

  “You’ll have to ask Marshall,” Landon snapped. He sounded beyond irritated and Nayla felt a wave of sympathy for him.

  “I found a stuffie,” she told Trevor, holding the toy up so he could see it. “I’m calling him Beaky.”

  Trevor’s eyes softened behind the mask. “Very cute, little one,” he said gently. “What’s your name?”


  “Well, Nayla, I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening with your Daddy.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to correct him but then she decided against it. “Thank you, Sir Wolf,” she said.

  “And hey, man, I’m sorry for calling you that,” Trevor addressed Landon. “I’ve been out here a while and I’m getting cranky, cold, and,” he shot Nayla a predatory look, “hungry.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Landon said. “It’s all good.”

  “If your little unicorn wants another treat, she should look just around there, about shoulder-height,” Trevor added, pointing.


  Readjusting his mask, the wolf gave them a salute with his massive paw, and vanished around a corner.

  Nayla was suddenly acutely aware that she was still in Landon’s arms, snuggled up against his broad chest. It felt good—so good, in fact, that she was loath to be the first to step away.

  “Are you all right?” Landon asked gently.

  “Very.” She suddenly ached for him to kiss her.

  “Good. Let’s take Beaky and see what other treat that big bad wolf was referring to, shall we?”

  Nayla realized she was being ridiculous. Landon was a Castle Master; it was his job to pretend to be her Dom for a week. Kissing—such an intimate, loving act that most sex workers refused to do it with clients—was probably not in his job description. Hell, she’d barely ever even kissed Kurt, at least, not on the lips. Somehow, it hadn’t felt right. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 6

  F irefighting had never been this complicated, Landon thought savagely as he and Nayla made their way back to her room in silence. A string of brief, meaningless flings after his divorce had made him certain that he didn’t need any kind of emotional attachment with a chick to have a good time. It was one of the reasons why he’d taken the job at the Castle—the chance to play with a huge range of people with no commitment, no obligation.

  And yet, here I am. Feeling something . He glanced at Nayla, adorable in her unicorn onesie despite her protests to the contrary, a few coppery curls escaping from her hood. She was clutching her haul: Beaky, a coloring book set they’d discovered thanks to Trevor’s tip, and a small bag of candy. She was intriguing, such a contrasting combination of cute and desirable. He wanted to shelter and protect her—and make her scream in both pleasure and pain.

  “So what do you want to do now?” he asked as they went up the stairs to the second floor.

  She gave him a shy, sideways glance from beneath her lashes. “We haven’t been down to the Dungeon yet.”

  “You think you have enough energy for that?” Landon wasn’t sure whether he did.

  “I guess it has been kind of a long day.” She sounded resigned and he felt his heart soften.

  They had reached the door to her room and he put out his arm to stop her from unlocking it. “Listen,” he said, “if you really want to go down there now, we will. But I’ll admit, I’m kinda beat. I’d prefer it if we had a nice, relaxed evening and then went for a good session tomorrow. Give us something to look forward to.”

  Her huge green eyes met his and he felt his gut tighten at her expression. “You’re right, Sir,” she said softly. “If I think about it, I’m pretty tired, too. Maybe we should go to bed.”

  There was no mistaking her meaning. She wasn’t talking about sleep.

  “Are you sure?” Landon asked, even as his cock lengthened in his slacks.

  “Unless you don’t want to. I don’t… can we continue this conversation in my room?”

  “Sure.” Taking the key from her, he unlocked the door and shut it behind them. “You were saying?”

  “I don’t know what the protocol is… with Castle Masters.” Setting her treats down on a nearby table, she cleared her throat and eyed him nervously, a light pink staining her cheeks. “What’s allowed and what… isn’t. I wouldn’t want to overstep any boundaries.”

  Landon swallowed past a suddenly dry throat. “The only boundaries are the ones we set ourselves,” he said. “It’s entirely up to us what we do and don’t do.”

