Sir’s Rise

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Sir’s Rise Page 1

by Red Phoenix

  Copyright © 2018 Red Phoenix

  Google Play Edition

  Sir’s Rise: Rise of the Dominants

  First Book of the Trilogy

  Cover by Shanoff Designs

  Formatted by BB eBooks

  Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.


  Find out how a man becomes a Master…

  I know her unspoken desire when she gives me that coy look before disappearing into the stacks of old library books…

  I’ve always had the natural ability to tap into a woman’s hidden desire, but my life takes a complete 180 when I’m introduced to my true calling.

  In my journey to become a Master, I make it my mission to indulge my submissives…as well as challenge them.

  But I’ve built something equally valuable in the process. Family.

  When everything I’ve worked for is threatened, I am ready to fight—and I am a man who will do whatever it takes to protect what’s mine.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Coming Next

  About the Author

  Join My Friends of Red Phoenix Group

  Surprise Encounter


  The Russian




  Breaking My Defense

  Whip It

  Fun in the Sun

  My First

  The Invitation



  Virgin Territory

  His Truth

  Moy Droog

  Learning by Example


  A New Path

  Femme Fatale

  Master of Lies

  Reclaiming What’s Mine

  Going Down

  Brush with Fate

  One Door Closes

  Other Red Phoenix Books

  Connect with Red on Substance B

  Surprise Encounter

  “I’m sorry, son…”

  Those are the last words my father said, and they echo in my mind now as we pull up to the university.

  I stare out the car window, swallowing down the anger building inside me, gutted that he’s not here to share in this moment.

  “Wow, Thane! This is a huge campus. You sure you’re not going to feel lost here?” my uncle asks, grinning as he looks at me in the reflection of the rearview mirror.

  I shake my head once, frowning. I know he means well, but nothing and no one can make up for the disappointment I feel facing this day without my father—or mother.

  I get out of my uncle’s sedan and sling my backpack over my shoulder. I look around at other students with their parents following behind, carrying large boxes and various pieces of furniture, and shake my head.

  All the shit that is completely unnecessary.

  My uncle pulls out my large suitcase while I grab the clothing bag that contains my armor against the world.

  My aunt grins up at me. “Thane—”

  My uncle immediately hushes her. “Remember, sweetheart, we don’t call him by his first name when we’re in public.”

  I glance around, relieved no one overheard her. I don’t plan to reveal my given name to anyone here. I even toyed with legally changing my last name at one point, but I’m a Davis. I’m not about to give that up on top of everything else I’ve lost.

  Not wanting to be recognized, I’ve cut off my boyishly long, dark Italian hair, replacing it with a respectable crew cut. It gives me a more businesslike appearance, and it also makes me look older than my seventeen years.

  With a change of location, and enough time for the scandal to settle, my plan is to keep my head buried in textbooks to avoid being recognized. The last thing I want—or need—is for my past to follow me here. After living through two years of hell, this is my chance to break free from what happened and determine my own fucking destiny.

  My aunt is positively glowing when she tells me, “I baked you a fresh batch of brownies. It should help break the ice with the other guys.”

  I groan inwardly as she produces a massive plate from the trunk of the car, holding the brownies up proudly. I lay the heavy clothing bag over my suitcase, balancing it there so I can dutifully take her large plate before I turn to leave.

  “Wait…don’t you want us to go with you?” my uncle asks in surprise.

  I turn back toward him and say in all honesty, “No, Unc.”

  “But…” my aunt whimpers, looking at me pleadingly before shifting her gaze to my uncle.

  He looks me in the eye for several seconds, then nods his acceptance. Wrapping his arm around my aunt, he tells her in a low voice, “He needs time alone.”

  “But I thought we would get to see his dorm room…and meet his roommate…” she sputters.

  My uncle smiles at her with compassion but shakes his head.

  I can tell I’ve hurt my aunt’s feelings but, right now, I can’t stomach the thought of pretending I’m okay, especially as I watch mothers around me hugging their adult children with tears in their eyes while fathers look at their sons and daughters with pride.

  Those are things I will never know…


  I find it far easier to simply ignore this day and get through it the only way I know how—alone.

  I start toward my assigned dorm building, only turning back when I hear my uncle’s car driving off. As I watch the vehicle slowly disappearing into the tangle of traffic, I’m hit with a sense of deep sadness. I know intellectually that I’m fortunate to have my uncle and aunt’s support, but nothing can penetrate the darkness I feel inside—not even their sincere love.

  Saddled with my aunt’s unwieldy plate of brownies, I’m forced to wait for an opening on the crowded elevator rather than take the stairs, which I would have preferred.

