Alli, Terrence, 194
Amparo, Jorge, 225–226
Anderson, Dave, 75, 89, 228
Anderson, James, 285–286
Andries, Dennis, 223
Angioletti, Dr. Louis, 231
Antuofermo, Vito, 35, 99, 103–104, 284
v. Hagler, 51–57, 59, 71, 95–96, 98, 125–126, 158, 194
v. Minter, 76, 95–96
Aquino, Lupe, 233
Arce, Jorge, 145
Arcel, Ray, 29, 45–46, 290
Duran and, 17, 46–47, 144
Duran-Leonard I, 68, 69, 73–76, 82
Duran-Leonard II, 90, 108, 114, 116–119
Duran-Leonard III, 274
Arcel, Stevie, 117–118
Arledge, Roone, 13
Arum, Bob
Ali and, 65–66
Antuofermo-Hagler, 52, 54–55
Antuofermo-Minter, 96
character of, 64, 65–66
on Duran, 145, 147, 282
Duran-Leonard I, 63–64, 67, 71, 76
Duran-Leonard III, 269, 270–271 , 275, 277, 281
on Fields, 105
on Hagler, 292
Hagler-Hearns, 185–186, 188, 193, 202, 203
Hagler-Leonard, 148–149, 218, 233, 237–238
Hagler-Minter, 97, 100, 102–104
Hagler-Mugabi, 206
Hearns-Leonard I, 123, 134
Hearns-Leonard II, 251–252, 255, 257, 258, 260–261, 267
King and, 79
Knievel and, 176–177
Sandoval and, 209
on Sulaiman, 76
“Triple Hitter,” 212–213
on WBO, 249
Arum, Sybil, 157, 255
Astaire, Jarvis, 96, 99–100
Axthelm, Pete, 111–112
Ayala, Tony, Jr., 21, 133, 146
BADK, Inc., 67
Baek, In-Chul, 151
Baker, Mike, 97
Baldeyrou, Raymond, 84
Baldwin, Johnny “Mad Dog,” 28, 32
Ballairgeon, Rosario, 77
Baraka, Amiri (LeRoy Jones), 25–26
Barile, Nancy, 259–261
Barker, D. C., 3
Barkley, Iran, 225–226, 245–246, 288
Barrett, Mike, 99
Bartin, Cindy, 249
Batten, Jimmy, 145–146
Baxter, Billy, 60, 242
Beaz, Pablo, 127
Beitchman, Ted, 188
Benitez, Gregorio, 47, 58
Benitez, Wilfredo, 28, 54, 76
Duran-Leonard I, 83
v. Curry, 45
v. Duran, 144
v. Hearns, 154
v. Leonard, 49, 57–61
Benn, Nigel, 246, 294, 295
Benton, George, 32
Benvenuti, Nino, 191
Berbick, Trevor, 71, 79, 154
Bernstein, Al, 194, 210, 225
Berrocal, Carlos, 103
Beyer, Ulrich, 13
Bidwell, Doug, 95, 103
Blades, Rubén, 69
Blocker, Maurice, 250
Boston, Charles, 158
Boston Globe, 99, 227–228
Boston Herald, 160, 211, 226–227, 229, 235, 238, 265, 266
Boudreaux, Johnny, 34
Bowe, Riddick, 290, 294
Boxing Hall of Fame
Arcel and, 290
Dundee and, 289
Duran and, 284
Hagler and, 285
Hearns and, 288
Leonard and, 286
Steward and, 290
Boxing Illustrated, 239–240, 242, 285
Boza-Edwards, Cornelius, 207
Bradley, Bill “Fireball,” 173
Braverman, Al, 32–35
Breland, Mark, 177
Brenner, Teddy, 32, 44, 58, 233
Arum and, 71, 145
Brimmel, James, 107, 112
Briscoe, Bennie, 31, 35–37
Brockton Enterprise, 28, 99, 227
Brooks, Tommy, 4
Brotman, Charlie, 37, 70, 231
Brown, Charlie “White Lightning,” 164
Brown, Freddie, 51, 290
Duran and, 46–47, 144
Duran-Hagler, 158
Duran-Leonard I, 69, 73, 85
Duran-Leonard II, 90, 112, 114, 116, 118
Brown, J.D., 171, 246
