
Home > Nonfiction > Untamed > Page 52
Untamed Page 52

by Steven Harris

The time is now 4:04. We all exit through the front door and pile into the black SUV. I can feel the anxiety swelling within my stomach. We reverse out of the driveway and cruise up the road. I fill my lungs with oxygen and relieve them slowly. Jason reaches over and soothes my hand with his own.

  "Don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine,” he reassures me in a whisper. “Just think positive.”

  Ten minutes later, we're almost at school. I look out the window and see the park. It's barricaded by yellow tape and the grass is shredded with claw marks. Suddenly, a flashback of Hellhound resurfaces. I see him running towards me in my head. Then I see him swiping at me with his razor-sharp nails.

  I can feel the horror returning all over again, so I swallow down hard and look away to ease the tension. Daniel switches on the turn indicator, which causes my heart to skip a beat. I see a police officer, dressed in a florescent-yellow vest, guiding traffic into the lot.

  The school is still crawling with police officers. Thank God for that. The idea of men with guns lowers my heartrate a little. Daniel stops the car near the main entrance.

  "We'll keep an eye out for you,” Daniel says.

  "Not that she'll need it. This place is crawling with cops,” Eric says while looking out his window.

  Jason rubs my shoulder before he lets me go. I unbuckle myself and duck out of the SUV. I strap my book-bag over my shoulders and step onto the walkway. They drive off and swing into a parking spot not that far from me. Eric gives me a solute from the passenger seat. I grin halfheartedly in response.

  I fill my lungs and release them while my body switches to security mode. I look cautiously to my left, then to my right, and then behind me. I study the students strolling up and down the walkway. I'm keeping a good watch for anyone with blonde hair and blue eyes. Somehow, all of the blondes are sticking out like a sore-thumb.

  I know it’s just my mind playing tricks on me. I begin to bounce on my heels to help ease the jitters. I look at the road. I take out my cell-phone and review the time. My mom should be here soon. A clicking sound disturbs me, so I swiftly turn left to see a brunette girl walking with high-heeled boots.

  I’m so nervous that the slightest noise makes me flinch. I breathe deeper in order to calm my frightened heart. Breathing doesn't help at all. I look left and right again. All I can see are these blonde students walking around me.

  The brunettes, red heads, and dark haired students have slipped into the background. I then look forward at the cars on the road.

  "Mom, hurry up,” I say to myself.

  I rotate my cell-phone and review the time on the screen. The time is 4:25. I shift over at the SUV; everyone is watching me, attentively. They’re only yards away from me, yet they seem a lot further.

  Someone bumps into me, softly, and I yelp. I turn to see this boy looking down at his cell-phone, texting. He looks up at me with a flat smile.

  "Oh, I’m sorry about that,” he apologizes as he continues up the walkway.

  My heart is beating super-fast right now. I look at a police officer twenty feet away, who is now defensive. I smile at the officer. His body loosens its defensive stance, and then he shifts back to his fellow officer, continuing a conversation they were having together.

  I glance over at the SUV. Everyone is staring at me. Eric, on the other hand, is bouncing off his seat laughing his hardest at me. I roll my eyes and look forward again. At last, I see that familiar blue van rolling into the school lot.

  A massive amount of weight falls off my shoulders. She stops in front of me and then rolls down the window, beaming. Somehow, the day just got brighter when she smiles at me from the driver’s seat. I must say, it's great to see her beautiful face again. Those bright emerald eyes, her lustrous hair, and her supermodel smile, brings joy to my spirit.

  "How was school?" she asks brightly.

  "It was great mom,” I actually lied while looking her in the eyes.

  I grab the door handle.

  "Iva?" I hear a familiar voice call out to me from behind.

  I roll my eyes and mutter damn underneath my breath before turning around to face him. I rotate my body to see Professor Nelson approaching us with his hands in his pockets. As usual, he has his Sherlock Holmes stare on me.

  "Hello, Professor Nelson.”

  I try my best to act normal.

  "Hello, Miss Hill. What happened to class today?"

  "Oh, um, class...?" I chuckle, nervously.

  Think Iva, think.

  "Yes, remember my class,” he says with a raised eyebrow. “The one you didn’t attend.”

  "Hello, are you her Professor?" my mom asks from the driver's seat.