  I barely avoid the large plate tilting and crashing to the elevator floor when a guy squeezes into the cramped space at the last second, bumping against me as the doors close.

  The old elevator groans in protest of the excess weight. I glance around at my fellow freshmen. It doesn’t look to me as if they’re settling in for a simple year at college by the sheer amount of food and supplies I see.

  No, it looks like they’re preparing for the apocalypse.

  I smile to myself as I get off the elevator and head down the hallway. Even though I’m a year younger than everyone else, based on all I’ve been through, I’m light-years ahead of my classmates, and I’m not a person who needs pampering.

  I’m just here for my degree—it’s the only reason I’ve come. I’m hoping that my roommate shares a similar focus.

  Finding my room number at the end of the hall, I open the door, still balancing my aunt’s brownies. As it slowly swings open, I’m relieved to see my roommate hasn’t arrived yet.

  I lay the plate of brownies on one of the beds and survey the room. While it appears the two sides are identical, one has a better view out the small window. I immediately claim that side, knowing the view from that window may save my sanity in the months to come.

  To make it fair to my roommate, I swit
ch our desks, taking the one with knife gouges that spell out the words “I love Sherry” in big letters. I chuckle to myself, unsure if the previous owner was proclaiming his love of a girl or the type of alcohol he prefers.

  I push the desk up against the window and reposition the bed slightly.

  Taking my suits out of the garment bag, I hang them on my side of the closet. I know a man in the business world is judged by the suit he wears, so I have been purposeful in my selection. I want my professors to know I am a serious scholar, and that I’m intent on early graduation.

  As far as I’m concerned, every day I spend in this place is a day I’m not actively advancing in my career.

  I shove my suitcase under the bed and sit down at the desk that will become my home for the duration of the year. Taking out my textbooks, I look them over with interest, wanting to get a head start.

  Unfortunately, on the other side of the door, I hear nothing but chaos as furniture bangs against the walls and guys laugh and shout at each other while they settle in.

  There’s no possible way I can concentrate, so I grab the first book on the stack and slip it into my backpack. Before I leave, I write out a simple message and place the plate of brownies on the other desk, along with the note.

  My aunt made these especially for you. Do with them what you like. I’ll be back later.

  I’m in no mood to deal with the commotion of my roommate moving in, or the emotional goodbyes that are sure to ensue between him and his parents, and gratefully slip out of the room before he and his parents arrive.

  I run down the stairs and breathe a sigh of relief the second I make it outside into the fresh air. Each step toward the library brings with it a greater sense of calm. Ever since the “incident”, I have found my refuge—my escape—in study.

  I thrive on expanding my mind because it temporarily allows me to forget what’s happened. However, studying is more than just a distraction for me, the information I learn now I’ll use at some point in my career. This is not just an escape, but also the means by which I plan to carve out a life for myself, independent of everyone else.

  I’m grateful to find the library mostly empty when I arrive. The majority of students are still either in the middle of setting up their rooms or saying goodbye to their parents, while a few are partying early to celebrate their first day on campus.

  Since I have my pick of location, I settled down in the back. Taking out my Applied Calculus textbook, I begin flipping through the pages.


  I thrive on a good challenge and, by the looks of several of these equations, this should prove an interesting semester.

  Fishing out my notebook from my backpack, I choose the first equation I’m unfamiliar with to see how far I can get on my own. I always use a pen when I do math calculations, preferring to document my thought process, rather than erase it as things become clearer.

  But this math problem is even more challenging than I’ve anticipated. Hours into it, I look over my calculations with growing frustration, but I can’t let it go. I’m distracted when I hear two girls arguing quietly.

  Looking up from my notebook, I see the library is now full of other students looking to escape, and all of us are focused on the two quarreling.

  “I’m tired and just want to go home…”

  “Why can’t you be happy for me? This is my big day, damn it,” the other girl hisses. “All you ever want to do is stick your head in the books.”

  “You know, it wouldn’t hurt for you to do that once in a while,” the first one quips.

  “Don’t even start, sis. Fine, be a mushroom. See if I care,” she says in disgust. “I’ll just tell Mom and Dad where to find you when I’m ready for them to leave.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.”

  “You’re such a stick in the mud,” she grumbles, stomping off.

  The library quiets down after her dramatic exit, so I dive back into the equation I’m working on, but I’m soon distracted by a soft sigh a short time later.

  I look up to see the young woman has chosen to sit near me. Glancing around at the empty table around me, I realize it was purposeful on her part. I glance at her again to find she is blatantly staring at me.

  As soon as our eyes meet, however, she looks away and adjusts her glasses with a slight smile on her lips. Her short chestnut hair frames her delicate face, emphasizing the sprinkle of freckles across her nose.

