Daddies of the Castle

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Daddies of the Castle Page 37

by Adaline Raine

  Izzy leaned out of Max’s arms and reached out to hug her new friend. “Have a great time with your new man,” she whispered in Daisy’s ear before leaning away.

  They walked as a group across the bridge, closer to BDSM heaven. Once in the courtyard, Max led Izzy to the registration tables to drop off their paperwork. This was it, and her excitement was growing to epic proportions. Sliding on the hot pink wrist band she was given felt like a weight being lifted from her. Already she could feel herself going to that space in her mind where she was free to let Max take control and take care of her and her needs.

  After taking care of the business end of things, they took their seats and waited to receive the rest of their instructions for the weekend. She looked around at the massive courtyard. She had trouble staying still in her seat, when all she wanted to do was run around and explore all of the smaller buildings surrounding them.

  “You’re supposed to be paying attention, princess. Do I need to redden your pretty little ass out here in front of everyone?” Isabella jerked her attention back to the woman at the front, who had been speaking for God knew how long.

  “Oops, I’m sorry Daddy. I got distracted.” She stuck her bottom lip out slightly with the hope of avoiding a public spanking.

  “It happens, but you need to listen.” He looked back to the front with apparently nothing left to say.

  Stifling a sigh, Izzy made herself focus. Or at least, she made herself look like she was. Inside, she was too busy imagining all the fun things they were going to do.

  Chapter 2

  E xtravagant. That’s the word that came to mind when they walked through the massive front doors of the Castle. Izzy had never seen such opulence in person, and it was overwhelming.

  “Just breathe, Izzy.” Max kissed her on the top of her head. He knew her so well, and always seemed to know how to make things better, even when her anxiety started to get the best of her.

  “Daddy, there is so much.” Too many choices, too much to do. Where would they start?

  “Yes, there is, and I can hear the gears turning in that pretty head of yours. We’re going to go to our room so we can talk about what will happen this weekend. It may not be what you expect, but it is what I feel you need. Do you trust me to take care of you?”

  That seemed like a loaded question if there ever was one, but when it came down to it, Izzy trusted him with everything she was, so even though his words did nothing to ease the anxiety she felt building up, she answered him truthfully. “Of course I do.”

  “I will do everything I can to be worthy of that trust, my princess.” He led her up the stairs toward their room.

  “Daddy, how did you know where our room was?” She looked around, wondering if he had been here without her.

  “Princess, you really need to start paying better attention to the world around you. Our room assignment came with the information packet we got at the registration tables.” Once they reached the door, he opened it before turning and putting his arms around her. He picked her up and carried her into the room before tossing her on the large bed that dwarfed the space.

  She reached up and pulled his head toward hers so she could kiss him with the hope of never having to stop. Unfortunately, he seemed to have other plans. Pulling away, he kissed her on the tip of her nose before standing beside the bed. She sighed in disappointment.

  “Can’t we make out, even for a little while?” she whined.

  “We need to talk about our expectations for the next few days before we do anything else. If we start playing around, that conversation won’t happen. Now, sit up against the head of the bed, and I will sit next to you.”

  “Why am I nervous about this?” He was acting like she wouldn’t like what he had to say. She did as he asked and situated herself at the headboard while he messed around in his bag. When he finished, he turned back to her with the cutest stuffed brown puppy in his hands.

  He walked over and handed her the stuffie, which she hugged to herself with abandon. He was so squishy. “Oh Daddy, he is so cute, thank you. I think we should name him Spot.” Izzy hugged the dog to her chest. She loved dogs, and had always wanted one for herself. Max promised her one once they were married, and she couldn’t wait.

  Max climbed in beside her and took her hand in his. “For the remainder of our time here, when we are in this room, you are Isabella, my grown up woman. However, also starting now, when we leave this room, you will be my little girl.”

  She took a moment to think about what he was saying. “Little girl?” He couldn’t mean what she thought he did. She was a bratty school-aged girl when they played. She must have misunderstood. “You… you mean because I’m your girl, right? You don’t really mean ‘little’ little girl. Right?”

  “No, princess, you understood perfectly. You’ve been stressed out with preparing for the wedding, as well as working full-time. You haven’t accepted help, always trying to do everything yourself. That ends now.” He squeezed her hand. “This weekend, you will hand your control over to me. I will decide what happens. All you have to do is give over to the little girl in you who is trying to get relief.”

  How on Earth could he think this was a good idea? Why would he decide to change things up like this? Sure, she loved playing the brat to her Daddy, but a little girl? “I refuse to drink from a bottle. And if you come anywhere near me with a diaper, I swear I will castrate you without an ounce of guilt.” The words slipped out before she could rein them in.

  “Well, aren’t you quite bossy today? You should be glad I named this as the non-playing space, or you would already be over my knee.” His bright smile quelled any nervousness she may have had at the statement. “The stress of work combined with the wedding is too much for you, and I haven’t been taking care of you in the way you need. We need a reset. That’s what this weekend is about. You need a chance to turn your brain off for a while. You will be my little girl, and I know it’s younger than what comes naturally to you, but who knows? You might find you like it.”