Hagler-Leonard, 216–217, 224, 227
Brown, Jim, 65
Brown, Sam, 173
Brown, Simon, 250
Bruneau, Emile, 116–117, 118, 119
Buchanan, Ken, 6–7, 19, 47
Buckley, Kevin, 283
Burke, Louis, 164
Burns, George, 196
Byrd, Prentiss, 132, 189, 256, 279, 282, 287
Cabrera, Norberto, 52–53
Callahan, Mushy, 190
Calloway, Bruce, 108
Calvin, Chris, 194–195
Calzaghe, Joe, 295
Camacho, Hector, 284, 286–287, 299
Camel, Marvin, 4, 108–109
Campos, Newton, 180
Canizales, Gaby, 208, 209
Carbajal, Michael, 263
Carlin, George, 133
Carlino, Angie, 23, 151–152
Duran-Leonard III, 273
Hagler and, 25, 27–28, 244
Hagler-Leonard, 227–228
Hagler-Minter, 99
Carlsson, Ulf, 13
Carpenter, Harry, 103
Carson, Johnny, 119
Carter, Rick, 260
Casale, Guy, 133
Casamayor, Joel, 290
Castellano, Tony, 154
Castillo, Jose Luis, 145
Cazares, Jorge, 263
CBS network, 39–40, 90–91, 171, 179, 197, 226, 298
Cedeño, Manny, 164
Celestine, Jerry, 108
Cerdan, Marcel, 114
Cervantes, Antonio, 57
Chambers, Darrell, 198
Charles, Ray, 109–110
Chavez, Julio Cesar, 145, 285, 290, 294
Chavez, Julio Cesar, Jr., 145
Chiaverini, Tony, 49–50
Christie, Errol, 180
Christle, Dr. Terry, 217–218, 226
Christle, Joe, 218
Christle, Mel, 217–218
Christodoulou, Stanley, 53, 106, 160–162, 167
Chuvalo, George, 65
Cintron, Kermit, 290
Cisco, Hank, 29
Citro, Ralph, 200, 202, 256, 265
Clancy, Gil
Duran-Leonard I, 70
Duran-Leonard III, 282
Hagler-Leonard, 226, 234, 235, 236, 237
Hearns-Leonard II, 257
Leonard and, 39
Cline, Chris, 32
Cocaine, 295–296
Cohn, Roy, 65
Colbert, Mike, 36, 55, 191
Cole, Dickie, 193
Collins, Billy, Jr., 156–157
Collins, Billy, Sr., 156–157
Collins, John, 177, 208
Collins, Steve, 289, 295
Connelly, Jimmy, 171–172
Conrad, Harold, 274
Contender, The (television series), 287, 291
Coolidge, Bob, 102
Cooney, Gerry, 281, 290
Cooper, Henry, 38
Cordova, Elias, 63
Correa, Pepe, 8, 9, 287
Duran-Leonard III, 269, 273, 277, 279
Hearns-Leonard II, 250, 257
Corro, Hugo, 52–53
Cortez, Joe, 276, 279
Cosell, Howard
Duran-Leonard II, 94, 112
Hagler-Cabrera, 53–54
Hagler-Minter, 104
Leonard and, 13, 14, 149
United States Boxing Championships, 32–35
Cotto, Miguel, 145
Craig, Gregory B., 283–284
Craig, Kimberly, 260
Crosby, Ken, 263
Crosson, Steve, 277
Cruz, Steve, 213
Cryan, Tom, 228
Cuevas, Jose Isidro
“Pipino,” 62, 72
v. Duran, 146
v. Hearns, 104–106
v. Price, 50
Curet, Eddie, 194
Curley, Artie, 156–157
Curry, Bruce, 45
Curry, Donald, 190–191, 226
Curtis, Joey, 194–195
Curto, Vinnie, 30
Dakin, Roland, 96
Daly, Chuck, 262
Daly, John, 66
D’Amato, Cus, 69, 71
D’Amico, Lou, 232
Davis, Eddie, 247
Davis, Howard, Jr., 3, 14, 21
Davis, Larry, 188, 208
Davis, Odell, 70
DeBarros, Vinnie, 35, 40
De Cubas, Luis, 281