  My eyes roll once again. He walks towards the car, reaches in, and shakes her hand.

  "I’m James Nelson. I’m very pleased to meet you ma’am,”

  "I’m Julia. So, what seems to be the problem?" my mom instantly turns into a detective.

  He looks down at me, peering through suspicious eyes, then back at my mom.

  "I was just wondering why, Iva here, has missed my class today?"

  My mom looks at me with suspicious eyes as well.

  "Uh, um, I fell asleep in the student lounge. Sorry,”

  "Did you have too much fun over the weekend?" he asks curiously.

  "No, I just lost track of time.”

  My mom leans forward in the van so she can see him better.

  "I was just wondering. How is she doing so far?"

  "She’s fair. But her tardiness needs to improve a bit.”

  "Hold on. Let me pull into a parking spot,” she notifies him.

  I look over at Eric in the SUV. He shrugs his shoulders with a confused expression, and I shrug back at him with the same level of confusion.

  "I haven't seen Jason in class either, Miss Hill,” Professor Nelson looks down at me with an observing pair of eyes. "I hope he’s not becoming a distraction.”

  I gaze away from his eyes, not feeling embarrassed or guilty, yet annoyed. He’s so nosy. It’s going to get him hurt.

  "This is a lot better,” my mom says as she approaches him. "So, you say she’s been tardy?"

  "Just twice, the first time was the first day.”

  My mom looks over at me with a leer of her own. I shrug my shoulders at her and play stupid.

  "I lost track of time.”

  "But I also told her..,” Professor Nelson says but I interrupt.

  "Excuses are not a major,” I finished for him.

  “Precisely,” Professor Nelson replies.

  My mom finally removes her leer off of me and shifts back to Professor Nelson.

  "Well, what exactly are her weaknesses?"

  He puffs slowly and thinks.

  "It’s mostly cellular development. That area needs some improvement.”

  I look around again at the students walking back and forth; still keeping a good, watchful, eye. I glance over at the SUV. Eric shrugs at me again. I shrug back.

  "Iva,” my mom obtains my attention.

  I shift back to her swiftly.

  "Huh?" I respond stupefied.

  "Did you?" she asks.

  "Did I what?"

  "Did you study for the exam?”

  "Oh, yes, definitely,” I play along very well.

  Professor Nelson looks at his watch.

  "Look at the time, I have to go. But I would love to talk a little more if you don’t mind.”

  My mom tilts her head as she stares deeply into Professor Nelson’s eyes. All of a sudden, a bright grin appears across her face.

  "I'd love that. When are you available?"

  "We'll, I'm off at 5:00. Can we meet up around let’s say...5:30?"

  "That’s sounds great,” my mom says while beaming at him.

  I try to rub the awkward feeling off my neck as Professor Nelson pulls out his cell-phone.

  "What's your number? I'll give you a call as soon as I'm finished here.”

  My mom g
ives him her number and he saves it into his phone. I look at the SUV one more time. All of them look frustrated and confused.

  "I'll see you at 5:30,” Professor Nelson says, grinning through his brown beard.

  "5:30 it is,” my mom agrees.

  Professor Nelson nods at me before walking away.

  At last, I jump into the van and close the door.

  "He’s nice, isn’t he?” my mom asks.

  I nod softly and reply…

  “Yeah, he’s cool.”

  She leans forward and studies my expression.

  “I know you hate me asking this, but are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay mom.”

  We exit the school lot and then blend into the evening commute. I exhale, feeling relieved to be away from the school finally. I glance into my side mirror. I can see the black SUV two cars behind us. I straighten my body and get into character.


  "Hmmm,” she responds.

  "I was thinking about something.”

  "Like what?"


  "What about it?"

  "It’s been hard, going there. I’ve been having a very difficult time concentrating.”

  She looks at me with grief in her eyes.

  "I know honey. I’m so sorry about your Professor,” she says in a comforting tone. "That's a very sad thing.”

  "I was thinking about what you said. Maybe school is not a good idea right now,” I continue.

  She gazes at me with an understanding look in her eyes.

  "It’s your decision. You can always go back when things settle down.”

  I sigh. The more I talk about Professor Grant, the more I don't need to put on an act.

  "I know,” I swallow down hard.

