Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection

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Rapid Pulse: A Limited Edition Spicy Romance Collection Page 168

by Gina Kincade

  And yet the alternative—being honest about my unconventional desires—would be equally as difficult to live with. I don’t think I have the strength to face the resulting gossip and judgement. As wonderful as this night has been with Teale and James, I know that our time together is limited.

  THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I’ve ever woken up in the same bed as two sexy men. I’m sandwiched between them, warm as toast, and their presence makes me feel safe, secure, and far happier than I can remember. Teale is tucked behind me, the big spoon to my smaller one, and James is lying on his stomach, still fast asleep and with one of his arms flung over both my waist and Teale’s. His face is turned toward me and in slumber he looks younger than he did last night. More...innocent.

  A swell of something far stronger than lust rushes through me, not just for James but also for Teale. The strength of it confuses me. I assumed, when I woke this morning, they’d disappear straight back to their own home across the field, and that would be the end of it. I figured I’d then spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get over my guilt at participating in something so dirty.

  But what we did doesn’t feel dirty. Instead it’s as if the three of us are meant to be together. A big part of me doesn’t understand why it seems so right. The experience is so foreign to anything I’ve ever done, and I’m already worrying about what people might think if they ever find out about our ménage secret.

  I tuck those misgivings into the back of my mind when Teale’s erection stirs against my butt and I see the flutter of James’s eyelids as he begins to wake. These men made me feel cherished last night, something I haven’t experienced in a long time. Surely here, in the privacy of my home and the cocoon of my bed, it’s safe to forget about everyone else? At least for one more day.

  James rolls onto his side and stretches. His eyes open fully and he breaks into a radiant smile when he sees me. It’s one of those smiles that causes the recipient’s heart to fill with joy. “Hello, gorgeous.” His morning voice is just as gruff as usual, but his touch, when he reaches up to shift a lock of hair out of my eyes, is gentle.

  “Good morning.” I cup his cheek in return, and he leans in to give me a kiss. The action doesn’t have the urgency associated with last night’s coupling. Instead, there’s a tenderness in our connection that’s stronger than before. Behind me Teale also shifts. One of his hands begins to trace random patterns over my waist and hip. His erection is no longer stirring but demanding attention. I roll onto my back and allow him to kiss me too. “Good morning to both of you. Looks like last night wasn’t enough for...oh! For either one of you.”

  James is tenting the bed as effectively as Teale, and I now have two morning erections willing and ready. I reach down under the covers to find and caress their ridged lengths, marveling once again at the differences between them, even though the heat and the hardness are essentially the same. I work a little faster, enjoying the shudder from Teale and the faint groan from James. Their dual manhood is literally in the palm of my hands. I love having this much power, and I move faster still, filled with the need to give them as much pleasure as they provided me last night.

  Teale is clearly further along than James and his breathing is short and harsh. I pause, helping James to catch up, and then they’re both groaning and shuddering and almost ready to come. I kick the bed covers out of the way and wriggle down until their cocks are right in front of my face.

  James briefly raises his head from the pillow and stares down at me. “If you use your mouth I’ll be done in seconds.”

  “Good.” I tease the tip of him with my thumb and feel the answering spurt of pre-cum, slick and wet. “How about you, Teale?” I do the same to his member and his grunt sounds almost like he’s in pain.

  “Fuck yes. I’m there. It... I’m ready to explode, Stace.”

  “Even better.” I urge them together until their tips are slip-sliding against one another and I have what looks like one enormous cock sausage laid out in front of me. The urge to laugh almost overcomes me, but I swallow it down. I have no idea what I’m doing. Not with two of them. Guess I’ll have to wing it.

