Pamela Palmer - [Vamp City 02]

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Pamela Palmer - [Vamp City 02] Page 11

by A Kiss of Blood

  “Let me see if I can find anything.” Quinn retraced her steps, following the sound of the television show, but though she searched, she could see no sign of the break and no way to breach it. And she should be able to, even inside.

  “No go,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  Neo shrugged. “It was worth a try.” He smiled. “That kid entertains me. You should hear the places Aidan’s stashed his green beans.”

  They started back, but had gone only a few yards when the floor began to shake suddenly and violently. The boxes stacked high on either side of them began to wobble and rock. And they began to fall.

  Neo grabbed her, curving around her as cans of food rained down on top of them. One can clipped her on the elbow, another on the foot, smarting. Finally, after more than a dozen seconds, the quaking stopped.

  Neo pulled back, looking down at her without letting her go. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “A sunbeam.”


  And Arturo was out there, somewhere.

  “Mommy?” The voice of the little girl—Aidan’s sister? She didn’t sound scared, but annoyed. “Mommy! Aidan dumped rice in the fish bowl.”

  Neo’s eyes lit with laughter. “That kid’s got a food fetish.”

  Quinn laughed quietly, meeting Neo’s warm gaze. She liked this vampire.

  He tensed suddenly, releasing her slowly. She straightened and turned to find the source of Neo’s tension. Arturo stood in the path, his eyes hard as flint.

  He was jealous and he had no right to be. And no reason.

  “Vampire,” she said coolly, and started toward him. “Neo just saved me from being crushed by cans of food. How’s Cristoff?”

  As she started to brush past him, he took her arm lightly, but possessivley, his eyes shifting toward Neo, a warning in their depths. “We’ll discuss it later. It is time we left for Tarellia’s.”

  Men and their pissing contests.

  “Release me, Vampire,” she said quietly as they headed back to the hallway.

  Instead, his grip on her arm turned to a light caress. “I heard the crash, tesoro mio. I feared you would be injured.”

  He’d come to save the day and found another male had done so already.

  Her pique with him dissipated and she turned to him with a sigh. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, Vampire, even if it wasn’t needed.”

  His eyes warmed. His cool hand slid down her arm, his fingers sliding between hers.

  Oh, Vampire, what am I going to do with you?

  She gripped his hand in return.

  Chapter Ten

  As they reached the main room, Arturo turned Quinn to face him. “Your glamour has worn off.” He released her hand to touch her hair, his fingers lifting a lock and letting it slide through his fingers. “Micah will have to repair your glamour before we leave. I shall let him know.” He looked unhappy, but she sensed his mood had little to do with her glamour. Or finding her with Neo, for that matter. And everything to do with Cristoff.

  “You haven’t told me how your visit went this morning.”

  He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were filled with shadows and she knew her instincts were right. “He is not the man I knew.”

  “What does he think happened to me?”

  “He believes what I have told him—that Ivan took you into D.C. and that I am looking for you and will return you to him as I did before.” He lifted a lock of her hair again, then dropped it, pinning her with a gaze that glowed with fervor. “He will never get near you again.”

  Neo caught up with them, and Arturo glanced up, his jaw hardening. “We will leave in an hour, cara mia. Get some breakfast if you have not already done so.”

  Moments later, she rapped softly on Zack’s door. When he didn’t answer, she opened the door to find him still sound asleep. “Zack.”

  Her brother blinked, his eyes opening slowly. “What’s the matter? What time is it?”

  “We’re in Vamp City. Time doesn’t matter, but breakfast is going to be gone if you don’t get out there soon.”

  To her amused relief, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and shoved himself to his feet without hesitation. “Where?”

  “The same place as last night.” But when he would have brushed past her to escape the room, she blocked his way. “Hold on a minute.”

  She pressed her hand to his forehead, beneath his mop of red curls. He felt hot to the touch. Definitely feverish. Fear curled in her stomach. “How do you feel?”


