Sir’s Rise

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Sir’s Rise Page 12

by Red Phoenix

  The girl bows and runs off.

  “Let me think on this,” Durov says as he walks over to the area he’s indicated. I watch as he stands back, his arms crossed. “The challenge of introducing someone inexperienced to painful stimulation is that I must balance it with pleasure for you to respond positively. Normally I use my wand…” He frowns, as he stares hard at two thin metal pipes that run from the floor to the ceiling.

  I have no idea what he is thinking, but remain respectfully silent while he contemplates how the scene should play out.

  When shade arrives, breathless from running, she falls at his feet in a bow. “How may I serve you, Rytsar?”

  Durov looks down at her and smiles. “How would you like to introduce a new Dom to the power of pain?”

  She looks up briefly, her eyes shining with delight. “It would be an honor, Rytsar.”

  Durov unfolds his arms and places his hand on her head. “Good.”

  Turning to me, he says, “I refuse to bind you. If you agree to do this, you will hold still by your own willpower.”

  “Fair enough.” I am grateful he has agreed to teach me.


  I stare at him. “Why? I’m only offering you my back, nothing else.”

  Durov raises an eyebrow, challenging me.

  For the first time, I realize he may not have been kidding me about trusting him. Based on the wild glint in his eye, this might very well be a mistake. Still, the need to understand overrides my reservations.

  I undress completely, standing in front of him without shame. “Now what?”

  “You will grab onto the two pipes. There is no need for a safeword. If you don’t want to continue, let go of the pipes and the pain will cease. It’s as simple as that, moy droog.”

  Durov then looks down at shade. “Move to a safe distance and await my command.”

  Shade bows to him before repositioning herself.

  Her holds out the instrument to me. “Do you see there are nine tails and each one has a knot on the end?”

  “I have studied the instrument.”

  “Studied…ha!” His face breaks into a grin. “Touch each knot, comrade. Acquaint yourself with them, because soon you will feel the power and fierceness of these ’nines.”

  A chill runs through me as I finger the hard leather knots. I honestly have no idea what kind of pain I am about to experience, but there is something strangely intoxicating about the unknown.

  “Grab the pipes and prepare yourself,” he orders in a commanding voice.

  The man I know has transformed before me. He is all Dom, and I have just given him free reign to school me. I spread out my arms and take a pipe in each hand. I look up at the ceiling, hoping I don’t make a fool of myself once his lesson begins.

  “Look straight ahead,” he commands.

  I do as he says, staring at the rough brick wall.

  “I will leave marks,” he informs me.

  “Fine, but don’t make them permanent.”

  He laughs in answer as he begins swinging his ’nines in order to warm up. I hear the tails cutting through the air and have only one thought:

  I hope to fuck I don’t regret this…

  “No matter how painful it gets, comrade, you must remember to breathe.”


  “Let the lesson begin…”

  I close my eyes, waiting for that first strike, my mouth dry with anticipation.

  Knowing it is coming, I’m still not ready for it when the ’nines make contact with my back. I hear the thud explode in my ears at the same time the knots strike my skin, but those fuckers don’t just sting—they feel like they’re literally cutting me.

  I let out a low grunt, holding back the urge to cry out. By the second strike, I am able to keep silent, but I forget to breathe.

  “Let it out,” Durov commands.

  I open my mouth to let out the breath I’ve unknowingly held inside, only to feel an even more intense volley of lashes. Once again, the only way to remain silent is to hold my breath.

  “You must breathe through the pain,” he orders.

  I close my eyes, taking a moment to calm my racing heart and attempt to ignore the fiery pain engulfing my back while I mentally readjust my thoughts. I am obviously fighting against this experience when I have asked for it.

  I begin taking slow, steady breaths, determined to stay focused no matter how much the whip shocks my system.

  Taking in one long breath, I let it out slowly in preparation.


  “Da,” I answer.

  He chuckles under his breath, but with his amusement comes another volley of lashes even more severe than the first. Each one tests me, forcing the air out of my lungs as it strikes, but I dutifully take in another breath, only to have it knocked out again.

  Durov stops and praises me. “Excellent. Now that you can breathe again, I will show you what real pain feels like.”

  My heart starts beating rapidly. I have only to let go of the pipes and all of this ends, but I am too invested to give up now.

  I hear Durov bark, “Shade, go suck him.”

  I struggle to stay standing, my muscles trembling from the onslaught. My brain is not quite registering what is happening when shade gets down on her knees.

  She takes my shaft in her hands and it instantly rises to attention.

  With slow precision, she starts sucking, then pulls back before taking my cock in her warm mouth again. The girl is an expert with those lips, and although I can’t ignore the fire that’s overtaken my back, her mouth begins to soothe me.

  I watch with rapt attention as those lips travel up and down my cock and her tongue curls around the head of it.

  Without warning, Durov strikes me again with the ’nines and the unbearable fire returns while her mouth continues to arouse me.

  “Deep throat him,” he commands.

  I moan in pleasure as she begins taking my rigid shaft deeper.

  Again, the ’nines strike my back, momentarily obliterating all thought, but her mouth becomes my focus as she takes me down her throat even deeper.