  I position myself more comfortably, lying across their tangled legs, and run my mouth along the full length of their dicks, nibbling from the base of Teale all the way through to the base of James and back again. I cup their balls in my hands and tease gently, first one and then the other, pressing into the sensitive spot behind their sacs and enjoying the heartfelt groans that fill the room. Then I separate them and get to work. The sticky pre-cum makes it super-easy to slide first one and then the other into my mouth and throat. I work fast, swapping from one to the other and using my lips, tongue, and teeth to elicit a response. Whatever I’m doing seems to be working, because both of them are moaning and I can feel the trembling of multiple legs pinned beneath my body.

  I take advantage of one of those legs—I think maybe it’s Teale—and rub my hungry clit against his hard flesh as I continue to suck and blow on their organs. The wiry hair on his leg adds to the friction and the pleasure in my cunt rises in unison with their desire. Their unique flavors have combined to create the most delicious tang and I just can’t get enough. I pull one of them so far in the head of his cock hits the back of my throat and I almost gag. Then he’s out and the other replaces him. And so it goes on, back and forth. In and out. Until the drawing up of their balls beneath my questing hands signals a sudden increase in tension and at the exact same moment they both let out a guttural cry and release their load. Cum explodes everywhere in a fountain of creamy seed, shooting up into the air before raining down over all three of us. The sensory overload is too much and I let go too, bucking crazily on Teale’s willing leg in an orgasm so strong it almost splits me in two. Afterwards I lay tangled amongst their legs, slick with cum and panting hard. I have no energy, not enough even to crawl back up the bed to somewhere slightly more comfortable. Eventually Teale lifts me, gently. Each man throws an arm across my middle.

  After several minutes, I attempt to speak. “Wow.” Nothing else seems appropriate.

  James snickers, and Teale’s crooked grin appears. “Yeah. Wow, indeed.” He shifts onto one elbow and stares down at me. “I’m so glad we were late back from our night out and had the chance to meet you at last, Stacey. I mean, not good that you broke down, of course, but we can sort that out for you.”

  “It’d be awesome if you could help get me back on the road. And, maybe I can cook you both a dinner soon to say thanks?”

  Where did that come from? Wasn’t this supposed to be a one night only thing? But they’re both nodding, and I can’t take back the words that make this something potentially...more. “That’d be great, Stace.” James casts a glance toward his friend. “Teale’s a shitty cook to be honest, so if I want something good to eat I usually have to cook it myself. It’ll be nice to have someone else do that for once.”

  Teale shrugs. “I wish I could say he’s joking, but he’s kinda not. Even I wouldn’t eat what I make. I’ve got a better idea though. Why don’t we all go out for dinner? We can show you our favorite place for—”

  “No.” I quickly shake my head, and Teale’s brows come together in a confused frown. I try to explain. “No, I can’t...not out in public...”

  Confusion clears from his gaze and dismay takes its place. “Ah. So it’s like that, then.”

  James shifts beside me. “Like what? Oh.” He too has just realized what I knew all along. That this thing between us has no future outside these four walls.

  I’m not sure what changes, but there’s a sudden chill in the air that wasn’t evident a few seconds earlier. I’ve offended them, and I don’t need extra-sensory perception to figure that out. They stare at me in accusatory silence.

  “I’m sorry.” It seems inadequate, after the night we’ve just shared, and my heart aches at the thought of letting them disappear from my life. But I’ve only just moved here to try and put the past behind me, and we all know it isn’t morally acceptabl
e to be in a relationship with more than one person at a time, at least not in our society. I owe them both an explanation.

  “Okay. So.” This is harder than I expect and I have to take a deep breath to steady myself before continuing. “I was the laughing stock of our whole community when my husband left.” It’s much harder than I expect. “All the school crowd, the soccer moms, even some members of my own family. They stopped talking to me when they found out I already knew about my husband shtooping the housekeeper.” Teale’s mouth drops open and I wave a hand to keep him quiet while I try to explain the unexplainable.

