The Thief Redeemer

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The Thief Redeemer Page 2

by Leigh Clary Abdou

  I head to the kitchen drawer, my plan formulating perfectly in my mind. I fish through the fake IDs and pull out one of my most recent. Thomas Grant. He’s my latest pseudonym and this ID is flawless. Simon makes them for me. He might be a warehouse manger by night, but he’s a computer nerd by day. I take my cell phone and press his number from my favorites list.

  “Hey, boss.” His voice is raspy, reminding me of cigarettes.

  “Hey. I’ve got a job for you.”

  I explain how I need him to hack Philip Birch’s server and add the name Thomas Grant as an intern. That should at least get me through the front door. After explaining myself to Simon, I end the call. He says he’ll have it done in a few hours.

  I reveal my plan to Marcus, and he only shakes his head.

  “How long do you think you’ll pose as an intern?”

  “I don’t know. A week, tops. I just need to find those files. As soon as I have those, I’m out.”

  “I hope this works,” he says, positioning himself back towards the television.

  “Me too.” My response is a whisper and I’m not sure if he hears me. Deep down inside the pit of my soul, this isn’t at all about destroying Birch. It’s about finding the only thing that really matters in this life: my family.

  AFTER A LONG night of ensuring I have the proper clothes and paperwork, I’m ready to infiltrate the law office of Peter Birch. It’s like the first day of school all over again, and I smirk at my lies. Sally cooks me a hearty breakfast, and I tell them I’m off to my new job.

  Monday through Thursday shouldn’t be that hard since I have the nights off from the ring, but after that, I might be running on two hours of sleep. I’ll worry about that when it gets here.

  I head out the door and slip inside my Porsche. Yeah, this was stolen about a year ago, but with the new paint job, tags, and other changes, the original owners would never recognize their old car. Let’s just say it’s one of the perks of my job.

  I drive to Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta, running my plan continuously through my head. I can’t afford to get caught, but I need to teach this prick a lesson or two. You don’t mess with Brandon Wilson and come out on top.

  I pull up at the office and stop the car. I’m dressed in khakis and a white button down polo. I had to borrow this nice look from Tommy because I only own jeans and t-shirts. I lower my glasses and look in the rearview mirror. I’m looking sharp, if I do say so myself.

  It’s time to start my “internship.”

  I climb out of the car and walk to the front door. Upon entering, I see an older lady.

  “Can I help you?” She looks down her nose at me, and I can’t figure out why. I look nice in my khaki pants.

  “Yeah. I’m a new intern.”

  She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “You know you were suppose to be here at eight for orientation, right? Did you not receive your packet in the mail?”

  “No ma’am.”

  Shit! What am I to do? I remain calm and decide to do what I know best - pull out the charm and work my magic. I lean slightly over her desk and look deep into her eyes. “I didn’t receive any packet in the mail, Miss…”

  A small smile forms on her lips, and I know I’ve won her over.

  “Tedders. I’m Laurel Tedders, but you can call me Laurel.”

  “Laurel, do you think you could help me out? I’m apparently a little lost.” I give her the killer smile I know I possess, and she melts in front of my eyes. What is it with older women always falling for me? Well, the younger ones fall for me, too. Hell, they all fall for me.

  “Claire has already started the orientation. Go on down the hall and take the first door on your right. I’ll get your packet together. You can pick it up on your way out.”

  “You’re the best, Laurel,” I flirt. I’m shameful and I know it.

  “And what’s your name?”

  “Thomas. Thomas Grant.”

  “Okay, Thomas. I’ll have it here waiting.”

  I give her my signature smile once more and throw in a wink as I walk towards the hallway. I open the first door on the right, like she said, and see a room full of desks. The entire class stops what they’re doing to stare, and that’s when I see her.