  “Are you watching her, comrade?”

  “Yes,” I answer, my voice hoarse with pain—and lust.

  “Does she please you?”

  “Very much,” I groan as I watch her lips brushing against my dark pubic hair, my entire cock now encased in her tight throat.

  I stop breathing when Durov begins unleashing his whip on my back without mercy. Lash after lash takes all reason away…

  When he stops, I am literally shaking—my grip on the pipes the only thing keeping me standing.

  The pain from the cat-o’-nines is all consuming. There is no other reality for me.

  “Shade, continue,” I hear him call as if from a great distance.

  When she responds to him, her voice seems equally far away.

  I cannot process his words and struggle when I realize he is talking to me. Finally, he puts his hand on the back of my neck and squeezes hard, leaning in close.

  “Face forward, moy droog. And do not move…”

  My nerves kick into overdrive, having just experienced the ferocity of his cat-o’-nines, but there is a thrill associated with that fear.

  I have no doubt Durov is about to transform my excruciating pain into pleasure.

  Closing my eyes, I wait, concentrating on every sensation—from shade’s incredible oral skills to the sound of Durov’s heavy breathing.

  “Hold very still,” he reminds me.

  I grip the pipes harder, bracing myself.

  Shade takes my shaft in her hand, and I feel the alluring warmth of her lips. She encases my cock with her sexy mouth and teases me with that talented tongue before she begins sucking, drawing me down her tight throat again.

  An expert at what she does, my heart begins racing wildly as my climax builds. I groan lustfully while teetering on the edge of climax.

  A bolt of burning lightning explodes across my b
ack when the knotted tails hit, and it sends me over the edge. My whole body stiffens just before I orgasm.

  I can’t even breathe…

  The intensity of my climax is unlike anything I’ve experienced before, and I thrust my cock down her throat repeatedly with total abandon.

  The orgasm seems to go on forever, leaving me so drained afterward that I’m too weak to stand and slowly slide down the pipes until I’m kneeling on the floor. I wrap my arms around shade for support and hold her tight against me.

  My muscles tremble violently, so I force myself to take in slow, measured breaths in order to regain control.

  Durov’s strong hand grasps the back of my neck and I feel his strength flow into me. “Do you understand now, moy droog?”


  It turns out that the month off from school—a month hanging with Durov on the beach—is cathartic for us both. Although we cannot change what has happened in our pasts, we now have each other to lean on.

  Life will never be the same for me…

  When Anderson returns to campus, he not only looks refreshed but invigorated. “Oh hell, I wish you’d been there! Maybe next year you can join me in Colorado. You know my mama cooks the best down-home meals, and my sisters are a hoot.”

  “I bet they are.”

  He pulls a photo from his wallet, smiling broadly. “Here’s our latest Christmas photo.”

  The picture makes me chuckle. The entire family is dressed in red sweaters, from him, his three sisters and his parents, to the damn dog.

  I note that his sisters all range in age, but they look similar to Anderson because of their intense green eyes and charming smiles. Knowing what a jokester he is, I can’t imagine what it’s like when all four siblings get together.

  He points to his dad. “I know he looks all serious in this photo, but my dad…he’s the biggest prankster of all. This Christmas he really outdid himself. You wouldn’t believe what he pulled off…”

  Looking at Anderson, I can see in his face and in the lightness in his countenance that spending time with his family has revitalized him.

  I want that.

  “So, how did you spend Christmas?” he asks.

  “Skipped the holidays altogether and concentrated on learning more about BDSM.”

  “How many hours did you spend at the library?” he teases.


  His eyes open wide. “Did you go to the dungeon?”

  I nod.

  “Oh, now you’ve got me all jealous. How was it?”

  Smirking, I tell him, “I’m light years ahead of you now. While you were making merry, I was learning how to be the better Dom.”

  “Hah. I practiced my bullwhip every day while I was in Colorado. My mama even complimented my skills.”

  “Little does she know what you’re planning to do with that whip,” I laugh.

  He grins at me and I am shocked to see a blush coloring his cheeks. “Yeah, well… there’s that.”

  “Want to head to the dungeon at the end of this week?”

  Anderson stares at me and shakes his head several times. “Wait. You want to go out?”

  Shrugging, I tell him. “There’s more to life than studying.”

  “Did you get taken over by aliens over Christmas break? This is not the Davis I know and tolerate.”

  I smile. I have to admit that Anderson makes me laugh, and I’ve missed his humor this past month.

  Looking at the glint in his eye, I can see he thinks he’s already won our bet. That couldn’t be further from the truth, but I’m happy to make him feel comfortable in that assumption.

  “Can I bother you for some help?” he asks.

  I naturally assume he is talking about needing prep work for a class he’ll be starting this semester. Instead, he says, “While I may have practiced my bullwhip over winter break, there was one thing I couldn’t do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I couldn’t practice my lighter touch on an actual human. I started with sacks of grain until I had perfected my stroke and then tried it on my favorite cow Betsy. She seemed fine with it, didn’t even twitch an ear, but I’d like to know what it feels like so I can adjust if needed.”