  “It’s like I was paralyzed when I found out it had been going on for several months. I couldn’t react; couldn’t do anything. Now that I’ve had some counselling I get that I was most likely in shock or denial, but at the time it probably seemed like I didn’t care. So he flaunted it, and I shut down even more, and when everyone inevitably found out, my inaction somehow became an even bigger betrayal than my ex’s infidelity. Fair or not, that’s how our kids saw it, too—that’s how everyone saw it—and I ended up becoming the woman who let her husband and her children run off with the housekeeper. I’m the woman who lost her whole family to the other woman because I didn’t speak up about what was morally right or wrong.”

  Chapter Seven

  There. It’s out, at last. The sordid truth of my past. James huffs a breath and looks away, then back again, as if taking a moment to process what I’ve said. Teale’s gaze reflects shock. “Fuck,” he says. “That’s rough.”

  I let out a laugh, but it sounds more brittle than I intend. “Yeah. It was pretty rough for a while. The pitying looks, the judgmental stares. The speculation about why even my kids ran away from me. From one day to the next, all the people I thought were friends suddenly stopped calling or talking to me. Maybe they didn’t want to be tainted.”

  Tears threaten and I swallow down the hard lump in my throat. This is the first time I’ve spoken with anyone outside immediate family—and my counsellor—about what happened, and it brings back more bad feelings than I expect. Hell, it’s been over two years. You’d think the pain would be minimal by now.

  Teale cups the back of my neck, massaging gently. James strokes my thigh. These men are so genuinely caring, and yet they hardly know me. Their kindness acts like a catalyst for my threatened tears which brim over, wetting my cheeks. The pain clenching at my throat is so deeply embedded it feels like earache.

  “I was the perfect wife. The perfect mother. Or so I thought.” This confession is fucking hard, but I’ve spent so long analyzing why, and I owe Teale and James the truth. At least, the truth as I understand it with the added benefit of hindsight. “I wasn’t, though. Perfect, that is. I was so caught up in trying to be flawless, and to behave in the way that I thought everyone expected, that I switched off to what was real. My husband had needs that I didn’t even see, and my children...my own children...”

  A sob escapes, despite my efforts to hold it in. Both of Teale’s hands knead my shoulders and there’s a gentleness in his touch and in the rhythm of his movement that soothes my jangled emotions. I lean back against his firm chest, taking strength from the connection. Beside me, James continues to stroke my naked thigh, and I reach down to capture his wandering hand. Our fingers link, holding tight. I take a deep breath and blurt out the worst bit. “My children needed me, and I gave them a robot on auto-pilot. I don’t blame them for choosing to live primarily with their dad. Especially when he can offer a rather awesome place right on the beach that’s perfect for teenage boys who love to surf.”

  Both my sons have been back several times to Melbourne and we’ve worked through a lot of the angst of those early days. I’ve been over to Perth twice now to visit them in their new location. It was difficult at first, but they’re thriving at their new school and while the cross-country separation isn’t what I want, it’s what they seem to need, at least for now.

  I’m lost in my own thoughts until James squeezes my hand, re-focusing my attention. “So, I guess you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of their new house,” he says. “Seeing as how your ex chose a housekeeper to run off with ‘n all.”

  “James!” Teale stiffens instantly and I can tell he’s concerned about my reaction, but when our cheeky companion slants a look my way and wiggles his eyebrows up and down, my tears suddenly give way to hilarity. Somewhat hysterical hilarity, perhaps, but it beats crying. The hurt recedes, and eventually I nod.

  “I’m sure she does a much better job than I could, in that respect at least.”

  Teale relaxes behind me, and I turn my head and rub my cheek against his chest to reassure him. “I’m fine, really. But you see, I can’t...I just can’t...face the thought of public scrutiny and speculation all over again.”

  James reclines against one of the pillows and tucks his hands behind his head. “Fuck what everyone else thinks, Stace. We don’t care. We never have. Rules are made to be broken. That’s our philosophy of life and to be perfectly honest, everyone already knows how we live and no one here seems to care.”

