One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1) Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Sex is power. It’s just going to promote more rape," Minso grumbled.

  "That's why we need to destroy it. Master can't get it. No man, actually," Minju declared.

  "Agreed," Minsu and Minso replied. I mentally nodded, knowing they would pick it up with their telepathic abilities. I waited a minute in the washroom, applying a dark red lipstick that I would need for my next outfit.

  When the coast was clear, I left the washroom but continued down the hall to the stairwell, knowing the security guards that were there previously were making a switch.

  I went through the stairwell and began my move up the stairs, knowing my target would be waiting to go down the pathway. I grinned when my eyes landed on him, his eyes currently focused on his phone.

  I quietly approached him, making sure my heels didn't make a sound until I was three steps away. He turned around, looking upset at first, but when he opened his mouth, no words came out, his blue eyes scanning my body possessively.

  "Hey, big guy. What are you doing here by yourself? Waiting for some fun to happen?" I purred, moving right next to him. He eyed my cleavage, and I watched his Adam's apple slowly move up and down as he swallowed.

  "Just chilling. You shouldn't be here Miss. It's dangerous." He gave me a smile, and I had to admit he wasn't too bad. Not super attractive but he reached my decent level.

  "Is it? I wanted to play a little," I whispered, leaning up and tugging his ear with my teeth. He moaned right away, and I used my knee to rub his groin.

  Within a minute of teasing his neck with kisses he moved and pinned my body with his, the bulge of his pants pressed right against my lower region.

  The only difference from my many previous encounters with men was I wasn't in the least bit turned on. In fact, I almost felt disgusted that I had to be anywhere near this idiot or doing these kinds of intimate things with him.

  Without a second thought, my instincts kicked in and I injected the tiny needle in his neck, pushing down on the plunger and watching the shock drift on the man's face before his eyes became droopy.

  With ease, I caught him and took the gold case from his hold, lowering his deadweight body to the ground. I didn't see the need to kill him, knowing his team would dispose of him for being foolish enough to lose the gold suitcase.

  My legs were moving down the connecting stairwell before I knew it. "Switch time. Cloak the cameras," I instructed Minso.

  "Got you, DragonFly. Do your thing," Minso replied with amusement.

  I reached the middle of the pathway and pushed my dress down my body, lifting my legs up to remove the dress immediately. With a flick of the material and a hint of magic, it went up in flames and I tossed the remnants behind me as I urged my magic to make the flames larger and more powerful.

  Smoke clouded the area in seconds, giving me the perfect diversion as I continued my way down the hall in only my underwear.

  When I reached the doors, I snuck into the small supply closet that was to my left, closing the door right when I heard a number of footsteps. I locked it in place and turned around to concentrate, envisioning a white dress to cloak my body.

  It would be another glove hugging dress but in pearl white, the cleavage section designed to dip low but still hold my breasts up. It would have short sleeves that were laced to match the bottom half of the dress that would reach my knees.

  I pulled the hair clips from my hair and released my hair down; it immediately changed into a bright red. With a few finger strokes, my hair was now in loose curls, giving me a brand-new look.

  Placing the gold suitcase on one of the empty shelves to my left, I took a deep breath. "I need the code."

  "45979220," Minso revealed. I inputted the numbers and saw the green light as the locks flipped open. I slowly lifted the top half of the case, revealing the rather small needle that was filled with a weird red and gold liquid that continued to shift colors. Weird shit.

  "Xia. Hurry. You need to get to the South stairs," Minso reminded.

  "On my way," I declared. Being very careful, I took the needle into my hand and made sure the safety lock was in place. If I pressed it the wrong way, it would shoot out the needle, and that would just be more troublesome to carry when I was trying to kick ass.

  Closing my eyes once more, I created a protective spell that would allow only me and the triplets to break the protective barrier and let the needle be used.

  Once I was finished, I smiled with confidence before I snapped my fingers which created a flame. I flicked my hand to the case, setting the inside on fire.

  "Moving along," I announced and unlocked the door, sliding out of there and closing it behind me. It wouldn't be long until things got a bit explosive, and I didn't want to be here for it. I noticed the large group of people screaming and shouting in the pathway, but the smoke was so thick that there was no way they would see me.

  Making my way to the roof was easy, but when I arrived, Minju wasn't there yet. "Where's Minju?" I asked.

