One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1) Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I have a strong connection with Xander. I sensed that from day one, but I have a bit with Dante. Not as strong, but it's present," I confessed.


  "No," I said with a groan.

  Minso giggled. "Xia." Her seriousness returned. "Go with how you feel. Assess the way they treat you. Watch if they admire you in a loving way or in a controlling manner. If you’re connected to both of them, don't feel hesitant that you have to keep yourself to just one individual. I only know about this stuff because I read it in a few books that talk about how magic can lead you to your soulmate. Don't doubt the magic within you, but don't give yourself away unless you're ready to. The ball is in your court. All you have to do is decide if you want to have all four men or just one."

  "You know? I can see why Master always asks you for advice. You're so smart," I acknowledged.

  Minso let out a long sigh. "That's all you took from my amazing speech? Also, I'm the smart triplet. I thought you would have realized that by now."

  "You and Minsu are pretty close. Minju is the irrational, go hard or go home type," I pointed out, picking up Ruby who was curled up in my lap. I stood, turning around to place Ruby on the top of the box and stretched once more. Picking up the box with a bit of struggle, I turned around to walk back to my room in a quick pace.

  Minso whispered, "Xia? I have a question."

  I stopped in my tracks, not liking the tone of her voice. It was filled with a seriousness that felt "dark" to me, like she was thinking of something bad.

  "What's wrong, Minso?" I asked.

  "Do you think Minju's in trouble? Or being used by Master in some manipulative way?" she asked. "I mean, him having sex with us is pretty manipulative, but we're used to that by now. He's been obsessed with her for a while now, and honestly...I'm getting a bad feeling in my gut."

  "Have you talked to Minju about it?".

  "We've tried. Minsu feels the same way. Like a dark, sticky feeling in our gut. It's just hard to explain. Minju just brushes us off. Like we're overreacting," Minso grumbled.

  "Do you think she saw something? I mean, she does tarot cards once in a while and can predict the future when she's all zoned out," I suggested.

  "I don't know, Xia, but Minsu and I have felt like this for a while. Each day it feels stronger, and I'm...scared she's doing something stupid that she'll regret."

  "I'll have a talk with her before our mission," I vowed.

  "Okay. Thanks, Xia," Minso whispered. "I'm gonna go take a nap. I gotta take advantage of some peace and quiet. Maybe listen to an audiobook or two."

  "Alright. Have fun. Don't worry. Love you."

  "Love you too, Xia. Enjoy your boy toys." She giggled at my groan before she hung up. With a struggled sigh, I decided to move before my arms gave way.

  "Meow!" Ruby exclaimed at the sudden ding noise that went off behind me. I took a step back, trying to make sure Ruby didn't fall off the box at the angle she was currently in, but my leg gave out, and I was suddenly falling backward.

  "Shit!" I cursed, biting my lip hard as my magic acted quickly to make a wind spell, but something caught me just as the box dropped from my hands.

  I waited to hear a loud bang noise or the pain that would hit my feet when the heavy box landed on them, but nothing happened. I blinked, feeling a little confused as I listened to Ruby's happy purrs.

  "Xander was right. You are pretty."

  I lifted my head to look toward the voice, locking onto a pair of mismatched eyes that made me blink in admiration. Orange-like amber and teal that reminded me of the ocean looked deeply into my red ones.

  I'd been so invested in those beautiful orbs that it took me a second to register the gold circle frames resting on his tanned face. I also realized he'd spoken Mandarin and not English.

  "Thank you?" I replied in Mandarin, which caused him to give me a confused look.

  "You're Chinese? I swear Xander said you were Japanese."

  "I'm both and can speak a lot more languages than English, Japanese, and Mandarin."

  "Meeeooowww." I hadn't realized Ruby was on my shoulder and currently reaching up to pat the hot male's right cheek.

  "Causing trouble, little one? You almost made Xia hurt herself," he scolded. Oh, fuck! I'm literally resting my body weight on him.

  With haste, I pushed off him and corrected myself, noticing the box was floating in the air like gravity wasn't working.