  I frown. “Exactly what are you asking me?”

  “Would you mind being my guinea pig?”

  “Sorry, I’m still recovering from my session with Durov.” I pull off my t-shirt and turn to show him my back, the few remaining marks still visible but healing.

  Fucking sadist.

  Anderson’s jaw drops. “You and the Russian…?”

  I shrug. “I needed to know from experience how the whole pain and pleasure thing works.”

  He runs his hand through his hair while shaking his head. “I never would have thought…”

  “You can stop right now. It was purely for learning purposes. No different than your request right now.”

  “So, what was your conclusion after your session with the Russian?”

  “I definitely experienced a stronger orgasm with the endorphins flowing, but I wonder if pain is the only way to achieve that level of climax. It has me curious, so I plan to explore it further using various methods.”

  “Interesting. You’ll have to let me know how that goes.” Staring at my back, he says, “You know, it wouldn’t hurt. At least, if I get it right.”

  I snort. “What can’t you ask a submissive? I’m sure there are plenty who would be willing.”

  “I don’t want to fail my first time with a sub. You know? It would get in my head and fuck things up.”

  I nod, remembering how I’d felt the same way with glee. “Fine, I will sacrifice this one time, but I don’t want this to become a thing between us.”

  He laughs. “No worries, buddy. You are not my dream date, no matter how much you try to convince yourself you are.”

  I frown. “You do realize you’re asking me for a favor. It’s not smart to insult the person you need to help you.”

  “Sure thing, Dad.”

  “There you go again,” I say, putting my shirt back on.

  Anderson starts chuckling. “See, I’ve missed this. You and your old man wisdom.”

  I just nod slowly. “You think third time’s a charm, do you?”

  Anderson slaps me on the back. “Ah, you know you love it.”

  I cringe, my back still painfully sensitive.

  As soon as he sees that, he sputters, “Oh, fuck…sorry, man. Totally forgot.”

  I know I have him eating out of my hand now. Glaring at him, I say, “I’m done.”

  “No! I seriously didn’t mean to hurt you, buddy.”

  “You repeatedly insult me, then you hit me when I’ve just showed you I was still healing.”

  “Dude, you’ve got to believe me!”

  “Go find some other sap to tickle with your whip,” I growl, starting toward the door.

  “What do I have to do to convince you?” he cries.

  I stop, turning around slowly. “It’s simple. You will owe me, if I do this. And, I’ll have the right to call in that debt—anytime, anyplace.”

  “Really? I’m just supposed to give you a free pass for one tiny favor?”

  “Yes,” I tell him without cracking a smile. “Or you could ask Durov.”

  “Hell no, man. I don’t trust that sadistic bastard.”

  I hold out my hand to him. “Deal?”

  He stares at it for several seconds before taking it. “Deal.”

  “Fine. Find a secluded area sometime during the week, and show me how you tickled that cow over break.”

  I’m surprised when Samantha enters my Advanced Economics class at the start of the new semester. When she sees me, her face momentarily lights up, and then she remembers herself.

  Straightening her back, she lifts her chin and walks toward me like a woman in charge. The thought runs through my head that she looks like a Domme, but I immediately laugh it away.

  When she sits down next to me, I mutter to her, “If
I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were stalking me.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she replies coldly, but I see the pink hue in her cheeks. She doesn’t fool me with that icy response.

  It’s actually good to see her again, and I lean in to ask, “What’s your semester look like?”

  Her eyes soften, the cold persona dissolving as quickly as she created it. “All business classes this time, except for…” She looks at me, seemingly embarrassed to say.

  “Go on, no judgments here,” I assure her, knowing what I’ve been doing over the break.

  “I’m taking a film class.”

  “Oh, more photography?”

  She shakes her head slightly. “No. Professor Brooks suggested I take an introductory class in filmmaking.”

  “Really?” I knew the professor was highly impressed with Samantha’s photography skills, but I never would have guessed she’d suggest movies.

  “Yeah, I know it seems foolish to waste my time, but…”

  “Not at all. I think you should always pursue your talents.”

  “Even if they have nothing to do with your major?”

  Before my introduction to BDSM, I would have thought otherwise, but now I understand the importance of opening oneself up to new experiences.

  “I respect Professor Brooks. I not only learned about the art behind shooting pictures, but I also learned about myself in the process. If she recommends you should pursue film, I would seriously consider it. Although, I’m curious as to why she would suggest it, instead of a more advanced photography class.”

  Samantha’s blush grows deeper when she tells me, “She said my creative eye and unique perspective would work best in film. I’m not sure if that was a compliment.”

  “It was definitely a compliment,” I assure her. “Professor Brooks is not one to flatter or mislead.”


  I sit back and look at her. “So, am I looking at the next Spielberg?”

  “No,” she says with a half-smile. “I’ll never get rich pursuing film. Who you are looking at is a future CEO of a top Fortune 500 company.”

  I nod my approval. “I’m sure I am.”

  For a moment, tears start to well up in her eyes, and I suspect she’s thinking of something her brother once said. But, with a quick blink, they disappear.


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