by Stevie Smith
Index by Title
‘… and the clouds return after the rain’ 160
Abominable Lake 106
Accented 719
Actress 223
Adelaide Abner 410
Admire Cranmer! 460
Advice to Young Children 194
Afterthought 291
Ah, will the Saviour…? 197
Airy Christ 396
Alfred the Great 8
All Things Pass 53
Alone in the Woods 23
Ambassador 282
An Agnostic 399
Analysand 51
Angel 670
Angel Boley 610
Angel Face 563
Angel of Grace 64
Anger’s Freeing Power 369
Animula, vagula, blandula 545
Appetite 67
Après la Politique, la Haine des Bourbons 235
Arabella 130
Archie and Tina 632
‘As falls the gravelled grouse’ 661
As Sways
Ass 602
At School 413
Aubade 42
Autumn 189
Avondale 516
Avondall 517
Away, Melancholy 377
B.B.C. Feature Programme on Prostitution 691
Bag-Snatching in Dublin 43
Ballet of the Twelve Dancing Princesses 705
Bandol (Var) 6
Barlow 33
Be off! 212
Beautiful 679
Bed 703
Behind the Knight 265
Bereaved Swan 35
Bereavement 78
Best Beast of the Fat-Stock Show at Earls Court 479
Beware the Man 89
Bishops of the Church of England 102
Black March 653
Blood Flows Back 91
Blue from Heaven 354
Boat 110
Bog-Face 191
Bottle of Aspirins 221
Breughel 90
Brickenden, Hertfordshire 121
British Song 579
Broken Friendship 289
Broken Heart 229
But Murderous 388
Bye Baby Bother 158
Can it Be? 416
Cars 719
‘Casmilus’ 661
Castle 262
Cat Asks Mouse Out 406
‘Ceci est digne de gens sans Dieu’ 247
Celtic Fringe 330
Celts 402
César 720
Ceux qui luttent … 171
Childe Rolandine 380
Childhood and Interruption 721
Children of the Cross 165
Choosers 434
Christmas 255
Cock and the Hen 116
Cock-A-Doo 617
Coeur Simple 575
Come 173
Come, Death (1) 115
Come, Death (2) 658
‘Come on, Come back’ 383
Commuted Sentence 329
Company 513
Conventionalist 206
Conviction (i) 198
Conviction (ii) 198
Conviction (iii) 199
Conviction (iv) 199
Cool and Plain 308
Cool as a Cucumber 275
Correspondence between Mr Harrison in Newcastle and Mr Sholto Peach Harrison in Hull 36
Cousin 123
Croft 218
Crown of Bays 317
Crown of Gold 584
Darling Daughters 101
Days of Yore 529
Dear Child of God 492
Dear Female Heart 141
Dear Karl 133
Dear Little Sirmio 400
Dear Muse 149
Death 722
Death Bereaves our Common Mother Nature Grieves for my Dead Brother 41
Death Came to Me 46
Death in the Rose Garden 242
Death of Cold 664
Death of Mr Mounsel 79
Death of the Dog Belvoir 63
Death Sentence 328
Death’s Ostracism 108
Death-bed of a Financier 312
Deathly Child 131
Dedicated Dancing Bull and the Water Maid 537
Deeply Morbid 340
Deserter 295
Devil-my-Wife 224
Dido’s Farewell to Aeneas 379
Die Lorelei 441
Dirge 208
Distractions and the Human Crowd 210
Do Not! 327
Do Take Muriel Out 285
Doctor 112
Does No Love Last? 62
Donkey 616
Dream 29
Dream of Comparison 360
Dream of Nourishment 395
Drugs Made Pauline Vague 301
‘Duty was his Lodestar’ 290
Easter Rose 727
Easy 482
Edmonton, thy cemetery … 467
Egocentric 7
Emily writes such a good letter 500
Eng. 40
Engine Drain 364
English 411
English 678
English Visitor 348
Es war einmal 27
Eulenspiegelei 104
Evangelie or The Figure of Literary Corruption, seeking Glory not Truth 432
Every Lovely Limb’s a Desolation 393
Everything is Swimming 498
Exeat 481
Face 195
Fafnir and the Knights 371
Failed Spirit 251
Fairy Bell 351
Fairy Story 562
Fallen, Fallen 166
Farewell 442
Father Damien Doshing 703
Father for a Fool 119
Feminine Charm 57
Fiend 711
Film Star 220
Fish Fish 524
Flounder 671
Flow, Flow, Flow 164
Fool 240
Forgive me, forgive me 13
Forgot! 227
Forlorn Sea 608
Francesca in Winter 618
Freddy 65
Friend 154
Friend and Neighbour 714
Friends of the River Trent 546
Friskers or Gods and Men 307
Frog Prince 471
From My Notes for a Series of Lectures on Murder 68
From the Coptic 323
From the County Lunatic Asylum 32
From the French 687
From the French (1) 459
From the French (2) 463
From the Greek 22
From the Italian 465
From the Latin 662
Frozen Lake 455