  He saw everything. How could she think he didn’t? Of course he did. “Oh Daddy, I trust you. If you think this is what we need, then I will do my best.” She felt the tears start to fall down her face before he reached up and wiped them away for her.

  “Oh my princess. It isn’t about you doing your best. Just let go and let me take charge. I will take care of you.” He leaned forward and kissed her. It started out simply enough, but it didn’t take long before the kiss grew into something more.

  She hadn’t realized how much she had needed this. Not the whole Castle experience, the weekend away and all the trappings, but just him. His touch. His kiss. His body pressed up against hers, greedily claiming her. Reminding her who she belonged to with just his lips on hers, and his tongue inside her mouth. When his hand reached up to press gently at the base of her throat, she came undone. She didn’t wait for him to tell her to undress like she usually did. He was getting enough of the control this weekend. Ripping her dress over her head, she climbed on top of his lap and shoved him backward onto the bed.

  He laughed up at her with raised eyebrows. “Impatient, princess?”

  “Yes,” she answered, moving just enough to rip off her panties and bra and climb onto his erect cock.

  “And you think I’m going to let you get away with this?”

  Sliding her body until his cock was deep inside of her, she reached behind herself and gathered his balls into the palm of her hand, squeezing gently.

  “I know you are,” she answered sweetly when he closed his eyes and moaned. His docile response lasted only a moment before he grabbed her hips possessively, and guided her up and down the length of his cock. Slow and smooth, and tender, then fast and hard and rough.

  She was in it for both, and claimed him just as roughly as he did her, meeting him thrust for thrust and leaning down to kiss him hard on the lips, running her fingers through his thick hair and pulling.

  When his spine stiffened and his eye
s widened, and his breath became a low pant, she kissed him harder, breathing deeply as he fucked her with a final round of hard, grinding thrusts.

  On the last one, just as he cried out, her nerves exploded with the familiar fiery sensation, and a wave of intense heat flushed her body.

  “Oh god,” she cried. “Oh Daddy, yes.”

  He had finished but she continued to ride him, working every last drop of pleasure from her orgasm.

  With a wide and satiated grin, he looked up at her, met her eyes and slapped her ass, just as she cried out “Daddy” for the second time.

  “That’s right,” he said. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “I won’t,” she promised, rolling off him, sticky with sweat and utterly spent and satisfied.

  They hadn’t had a hot and heavy, no holds barred quickie like that in a long-ass time. Too long, if you asked her.

  Daddy apparently agreed. “That was fun, princess,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her in close.

  “It really was,” she replied with a happy but tired sigh. Safe in her Daddy’s arms and feeling like all was right in their world for the first time in a long time, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  “ W ake up, sleepyhead.” Max patted Izzy on the ass. Damn, he loved that ass. He especially loved turning it red.

  “What?” She stretched out like a cat after a long nap. “I was comfortable, can’t we just stay in bed?”

  “Little one, it’s almost time for dinner, and you need to get dressed.” He pinched her bottom hard enough to make her squeal.

  “Daddy,” she whined. “Why did you do that?” She rubbed the offended cheek with a pout.

  “I said get up. Since we skipped Wardrobe when everyone else went, we’ll need to go now so we can get your dress for tonight. I will give you a choice. You can get up on your own and walk down the hall with your proud Daddy beside you, or you can stay in bed. If you choose number two, I would be more than happy to carry you. What’s it gonna be? I told you this was an adult space, but we need to get a move on.”

  Max waited five minutes, but his princess still didn’t seem any closer to getting up than when he told her to originally. He was usually a patient man, but Isabella was very good at pushing those limits.

  “Princess, I warned you.” Giving her no time to squirm away, he reached down and picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder as he headed straight for the door and out into the hall.

  “Max, what the hell are you doing? I’m naked.” She kicked her feet hard enough that she shifted on his shoulder, so Max had to tighten his grip to keep from dropping her.

  He reached up and slapped her on the ass, the smack echoing down the empty hall. “We aren’t in the room, so what does that mean?” he asked as she continued to kick in his arms.

  “Let me go!” she yelled.

  This was going to be fun. He slapped her ass again.

  “Little lady, do you think that I’m going to let you get away with being disrespectful? You ought to know me better than that, my sweet.” His smile only grew as he walked down the hall, heading back toward the balcony that overlooked the first floor and, more importantly, to the costume center located to the right of it, with the love of his life naked over his shoulder.

  “But, Daddy,” she whined. “Please let me go get dressed, please?”

  “I gave you chances to get dressed, but you chose to stay in bed, so this is the consequence.” He smacked her bottom again before pinching her warm cheek. “You left me no choice but to carry your naughty ass to find you a pretty new dress.”

  “But, Daddy, I’m naked.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware of your state of undress. I can smell that sweet pussy from here, and I’ll be honest, it is taking everything I have not to throw you down right here in the middle of the floor. So, unless you really want to put on a show, I suggest you stop wiggling and hold still until we get to Wardrobe.”

  They finished their trip and he put her on her feet once they made it through the door.