  "If you want to wait for things to calm down, then I totally understand.”

  “That’s one thing down,” I think to myself.

  The car is silent the rest of the way back home.

  Soon, we turn left on Meigs street and pull into the driveway of my second home. She shuts the engine off and exits the van. I get out and glance over my shoulder as the SUV parks a couple of houses down. We enter the house and then I quickly settle into the living area.

  I find the remote stuck in-between the couch cushions and switch on the flat-screen TV. I flip to a channel with a random movie. I act as if I’m watching TV, but I can't focus on it no matter how hard I try. My mom goes into the kitchen, scrambling through some pots and pans.

  "What do you want for dinner, honey?" my mom asks from the kitchen.

  "Um, it doesn't matter.”

  "What about some chicken casserole?" she asks.

  "That sounds great.”

  My cell-phone vibrates. I dig it out of my pocket and look at the number. It’s Daniel. I jump to my feet quickly.

  "Hello…" I answer as I walk into my room.

  "What’s going on?" Daniel asks.

  "Hey, I'll be out there in a second,” I say in a secretive voice.

  "You’re not ready to go?" he asks.

  I sigh over the phone.

  "No. I'll talk to you about it. I'll be out in a minute.”

  "Make it quick,” he disconnects abruptly afterwards.

  I walk back into the living room quietly and maintain my spot on the couch.

  "Hey, honey,” she calls out to me from the kitchen.


  "Can you take the trash to the curb for me?"


  That’s what I call perfect timing. I throw on a pair of shoes and rush out of the front door. I look over at the SUV. I put my pointer-finger into the air, jog to the side of the house, and pull the trashcan down to the curb. I glance behind me to make sure my mom doesn't see me walking away from the house. I walk swiftly up the street. Daniel lowers the passenger window as I approach them.

  "What’s up?" Eric asks from the passenger’s seat.

  "Professor Nelson is coming over for dinner,” I say in a low secretive voice.

  "What?" Daniel asks confusingly.

  "Shit. They can easily follow him,” Eric states.

  "What should I do? They already made plans.”

  Eric looks over at Daniel and he begins to ponder.

  "When he comes, we'll keep an eye out for the Blaires,” Daniel tells me.

  "I don’t know about this,” Eric says in a low concerned voice.

  "You have your cell with you. Keep it on,” Daniel says before rolling the window up again.

  I walk back down the street and into the house, and then lock the door behind me. I sit down on the couch and begin to pick at my nails. I look down at my cell-phone. It’s only 5:10. In twenty minutes, I'm going to find out if Eric's prediction is right or wrong. Automatically, my right heel begins to bounce on the floor.

  I try my best to keep my mind sane, but it’s impossible. I look down at my cell-phone. You have to be kidding me. The time is 5:16 already. Time flies when you don't want it to.

  "What do you want for dessert?" she asks from the kitchen.

  "It doesn't matter. Anything is fine,” I say as I begin to chew on my fingernails.

  I look at my phone for the third time. It just hit 5:22. I spit a nail on the floor before standing and walking to the front window. I separate the curtains and make an opening in the blinds. I peek through the blinds and see the SUV parked right next door. I walk away from the window and collapse onto the couch. I then proceed chewing my nails once more. I check the time again. It is now 5:27.

  I then hear a car engine outside of our house. I stand up and head over to the window again. A silver sedan is parked in front of our house. The car engine stops rumbling, and then Professor Nelson gets out of the car. He adjusts his gray suit and brushes back his brown hair before walking towards our house.

  "Is that him?" My mom says beside me, which makes me flinch.

  "Oh, yes, that’s him,” I reply tongue-tied.

  "Why didn't you open the door silly?"

  I walk across the living room and sit on the couch while she lets him in.

  "Hello,” Professor Nelson says brightly.

  "Welcome,” she springs back cheerfully.

  She closes the door behind him.

  "Make yourself comfortable,” she tells him.

  He comes in with a smile.

  “May I get you something to drink?" my mom asks helpfully.

  "Water would be nice, thank you.”

  Professor Nelson keeps his smile on me as he sits down on the recliner.

  "No studying?" he asks me with a raised eyebrow.

  "Oh, I, um…”

  "She's not sure if she wants to go back,” my mom interrupts as she hands him the icy-cold water.

  He shifts back to me.

