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The Huntsmen

Page 9

by Honor James

  Snorting, he shook his head, “Not hardly, Snow.” Sliding his tongue to her nipple, he bit down lightly and tugged, swirling his tongue around before moving to do the same to the other nipple. Squeezing her breasts closer together, he flicked both nipples with his tongue at the same time.

  She didn’t say anything to him, she simply smiled and closed her eyes, just feeling. “That feels so good, please, do it again?”

  Blowing a breath over her damp nipples, he returned to flicking them with his tongue. Pressing her breasts closer, he sucked both into his mouth hard. Watching her face, he lifted up and moved in closer to kiss her gently.

  Snow’s hand buried into Baldric’s hair and she held onto him while he kissed her. She smiled under his lips and opened her eyes to gaze up at him, “You’re incredible, you know that right?”

  Staring down at her, he shrugged, “I’m just me, Snow,” he said with a smile. “Don’t know how to be anyone else and I’m too old to bother trying.” Sliding his arms around her, he rested his chin on her chest as he watched her.

  “Well I’m rather happy that you are just you. I really rather adore you, Baldric.” Licking her kiss swollen lips, she grinned, “I love the touching, the petting, you playing with my breasts. Would you like it if I slept in your bed tonight?” She’d only been sleeping in Dierk’s bed because he was the only one who seemed to pull her to his bed at night. It was starting to give Snow a bit of a complex.

  “If you’d like I’d be more than happy to have you there,” he said softly. “If you can keep Dierk from jumping your bones right after we finish dinner.” Smiling slightly, he pressed a kiss to her chest, “If you can’t don’t worry about it, Snow, I’ll still be here whenever you need me.”

  “Don’t worry, I think I can manage,” she said with a smile. “Tonight is our night, Baldric. Some nights it’ll be all of us together in one big naked pile, other nights it’ll be just me with one of you. If that suits you okay?”

  “It suits me fine,” he said quietly, brushing a kiss to her chin. Nuzzling between her breasts, he rubbed his nose to her skin and inhaled. “You smell so sweet,” he murmured against her skin.

  “It’s the same soap you and the others use. I should smell no differently than any of the three of you,” Snow replied as she stroked her hands through his hair, loving the feeling of the silky strands.

  “You may use the same soap we do but your natural scent makes it smell so much sweeter. Trust me on this, Snow,” Baldric lifted his head to look at her. “Even if I was brave enough to go and sniff Nik or Dierk, they definitely don’t smell anything like you.”

  Snow grinned, “Well then please don’t go sniffing them because it might give them and me a complex, love.” She watched him watching her and winked, “I rather adore you, Baldric. If you won’t kick me out of your bed I’ll stay with you. Dierk and Niklaus will understand.”

  “I’d never kick you out of my bed,” he said softly. “Though I’ve been told I am a bed hog so I may push you out,” Baldric smiled and winked. “I promise to drag you back in if I ever push you out and I’ll kiss anything hurt all better.”

  “Oh that makes me hope you do push me out of bed,” she teased. “But don’t worry, I’ll fight back, or something like that,” she teased him happily. “Either that or I’ll just sleep on top of you. We’ll work it out.”

  “That’d work,” he said with a grin. Brushing a kiss to her chin, he lifted his head to look at her. “I think you look amazing like this, shirt undone, breasts with tight nipples, and a sensual look on your face. It’s definitely my favorite look for you so far.”

  Snow smiled, “Only because you put it there.” She teased him and reached up to cup his cheek. “You’ve seen me in all states of dress with my hair in natters having slept with Dierk, you’re just happy it’s you that’s put this smile on my face, admit it, my Huntsman.”

  “I honestly have no preference who puts a smile on your face, Snow, as long as there’s one there,” he said softly. “I remember the look on your face when we first met too well and I never wish to see it on any face again.”

  “Let us hope that look never crosses another person’s face again, unless it is the Queen’s and it’s the last look she gives us,” Snow admitted. “I want her dead, Baldric, if that makes me a terrible person then so be it but simply imprisoning her will not suffice. For all that she has done, she deserves to die.”