  With a roll of her eyes, Quinn stepped back. “Go eat.” But as Zack hurried out of the room, Quinn watched him with worried eyes, then followed more slowly. In the main room, she grabbed a cup of coffee as he filled a plate to overflowing, then joined him at the now-empty table.

  Briefly, she told Zack about the trip to the fae’s. She’d expected him to take her explanation with his usual equanimity, but he turned to her with stubborn eyes.

  “I’m going with you.”

  “I suggested that to Arturo. But he feels that the more of us who go, the more attention we’ll draw. Two of us can get in and out of there safer than three.”

  Zack’s mouth tightened, a flash of self-loathing crossing his face as his shoulders slumped. Without another word, he went back to eating.

  Quinn’s heart clenched. He’d be of no help protecting any of them, including himself, and they both knew it.

  Her brother was on his second helping of everything when Jason walked in. The ex-Marine poured himself a tall glass of water and joined them.

  “Is this Zack?” he asked.

  Quinn introduced them. “Jason’s offered to . . .” She wasn’t sure how to put it. Train you? Whip you into shape?

  “Your sister tells me you’d like some fighting tips. A few basic moves anyone can use.”

  Zack glanced up, his eyes sharp and angry, before returning to his meal. He must see this as one more blow to his already battered pride.

  “Nothing crazy,” Jason assured him. “I can show you the workout equipment they have here. It’s a pretty impressive assortment, considering where we are. And I can give you some basic exercises to get you started. But first we’ll warm up together and work on a few basic defensive moves. Not right away. You need a chance to digest your breakfast first. Maybe in an hour?”

  Zack nodded without looking up.

  Quinn met Jason’s gaze with apology in her eyes, but he waved it away.

  “We’ll go at whatever speed you’re comfortable with, Zack,” Jason said as he rose again. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

  “Thanks, Jason,” Quinn said. When he’d left, she watched her brother. “You’re stronger than you think.”

  Zack made no indication he’d heard her. Or believed her.

  A short while later, Neo, Arturo, and Micah walked in.

  Quinn looked up. “Time to go?”

  “Not yet. You need your glamour renewed.”

  Micah gave a huff. “Everyone wants a say this time. Apparently, they weren’t impressed with my last effort.”

  He sounded so put out she had to bite back a smile. She rose and squeezed Zack’s shoulder. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

  But as she started to turn away, she felt her arm snagged by a gentle, overwarm hand and turned to meet her brother’s soft gaze.

  “Be careful, sis.”

  She covered his hand with her free one, love welling up thick inside of her. “I will. Don’t forget Jason.”

  “I won’t.”

  He let her go, and she crossed the room to join the three males. The three vampires.

  As they headed down a different hallway from where she’d slept last night, Arturo slid his hand under her hair to cup the back of her neck in a decidedly possessive move. Staking his territory. She met his gaze, warning him silently to cut the he-man theatrics. She expected to see a flash of the charmer, the vampire who cajoled and seduced. But no light entered
those dark eyes. His grip on her neck tightened fractionally, as if resisting her demand, before letting go.

  They entered a small sitting room, one as spartan as the bedrooms, though instead of a bed and nightstand, this one sported two dark gray sofas at right angles and a smattering of end and coffee tables.

  Micah lit the oil lamp on one of the end tables, then closed the door. “We don’t need an audience for this.”

  Quinn glanced first at Arturo, then at Neo. “Looks like we’ve got one anyway.”

  “Make her a redhead,” Neo said. “I’ve always been partial to redheads.”

  Arturo sent him a scathing look. “I want her skin and hair dark. Perhaps she’ll not stand out like a diamond in the twilight.”

  Micah threw his friend a ribbing look. “That was poetic, Ax. I’m impressed.” He turned to her, humor still lighting his eyes. “Do you have a preference, Quinn? A favorite actress, though I won’t copy her exactly. You’d only draw more attention that way, not less.”

  She started to shake her head, then glanced at Neo, considering. “Can you make me look like Neo’s sister?”