  "Why?" he asks disappointingly.

  I look away.

  "I want to go...but, just not right now.”

  "She's still recovering from, you know,” my mom adds.

  Professor Nelson nods his head.

  "Well, everyone is still distraught about the recent events,” he says while looking down. "But there’s always room for an education.”

  "That’s true but…not right now,” I reply.

  He takes a sip of the water and places it down on the coffee table.

  "I totally understand,” he says in a low voice.

  "Are you hungry? I'm cooking chicken casserole,” my mom asks him enthusiastically.

  "Thanks a lot Julia, but I had a big lunch today,” he replies.

  "Okay,” my mom replies as she takes a seat. "So, tell us a little about yourself, James. Have you lived here your whole life?"

  "Yes, I have. I did moved some years back only to attend Yale. That's where I received my masters.”

  "That’s impressive,” my mom compliments him.

  Professor Nelson brown beard stretches. I can see his cheeks turning red.

  "It was a fun experience,” he c
ontinues speaking. “But as the old saying goes, there’s no place like home.”

  "The same here..,” my mom agrees with him. “I moved to Virginia just to move right back.”

  "So, who's the athlete?" he asks while staring at something across the room.

  My mom follows his gaze over to the fireplace, where several trophies are resting. He looks at me with a smile.

  "No way, not me, I'm nowhere near athletic. Leave that to my mom and my uncle.”

  "I was more of a wiz than athletic,” my mom explains. "A lot of those are from my chess tournaments.”

  Professor Nelson turns his face slightly and gives my mom a smirk.

  "You’re a chess-player?" he asks with a newly found interest in her.

  "Yes. Do you play?"

  He chuckles.

  "Do I? I went to the nationals and won,” he says with a grin.

  "Well, I wasn’t lucky enough to go to nationals. But I was the best in Rochester.”

  "The best…?” he backfires. “I never lost a match.”

  "Sounds like a challenge to me,” my mom tells him.

  “I accept your challenge,” he replies while smiling back at her.

  Five minutes later, my mom comes downstairs with her old, dingy, chessboard. They make enough space for two armchairs on each side of the coffee table. Soon, all of the chess pieces are set up correctly. Now, they’re minds are locked in a game of wits. I watch on as they concentrate on the board. I look at them, then at the front door, and back at them again.

  I'm now down to my last nail. I glance at my mom as she makes her move. Professor Nelson rubs his beard and ponders for a moment. He moves a piece. Now, it’s my mom’s turn again. She slips into a mental dispute. She can't seem to make up her mind.

  "You’re move,” he says with a cocky smirk.

  She ponders for a moment and moves a knight. He rubs his chin. I can see his mind working, diligently. A moment goes by and he can’t seem to decide his next strategy.

  "You’re move,” my mom says in a mocking tone.

  A smile appears on his face as he moves a pawn forward. My mom face goes blank. She begins to bite the insides of her cheek while she decides on her next attack. She blows hard through her nostrils and then reaches her hand for a knight, but quickly reevaluates, and reaches for a pawn instead. She then moves it forward, hesitantly.

  Professor Nelson lets out a small chuckle, moves a piece, capturing her king.

  "Checkmate,” he says with excitement.

  My mom exhales loudly.

  "Wow, you are good. I didn't stand a chance,” my mom admits.

  "I told you, I've never lost a match, and never will.”

  Someone starts knocking on our front door.

  "You’re expecting someone?" she asks me.

  I shake my head with a stupefied look. My mom gets up and marches towards the door.

  "Who is it?"

  "Maria,” a voice says on the other side of the door.

  My mom pulls open the door and let’s everyone in.

  "Hello Maria…and company,” she says brightly.

  "Hi,” they all greet my mom together.

  "Well, come in. It seems like we have a little party going on in here,” she says with a giggle.

  They all enter and scatter around the living room.

  "What’s up, guys?" I try to sound surprised to see them.

  "We wanted to see if you wanted to hangout?" Maria says with big, gesturing, eyes.

  "Oh, okay,” I reply like the terrible actress that I am.

  Professor Nelson looks over his shoulder.

  "How is everyone doing this evening?" he asks.

  Everyone mumbles the word fine.

  "Come on in everyone…" my mom says. "…take a seat.”