  “Snow, you more than any other person has the right to see that woman eviscerated,” he said quietly. “After all she took from you, your father, your life, your crown and throne, I’m surprised you’re not frothing at the mouth to tear after her now. The fact that you want her dead,” he shrugged, “it is what it is.”

  Snow nodded and let out a breath. “I just didn’t want you to think any less of me for wanting her dead. I know the road ahead of us will be fraught with danger but I believe we’ll be able to overcome it all because we are a unit now, right? The four of us will be able to take on the world if that were our choice, right?”

  Sitting up, Baldric drew her into his lap. She straddled his thighs close. “We’re with you, Snow, through all that may come our way. No matter what, I need you to know right here and now that we’ll never abandon you, never let harm come to you and, should we be separated, we’ll walk through the very fires of Hell to get back to you again.” Staring into her eyes, he lifted a hand to her cheek, “No one will ever be permitted to separate us for long, Princess.”

  “Good, as long as you promise me we’ll have a life after we face that bitch.” All she wanted and needed were these three men. “Now, can we please go back to the perfect spot we were just in? The kissing, the hugging, the nakedness?”

  Chewing his lip, he pulled her up to her feet and, turning her toward the hall, hands on her hips, he gave her a push. “We’ll go somewhere more comfortable than that sofa,” he said in explanation. Pushing through his door, he eased it closed and dropped the bar to keep the others out, for a while. “Now if you feel the need, you can get fully naked and not worry about getting a chill,” Baldric smiled at her slightly.

  “Yeah?” Snow smiled at Baldric and began to peel out of the clothes she was wearing. “Well I happen to think if I were to get a chill you’d ensure I was warmed quickly, wouldn’t you?” She didn’t know how to be coy, how to tease or flirt, instead she was just honest. “I want to be with you, Baldric. Will you make love to me?”

  Watching her, he let out a slow breath and nodded, “If you’d like,” he murmured. Loosening the ties on his shirt, he pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. Working his boots off took some effort but soon they hit the floor. Padding toward her on bare feet, his pants loose but still on, he stopped before her, “Snow,” he let out a breath. “Don’t break my heart, it can’t take anymore.”

  Snow stood before him and laid her hand over his heart, “I’ll protect it always, Baldric. I love you, far too much but I can’t help what I feel. Something clicked inside of me when I met Dierk and then you and Niklaus. I will not break your heart as long as you don’t break mine.”

  “I shall endeavor to keep it from harm,” he told her softly. Resting his hand over hers, he leaned in and kissed her gently. “I never want to hurt you, Snow,” he whispered against her lips. “You mean too much to me, much too soon, but I can’t help how I feel either.”

  “That’s very good,” she said with a smile. “Now, Baldric, make love to me? I want to feel you inside of me. I need to feel you holding me close in the most intimate of ways. I want that. Need it and so do you.”

  Smiling, he kissed her deeply, backing her slowly toward his bed, his hands on her hips guiding her to where he wanted her.

  Chapter Seven

  Stopping at the border to the Elven lands, Dierk looked around and gave a three-toned whistle. Moments later it was answered and he relaxed, his hand dropping from the hilt of his sword and he smiled at the Elven Guard who stepped from the trees. “Farhan, good to see you,” he said, c
lasping arms with the warrior.

  “And you, old friend,” the warrior looked around. “You have safe passage through our lands, Dierk, so you can have the others join us now.”

  “Just wanted to be cautious, I’m sure you’d do the same if it was your Queen,” he pointed out, getting an acknowledging tip of a regal head. Turning around, he whistled sharply and jerked his head when Niklaus popped out to look. “We need to get moving, we have a lot of ground to cover before night falls.”

  Snow approached the Elven Guard and bowed her head, “I thank you for allowing us to cross your lands in safety. Please relay my thanks to your Queen.” She placed her hand back on Dierk’s arm and stepped in closer to him, enjoying the feel of the heat of her men surrounding her.

  “You may tell her yourself, Princess,” he bowed to her. “She has offered you a spot at her table for the evening meal as well as a hut for you all to sleep before finishing your journey in the morning. She also said she knows the Huntsmen will likely decline the meal,” Farhan smirked, “for reasons all their own but that you should not feel obligated to follow their lead.”