  Neo looked surprised but pleased.

  Arturo scowled.

  Micah grinned. “That I can do.” Like before, he closed his eyes, lifted his hands, and touched her cheeks with his fingertips, stroking them with the pads of his thumbs and the barest of touches. Her flesh began to tingle, the sensation spreading along her scalp and neck, then down into her body, as before. Finally, he opened his eyes, the grin spreading across his face slowly.

  “Damn, Neo,” Micah said. “You make a stunning woman.”

  Neo snorted. Arturo’s scowl only deepened.

  “I need a mirror,” Quinn said.

  “Mukdalla has one.” Neo led her from the room and down two more, Micah close behind, Arturo following more slowly. When Neo’s quick rap went unanswered, he opened the door, lit a candle in a holder by the bed and lifted a hand mirror on the bedside table, handing it to Quinn.

  She took it gingerly, then stared at a woman who was, as Micah said, rather stunning. A woman who in no way resembled her, except for the green eyes.

  Quinn set the mirror back on the bedside table, then turned fully to Arturo, who watched her from the doorway. “What do you think?”

  He frowned. “It is not a look I would have chosen.”

  “You have to admit,” Neo murmured with a chuckle, winking at her, “I do make a fine-looking woman. Though it’s your own beautiful eyes, Quinn, that steal the breath.”

  Was Neo intentionally poking the tiger? Served Arturo right. But the temperature in the room dropped a good ten degrees as Arturo’s eyes turned glacial. If they got into a fight over this, she was going to be pissed as hell.

  “It’s time to go,” Arturo snapped, then turned and walked away.

  Quinn rolled her eyes with exasperation and followed him out. She needed to say good-bye to her brother, first, but when she reached the main room, she saw no sign of him. As she started toward the gym, Arturo suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blocking her way.

  “You will come, sorceress. Now.”

  She just stared at him, her anger sparking. “I’ll join you in three minutes after I’ve told Zack I’m leaving.” What was the matter with him? If this was about her new look . . . Heaven help them both. He’d better get used to it, or she was going to end up staking him before the day was out.

  Turning her back on him, she strode down the hall to the gym, glad to find Jason showing Zack how to block a punch. Zack appeared interested and engaged, and that’s all she could ask for. Jason glanced at her standing in the doorway, and Zack did the same, both without a hint of recognition. Of course they wouldn’t know who she was beneath the glamour. She kept forgetting what she looked like.

  Instead of introducing herself, she turned away and went to rejoin the vampire, who’d begun to act more like a lion with a thorn in his paw. She found him waiting impatiently by the stairs just as Micah joined him.

  She turned to Micah. “Will you let Zack know we left, please?”

  “Sure, Quinn.” He accompanied them upstairs and opened the back door for them. “Be good, kids,” he quipped. “No fighting, and be home in time for dinner. Call if you’re going to be late.”

  Quinn snorted. Arturo ignored his friend as he ushered her out the door and into the dusky twilight of a Vamp City day.

  “Where are the horses?” Quinn asked as they started walking away from the house.

  “The barn.” His voice was sharp and cold, which just made her angry.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  His mouth turned harder if such a thing were possible. “Neo oversteps. I do not want his hands on you.”

  “They haven’t been!” They strode quickly toward the barn door, their strides fueled by their mutual anger. “He’s never made the slightest move on me, and if he did, it would be none of your business.”

  Suddenly, her back was up against the wall, her body pinned by that of a furious vampire.

  “It is my business. You are my business.” Arturo’s enunciation was slow and cold and dangerously precise. “You are mine, Quinn Lennox. Mine.”

  She gaped at him, speechless. “I’m not your slave. I’ve never been your slave, and I’m never going to be!”

  “Not my slave.” At her words, at her vehemence, his anger seemed to ease. He gripped her jaw with long, cool fingers. She tried to jerk away, but he held her fast. His voice lowered, softened. “You are mine, cara. The sunshine that warms my flesh. My sunlight.” His hold on her jaw tightened, though not unduly so. His expression grew tormented. “Do you have any idea how much I want you? Yet I do not push you. You have lost your faith in me. You are angry with me for handing you over to Cristoff and, dio Quinn, you have a right to be.”