  “Well, well, well. It looks like we have a naughty little naked girl on our hands.” A woman with a tape measure hanging around her neck came around the corner to meet them where they stood.

  “I’m not naughty.” Izzy pouted.

  “My little girl had trouble getting out of bed to get dressed, so I took matters into my own hands.”

  “So I see,” she responded. “So, what would you like to have her in?”

  “Please dress her for dinner. I would love to see her in something special. She is a beautiful girl, and I want to show her off.” He bent over and kissed her cheek. “I will leave you to it and be back to pick her up shortly.”

  “But Daddy, I don’t want you to leave me.” His Izzy seemed to be settling into her Little role better than he had imagined she would.

  “I want to be surprised by how pretty you look when you get all dressed up for me. Don’t you want to surprise me?” He reached up and stroked her cheek.

  “I guess so, don’t be gone forever, please?”

  “Okay, young lady,” the attendant announced, not hesitant at all about taking control. “It’s time to get you dressed. Do what your Daddy asked, I would hate to have to report to him that you didn’t. From the looks of it, your bottom has already had a strike or two.” She took Izzy’s hand and led her away from him. He enjoyed the sight of her beautiful bottom, still carrying his handprint.

  Max took his free time to wander around the area to see what he could do with his little lady before dinner. Turning the corner, he heard whimpering and looked down. What he didn’t expect to see was the tiny black and white puppy with large eyes.

  He kneeled down and took the puppy in his arms. “Where are you supposed to be, little one?” The squirming puppy licked his face.

  “Ahh, there you are, Flicker.” A young woman approached with her hands up. “Thank you for finding this sweet girl. I’ve been looking for her everywhere.”

  He handed the puppy to her reluctantly. “She is adorable. My Izzy loves dogs. If she saw her, she wouldn’t ever want to let her go.”

  “Just come on down to the Mosh Pit,” the woman said, grinning. “We foster for the Humane Society, and we’ve always got furry friends for our guests to visit and play with. And, of course, if they fall in love, we have an adoption process as well.”

  Not entirely sure he had come to the Castle to adopt a dog, Max nevertheless smiled politely. “When my little girl is ready, I’ll bring her down. I have no doubt she’d love to play with anything and everything you’ve got.”

  Once enough time had passed, Max went back to the wardrobe department. As he opened the door, he saw Izzy coming from the back. She was wearing the cutest frilly dress. It was white, with red flowers across the bottom. It was short enough that he could see the red panties she was wearing. Her hair was in pigtails, which made her appear so much younger, more innocent.

  “Daddy, look how pretty they made me.” She turned, giving him the full effect of the adorable dress. “Thank you.” She ran toward him and jumped into his arms. “I love you,” she said as she kissed him on his cheek.

  “I have a surprise for you before dinner, since you were such a good girl getting dressed. I’m glad we didn’t have any more bad attitude, my princess.” He placed her gently back on her feet and grabbed her hand. “Thank you so much for taking such good care of my princess,” he said to the Wardrobe attendant.

  “She was a joy to work with. I already have plans for what we’re going to put her in tomorrow.”

  “Well sweet girl, let’s go see what I found for you.” He led Izzy out, loving the feeling of her hand in his.

  “Where are we going, Daddy?” Her eyes shone with happiness. Max couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen her face so open and free of stress.

  “I guess you’ll see when we get there.” He squeezed her hand and winked at her.

  The dress Izzy was wearing was one of
the cutest things she had ever seen. The crinoline skirt was like nothing she had ever worn before. The matching panties completed the outfit, and made her mindset younger than she thought possible. Initially, she had gone into today thinking she would do it for Max, but maybe he was right.

  Max brought them to a stop outside a door, and the noises inside brought a smile to her face. “Daddy, I hear doggies.”

  “Yes, you do. I thought we could play with the puppies for a little while before dinner, does that sound like fun?”

  “Yes, Daddy, I want to play with the puppies.” She was so happy, she could barely contain herself. He opened the door for her and she couldn’t decide where to look first. They walked hand in hand and were immediately surrounded by dogs of different breeds and sizes. They ranged from puppies to full grown dogs, with another adjacent room for kittens and cats, as well as more than a few human pets crawling around on the floor in between. Max pulled her to a seat across from the door, where they sat together. Izzy looked around, but her attention kept going back to the little black and white puppy who was away from the others.

  “Why is that one all alone?” She nodded toward the one she was looking at.

  “That is Flicker. She’s a Boston Terrier, and we like to call her our little troublemaker,” the attendant said.

  “Oh, she’s adorable. Why would you say she’s a troublemaker?” Izzy was on her feet, moving toward the little cutie.

  “She’s a little Houdini. She escapes and wanders the Castle.” The attendant bent over and patted the dog on the head.

  Izzy sat on the floor next to Flicker, and the puppy jumped in her lap and started to lick her face. “That tickles.” She giggled. This little lady had the cutest face she’d ever seen. Her small head and large eyes gave her an almost alien-like quality.

  Max sat down on the floor next to Izzy, grinning at her.

  “Daddy, I think I’m in love.” She laughed as the puppy continued to climb her chest to try to lick her face.


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