DeJesus, Esteban, 47, 48–49
De La Hoya, Oscar, 43, 145, 289, 294
De Leon, Carlos, 109
DeMarco, Tony, 165
Demmings, Doug, 36
Dempsey, Jack, 92–93
Dennis, John, 242
Dennis, Melvin, 108
Denny, Clarine, 78
Denny, Cleveland, 77–79
Deswerts, Jean, 107, 112
DeWitt, Doug, 246
DeWitt, Willie, 198
Didinger, Ray, 70, 74, 112
Dobbs, Terry, 4, 5
Dokes, Michael, 194
Doria, Vince, 227
Douglas, James “Buster,” 294
Douglas, Kirk, 190
Doyle, Daniel E., 40, 43, 123, 173
Drago, Ivan, 229
Drayton, Buster, 188
Drug use
cocaine, 295–296
marijuana, 296–297
steroids, 252–253
Duff, Mickey, 99–100, 205–206, 210, 274
Dundee, Angelo, 54, 73–74, 289
Ali and, 38–39, 41, 174, 289
Duran-Leonard I, 71, 75, 80–81, 83, 84
Duran-Leonard II, 91–92, 106–108
Duran-Leonard III, 275
Hagler-Leonard, 173–175, 217, 221–222, 224–225, 229, 231, 235, 236, 238
Hearns-Leonard I, 129, 132, 133–134, 137–139, 143
Leonard and, 37–39, 41–43, 126, 149, 173–174, 246–247, 299
Leonard-Benitez, 59
Dundee, Chris, 38, 274
Dundee, Joe, 38
Dunlap, Ollie, 8, 9
Hagler-Leonard, 148, 216, 236, 237, 243
Hearns-Leonard I, 134, 135
Hearns-Leonard II, 257
Leonard and, 37, 211–212
Dunphy, Don, 51
Duran, Clara, 15, 16
Duran, Felicidad, 163, 293
Duran, Margarito Sanchez, 15–16
Duran, Roberto, “Manos de Pietra” and “Cholo,” 144–147, 183
amateur bouts, 16–19
Bob Hope’s television skit and, 151–152
Boxing Illustrated’s ranking, 285
childhood, 15–16
early professional fights, 46–49, 50
endorsements and, 214–215
Hagler-Leonard, 229
Hearns-Leonard II, 257
IRS and, 275–276, 281, 293–294
later fights, 284, 299
later life, 293–294, 300
ring record, 317–321
“Triple Hitter,” 212–213
v. Barkley, 246
v. Buchanan, 6–7
v. Moore, 155–156
Wynn and, 271
see also Duran-Hagler; Duran-Hearns; Duran-Leonard I, II, III
Duran, Roberto, Jr., 284
Duran-Hagler, 144–169
fight, 163, 165–169
officials for, 160–162
preparations for, 157–158
training for, 158–160, 162–163
undercard, 163–165
Duran-Hearns, 170–183
fight, 179–183
officials for, 180
preparations for, 175–177
training for, 177–178
undercard, 179
Duran-Leonard I, 62–86
aftermath, 88–90
fight, 79–86
officials for, 76
preparations for, 62–68
training for, 68–76
undercard, 77–79
venue described, 67–68, 76–77
Duran-Leonard II, 87–121
aftermath, 116–121
fight, 109–116
officials for, 107
preparations for, 89–90, 93–94
training for, 90–92, 106–108
undercard, 108–109
venue described, 108–109
Duran-Leonard III, 268–282
aftermath, 281–282
fight, 276–281
officials for, 276
preparations for, 268–271, 274–276
training for, 269, 271–274
Durden, Duke, 117, 118
Duva, Dan and Kathy, 123
Duva, Lou, 248
Ebel, Bill, 27
Ecklund, Dickie, 42
Eleta Almaran, Carlos, 46, 283
