The Grass is Greener

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The Grass is Greener Page 33

by Loretta Hill

  As it turned out, she did.

  The next morning she rose early and went downstairs to check on Elsa and her pups.

  They were gone.

  All of them.

  Telling the family had clearly not improved security much, though she could hardly blame them when they’d all been asleep. Her included. The flyscreen in one window of the patio had been ripped from the frame. The dogs had not escaped.

  They’d been taken.

  Her heart leapt into her throat. She felt a rage so deep it burned her soul.

  There was no way Leon McCall was getting away with this.

  And so the chase began.

  Chapter 28

  Four days after Claudia moved in with Sebastian, one day after her last fruitless lunch at The Quiet Gentleman, five minutes before noon at Hanks and Eddings, Claudia received a phone call from the brother she had not spoken to in years.

  ‘Hey, Claud.’

  ‘Jack? So you finally got around to calling me.’

  ‘Yeah. So how’s it going?’

  ‘Don’t you dare pretend like this is not a big deal.’

  ‘Okay, I won’t.’

  ‘You’re a complete jerk and you know it!’

  ‘Yeah, I do.’

  ‘Leaving us high and dry and tearing off to France.’

  ‘That’s not exactly how it went down but I don’t have time to explain right now.’

  ‘Like hell you don’t,’ Claudia returned crossly. ‘I hope Bronwyn’s sticking both her feet into all your plans. You thoroughly deserve it.’

  ‘I wish she was.’ Jack’s voice was too serious for her liking. ‘But she’s gone, Claud.’

  ‘What? Gone where?’

  ‘Drove off a few hours ago. I’m calling because I was hoping she was with you.’

  ‘What do you mean? Why would she be with me?’

  After the conversation they’d had last night about the dogs she couldn’t imagine Bronwyn suddenly wanting to leave Oak Hills. Something must have happened.

  ‘The dogs are gone.’

  ‘What?’ Claudia repeated.

  ‘All of them. They’re missing. Someone has stolen them.’

  Claudia’s blood ran cold. ‘When?’

  ‘Last night. They were taken right out of our back patio. The flyscreen was cut right down the middle. There’re tyre tracks out the front of the house. They came prepared, as though they knew exactly what they were looking for.’

  Claudia clutched the phone, her knuckles turning white. ‘That’s because they did.’ She swore.

  ‘You think this is Leon McCall’s handiwork, don’t you?’

  ‘So Bronwyn told you.’

  ‘Yeah, she told us everything, except that she was going to take off this morning,’ he responded crossly.

  ‘She’s probably on her way here.’

  ‘To do what exactly?’ Jack demanded. ‘Where are you with the investigation?’

  She gave him a brief rundown, which wasn’t much.

  He was silent for a moment. ‘I’m coming to Perth too.’

  ‘We don’t need you.’

  ‘Yeah, like all those times you didn’t need me when you were teenagers.’

  ‘Ha!’ Claudia threw at him. ‘Believe me, that ship has sailed. I stopped relying on you a long time ago.’

  ‘Maybe you did,’ he said softly, ‘and I’m sorry for that. But right now it doesn’t matter because I’m helping you out whether you like it or not.’

  ‘Save yourself the bother.’

  ‘I’m coming to Perth.’

  ‘You’re not welcome here.’

  ‘It’s too late, I’m calling from the road. I’d have to say I’m about two hours behind Bronwyn, who should be in Perth within the next half hour.’

  Claudia chewed on her lower lip. ‘She’s probably out of her mind with worry about those dogs.’

  ‘Exactly. You should have seen her with them yesterday. She adores those pups.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I’ll calm her down.’

  ‘And then what?’

  Claudia ground her teeth. ‘And then we’ll go after Leon McCall to get our dogs back. I hear he likes playing poker at The Crown. Maybe we can win them back. I’m pretty good with cards.’

  Jack groaned. ‘Now this is exactly the kind of bacon-brained plan I thought you might cook up. You two better wait till I get there.’


  ‘I swear to God, Claudia, if you try to stop me from helping you, I will tear your front door down.’

  ‘You don’t know where I live,’ she said smugly.