  The girl has a decidedly bookish look, which I find charming. I return to my equation, quite aware of her gaze on me when she thinks I’m not looking.

  Rather than concentrating on the math problem in front of me, I’m now focusing on her. Another glance in her direction and this time I hold her gaze. She doesn’t look away as the sexual tension builds between us.

  I make no move toward her, smirking as I look down at my equation again. She’s proven a worthy distraction, and I can no longer concentrate.

  The girl lets out a long sigh, chewing absently on her pencil as she pretends to read the book in front of her—but I suspect she has other things on her mind.

  I watch with interest as she gives me a flirtatious grin, adjusting her glasses before getting up and heading to the reference section of the library. She’s wearing a midline skirt that is conservative but still sways enticingly as she walks away from me.

  A few minutes later, taking her cue, I set down my pen and leave my calculations on the table. I survey the other students, noting they all seem preoccupied and not are watching what I’m doing.

  The librarian, however, stares at me intently as I walk past her. I give her a slight nod, acknowledging her station, and watch with a sense of satisfaction as she blushes.

  Heading deep into the reference section, I find my chestnut beauty hidden in the back. A smile spreads across her face as I approach.

  When she opens her mouth to speak, I put my finger on those red lips and shake my head. There will be no words between us.

  I replace my finger with my lips, pressing my mouth against hers.

  Kissing her gently at first, I feel her body respond to mine, and I slip my tongue into her mouth.

  She moans softly, so I pull away shaking my head. The only way this continues is if she stays totally silent.

  Looking at me with those sultry eyes, she tilts her chin up, begging for another kiss.

  I claim her sensual lips again while my hand begins exploring her curves. As my hand moves downward, I grasp her waist, pulling her against me so she can feel my growing excitement.

  It has been a while since I’ve felt the thrill of penetration, and my cock aches in anticipation of it.

  Hiking up her skirt, I push her back against the shelves, the scent of old books surrounding us as I feel between her legs. Her panties are already wet, letting me know she’d been fantasizing about this encounter ever since she sat down next to me.

  Naughty girl…

  I slip my hand under the thin material and struggle not to groan when I feel the slick warmth of her pussy. My cock grows even harder.

  Knowing time is of the essence, I slip her panties down and unzip my jeans. I pull a condom from my wallet and watch her eyes widen as I roll it down over my hard shaft.

  Sliding the head of my cock against her tight opening, I take a few moments to build up the sexual tension. The sound of a low cough echoing from somewhere in the library only adds to the excitement of what we are about to do.

  Looking deep into her eyes, I lift her leg to open her pussy to me and slowly push my cock into her hot depths.

  She makes the barest of sounds and I immediately pull out, raising my eyebrow. Looking at me desperately, she bites her lip to show she’s serious about keeping silent, her eyes begging me to continue.

  I kiss those red lips again as I slide my shaft back into her, pushing even deeper. She trembles with need when I begin thrusting. The excitement of having sex in the college library has both our hearts racing.

  The small beads of perspiratio
n on her skin cause those sexy glasses to slip down the bridge of her nose. I take them off and carefully set them on a shelf before gripping onto her buttocks tight. I begin stroking her deeper while keeping eye contact as I climb toward climax.

  I want her to climax as well, so I pull out slightly, reach down between her legs and play with her swollen clit while I continue to thrust into her with my hard cock.

  Unfortunately, the cougher seems to be on the move and, by the sound of it, he’s headed straight toward us.

  It seems the idea of being caught turns my chestnut beauty on, because her pupils grow wider just before I feel her pussy squeeze my shaft with her orgasm. My body instinctually responds, thrusting deeper as I follow with my own climax.

  I quickly pull out, slipping my cock back into my pants, condom and all. She barely has time to pull up her panties and fix her skirt before our coughing intruder walks by our section.

  I lean into her, kissing her passionately to hide the reason for her panting breath, then turn to give the guy a hard stare, letting him know he’s interrupted us.

  He shrugs, giving me an apologetic grin before covering his mouth and wandering off amid another bout of coughing.

  I look down at her and smile as I gently place the glasses back on her face. Giving her one last kiss, I signal that she should leave first. She glances back at me with that coy grin just before disappearing around the corner.

  I head to the restroom before returning to the table, and I am surprised to see she is gone. As a parting gift, however, she has left her pencil—nibble marks and all—resting on my Calculus book.

  I immediately slip it into my pocket, keeping the memento to remember my first campus tryst.

  Hell, if this is what college has to offer, getting through the next few years won’t be so tedious after all.


  I return to my dorm in a much happier state. I notice the door to the room is open, but when I peek inside, I don’t see anyone. Slowly closing the door behind me, I walk toward my bed. I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a freakishly loud crack beside my ear.


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