  Snow looked up to Dierk and smiled, “I thank you for the kind offer; however, I believe my Huntsmen have it right. We truly need to make it through your lands as quickly as possible so we don’t place any of your people in danger.”

  “As you wish, Princess,” Farhan bowed low, something in his expression though told her he knew something she did not. “We’ll be moving quickly, you may at any time let us know if we’re going too fast. Please, follow me,” he said and spun. With a trilling sound he took off running.

  “Ready?” Dierk asked her with a smile and, slipping his hand into hers, started to run after Farhan.

  Snow ran along at Dierk’s side, she paced herself and breathed in and out with concentration so she could keep up with the men. After a good long while Snow shook her head, “Dierk, we must stop.” She was gasping for air, her side pinching and she knew if they didn’t stop now, she’d drop.

  Shaking his head, he caught her arm and pulled her up onto his back, “Grip my waist with your legs,” he told her. Moving his hands to her ass, he held her up and kept running, his eyes on Farhan’s back as the Elven Guard ran swiftly.

  Wrapping her legs around his middle, Snow held onto him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered in defeat, trying to catch her breath as she clung to him. Some Queen she was, she couldn’t even run alongside her Huntsmen trying to get to safety. She was a hindrance to their cause not a help.

  “Don’t be, Snow,” he said quietly as they jogged down a hill before speeding up again. “You were cooped up in a dungeon for much of your life. We were out here running around on a daily basis. If it makes you feel better, we’ll have to stop in another hour or so to let the burn ease. We can’t keep up with the Elves, they’re on some supernatural high or something that lets them just keep moving.”

  “Will we lose our way?” she asked him softly. “If we will then I’ll take the Elven Queen up on her offer,” she had a feeling they shouldn’t. She had a feeling that taking the Elven Queen upon her offer would be very bad.

  “No, we’ll call a halt in an hour and we can all have some water and relax. It’s best we don’t take her up on any such offer, especially one through the night,” he said quietly. “Last time we ended up having to stay the night she put on a show then tried to use us all and many of her Guard to fulfill her sexual needs. Some things, my love, you just can never un-see.”

  “This is very true.” Snow rubbed her cheek to his and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “I don’t want anyone else to ever see you three making love with anyone other than me.” She didn’t make sense, but in her exhausted mind it did.

  “There’s no one else but you now, Snow,” he chuckled softly. Pressing his cheek to hers, he squeezed her ass, “Don’t worry, darling, I’m not letting some Elven type get their hands on me again. I only like yours,” he whispered.

  “Good,” Snow smiled and breathed him in. “I only want your hands and my other Huntsmen’s hands on me from here out,” Snow confessed. “No one else, just the three of you.” There would never be anyone other than them for her.

  “Damned good thing too, Snow, we’d have to kill any other that thought to touch you,” Dierk muttered as he leapt over a log. “Stream up ahead,” he murmured and then let out a whistle, high, low, and high again that slowly trailed down. Easing to a jog and then a walk, he carried her toward the stream. Moving to a boulder in the sun, he set her bottom on it, “You okay to sit up, love?”

  Snow nodded, “I’m good.” She’d just been exhausted, out of breath, and a stitch in her side, but she was fine now. “When we begin again I should be able to run on my own once more,” she whispered to him as she accepted the water flask that Niklaus presented to her.

  Sitting at her side, Nik grinned at her, “We’ll be there when you need us, Snow, always. Just like today, if you’re tired, need a moment’s reprieve we’ll lend a hand and do whatever is necessary. Try not to worry about it, we’re good at it and like doing it for you, it’s not a burden in the least.”

  “Thank you.” She felt honored that these men were hers, they’d be her Royal Consort, her Kings, her Guards and she‘d hopefully be able to be their world in return. “So do you get to carry me next?” she teased him and bumped her shoulder to his.

  “If you’d like,” he said softly, rubbing his chin to her shoulder. “I’m up for the pleasure,” he told her with a grin. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he sat back and pulled out some fruit, “Eat and relax, we’ll move out in a few minutes so be ready but don’t drink too much water, you’ll cramp if you do.”