  "Huh?" I commented and slowly turned my head to look at the man completely.

  He stood at 6'7". His tanned skin made his mismatched eyes stand out. He had long blond locks that must have reached his lower back because they were currently in a ponytail and still rather long; the tips were a strawberry pink which looked rather intriguing.

  He wore a turquoise polo shirt and brown khaki pants. I noticed the large tattoo that ran down his muscled bicep to his wrist. I didn't know what the base color was because it was currently glowing a bright red with magic leaking off it and was most likely the reason the box was still floating in the air.

  My gaze locked with his, and he raised his other hand to fix his glasses. "Your eyes change color?" he asked.

  "Uh...yes. Sometimes. What color are they?"

  "Purple. Does that mean you're afraid?" he asked.

  He knows about eye color reactions?

  My eyes could change depending on my emotions. Purple represented fear or worry, blue of any shade was some type of sadness, and since my eyes were already red naturally, gold meant intense anger. Pink was hard to tell with my already red eyes, but Xander had commented during our car ride that my eyes were pink at some point in our lovemaking.

  "You startled me," I grumbled. "Not you, Ruby."

  He looked at the kitten in question who was currently rubbing her face against my cheek and purring away, looking completely unbothered.

  "So you did name the stray."

  "She's mine. Uh...I borrowed her," I replied protectively.

  He smiled right away, which left me even more confused at how easily he showed his emotions.

  "Ruby. I like it. You can borrow her as long as you like. I'll make sure she's fed when you're not around. Do you need this box somewhere? It's a tad heavy."

  I blinked a few times, and Ruby turned her little head to look at him. "You're rather nice to strangers."

  "You're technically not a stranger though." He headed into the room, the box slowly following him. I scurried to follow him, scooting around him and walking ahead to show him where to place the box.

  Once I reached my room, I ushered him in and pointed to the corner where a few other boxes were. "It can go there. Sorry for the trouble." I didn’t want to seem ungrateful for his assistance. He shrugged, closing his eyes and directing the box exactly where I pointed to.

  It lowered to the ground, and his tattoo dimmed until a black design appeared. It was an intriguing tattoo; a clock was in the middle of where his bicep was, and it was surrounded by vines and different thin and thick lines. I noticed there was a sun, half moon, and full moon within the vines.

  Even though I couldn't tell the meaning of it, it was a very detailed tattoo and held power within it which he'd just displayed. Only a few people in the world could use tattoos or markings in general as a weapon.

  It left me intrigued if he was truly one of those people, but I didn't even know his name which meant I couldn't directly ask. Not like I'd introduced myself either.

  "Xia Hung Su," I introduced.

  He blinked, looking shocked that I'd introduced myself. He fixed his glasses and his cheeks tinged a soft red. "Silas Shen."

  Is he shy? He didn't look shy a moment ago.

  "Are you shy?"

  "I'm not used to people introducing themselves," he admitted.



  "You don't need to be shy around me," I pointed out.

  He glanced away, fixed his glasses, and took a hesitant look back. "It's a habit. Anyways, finished moving i

  "Yes. That was the last box."

  "Cool. Xander or Dante around?"

  "No, they were called in for something," I replied.

  He nodded, and Ruby meowed loudly, getting both of our attention as she sat on my shoulder. Silas grinned, walking over to pet her.

  "Are you hungry?"

  "Meow." She hopped into Silas' hand and sat there.

  "Oh...I forgot they eat," I mumbled.

  Silas turned his gaze on me and I blushed. "You never had a pet before?"

  "No..." I trailed off.

  He nodded in understanding and a softened expression formed on his face. "Have you eaten?"

  "Um. I had coffee this morning."

  My stomach took the opportunity to respond as it growled so loud even Ruby heard it, her head lowering to my stomach.

  My face flushed even more, and it was the first time I'd felt extremely embarrassed in front of a stranger. "Sorry."

  Silas smirked. "I'm hungry too. Should I make us something to eat?"

