THE BENNETTS' WEDDING (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 5)

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THE BENNETTS' WEDDING (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 5) Page 11

by Brenda Jackson

A popcorn machine sat in one corner of the room, and a vending machine filled with an assortment of treats in another. There was even a bar in the room with racks filled with several bottles of wine. The room’s recessed lighting and huge theater-looking movie screen completed the authentic movie-theater atmosphere. No wonder he rarely went to the movies. If she had this kind of set-up at her place, she’d never go to the movies, either.

  Kennedy eased down in one of the chairs, thinking how comfortable it was. She could imagine Haddison in here with his friends watching a movie. What she didn’t want to think about was him sharing this space with another female. Why she was feeling jealousy for a man she’d only met weeks ago, surprised her. And bothered her.

  She had been dating long enough to recognize the phase they were heading into now. Even though they were still getting to know each other, she had a feeling their relationship would go to the next level tonight. Kennedy had no problem with that happening and wasn’t holding out for any promises. She’d passed that way before and the journey hadn’t been good, thanks to Charles.

  “I hope you didn’t think I’d forgotten about you.”

  Kennedy glanced over and saw Haddison entering the room carrying a bucket with popcorn kernels in the bottom. She smiled. “I admit to being a little miffed that you wouldn’t let me help clear the table.”

  He chuckled. “You’re my guest, and I wanted to make sure you knew it.”

  How could she not, after everything he’d done since she’d gotten here? That relaxing bath had been out of this world. What man did that for a woman?

  “Now to start the popcorn,” he said, moving in the direction of the popcorn machine. “Have you picked out a movie yet?”

  “Yes. You didn’t tell me you own a few click-flicks.”

  “I didn’t before today. I left work early to prepare for tonight, and one of the stops I made was to a video store. The girl behind the counter was very helpful in assisting me in selecting a few. She said Unfinished Business was really good and had come out on video just this week.”

  Kennedy nodded. “I read the book and liked it. That’s the movie I selected for us to watch. It contains a number of action scenes that you might appreciate.”

  “Good. I like action.”

  “And I like romance, so we’ll both get what we want.”

  The room was suddenly filled with the smell of popcorn as he set up the movie to play on the screen. As he moved, she couldn’t help but study him and that fine body of his — it seemed his jeans moved in sync with his body, stretching over the well-defined muscles in his thighs. And his shirt wasn’t helping matters by revealing mouthwatering biceps and abs. And his feet were still bare. That told her he enjoyed being comfortable in his home and being with her.

  “How about some wine?” he asked, going over to the bar in the room.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Moments later, he handed her a bag of popcorn and a glass of wine, then showed her the compartments built into the chair where the items could be placed. “Thanks.”

  “You are welcome.”

  As he slid into the chair next to hers, his legs brushed hers. She drew in a sharp breath. “You okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” she lied. How could she be fine when the hottest guy she’d ever known was sitting beside her?

  Haddison used the remote to darken the room just seconds before the screen flared to life. As Kennedy tried getting comfortable in her chair, she had a feeling this would be one movie night she would never forget.

  THE MOVIE WAS PRETTY good. Kennedy had been right about the action scenes. Haddison appreciated the fact that it hadn’t be completely romantic—there was a fair amount of suspense, too. But nothing had held his interest more than the woman in the chair beside him. She had eaten all her popcorn and was now eating his. He didn’t mind. In fact, he found sharing popcorn with her was fairly intimate.


  At some point during the movie, they’d started holding hands. Hers felt so right encompassed in his. Skin to skin. Now why was he beginning to think of another way he’d love to be skin to skin with her? That would definitely take the intimacy between them up a notch.

  He doubted he would be able to see his Jacuzzi bathtub in the same light again. Each time he looked at it, he would imagine her naked body submerged in all those damn bubbles. He didn’t have to see her without clothes to know she had a gorgeous body. It showed in everything she wore. Business or casual. He no longer thought she just dressed to impress. Nor did he think she dressed to drive a man out of his mind with lust. But that was what was happening. Tonight was only supposed to be a movie night, but he had a feeling it would become so much more.

  “What a great movie! I really enjoyed it.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I can tell you did.” Her hold on his hand had tightened during several of the movie’s suspenseful moments. He hadn’t minded at all.

  She smiled over at him. “I only cried once.”

  He’d noticed…and had wrapped his arms around her. It had felt good. Chuckling again, he said, “I noticed that, too.”

  “Oh, you,” she said, playfully jabbing him in the shoulder.

  In a quick movement that he figured would surprise her, he reached out and pulled her out of her seat and into his lap.

  When he saw her expression, he assumed that maybe she hadn’t been surprised at all, but had been anticipating him seizing the moment. He was right.

  “What took you so long?”

  “I thought you were into the movie.”

  She grinned. “I was into the movie, Haddison. But I was even more into you.”

  It was amazing just how in sync their minds were. Reaching up, she gripped his shoulders, and a jolt of desire shook him to the core. She looked calm, but he sensed something stirring within her. And whatever it was, it had his libido racing. “I love your honesty, Kennedy.”