  ‘But I do know where you work,’ he responded just as smugly.

  She put a hand on her hip, entirely frustrated with him. ‘Oh, for goodness sake, Jack. Since when do you care?’

  ‘Since I’ve decided that I’m in love with Bronwyn,’ he said gruffly. ‘I can’t let anything happen to her.’

  This announcement did cause Claudia to pause.

  Wow, Bronwyn! You have been busy while my back is turned.

  ‘Jack, if you dare hurt my best friend, I’ll make you wish you were never born.’

  ‘Believe me, she’s more likely to hurt me. Has she said anything about me to you?’

  ‘Actually, no,’ Claudia replied crossly, not sure who she was more annoyed at – Bronwyn for not confiding in her or him for asking her to betray a confidence she didn’t have. ‘Don’t worry, as soon as Bronwyn gets here, I’m going to be asking her all about it.’

  ‘Give me your address, so I know where to find you.’

  ‘It’s not necessary.’

  ‘Let’s leave that up to Bronwyn.’

  ‘All right, fine.’ She blew on her fringe and gave him Seb’s address. He muttered ‘Thanks’ and then the dial tone sounded in her ear.


  She tried to call Bronwyn’s mobile but it was turned off. There was a text message that Bronwyn must have sent earlier though.

  Coming to Perth. Will explain when I get there.

  The problem was she still hadn’t told her best friend that she’d moved in with Seb. She tried to tell herself it was to do with timing, but it was more like embarrassment. How did she begin to tell anyone about her relationship with a man that she didn’t quite understand herself? If she didn’t get in touch with Bronwyn soon, there was going to be an issue. Bronwyn was still likely to show up at her apartment, which remained the ransacked mess she’d left four days ago.

  Pulling out her phone again, she quickly texted: Don’t go to your place. Call me as soon as you get this.

  She didn’t hold out much hope that Bronwyn would turn on her phone before arriving in Subiaco though. She checked her watch. It was half past twelve. Sebastian and a couple of company executives had been shut up in the boardroom all morning. They still hadn’t broken their meeting for lunch yet and she couldn’t afford to sit around and wait till they did. Quickly, she sent Seb an email that he could find on his computer later and stood up to go. Just as she turned into the foyer of the floor, she bumped into Nelson. He was returning from his break.

  ‘You’re taking a late lunch, Claud. Under the pump again?’

  ‘My best friend is in trouble,’ she blurted. ‘I’ve got to leave.’

  His eyes widened. ‘Oh no, anything I can do to help?’

  ‘Cover for me with Seb, will you? I don’t know if I’ll be back this afternoon.’

  Nelson paled slightly but firmly nodded his head. ‘Of course.’

  Claudia took the lift downstairs and then headed to the bus stop. When she arrived at Bronwyn’s apartment she tried calling her friend’s mobile phone again but it was still turned off. Frustrated but willing to kill a little more time, she started packing away the items strewn on the floor of the living room.

  Half an hour later, the room was nearly tidy and her best friend still had not shown up.

  Okay, now you’re worrying me.

  She could imagine exactly what was going through Bronwyn’s head. I
t was the same images that had plagued her since her phone call with Jack. Her fingers trembled as she straightened the books on the bookshelf. Those pups were innocent, adorable and so loving. She’d seen the photos. Bronwyn had had the joy of actually holding them in her arms and seeing them born into the world.

  The very thought of them in the hands of someone as cruel and heartless as Leon McCall put a heavy dread in her chest. She couldn’t bear the thought of them being trained to be brutal killers. Taught to thirst for blood, to maim or be maimed. To fear their owner rather than love them.

  Those pups had to be rescued.

  Even as these frantic thoughts ran through her mind, a text message from Bronwyn finally came through.

  No worries. Am at Quiet Gentleman. Meet me here?

  Panic hit Claudia directly in the chest as she gripped her phone. Idealistic Bronwyn clearly thought she might be able to reason with the crooks.

  Don’t do or say anything till I get there! She texted back, then, grabbing her key, slammed the door on her way out.

  I hope I’m not too late.

  Chapter 29

  Claudia was not at her desk.