Fugitive’s Ride 84
Fuite d’Enfance 176
Full Well I Know 337
Fussy 701
Galloping Cat 647
Ghost of Ware 343
Girls! 187
Gnädiges Fräulein 153
God and Man 298
God and the Devil 26
God Speaks 466
God the Drinker 391
God the Eater 390
Goodnight 702
Governess 222
Grange 564
Grave by a Holm-Oak 655
‘Great Unaffected Vampires and the Moon’ 401
Grief of an unquiet mind is a thing accursed 663
Happiness 238
Harold’s Leap 267
Hast Du dich verirrt? 244
Hat 313
Have Done, Gudrun 695
He preferred … 717
Heartless 683
Heavenly City 215
Heber 9
Hendecasyllables 652
Henry Wilberforce 661
Her-zie 623
Hippy-Mo 650
Holiday 687
Homage to John Cowper Powys 319
Horrible Man 673
Horror of the Midnight 669
Hostage 374
Hound of Ulster 3
Hound Puss 697
House of Mercy 476
House of Over-Dew 637
How Cruel is the Story of Eve 556
How do you see? 596
How far can you Press a Poet? 12
How Slowly Time Lengthens 142
Human Affection 181
Humane Materialist at the Burning of a Heretic 325
Hymn to the Seal 523
I Am 316
I am a girl who loves to shoot 572
‘I could let Tom go – but what about the children?’ 254
I do not Speak 55
I Forgive You 677
I had a dream … 489
I Hate this Girl 113
I Like to Play with Him 50
I love … 574
I Remember 386
I rode with my darling … 296
I thank thee, Lord 716
I walked in the graveyard … 685
I Was so Full … 464
I Wish 520
‘I’ll have your heart’ 163
Ichabod 672
If I lie down 196
In Canaan’s Happy Land 135
In My Dreams 139
In Protocreation 326
In the Night 231
In the Park 429
Infant 25
Infelice 114
Intimation of Immortality 24
Is it Happy? 548
Is it Wise? 69
It Filled my Heart with Love 398
Jew is Angry with his Friend who does not Believe in Circumcision 322
Jumbo 433
Jungle Husband 382
King Hamlet’s Ghost 412
King in Funeral Procession 182
La Gretchen de Nos Jours (1) 147
La Gretchen de Nos Jours (2) 184
La Robe Chemise 686
La Speakerine de Putney 209
Lads of the Village 156
Lady ‘Rogue’ Singleton 216
Lady of the Well-Spring 357
Lament of a Slug-a-bed’s Wife 34
Landrecie 668
Last Turn of the Screw 509
Le Désert de l’Amour 127
Le Majeur Ydow 201
Le Paquebot 712
Le Revenant 306
Le Singe Qui Swing 287
Leader 332
Left, Right 672
Lesson 709
Lift Thy Sad Heart 670
Light of Life 428
Lightly Bound 305
Like This (1) 717
Like This (2) 718
Listener 522
Little Birdies 728
Little Boy Lost 60
Little Boy Sick 174
Little Child of Brightest Face 320
Little Daughters of America 202
Loin de l’Être 405
Longing for Death because of Feebleness 421
Look! 423
Look, Look 168
Lord Barrenstock 71
Lord Henry de Bohon 715
Lord Mope 56
Lord Say-and-Seal 528
Lot’s Wife 239
Louise 94
Love Me! 213
Lulu 664
Mabel 723
Magic Morning 232
Magna est Veritas 427
Magnificent Words 568
Major Macroo 75
Man I Am 228
Man is a Spirit 271
Man Saul 143
Marriage I Think 663
Maximilian Esterhazy 73
Midwife 677
Miss Snooks, Poetess 689
Monsieur Pussy-Cat, blackmailer 503
Mort’s Cry 714
Mother 217
‘Mother Love’ 723
Mother, among the Dustbins 125
Mother’s Hearse 268
Mr Over 299
Mrs Arbuthnot 567
Mrs Blow and Her Animals 626
Mrs Osmosis 83
Mrs Simpkins 10
Mrs Midnight 707
Murder 186
Murderer 124
Mutchmore and Not-So 507
My Cat Major 407
My Cats 300
My Earliest Love 704
My Hat 362
My Heart Goes Out 422
My Heart was Full 218
My Muse 468
My Soul 138
My Tortoise 694
Nature and Free Animals 37
‘N’est-ce pas assez de ne me point haïr?’ 250
Never Again 59
New Age 353
Night Thoughts 539
Night-Time in the Cemetery 19
Nipping Pussy’s Feet in Fun 406
No Categories! 293
No More People 243
No Respect 48
Noble and Ethereal 140
Nodding 576
None of the Other Birds 723
Nor We of Her to Him 625
Northumberland House 582
Northumberland Park 701
Not Waving but Drowning 347
Nourish Me on an Egg 148
November 502
Now Pine-Needles 92
Numbers 31
O Happy Dogs of England 100
O Lord! 678
O Pug! 630
‘O Silent Visitation’ 676
Oblivion 646
Occasional Yarrow 435
Octopus 674
Oh Christianity, Christianity 484