  "Okay," I replied before my phone began to ring. I immediately pulled it out of my shorts pocket and frowned at the caller id - MASTER.

  With a slide of my finger on the screen, I answered. "Yes, Master?"

  "Can I see you later today? Doesn't matter when, but I'd like to discuss with you and the triplets your next assignment that’s coming up."

  "Next assignment?" I asked, trying to play the dumb card. I didn't remember the details because I'd been half asleep.

  "Yes. Most likely next week. We'll discuss it in person."

  "Alright, Master. I'll be there in thirty minutes or less."

  "Good," he replied and hung up. Ruby began to whimper, looking so sad that her eyes grew as she reached with her paws. I reached out to pick her up out of his hand, and she snuggled right against me when I held her to my chest.

  I glanced up at Silas who had an unreadable expression on his face. "I'm a Reaper. Duty calls." I shrugged, hoping he didn't worry about it.

  "Still have time for lunch?"

  "I doubt it. If I run fast enough, I can be at the main streets in ten minutes and then take an Uber back."

  "You don't drive."

  "I do, but I didn't really need a car before all of this," I replied. It would have been easier to explain my situation to him, but now I didn't have time.

  "I'll drive you."

  "You just met me."

  "We're roommates. I think I can lend you a hand without knowing you. If Xander trusts you, we all do." He turned around and walked out of the room.

  I stared at his broad back and my gaze lowered to his ass. Damn, he has a nice ass.


  "Yes, Ruby. He totally has a nice ass...I mean, yes! Follow." I shook my head pulled it out of the gutter. I'd been trying my best to ignore the way I was feeling, my magic tingling through me just like it had with Xander and Dante. magic sure loves finding me men lately. I just have to choose. Ya...choose.

  I caught up quickly, and Silas came out from a small room, a bright red helmet in his hand. "What's the helmet for?" I asked.

  "For you."


  "Never ridden a motorcycle before?"

  I was ready to respond back but paused, taking a long up and down look of him and raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry, but you don't look like the type to ride a motorcycle."

  He smirked, walking up to me until he towered over me. He leaned in and whispered,

  "And when you showed those emotions earlier, you didn't look like a Reaper at all."

  He pulled back just slightly, our eyes locked and our lips only inches apart. "Never judge a book by its cover. It can get you killed." He winked. "But you know that, Xia."

  He moved back and turned to walk towards the elevators, leaving me speechless.

  "We'll pick up food on the way, so you can eat before you get there."

  "Meow...?" Ruby looked up at me, and I slowly met her intrigued red eyes.

  "Ya...he's also dangerous," I whispered. Dangerous, but fucking sexy.

  I gulped and raced to the elevator, Silas holding the door for me. When I was inside, he smiled.

  "You free tomorrow?"


  "Let's chill," he replied. "I like you."

  He gave me a cute grin and pressed the close button of the elevator.

  A small smile formed on my face as I watched the doors closed. I kinda like him too...

  The thought of Xander, Dante, and Silas made me wonder what Ace was like. I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I officially started living here and enjoying the "double life," but I decided one thing:

  Why choose?

  "A DATE?!"

  "Who's the hot guy on the motorcycle?!"

  "Xia! Give us the damn TEA!"

  I glanced at the triplets and smirked. "I'll tell you guys later. Silas is waiting for me."

  "Silas. Ohhhhhh, are you taking my advice?" Minso wrapped her arms around me to give a half hug.

  I groaned. "No."

  "What advice?" Minsu asked, coming over to hug me from the other side.

  "I told her to get a harem of her own!" Minso declared. Minsu gasped dramatically.

  "Is that Minju? Are you possessed?" Minsu asked Minso who laughed.

  "Xia said the same thing."

  "That is something I'd say," Minju added, smiling at her sisters who finished hugging me.

  "We have a mission, so we're going to get ready. Text us when you can, Xia." Minsu announced.

  "Minju, we'll see you later. Have fun on your date, Xia." Minso winked, hooking her arm in Minsu's. They both walked away, arm in arm as they laughed and talked, leaving me behind with Minju in the hallway.