  Nelson said she had taken off early, and Seb was not happy at all. It was ironic. Cyril had been prophesising for nearly a month now that when Sebastian finally stumbled upon the right woman he would be delirious with joy.

  What a pile of rubbish.

  Seb was at the point where he was pretty sure that Claudia was the right woman. She was smart, she was funny, and she brought out his caring, protective instincts like an army of soldiers marching over a hill. And she was gorgeous – drop dead, in-your-face, can’t-stop-looking-at-her beautiful.

  But that didn’t mean he was happy. Far from it.

  It had been fine when she hadn’t been honest with him. He could put her in the same basket he’d placed all the other women in his life, including his own mother. There was no need to take it further. He could keep his distance without the confusion he was experiencing now.

  But Cyril, in his wisdom, had built in a fail-safe. A test, if you will, so that Seb would have to admit that Claudia was different.

  I know you don’t trust her.

  One day, she’ll tell you that she’s not my niece and that’s the day you’ll know you can.

  It was difficult reliving that moment, where she’d sat across the table from him, placing power over her life squarely in his hands. The power to destroy her career and her reputation in the blink of an eye. She’d given it all to him.

  I want you to trust me and I want to trust you.

  Could it get any more cliché than that? So what was expected of him now? Much to his disgust, he strongly suspected it was a leap of faith. If he really was in love with this woman, then he couldn’t just trust her, he had to trust it.

  This was a concept he was definitely not prepared to deal with. Cyril’s so-called bubble of joy was most likely to pop in his face.

  It was no wonder that when he discovered her email upon returning to his desk later that afternoon, he was less than satisfied.

  ‘Hi, Seb,’ it read. ‘I’ll see you at home later tonight. Bronwyn’s back in town. She may need my help. I have to go find her. Claudia.’

  He wished she hadn’t just taken off like that. He couldn’t be pleased with the fact that she was intending to spend time with the one person currently on Leon McCall’s most-wanted list.

  Couldn’t she have gotten him out of his meeting? Taken him with her, so he could make sure she was safe?

  Why would she do that, Seb?

  It’s not like he was her husband, or even her boyfriend.

  She was his housemate, and a very reluctant one at that. Unable to concentrate on work any longer, he packed up his briefcase and left the building, heading for his car and home. Hoping she’d be there already when he arrived.

  She wasn’t.

  He collected the mail from his letterbox before he walked in. As he set it on kitchen counter he noticed in horror the image of him and Claudia on the front page of the local community newspaper.

  ‘Young couple wins Harley Supermarket’s 1000th customer competition.’

  It was the kind of photo you hoped never saw the light of day. Claudia clearly looked like she’d been flung into him. Her face was pressed sideways into his arm, screwing up her mouth and nose. One arm was out as though trying to catch something for balance. His expression was one of shock – his mouth open like a frog catching flies and his eyes as wide as jar lids. If that wasn’t bad enough, he looked a wreck. Hair standing on end. Juice on a shirt with no tie. It was a nightmare.

  How many people have seen this?

  He didn’t get the chance to contemplate it any further because the doorbell rang.

  He definitely wasn’t expecting anyone, and Claudia had a key. Angrily, he marched over to the front door and yanked it opened. A man he did not recognise stood there.

  ‘Whatever you’re selling, I’m not interested,’ he said, and would have closed the door had the other man not wedged his foot in it.

  ‘I’m not selling anything. I’m here to see Claudia.’ The man frowned. ‘Who the hell are you?’

  Seb relaxed his grip on the door and slowly re-opened it. ‘Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m Sebastian Rowlands.’

  ‘Never heard of you. Where’s Claudia?’

  Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. There was so much he didn’t know about Claudia’s past and the thought that this man was an ex-boyfriend come to reconcile with her shot hot jealousy through him. ‘Now that really is none of your business,’ he snapped.

  ‘I’m her brother, Jack,’ the man threw at him. ‘So it’s every bit my business if she has a stranger in her house.’ As relief washed through Sebastian’s body, Jack managed to push past him into the main living space.

  ‘This is not actually Claudia’s house,’ Sebastian turned. ‘It’s mine. I’m helping her out while her friend Bronwyn’s place is unavailable.’