  He tried to look up into her eyes and not dwell on her perfectly shaped lips, even though those lips were so damn intoxicating. Not able to hold himself back, he leaned in and began nibbling on her mouth, beginning at the corner. Her satisfying sigh aroused him even more.

  “You like this?”

  “Who wouldn’t?”

  Glad to hear that, he seized the day and fully captured her mouth in his.

  There was nothing like being with an aroused man, Kennedy thought, reveling in the feeling of having Haddison’s hard erection pressing against her backside. Heat engulfed her as he masterfully and mercilessly kissed her. She’d thought his kisses had been heady before, but now she knew he’d just been getting started. When she was in his arms, she couldn’t think straight. Hell, she couldn’t think at all.

  She wanted him to make love to her. And she didn’t care that she’d never moved this fast with any man before or think that they should at least get to know each other more first. Getting to know about his intellectual side could wait. She wanted to know all about Haddison B. Wolf’s physical side. And she wanted to know it now.

  She broke off the kiss, drew in a deep breath, and stared into dark, sensual eyes that were filled with an overpowering sexual need that matched her own. “Make love to me, Haddison.”

  He stared at her for a minute, and then without bothering to ask if she was sure about what she’d asked for, he stood, still holding her in his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on as he moved, his stroll quick, confident, and determined toward the bedroom.

  The room still carried the scent of peaches, and when he placed her on the huge bed, she tried to adjust her dress. “Don’t bother pulling it down, because I’m about to take if off of you.” Undoing her wrap dress seemed to be something he’d anticipated doing all night.

  “Aw hell, Kennedy.”

  She knew the moment he realized she hadn’t bothered putting on underwear. His reaction to seeing her completely naked was gratifying. The corner of his mouth edged up in a ravenous curve, and she raised up on her knees to expose more of h
erself. But first, she needed to get a few things straight.

  “I’ve never done this before — sleep with a guy this early in our relationship, Haddison.” And she wanted to believe they had a relationship. He hadn’t given her any indication that he thought this was one of those, ‘wham, bam, thank you, ma’am’, kind of affairs.

  He looked at her, all over, as much of her as he could see, before saying, “Then, I feel honored. But there is one thing I need to make you aware of, Kennedy.”

  She swallowed against a lump in her throat. Is this where he would tell her she’d assumed wrong, that this would be a one-time thing? “And what is that?”

  “We won’t be doing much sleeping.”

  Kennedy, feeling relieved, opened her mouth to tell him she was counting on it, but abruptly closed it when he began removing his clothes. God, could she want him any more? She honestly didn’t see how.

  She refused to blink, for fear she might miss something. He was built like an Adonis from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Her breath caught when he finally stood before her, totally naked, and she could feel the area between her legs start to throb in earnest.

  Within seconds, he had joined her on the bed, right there in front of her, on his knees, as well. She reached out and slid her hands up his chest, not at all taken aback by the scars on his body. After all, he’d been a cop and FBI agent. She’d watched enough television to know they often got in serious skirmishes. At least he had survived them to be here with her now. That meant he was good at what he did. And he would be good for Rivers, too. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be there long enough to appreciate his expertise.

  “I like touching you,” she said, letting her hands roam all over his skin.

  “I’m glad,” he said in a voice that was sexy and rough. “I’m going to love touching you, as well.”

  She hoped so. And seconds later, he did, reaching out to touch her breasts. Her nipples immediately hardened beneath his fingers. When he began stroking them in a pattern that quickly had her writhing, desperate for more, she moaned. She hadn’t thought she could climax from just breast stimulation, but with Haddison, it seemed anything was possible.

  And then, when he replaced his fingers with his mouth, she lost it, screaming as sensations rushed through her in one hell of an orgasm. That had never happened to her before. Would he think she was a woman who could come easily? Without much effort? If he only knew.

  Pulling her into his arms, he stroked her back as the sensations slowly subsided. And then he began kissing her with a passion that aroused her all over again. Suddenly, he broke off the kiss to reach into the nightstand and pull out a condom packet. With the expertise of someone who knew what he was doing, he sheathed himself.

  He then swung his gaze back to her and smiled. She smiled back. She was going to have sex with this gorgeous hunk of a man. Wild, uninhibited, unrestrained, and passionate sex.

  Then, when he lowered her to the mattress, she couldn’t think anymore. And when he straddled her body and she gazed up into his eyes, she felt a stirring somewhere else, somewhere closer to her heart. Could she be falling for him? Was that why she was so willing to give everything to him?

  “Look at me, Kennedy.”

  When she did, her breath caught. It seemed the eyes staring into hers were “his.” The bank robber who’d died.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said quickly. That was the something she couldn’t ever tell him, because really, what would she say? You remind me of that bank robber — the one I kissed.

  “You sure that you’re okay?” he asked her, looking deep into her eyes with a concerned expression.


  She could tell by the smile that touched his lips that he was satisfied with her response. “In that case…”

  He then leaned down and captured her mouth, overwhelming her with his desire. When she thought this kiss would make her climax for the second time, he stopped, then held her gaze as he slid inside of her.