  Claire Peters stands in the front of the classroom and pauses her lecture due to my interruption. I’m suddenly waterlogged and can’t speak or move. I just stare at her like there’s something wrong with me. She’s really the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

  I’ve noticed my fair share of women and been with most of them too, but this girl is different. Most of those girls I’ve been with are the same bitches we’ve all been with, but Claire looks like an angel. She radiates beauty, confidence, and goodness. Her blonde hair is soft and hangs down to her tits, which are also perfect by the way, and her blue eyes give a look of complete innocence. Her full lips on her heart-shaped face scream to be kissed. I even notice she has one of those widow’s peak things, and I’ve never noticed shit like that that on a woman before.

  She walks up to me, not missing a beat, and stands right in front me. She crosses her arms and looks me in the eyes. “You’re late.” She’s playing the tough girl card, and if I wasn’t so memorized by her appearance, I would be pulling out the charm right about now. I take a deep breath to pull myself together and blink my eyes to focus. She narrows her eyes at my silence, but I speak before I get on her bad side.

  “My apologies, Miss Peters. I didn’t receive my packet in the mail. It won’t happen again.”

  The scowl on her face instantly lifts and is replaced by a look that’s more sympathetic. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I’ll make sure you have one before you go.”

  “No problem, Miss Peters. Laurel is taking care of it for me.”

  “Okay, great. And can I ask your name?”

  “Yeah. I’m Thomas,” I lie while displaying my smile. Although I’ve finally remembered to turn on the charm, there’s something about Claire that intimidates me.

  “Take a seat, Thomas. I’ll fill you in on what you’ve missed later.” She starts to walk back to the front, but turns after a few steps. “And you can call me Claire.” She gives me a sweet smile, and I offer a cocky one in return. I walk to the only empty desk in the room and take a seat. All the other interns glance my direction, but I ignore them. Instead, I focus my attention to the blonde angel.

  I study her face, her hair, and the blue of her eyes. I want this girl, and I want her bad. There’s something about her that radiates “good” and I want some of what she’s got. Hell, her body is so banging and her demeanor is so sweet, I want to take her into my arms right this minute and ask her to never let me go.

  No, I have to get a grip on this situation before I lose sight of why I’m here. I’m here to destroy Birch and find those sealed files.

  The two hours left of orientation pass quickly due to my fantasizing about Claire Peters and before I know it, she’s announced it’s time for lunch. I stand and wait for all the other interns to exit the room. I have no desire to make friends with any of those twits. I focus on the one girl I really want to know.

  She might be the one to help me find the files, I remind myself. Anyway, I might as well have some fun while I’m here.

  She’s sitting at the front of the room sorting papers when I stop at her desk. I wait for her to look up and when she does, I offer my signature smile.

  “So, tell me what I missed, Miss Claire,” I say, grabbing a seat and sitting across from her.

  “We were discussing some of the cases you’ll be representing this summer and some of the extra-curricular activities that are expected of you outside the office.”

  I smile. “Sounds lovely.” And it does sound lovely since I won’t be here longer than seven days. I think I’m having some sort of an effect on this woman, although she’s a tough one to crack. She notices my flirting and she hasn’t totally brushed me off, but she’s reserved. She’s going to be a challenge, but that’s okay
. I never back down from a challenge.

  I have roughly a week to get this girl into my bed, and I’m prepared to pull out all the stops to get her there. In fact, I’m going to up the ante and say I can have her there in five.

  Oh yeah, and I need to worry about those files. I scold myself for getting off task so easily. Claire Peters is way too distracting.

  “What time is this orientation over today?”

  “Your schedule will be located in your packet, Thomas, but most days we end at five PM.”

  Five PM! Hell, my whole day has just been shot. I lay my head back on the chair in exasperation, which results in Claire giving me a small giggle. I raise my head and decide to up my game.

  Before I can even begin, she beats me to the punch. “How come you don’t look familiar? I interviewed all the interns, but I don’t remember you.”

  Oh shit. What do I say? My brain goes a million miles an hour, but I don’t panic. I’m used to the lies and deceit. “I remember you.”