  Jack’s eyes widened as he picked up the community paper on the kitchen counter. He gave a low whistle. ‘Geez, what happened here?’

  Sebastian snatched the paper away from him.

  ‘So you’re her boyfriend then?’ Jack demanded. ‘Funny, you don’t look like her type.’

  ‘I’m not her boyfriend. I’m her housemate,’ Sebastian continued on stiffly. ‘Why are you looking for her? Is she in trouble?’

  ‘Not yet.’ Jack glanced around. ‘But she was supposed to be here. Bronwyn too.’

  ‘You know Bronwyn Eddings?’ Seb’s interest was picking up.

  ‘Yes,’ Jack announced. ‘She’s my …’

  ‘She’s your …?’

  ‘My housemate,’ Jack finished lamely. ‘I have to find her.’

  ‘I see.’ Sebastian noted he was warming to the man. ‘Why the urgency?’

  ‘I’m afraid she’s about to do something stupid. Her dogs went missing last night.’

  ‘Wait,’ Sebastian held up his hand. ‘Dogs? There’s more than one?’

  ‘Her dog had her litter and they were all stolen right out of our back patio.’

  Sebastian’s stomach lurched.

  Leon McCall had made his move. Jack was right – Claudia and Bronwyn were about to do something rash.

  The question was, was it too late to stop them?

  Chapter 30

  Claudia wasn’t too sure what to expect when she rocked up at The Quiet Gentleman that evening, but it certainly wasn’t the sight that greeted her. Her friend, more than a little tipsy, at table number five with a bunch of empty glasses in front of her. Claudia quickly weaved her way through the furniture and sat down, giving Bronwyn a tight hug.

  ‘I’m so glad I found you. Are you okay?’

  ‘No.’ Bronwyn’s eyes filled with tears as she lay her head on Claudia’s shoulder. She reeked of alcohol.

  ‘Bronwyn, are you drunk?’

  ‘Yes. No. Maybe a little.’ She reached up, pinching thumb and forefinger. �
��Turns out I’m not very good at reconnaissance.’

  ‘What were you trying to do?’

  ‘I was going to question our lovely friend Frank over there,’ Bronwyn slurred. ‘But every time I went up to the counter, I chickened out and just ordered a drink instead.’

  Claudia’s eyes roamed over the glasses on the table. ‘Seems like that amounted to quite a few times.’

  ‘I know!’ Bronwyn groaned. ‘And to make matters worse, their house white is shite. If they weren’t a bunch of sick-minded criminals, I might be tempted to give them my Oak Hills business card.’

  ‘You have an Oak Hills business card now?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Bronwyn nodded brightly. ‘I got them made up for Jack and Horace too. All part of drumming up business.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘You know,’ Bronwyn slurred thoughtfully, ‘I am feeling much braver than I was when I first came in. Perhaps I should just try one last time.’

  ‘Oh no you don’t.’ Claudia firmly pushed her back into her chair. ‘It’s too dangerous, Bron. You don’t just go up to a criminal and ask them whether they stole your dogs.’

  ‘I wasn’t going to ask him that.’ Bronwyn swatted her hand. ‘I’m not that naive. I did have a bit of a plan.’

  ‘Really?’ Claudia raised her eyebrows. ‘What?’

  Bronwyn’s eyes widened slightly at her own genius. ‘I was going to flirt with him a little. You know, like they do in Bond films and hope that maybe once we got to talking …’

  ‘He might take you off into a back room and assault you?’ Claudia suggested.

  Bronwyn frowned. ‘There’s no need to be so negative. I thought he might confide in me something meaningful. After all, I’m much better at this whole seduction thing than I used to be.’

  ‘Seduction thing?’

  ‘Illicit affairs.’ Bronwyn moved her hands as though she was magicking a puff of smoke.

  ‘Bron, I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

  ‘Yes,’ Bronwyn agreed sadly, ‘neither do I. It was something Jack said to me yesterday.’

  ‘Jack’s a tosser.’

  Bronwyn sighed. ‘Not all the time.’

  ‘He’s here, you know.’

  ‘He’s what?’ Bronwyn perked up.


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