  He released her suddenly, turning away, running a hand through his hair. “The things I saw today . . .” His voice was low with anguish. “I have watched his atrocities for months, years, and felt too little. Felt nothing.”

  Quinn stared at him, her own anger slipping away as she realized how shaken he really was. This wasn’t about Neo. This was about Cristoff.

  “What happened at Gonzaga Castle this morning, Arturo?” she asked quietly. Not that she really wanted to know. She didn’t.

  When he didn’t answer, she reached for him, sliding her hand down his back. She felt him tense and shudder. Slowly, he turned back to face her, his expression revealing little, but his eyes burned.

  He took her face in his hands. “He will never touch you again. I vow it.” His shoulders sank, his forehead tipping against hers. “Mio dio. You’ve changed me, cara. I cannot decide if I should thank you or hate you for it.”

  “Micah’s glad.”

  “Yes. As am I.” One of his hands began to stroke her hair.

  “Does my hair feel different? Like Neo’s hair?”

  He pulled back and smiled, though the smile only briefly reached his eyes. “No. The glamour is nothing but illusion. It is your silky hair I feel.” His knuckles brushed her cheek. “Your soft skin. Your scent that I smell.” He leaned in to briefly press his lips to forehead. “You that I taste.”

  Slowly, he pulled away. “Come.” He held out his hand to her. “I will endeavor to be less of an ass.”

  She grinned at him and slipped her hand in his. “That’s all I ever ask.”

  The smile he gave her was soft but still filled with shadows.

  “I’m sorry, Vampire. Sorry for what you’ve lost. It’s incomprehensible to me that Cristoff could have ever been a good man, but I’ve only ever known the monster. It must be very hard to watch a friend lose his soul.”

  He lifted their joined hands and brushed a kiss over her knuckles. “I believe I now understand the frustration and sorrow I’ve witnessed in the eyes of my own friends too often these past couple of years. While my soul was not fully compromised, neither was I unaffected. I was not the man they knew.”

  “And now you are

  “I hope so.”

  And how could he know for certain when he hadn’t realized he’d changed in the first place? she wondered. But unless he was playing them all, he had absolutely changed. For the better.

  “I like the real you, Arturo.”

  She glanced at him and caught the smile light his eyes. “I like you, too, Quinn.” He squeezed her hand. “Let us get this errand over and done with so that we might return to Neo’s before lunchtime.”

  “I’m all for that.”

  He pulled something out of his pocket with his free hand and proffered a roll of SweetTarts. His weakness, she remembered. With a smile, she took one and popped the tart candy into her mouth.

  If she wasn’t very, very careful, she could be in danger of liking this vampire entirely too much.

  Chapter Eleven

  Quinn rode beside Arturo, enjoying the wind in her hair and the feel of the horse beneath her. She was starting to understand the appeal of the animals, she decided. Especially one as calm and easy to control as the one she was on now.

  “Choose a name,” Arturo said, when they’d ridden a short distance.

  “Pardon me?”

  “A name for me to call you as my Neo-look-alike slave. One you will remember to answer to.”

  “Neo-look-alike,” she muttered, and he smiled, pulling a smile from her, reminding her how much she’d enjoyed his company once. His mood had lightened as they’d ridden, and she was glad. “Jillian,” she said without thinking. “It was my mother’s name.”

  “Jillian it is, then.” He cut her a chiding look, even as the humor lingered in his eyes. “Endeavor to act at least a little like a servant if we come across others, yes? You needn’t act obsequious.”

  “Obsequious isn’t in my dictionary. Or my nature.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  As they rode, Arturo gave her a few riding tips, and she felt like she was really starting to get the hang of it by the time they entered a small cluster of log houses that looked like they’d been built somewhere on the prairie a couple of hundred years ago.


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