  A small blush creeps across her cheeks, and that’s when I know I have her. This will be easier than I thought. I lean in and put my arm on her desk. It’s a risk because this chick scares easily. I can’t get too cocky.

  “So, Claire, I hear you’re the best intern teacher they’ve ever had at this office.”

  At that, Claire leans her head back and laughs. I love the sound of her laughter and for a minute, I forget why I’m here and what I’m doing. I want to live forever with her in this moment. She really might be an angel and for a second, my guard slips away. Maybe she’s too good for me. Maybe I won’t get this girl into my bed after all, because maybe she’s above that.

  The moment quickly ends and the mask settles back on my face.

  Claire stops laughing. “Well, whoever told you that only said it because I’m the only intern teacher.”

  “The only one?”

  “That’s right. We just started this program about three years ago, and I’ve been the teacher since the start. Mr. Birch put me in charge, and I’ve never looked back.”

  I admire her strength and drive. This girl is going to be something one day. She’ll amount to a hell of a lot more than I have. My cocky façade slips again and the words slip involuntarily from my mouth. “Claire, you’re going to go far in life.”

  She looks at me, and gratitude flows through her eyes. “Thanks, Thomas. That means a lot.”

  I shake my head and stand. I’ve got to get out of here. I can talk to her after class about the files, but right now this girl is stripping me bare. I’m even considering telling her my real name because I hate her calling me Thomas.

  I need to remove myself and get some fresh air.

  “I’m off to lunch,” I announce while I shove my hands in my pockets. “You want anything?”

  “No, I’m good. I brought something from home.”

  I nod and start to walk out. When I reach the door she calls my name.


  I turn and notice the blue of her eyes. I give her my complete attention.

  “Be back here by one. I don’t want you to be late this time.”

  My lips curve to a smile as I open the door. “Yes, drill sergeant,” I joke as she gives me condescending smile.

  “I’m not Lieutenant Dan, Thomas.” She’s teasing me and I see laughter play across her eyes. At least she has a sense of humor. And really, who doesn’t love Forrest Gump?

  THE REST OF the afternoon flows at a snail’s pace. It’s exhausting trying to look interested when you have no idea what’s going on. I’m also forced to interact with the other interns, which I don’t enjoy at all. I’m focused only on Claire, and the other interns are giving me looks at my flamboyant flirting. Claire doesn’t seem to mind, though, as I worm my way into her heart hour by hour. Finally the clock strikes five. No one is more excited than me.

  Everyone starts picking up their items as I make my way to Claire’s desk.

  “Yes Thomas,” she says with smile that tells me that, while she enjoys my flirting, she’s not interested. Like I said, this girl is going to be a hard one to crack.

  “What time do I need to be here in the morning, Miss Claire?”

  “Eight o’clock. Sharp.” The small smile is still present on her lips and I give her a wink as I turn to leave. Tomorrow I will ask her about the sealed files. I can’t move too fast or she’ll wonder why I’m interested.

  TODAY IS ONLY day two of my “internship,” and I’m not sure how much more I can take. Eight o’clock days are so not my thing and working till five PM isn’t what I’m about either. Sitting in a white walled office for hours on end, learning stuff I know nothing about, just might kill me. If it wasn’t for Claire as a distraction, I might have already bailed on this mission. Just a few more days, and as soon as I have the files I’m out.

  I’ve been working my ass off on Claire all morning, and she’s still not cracking. She’s flirting back, yes, but in small, professional ways. I’m not sure how to take her, but I know I still want a shot at getting her in my bed. I brush her hand when I turn in papers and I’m always answering her questions and joking with her during breaks.

  It’s time to break for lunch, and today I’m prepared. I’ve brought my own lunch so I can eat here with Miss Peters. We’re dismissed for an hour and all the other interns leave. I stay in my seat, staring at Claire as she organizes her desk.