  Her gaze was frank, searching. “What do you want to do? To me, I mean.”

  I want to tear off your clothes and fuck your throat, cunt and ass until you can’t even remember your own name. I want to bite that pale skin, marking you as mine. I want to find out how you taste, how you smell, how you feel. I want to hear you moan as you come so hard that it hurts, to see the expression in your eyes when you realize that all your pleasure is in my control. “It’s up to you,” he said gruffly. “But I do think you at least deserve a reward for letting me take you trick or treating. Dressed like a unicorn, no less.”

  Her self-conscious smile was breathtaking. “May I take this off now, Sir?”

  “Please. You look adorable with it on, stunning with it off.”

  Blushing, she pulled off the hood, tugged the zipper from her neck down to just below her crotch, and shrugged the onesie from her shoulders before stepping out of it. Now completely naked—he had forbidden her to wear anything underneath—she stood in front of him, staring at her feet, clenching and unclenching her fists.

  “Gorgeous,” he said. “Go lie on the bed, on your back.”

  As she did as she was told, he pulled off his shoes, socks, suit jacket, waistcoat, and shirt. Leaving his slacks on for the time being, he joined her on the enormous mattress, tugging her legs apart and settling himself between them.

  “You will ask for permission,” he said, “or believe me, you’ll regret it.” Then, without giving her a moment to respond, he lowered his head and swiped his tongue over her clit.

  Nayla let out a startled cry as Landon began to lick her, holding her labia apart as he sucked the rapidly swelling bundle of nerves gently, pausing every now and again to run his tongue over it—up and down, around and around.

  He wanted her dripping, begging, weeping with the desire for release. She was trembling already, her fingers twisting the sheets, her breathing rapid, throaty.

  Moving further south, he taunted her for a while, running his tongue over her folds, dipping it into her tight pussy, then lapping at her puckered little hole before moving back up, coaxing her clit from beneath the hood and laving it with broad, rhythmic strokes.

  “Oh god, oh g
od, Sir, please, please…”

  “Not yet,” he growled, reveling in her scent, her taste, the way she was shuddering uncontrollably.

  Replacing his tongue with his finger, he stroked the rigid nubbin, gratified to see the first little gush of arousal seep from her pussy. Gathering some, he brought it back up, coating her clit with it before alternately stroking and licking, his tongue and finger both working to drive her out of her mind.

  “Fuck! Please, Sir, I can’t hold it,” she gasped.

  His rock-hard cock throbbing against the mattress, Landon bit the inside of her thigh, making her scream. “Not. Yet.”

  The sudden pain had caused her to gush again, and Landon used the lubrication to slide two hooked fingers up inside her slick heat.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t let you come at all,” he said matter-of-factly, locating the ridged flesh of her G-spot and stroking it deftly. “Maybe I should make you sleep tied up so you can’t get any relief and have to spend the night like this, on the edge… Give you a little taste of what to expect if you don’t obey me.”

  “Please, please… Sir, please…”

  Her pleas, the catch in her voice, her blatant desperation all served to make Landon’s sadistic streak even more pronounced. “Please what?” he said mockingly, finger-fucking her harder even as he turned his head—

  “Please may I—OW!”

  —and sank his teeth into the soft flesh of her inner thigh again, right where he’d bitten her the first time. She contracted around his fingers and he withdrew them brusquely before slapping her swollen, wet pussy hard.

  “Fuck!” she howled, and he slapped her again, even harder.

  “No swearing,” he snarled, forcing her knees back apart as she tried to close them. “And keep your legs open or I’ll tie them apart.”

  Nayla whimpered.

  God, he wanted to fuck her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this hard. He didn’t think he’d last three seconds if he plunged himself into her now.

  “Are you going to be a good girl for me now?”

  “Yes, yes, I promise.”

  His two fingers slid back inside her easily so he added a third, stroking her G-spot roughly as he bent his head and sucked her clit back between his lips.


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