  She nodded and took another sip of the water leaning back. Closing her eyes, she lifted her face to the skies and felt the heat of the sun filtering through the clouds. She immediately felt at ease. She’d been without such basic things like sunlight for so long, now she craved the sensation.

  Splashing water onto his face and neck, Baldric shook his head hard and looked to Dierk as he crouched next to him. For long moments they just stared at one another until he nodded and straightened. Moving toward Snow, he sat down in the sunlight and let out a breath.

  “What’s happening?” Snow asked softly as Baldric sat next to her. “Don’t tell me nothing. I saw the look.” She didn’t know how they did it, but her men seemed to be able to communicate with just a look, a glimpse, and a nod. It frustrated the hell out of her.

  “Nothing much,” he murmured softly, leaning in. Pressing a kiss to her throat, Baldric nipped her skin gently. “Just noticed a few things I thought Dierk needed to know before we headed out again. He’ll likely tell you later, for the moment we’re not overly worried, just keeping tabs.”

  Snow nodded and leaned into him. “I know, I’ve noticed some as well,” she admitted and leaned in closer to him and sighed. “You don’t think they’ll lead us to the Queen do you?” she whispered against his ear, barely a sound leaving her lips as she spoke.

  “Farhan will lead us to her, we can give her our thanks and all the Royal ass kissing then we’ll be on our way,” Baldric said, nuzzling her throat. “It’s the others following us, circling us, that I’m worried about. I think they mean to slow us enough to force us to remain on her lands for the night.”

  “I had noticed that as well. Is that why you keep forcing them to lean the run to the right instead of racing straight across the open fields?” They’d been going in an odd direction, not exactly straight but more to the right as if nearly at an angle to the ones circling them.

  “Good eye,” he complimented with a grin. “That’s exactly why we’ve been doing it. For the second part of the run we’ll push them back toward where we need to be for the noon meal with the Queen. The trick is to not get pulled into all her elaborate gifts, showings and such while we’re there so we don’t lose track of time.”

  “Ah, I understand. We need to appreciate what she offers, just not fawn and accept them right? I don�
��t know how to deal with her, Baldric, and that scares me.” Snow had been in captivity for so very long that she had no idea how to deal with anyone at all, sadly.

  “Be respectful but firm, appreciative but decline all offers,” Niklaus told her as he settled in at her side again. “She’ll want to ply us with food and drink, put on a show and shower you with pretty empty words. Only drink the water, stick to the fruits and breads and do not, once, look at the entertainment or you’ll end up enthralled and want to never leave.”

  Snow nodded, “It’s good I’m not hungry so that’s not an issue in the least.” The run had been enough to make her not want anything other than water and perhaps a bit of bread. “I’ll allow the three of you to give me the cues necessary in order to make it through all of this intact.”

  “We will, Snow,” Nik promised, wrapping an arm around her for a quick hug before he pulled back. “We need to get moving, the ranks are closing in and we need to drive them where we want to go,” he murmured getting to his feet. “Come on, Princess, you’re with me this time, and we need to get running.”

  “I’m ready to run,” she told him softly. “When I’m ready to stop I’ll let you know.” She was ready to stretch her legs again, ready to run some more. “It does me good to be moving. I spent far too long holed up so I need as much exercise as possible.”

  “Well, say the word when you need a break and we’ll do as Dierk did earlier,” he smiled at her. Taking her hand, he pressed a kiss to her fingers, “Ready?” he asked softly. At her nod he gave a whistle and jogged along the stream with her, taking some stones across carefully then they went into a full out run.

  Snow didn’t speak, she ran along with him. She kept to the side of her men, ensuring she kept up pace so they didn’t run behind the others. It was a very long time in the run before she was able to finally shake her head, reaching out she placed her hand on Baldric’s arm and gasped, “Enough.”

  Nodding, Niklaus scooped her up, “Hold on,” he told her as Baldric headed off, slightly changing course again promptly. Holding onto her thighs, he threw her a quick look, “You okay back there, Snow? You sound like you’re fighting for breath, love.”


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