  "She's still on her way. It's hard to see through the smoke."

  "Aww shit," Minso cursed.

  "What?" Minsu and I said in unison.

  "Xia. Get your ass anywhere but the roof! Two groups approaching. Hide the injector," she ordered.

  "Where the fuck am I supposed to hide it?" I demanded.

  "You're a woman, Xia. Use what your mama gave you! BOOBS!" Minsu huffed. Oh right!

  "If I get pinched by this damn needle, I'm blaming it on both of you," I snapped, sliding the needle between my cleavage and hoping I wasn't doing the stupidest thing I've done on a mission.

  No, slipping a gun in my underwear was the stupidest thing I've done.

  I pulled out the gun that was still strapped to my thigh, turning off the safety as I waited. The fire alarms went off, and I could hear screams and chatter from below, but I was looking for a second getaway plan, and my only option at this point was jumping off the building and using a wind spell to boost me up to the rooftop of the opposite building.

  It was double the size and risked me getting shot at, but it would be my only option if I wanted to live. When the footsteps were only inches away from me, I whipped around, pointing my gun at the male intruder.

  I was ready to pull the trigger before they did, but I immediately stopped. My mind was left in a confused haze, wondering why I'd paused, but when my eyes met a pair of pink ones, they reflected the same sense of bewilderment as I.

  He stood at 6'6", and his shoulder-length white hair flew wildly with the breeze that just passed us. He had a slim build and wore all black, a white gun in his hands was directed at me, but he was trembling.

  I met his pained expression as he gritted his teeth, those wide pink eyes still locked on mine. Who the hell is this guy and why can't I shoot?!

  "XIA! MOVE!" Minju's loud voice boomed through my head.

  I turned my gaze and noticed the three long-range shooters that were now visible and aimed their guns directly at both of us. FUCKING SHIT!

  My brain told me to run as fast as I could to avoid the onslaught of bullets that were about to be launched at where we stood, but that would leave this guy wide open and no chance of surviving.

  With a mental curse, I turned my gun to them, focusing 100% of my attention on the three men. With a normal gun, there would be no way my bullets would reach them from this distance, but my magic wasn't going to let me die without casualties.

  I pulled the trigger at the same time the first set of bullets soared towards us. I multi-tasked the best I could, trying to create a protective wall of wind and the water particles that lingered in the air's atmosphere, but I could feel a few shots go into me, and I gritted my teeth at the sudden burst of pain that rang through me.

  My first shot hit its target, one shooter down for the count. The other two noticed immediately and shifted their attention to me. With a split second, I turned back to the guy who was completely shocked, and his eyes slowly trailed down my dress which I knew was stained with blood. My bl

  I outstretched my free hand to my side, creating a large barrier of wind that stopped the bullets. I was ready to run towards the edge of the building and begin my wind stunt, but my eyes moved to lock onto a pair of wide silver ones, and I gulped as I realized Xander was at the doorway of the rooftop, standing there in shock as his eyes slowly took in my appearance.

  "XIA! Another shooter!" Minso screamed. My head turned fast enough to see the shooter was aiming for Xander, the red dot exactly on his head. NO!

  I lowered my hand that was creating the wind barrier and swiftly did a 180-degree turn, my gun now shooting bullets aimlessly at the three shooters while I sent out the strongest wave of wind I could towards the newcomer and Xander.

  The guy cursed, his whole body was lifted and flew straight into Xander. Both of them shouted, crashing into the ground and my eyes locked onto Silas and Dante, who both looked stunned to see me.

  Before I could react, a scream tore through me, feeling three bullets hit me at once. I gritted my teeth but focused on closing the door to the roof, Dante and Silas having no time to rush forward as the door shut and I locked it with a spell.

  My legs moved before I could even think, running towards the edge as fast as I could. The world was spinning, but I didn't care, I needed to reach the second rooftop and give the serum to Minju. That way if I died, at least none of these guys would get it.

  I felt something shoot through my leg and I cried out and lost my balance. I fell forward, and my head bumped into the roof ledge, almost knocking me right out.

  "XIA?! Xia!!"

  I groaned and gritted my teeth once more, gathering enough strength to get on all fours. I caught the sound of a gun being reloaded and that was enough of a push to help me stand, using my strong leg to push off the ground and over the ledge.