  Teale is quieter in his response. “We disagree with your reasoning, love. But we won’t push, if you don’t want to be seen out in public with us like that. I get it. We get it. Don’t we, James?”

  “Yeah.” James picks at the edge of the bedcover. “Don’t like it, mind you.”

  I know I’ve let them down, but I can’t change how I feel. Outside these four walls, I’m desperate to be seen as Miss Average. I can’t bear the thought of gossip or innuendo, and I don’t want to be known as the woman who rolled into town and immediately started indulging in a threesome with the sexy mechanics next door.

  “I’m so sorry.” I say it again, and this time there’s a sense of finality. All I want to do is burst into tears when first James, and then Teale, slides out of the bed.

  “So are we, honey. More sorry than you’ll ever know.” Regret laces Teale’s words. Somehow, I manage to hold in the tears until both men are dressed and gone. When the front door snicks shut behind them, I realize I’ve never felt more alone in my life.


  Things aren’t right in our lives. Things haven’t been right since the morning we left Stacey’s bed. It’s like we lost an important piece of ourselves that day. I can’t stop sniping at James, and vice versa, over even the smallest of things.

  She’s avoided us since then, even when we fixed her car and James drove it back over to her cute little cottage. He knocked but she didn’t answer, so we left the car key in the letterbox with a note. A couple of days later we got a polite thank you note in return, together with some money to cover the repairs and our time. What is she thinking? That we won’t be able to keep our hands to ourselves if we lay eyes on her again?

  I’m fuming, and James is sulking. We’re both walking around with permanent semi-hard-ons, to the point where James slides into my bed one night and we suck each other off. We’ve done that before, in dry spells between women, but this time it’s different. This time it feels wrong, as if we’re cheating on our partner, and even though James is damn good with his mouth, my orgasm is muted and uneventful. A pure physical release without the enhancement of any emotional connection beyond friendship.

  Pretty sure James feels the same way. His hot seed spills into my mouth and down my chin with only a tiny grunt from him to convey the impact, and then he’s gone, sliding out from under the covers and back to his own bedroom without any words being spoken. He looks hollow-eyed, poor guy. I think he’s getting as little sleep as I am right now.

  I almost punch him in the face when I find out he’s ordered some of her soap online. She probably got a bit of a shock when she received that order, but instead of hand-delivering it herself the way he’s clearly expecting, the package arrives in the post. Just like any other regular anonymous order.

  Fuck’s sake. She must have taken it to the local post office for mailing. Bet they had a damn good laugh before they dropped it back in our
local box.

  Now we both smell like Stacey, all fresh lemon and eucalyptus, and it’s driving me even more insane. We’re taking showers at all times of the day and night, lathering up with her goddamn soap so we can get a visceral whiff of the woman in the only way we can. Via her delicious scented product that evokes tantalizing memories of our entwined rutting bodies every time I move.

  To be honest I can’t concentrate on anything except our neighbor’s cottage on the hill. I stare toward it every time I walk between our house and the garage, wondering if she’s observing us from one of those darkened windows. Wondering if she misses us. Wondering why it’s so difficult for some people to throw off the shackles of conformity and just live their lives the way they want, without regard for what others think.

  “You know she’s watching, don’t you? I feel it.” James hands me a beer and joins me on the old settee on our porch. It’s sunset, and I’m sitting here staring out toward Stacey’s house.

  “Yeah. I feel it too.”

  “It’s driving me insane.” His admission shocks me. James is always so guarded with his emotions.

  “Me too.” I take a sip of beer.

  “It was one night of damn good sex. Why can’t we just put it behind us and move on, like we usually do?”

  There’s no answer I can give that makes sense, so I just shrug and drink more beer. A simple one night stand shouldn’t have this much impact on our mood.

  “What are we gonna do, Teale? Can’t we just, I don’t know, continue to see her in secret? We can sneak over there after dark and be back home before morning. No one else ever needs to know.”


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