Oh grateful colours, bright looks! 629
‘Oh stubborn race of Cadmus’ seed …’ 281
Oh Thou Pale Intellectual Brow 724
Oh What is the Thing He Done? 426
Oh, If Only … 333
Old Ghosts 241
Old Poet 685
Old Soul 730
Old Sweet Dove of Wiveton 417
On Coming Late to Parnassus 673
On the Death of a German Philosopher 4
On the Dressing gown lent me by my Hostess the Brazilian Consul in Milan, 1958 709
On Walking Slowly After an Accident 570
One of Many 107
Orphan Reformed 276
Our Bog is Dood 302
Our Doggy 693
Our Office Cat 321
Out of Time 161
Pad, pad 288
Papa Love Baby 5
Parents 408
Parklands 38
Parrot 111
Passing Cloud 403
Past 419
Pearl 530
Pearl 730
Persephone 283
Persian 499
Phèdre 495
Photograph 159
Piggy to Joey 541
Pleasures of Friendship 237
Poet Hin 634
Poet! 190
Poets are Silent 236
Porgy Georgie 702
Portrait 672
Portrait 673
Portrait 675
Portrait (1) 93
Portrait (2) 128
Portrait of a Fool 662
Poor Soul, poor Girl! 458
Pretty 542
Pretty Baby 693
Private Means is Dead 77
Professor Snooks Does His Worst with a Grecian Fragment 708
Progression 14
Proud Death with Swelling Port 136
Publisher 715
Pupil 671
Quand on n’a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a – 204
Queen and the Young Princess 359
Reason 49
Recluse 253
Recognition not Enough 450
Rencontres Funestes 219
Rehearsal 311
Religious Man 399
Repentance of Lady T 225
Revenge 670
Reversionary 132
Ride 315
River Deben 44
River God of the River Mimram in Hertfordshire 273
River Humber 145
Road Up 82
Roaming 724
Roman Road 261
Rothebât 167
Royal Dane 678
Ruory and Edith 726
Sad Heart 205
Sad Mother
Saffron 514
Saint Anthony and the Rose of Life 367
Saint Foam and the Holy Child 689
Sallow Bird 621
Salon d’Automne 665
Sapphic 696
Satin-Clad 245
Scorpion 593
Sea-widow 656
Seymour and Chantelle or Un peu de vice 594
She got up and went away 726
She said… 203
Shooting Incident 277
Si peu séduisante 504
Siesta 120
Sigh No More 665
Silence 684
Silence and Tears 117
Singing Cat 420
Sliding Mountain 252
Small Lady 544
Smile 226
So can anger … 570
So to fatness come 620
Soldier Dear to Us 605
Some Are Born 588
Song in Time of War 706
Songe d’Athalie 373
Songster 20
Sorrowful Girl 437
Soupir d’Angleterre 717
Souvenir de Jacky Vandenbroeck 662
Souvenir de Monsieur Poop 150
Spanish School 17
Starling 439
Sterilization 666
Story I Have Told 559
Stream with Two Faces 716
Stroke 657
Study to Deserve Death 207
Suburb 87
Suburban Classes 16
Suicide’s Epitaph 172
Sunt Leones 54
Swift to Depart 669
Tableau de l’Inconstance des Mauvais Anges 169
Telly-me-Do 718
Tender Only to One 99
Tenuous and Precarious 474
Thank You 314
There is an Old Man 730
They Killed 707
This Baronet 668
This Englishwoman 70
This is Disgraceful and Abominable 389
Thought is Superior 272
Thoughts about the Christian Doctrine of Eternal Hell 448
Thoughts about the Person from Porlock 445
To a Dead Vole 129
To a Lady in a Train 409
To an American Publisher 310
To the Brownes’ Cat 713
To the Brownes’ Hamster 713
To Carry the Child 505
To Dean Inge Lecturing on Origen 264
To School! 309
To the Dog Belvoir 58
To the Tune of the Coventry Carol 15
Toll of the Roads 103
Tom Snooks the Pundit 731
Touch and Go 269
True Tyrant or the Spirit of Duty Rebuked 487
Two Friends 675
Under Wrong Trees … or Freeing the Colonial Peoples 488
Unpopular, lonely and loving 246
Up and Down 21
Upon a Grave 157
v. 578
Valuable 518
Vater Unser 152
Venus When Young Choosing Death 526
Via Media Via Dolorosa 664
Villains 201
Violent Hand 175
Virtuoso 200
Vision 682
Voice from the Tomb 712
Voice from the Tomb (1) 534
Voice from the Tomb (2) 535
Voice from the Tomb (3) 536
Voice from the Tomb (4) 536
Voice from the Tomb (5) 536
Voices about the Princess Anemone 338
Voices against England in the Night 249
Votaries of Both Sexes Cry First to Venus 461
Wanderer 292
Warden 266
Was He Married? 451
Was it not curious? 454