Duran and, 17–18, 144–145, 293
Duran-Leonard I, 63, 64, 75
Duran-Leonard II, 89, 107, 116–117, 118, 119
Elizondo, Roberto, 4
Endswell, 135
Enriquez, Luis, 63, 71
Espada, Angel, 72
España, Ernesto, 72
Estrada, Augustin, 40, 41
Eubank, Chris, 294, 295
Fenton, Jim, 149
Fields, Ross (Harold Smith), 105
Fikes, Dennis, 208
Filippo, Lou, 154, 231, 238
Finch, Bruce, 3, 43, 147, 230
Finkel, Shelly, 123
Finnegan, Kevin, 36
Flaherty, Dick, 174
Fletcher, Frank “The Animal,” 164–165
Flexer, Allen, 30
Flood, Paddy, 32, 34–35
Fluellen, Ike, 32
Ford, Duane, 56, 129, 140, 141
Ford, John, 158
Foreman, George, 66
Foster, Bob, 165
Fox, Michael J., 211–212
Foxx, Redd, 11, 276
Francis, George, 206
Frazier, Alfonso “Peppermint,” 46
Frazier, Joe, 29, 133
Frazier, Marvis, 133
Frias, Arturo, 4, 180
Fuchs, Michael, 286
Fullmer, Gene, 165, 223
Futch, Eddie, 32, 39, 207, 256, 290
Gainsford, George, 41
Galindez, Victor, 55
Gammon, Clive, 99
Gant, Johnny, 49
Garcia, Angel Robinson, 47
Gardner, Leonard, 73, 74, 78, 83–84
Garrett, Sam, 64
Gastineau, Mark, 191
Gatling, Julius (Juice), 135
Gatti, Arturo, 290
Gaye, Marvin, 50
Gazo, Eddie, 72
Gee, Michael, 258–259, 262–263
Geraldo, Marcos, 49, 72, 96, 188, 229
v. Hearns, 154, 191
Ghanem, Dr. Elias, 253
Gibbons, Tom, 92–93
Gibbs, Harry, 84, 180, 193, 231, 238
Globetti, Mike, 224
Gluck, Henry, 270–271
Goldberg, Marshall, 256
Golden Gloves tournaments, 5–6, 10–11, 21
Goldings, Morris, 219, 292
Goldstein, Alan, 68, 82, 118
Goldstein, Lou, 69
Golota, Andrew, 292–293
Gomez, Alfonso, 290
Gomez, Wilfredo, 154
Gonzalez, Daniel, 49
Gonzalez, Jesus, 163
Gonzalez, Zeferino, 50
Goodman, Bobby
Duran-Leonard I, 68, 71, 84
Duran-Leonard II, 90, 108, 109–111 , 113, 116–118, 119, 120–121
Duran-Mendoza, 48
Goodwin, Mickey, 22–23, 132, 185
Goodwin, Richard, 64
Gordon, Malcolm “Flash
,” 33, 34
Graham, Bill, 249
Grant, Dale, 5
Grant, Uriah, 288
Gray, Clyde, 44–45, 86
Green, Davey Boy, 62, 72
Green, James “Hard Rock,” 191
Greer, Thom, 118
Guerra, Jose Juan “Jo Jo,” 232, 236, 238
Gunn, Neil, 94
Hadley, Odell, 124, 135
Hagler, Bertha Walker, 57, 101, 104, 163, 244
Hagler, Charelle Monique, 203
Hagler, Kaye Guarrera, 284
Hagler, Marvelous Marvin Nathaniel
AAU Championships, 4–5
amateur fights, 23–26
Bob Hope’s television skit and, 147 ,151–152
Boxing Illustrated’s ranking, 285
childhood, 125
Duran-Leonard III, 282
early professional fights, 26–37, 71–72
endorsements and, 214
Golden Gloves tournaments, 5–6
Hearns and, 288–289
Hearns-Leonard I, 130–132
Hearns-Leonard II, 257–258
later life, 284–285, 292, 300
Leonard’s retirement and, 149, 150
physical attributes, 299
Four Kings: Leonard, Hagler, Hearns, Duran and the Last Great Era of Boxing Page 39