  Everyone scans around for a vacant spot. Daniel is the only stubborn one who doesn't want to sit down.

  "Do you all want something to drink?" my mom asks them politely.

  Everyone refuses her offer by muffling the words “No thank you”.

  "You guys are playing chess?" Maria asks. "Who's winning?"

  Professor Nelson looks over at her with a grin.

  "I already won.”

  He shifts his eyes back to my mom.

  "Dare to give it another try?" he asks.

  My mom throws her hands up and says…

  "You won without trying. I don't need to embarrass myself in front of all these people.”

  He laughs at her.

  "I remain undefeated,” he says with confidence.

  "Daniel plays chess. He’s pretty good too,” Maria announces.

  Professor Nelson looks over his shoulder at Daniel.

  "Mr. Cruz, I didn’t see you there. Do you want to give it a shot?"

  "I only play good people,” Daniel replies straightforwardly.

  Everyone chuckles, but I can tell he wasn’t joking.

  "You’re looking at a national champion,” Professor Nelson counters.

  "Okay. One game,” he says.

  Daniel walks over and positions himself in front of the board.

  Ten minutes later, they’re locked into a harsh duel. The concentration on their faces is nothing short of brutal.

  "You’re move,” Professor Nelson says.

  Daniel debates, debates, and debates some more. He sighs and moves a knight. Professor Nelson's mind slips away into a deep concentration. He moves a piece with a ray of confidence in his eyes. Daniel concentrates hard on the board. Professor Nelson lets out a grin.

  "Can you feel it breathing down your neck?” he chuckles at Daniel. “That’s the walls closing in on you. You’re trapped.”

  I see it in Daniel's eyes. He is unable to layout his next move. He focuses harder than before and maneuvers a knight with a hint of concern in his eyes. Professor Nelson swiftly makes his final move and says…


  Everyone looks astonished.

  "Wow. Daniel finally lost in chess,” Eric says in awe. “He never loses.”

  Daniel looks up at Professor Nelson and nods to him.

  "That was a great game,” Daniel informs him.

  "You actually had me defeated but you didn't see it. I was actually starting to sweat a bit. You think outside the box too much. I notice that about you. You tend to avoid the obvious. That’s why you lost.”

  "We should play again, some other time,” Daniel says.

  "I can’t turn down a good game of chess,” he replies.

  Professor Nelson looks at his watch and stands to his feet.

  "Julia, it’s been a delight, but I need to head out.”

  "Thank you for stopping by and kicking my ass in chess.”

  Professor Nelson laughs.

  "It was my pleasure,” he responds. "I hope everyone has a great night,” he says before leaving the house.

  "You too,” Everyone mumbles as he leaves.

  My mom locks the door behind him. Maria clears her throat and gestures secretively towards the door. We all stand up and prepare to leave.

  "Hey mom, I’m going to Maria's tonight.”

  "Oh, um, you’re not hungry? Dinner is almost done.”

  "No, I'll pick up something on the way out.”

  "Okay. Be safe. Keep your cell-phone on, please.”


  "Alright, have fun.

  We begin to walk out but Jason stops to look at Daniel, who is still in the armchair staring at the chessboard. Daniel seems to be contemplating his loss.

  "Daniel?" Jason calls to him.

  He breaks away from his inner thoughts and looks up at Jason.

  "Yeah, I’m coming,” Daniel responds.

  He stands up and then walks through the front door along with us.

  "See you later, mom,” I say as I step off the porch and onto the pathway.

  “See you later, sweetie,” she replies from the porch.

  I stop in my tracks and walk back
to my mom, and hug her firmly. I hug her as if it’s the last hug I’ll ever get from her. She wraps her arms around me and whispers…

  “You’re not embarrassed to hug your mother in front of your friends?”

  I giggle and reply…

  “No. I’m proud to.”

  I stop chuckling and swallow down my emotions.

  “I love you, Iva,” her angelic voice whispers softly into my ear.

  “I love you more,” I reply.

  We break apart. I swiftly walk off the porch steps and down the walkway. I secretively wipe a tear from my eye as I approach the SUV.

  “And don’t forget to buckle up,” she says.

  “I won’t,” I reply without turning.

  We pile into the SUV. I stare outside the window as my mom waves at us. Then we cruise away down the street…




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