  I noticed the small smile on Minju's lips, but what made me frown was the sadness that reflected in her pink jeweled orbs that were looking down the hall where her sisters had gone.


  She blinked and turned to face me. "What's up, Xia? You better go. Don't want to make your new boyfriend wait." She smirked, trying to act like her usual self, but I could see through the lie.

  "Minju, what's going on with you? Are you nervous about something? Or are you worried about the assignment in a few days?" I didn't know what questions to ask. Bombarding her looked like the better option to get some type of reply that would help control my worry.

  "Nothing is going on." She shrugged.

  "You're lying."

  "I'm not."

  "Minju La. I've known you forever. What's going on that you're not telling me?" My serious expression must have gotten through because she sighed and took a step forward until we were face to face. Her arms reached out, and she pulled me into a tight hug.


  "My gut tells me those guys will help you remain free, Xia," she whispered.

  "Huh? You mean Xander and them? What does that have to do with you?"

  "Everything. It makes me happy."

  "Still avoiding my question," I muttered.


  She pulled back to look me in the eyes. "Xia. There will come a time where you have to decide what to protect. Or I should say, who you should protect. Listen to your gut. Even if it means you may get hurt in the process."

  "Um...okay?" I replied, not understanding the trigger of her words. "Have you been tarot reading or something?"

  "A little bit." She winked. "I'm heading to Master's room. He said I should pass by."

  I stopped her, holding her hand in mine when she tried to walk away.

  "Minju. Can we hang out after the next assignment? I'll talk with Master when it's done and insist we hang out. I just kind of feel like you're distancing yourself from us. Your sisters are getting worried."

  Minju blinked, looking a little confused by my words but a small smile formed on her soft lips as her eyes glittered with joy. "That would be awesome. I've been a bit lonely lately."

  "I'm sorry. I've been busy with this new change and your sisters are being sent out
for missions and stuff. We don't want you to feel lonely."

  "I know," she replied. "I'll be fine. We'll have a nice day off together, and then we'll celebrate your birthday! It's coming up in a few weeks. We can celebrate it a tad earlier."

  I giggled, nodding my head in agreement. "Spa day, followed by amazing food, cake, and fireworks?"

  "Deal! Then I'm getting you wasted and throwing you to the guys to have a fivesome." She winked, making me blush.

  "I'm not having a fivesome! I swear that's not a word!" I snarled, trying to keep my voice low.

  "It sure is. Check the urban dictionary." Minju laughed.

  "Hmph. Anyways, we'll talk about plans for the mission tomorrow, right? It seems pretty simple."

  "Easy stuff. The group was searching for ways to exchange a certain drug. It contains some special magic. I think the leader wants to inject it inside himself to give him immortality or some shit," Minju explained.

  She leaned in closer to continue. "I overheard Master explain the injection will heighten your magic and will not only make you invincible because of the extremely fast healing properties, but you'd also be able to heighten other people’s magic, especially if you’re intimate."

  I grimaced, already thinking about what Master was aiming to do with it. "Let me guess. He's going to inject himself with it, so he can be immortal and strengthen his Reapers, or aka, US, by having sex and heightening our powers? Has this been tested?" I asked, feeling disgusted at the thought.

  "It was on lab rats from what Master discussed through the phone. Doesn't know about humans, but I think he said something about a trial being done at a lab on the Pacific Ocean. They tried it on a guy or something. He was homeless or like unknown. The perfect person to experiment on since no one knows him or can identify him. They never said the results of it though." Minju frowned before she bit her lip.

  That didn't sit well with my gut. "We have to get rid of it," I insisted.

  "And be killed by Master? Hell no. Maybe it's a prototype and won't work, killing Master in the process. Then we'll be free," Minju whispered.

  "Either way, we get the injection, put a protective spell on it so that it doesn't get destroyed in the crossfire, and figure out a way to make it not work? Or replace it. We'll think of something. I think we may need your chameleon magic."


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