  Haddison’s self-control had taken a direct hit. And the exact moment his body connected with Kennedy’s, he didn’t give a royal damn about trying to find it. The only thing he could think of was getting as deep inside of her as he could — one body, one heart.

  And when he felt her inner muscles clamp down on him, as if squeezing out his essence, he threw his head back and growled out pleasure. The feeling was so intense, it was as if an earthquake had struck, and he couldn’t find his balance anywhere.

  He began moving, drawing her scent into his nostrils. The aroma propelled him to pump into her hard, then harder. Never had he wanted to climax with a woman so much. To feel her shiver from the pleasure he’d given her.

  Haddison was aware that she’d come earlier when he’d been kissing her breasts. Now he wanted her to experience a real orgasm — one that would hit her so hard, his name would be the only one off her lips for a long time.


  That thought should have made him miss a beat, knocking him off the rhythm their bodies had established. But instead, the thought of forever with her, drove him to pump into her harder, faster, deeper. Then he felt her body beginning to vibrate, and rocked his hips against hers non-stop. Suddenly, the same exhilarating climax that snatched her within its tentacles, took him, as well.



  They called out to each other, succumbing to pleasure so intense and so powerful that it blasted them out of this universe. He wasn’t sure when, or how, they would ever come back down to Earth. It took a while, but somehow they managed. Depleted of strength, he eased off her, though he didn’t withdraw. Throwing his leg over hers, he locked their bodies and then kissed her again.

  When he finally released her mouth, she whispered his name before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. He looked at her for long minutes, before closing his own. For the first time in his life, he felt at peace.

  If she hadn’t woken on her own, Kennedy suspected Haddison would have let her sleep as long as she wanted. When she opened her eyes, she found him staring at her as they lie face-to-face, their bodies still joined.

  “Hello,” she said coming awake. If he thought she was the least bit embarrassed waking up this way with him, he was mistaken. Although she’d never done anything like this before — dozing off with a man’s penis still deeply buried inside of her — she liked the experience. In fact, it felt good.

  “Hello back at you. And now that you are awake, I need to take care of something,” he said, unlocking his leg and slowly easing out of her. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She missed him the minute his feet touched the floor, but understood what he had to do. He hadn’t closed the bathroom door, so she watched him peel off the used condom and dispose of it. He glanced over at her and caught her looking. When he gave her one hell of a seductive smile, she could feel a tingling sensation between her legs start up again.

  He walked out of the bathroom, pausing to pull another condom out of the nightstand and put it on. She was ready, could feel her juices already flowing. And when he returned to the bed, he surprised her by reaching down between her legs, as if he sensed the wetness there.

  He leaned in and kissed her while his fingers moved inside of her, making her moan in his mouth. Then suddenly, he snatched his mouth from hers and lowered his head between her legs. If his aim was to show her what he could do with his mouth, then he was succeeding. His tongue wasn’t just claiming her clit, it was transforming it into a mass of sensations desperately needing release.

  Never had she been made love to this intensely. He was stroking her as if he intended to get his fill. And he was. And when she’d been nearly pushed over the edge again, he quickly moved to straddle her body and thrust hard inside of her.

  She suddenly came, screaming her pleasure, hollering his name. He kept going, whipping her into another orgasm, and then another, before he finally threw his head back to enjoy hi
s own climax.

  One day, she’d feel the essence of him exploding in her, and not into a condom. That thought made her come again. Never had fantasizing about a man doing something to her made her climax. That just showed how aroused she could get with Haddison. Easily and effortlessly. And she had no complaints. It felt awesome. He was awesome.

  At that moment, she knew she’d fallen…hard.

  “GLAD YOU DECIDED TO grace us with your presence at dinner, Ken.”

  She glanced over at Victoria as she sat down at the table. She knew her cousin’s playful jab was because they rarely saw her these days. That night at Haddison’s place had kicked off what Kennedy believed to be the greatest days of her life. They’d been together almost three weeks, but already she was spending more time at Haddison’s place than she was at home. “Glad you guys missed me.”

  “We have, but if you’re happy, then we’re happy for you,” Sebrina said, giving Victoria and Monica a stern look. “Kennedy isn’t a baby. In fact, she’s older than the two of you and can handle her own business.”

  “We’re just concerned since we haven’t seen her much,” Monica said smiling. “But I agree, you can’t do better than Haddison, aka Mr. Hottie.”

  Victoria shrugged. “Kennedy is only a couple of months older than me, so age doesn’t count. But don’t mind me, guys, I’m not in the best of moods today.”

  “Why?” Monica asked

  Victoria drew in a deep breath. “I got a call from Quinn. The attorney in his firm who usually handles my account is leaving, so he’s turning it over to Cortez.”

  Quinn Masters was an attorney who was married to their cousin, Grammy-award winning artist Alexia. His cousin, Cortez Masters, was another attorney who worked at the Masters Law Firm in Los Angeles. For some reason, Victoria didn’t care for Cortez. She thought he was too arrogant for her liking, but Kennedy figured there was more to it. Still, she kept her opinion to herself.

  “Having Cortez represent your business might not be so bad,” Sebrina was saying. “I heard he’s a dynamic attorney.”


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