  She looks up from work, noticing my stare and that I’m the only one left. “You aren’t going to lunch Thomas?”

  “I brought mine today. Thought I would eat with my teacher.”

  She rolls her eyes at me as a small smile finds her lips. I pull my sack lunch from my bag and walk to her desk. I hold it up to my face. “See.”

  She looks at me and a laugh escapes her tight lips. “Okay. Follow me.”

  I follow her down the hallway and we enter the break room. It’s a small kitchen with a table and chairs. I sit in one of the chairs and, after grabbing her lunch from the refrigerator, she joins me. I watch her assemble her sandwich and I’m taken aback by her beauty.

  “So, Claire, do you enjoy working here?” I’m making small talk but we are interrupted when the door swings open and in walks Birch. I freeze and hang my head. I’ve been so involved in Claire and finding the files I didn’t even consider running into the man himself here. Marcus was right. I’m going to get caught and sent to jail.

  “Hi, Claire,” he says and she responds with a smile. He looks over at me and nods in acknowledgement as he heads to the freezer. He removes his item and pops it in the microwave. He’s just standing there, watching his lunch spin around and I feel the sweat start to bead on my forehead.

  He has to recognize me. How could he not?

  “Thomas, are you all right? You look a little flushed.”

  Claire looks at me with concern on her face and places the back of her hand on my forehead. Instinctively, I lean into her to feel her soft touch. No one has been worried about me like this in years. Birch looks up at me and places his food down at the table. Shit! I’m having lunch with Claire and Philip Birch. This is not how today was supposed to go.

  “I’m fine, Claire. Thanks.”

  “Here, son, take this. Carbonation always helps me.” Birch hands me his Coke and goes to get himself another. When he opens the refrigerator door, I see all types of carbonated drinks inside.

  “Um, thanks.” I pop the top and take a swig.

  Claire and Mr. Birch make polite conversation about cases they’re working on as I attempt to eat my food. I hate this man, but I’m also scared as shit right now. I can barely concentrate on their conversation, knowing that I’m one phone call away from jail.

  It’s also near impossible to eat when there’s a piece of cotton stuck in your throat. We finish our lunch, and Birch leaves the room.

  I release a breath of air from my lungs. For the first time that hour, I relax.

  “What was wrong during lunch? Do you not feel well?”

p; I look into Claire’s eyes and for a minute I’m lost. This girl is worried about me. I’ve never had a woman worried about me; well, except maybe Sally, but that doesn’t count. Sally’s like my mother. I’ve never had a girl who’s beautiful and pure worried about me. Most of the girls I’ve been around are there for one thing and that’s sex. All I’ve been able to think about is getting Claire into my bed, and now, I see she’s more than that. She’s compassionate and loving, two traits hard to find in my world.

  I seriously thought I could get her in my bed? I’m lucky she’s even giving me the time of day.

  Claire clears her throat softly, and I remember she’s asked me a question. “I was nervous because I know who he is.”

  Claire smiles as she throws away her trash. “He’s not that scary, Thomas.”

  We share a laugh because now I feel ridiculous.

  I go to throw my trash away and brush arms with Claire in the process. She freezes, and I stop in my steps. Our eyes lock as wordless communication flows between us. Our shoulders remain sewn together and I wonder how only touching her this little can have such a profound effect on me. The room around us fades away and I long to lose myself in her big blue eyes. I envision kissing her and holding her, running my hands through her silky hair. We are so close that I can smell her scent, and a weird feeling runs through me.

  I want to protect her.

  Actually, I want to protect her from the likes of me. She inhales a deep breath and pushes against my chest to break the contact. She diverts her eyes to the floor and before I can speak, she turns and leaves the room. I stand in the silence, remembering the feeling that just passed between us only moments before.

  I didn’t do anything wrong, did I? Why do I even care? I’ve never cared before. I’m no expert when it comes to relationships, but I know when someone leaves without speaking, it’s usually a bad sign.


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