  With as much magic as I could muster, my body stopped its descent and began to rise up at a rapid pace. I heard the gunshots; a few of them shattered the windows a few inches below me as I shot upward, but they weren't fast enough to reach me. I didn't have enough energy to reach the roof, so I crashed right into one of the office windows.

  "Xia. Stop! You're going to kill yourself!" Minju's desperate voice rang through my head that was pounding from the hit I took.

  The warm liquid sensation of blood fell from my head to the floor, just like the numerous gunshot wounds that had run right through my body.

  Must get to the roof. Will not fail…

  With a bit of rejuvenated energy, I fought to stand, deciding to hop my way there as I tried to put no pressure on my wounded leg. I used a bit of wind’s assistance to make it so I hovered forward with each little hop.

  I felt the vibration of my phone in my bra, having forgotten I'd slipped it in there before all of this fiasco began. I reached out for it as I entered the stairwell, making my way to the roof. Xander...

  I picked up the phone to hear his screaming. "XIA! Are you fucking crazy!"

  "Hey, Sexy," I replied, ignoring the anger in his voice.

  "Xia! Where did you go?! You need medical attention!" I heard Silas call out.

  "That’s Xia?!" an unfamiliar voice asked.

  "Ace! Go to the next fucking building and get to Xia before she does something stupid," Xander snapped.

  "Xia, we're coming, hang on!" Dante called out.

  I smiled before I began to cough uncontrollably. I ignored the spurts of blood, looking up to see the door of the roof.

  When I reached it, I stalled, needing a moment to catch my breath, but I knew I was struggling to breathe not because of all the energy I'd expelled, but the loss of blood.

  "Xan...der. Do me a favor," I panted weakly.

  "No favors. We're coming to save you!" Xander huffed.

  "Please, Xander. The serum. I have Dangerous...very bad." I tried to explain, but I could feel my body was beginning to lose the battle.

  I pushed the door of the roof open, slowly making my way towards a little spot between the electrical storage and the wall of the little lower part that held a bunch of satellites.

  Pressing my back against the wall, I slowly lowered to the ground, trying my best to breathe. "X...Xander."

  "Xia, hang on baby. Just fight and breathe."

  "Serum. Destroy. Please," I begged, trying my best to stay awake. My hand was losing strength, and I knew it wouldn't be long before I lost all feeling in them.

  "Xander. I One know." I gave up trying to finish as I leaned over to my right side and fell onto the cement floor. I was struggling to breathe and began to cough up more blood that had been pooling in my mouth.

  There was already a puddle of blood under me, and I gathered enough strength to turn onto my back to stare at the sky that filled with stars on one side and smoke on the other half.

  "Xia! Xia!" Xander called out, but I pressed the end button. I wanted to say thank you to Xander. To tell him that the few days of freedom I experienced were all thanks to him. He'd given me the courage to try and enjoy the little things in life, even though I hadn't gotten the chance to do a lot.

  It was thanks to him I'd met Dante and Silas. My gut told me the new guy who I couldn't pull the trigger on was Ace, and I had to laugh at the irony. Tears were gathering in my eyes at the thought, realizing why I couldn't pull the trigger.

  My magic wouldn't let me kill someone I had a connection with. Another one’s magic that was able to connect with mine and stop me from doing what I should have done.

  Minju's words had come to my mind, and I wondered if she'd seen this happening. If she knew that I was going to meet another guy and end up risking my life to save him and the others.

  I wasn't surprised by the fact they were there, knowing Xander's duty and his role of neutrality. He most likely was there to destroy the serum before it got on the good or bad side.

  Too bad it was currently with me in my cleavage and I was about to die. Whoever found my body was going to be the lucky winner if they could figure out where I hid it.

  I clicked the screen a few times, and I dialed someone I never expected I would during my last moments.

  The line picked up at the first ring. "Have you finished your Mission, Xia?"

  "No, Master," I whispered, my heavy exhales were making it hard for me to speak. I need to make this quick.

  "What's wrong?" he asked immediately, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I heard a hint of worry in his voice.

  "I won't...make it...Master. Overestimated groups. Three...different...long range sho...shooters. I’ll send serum with Minju...if she on time," I explained the best I could.

  "Xia. This better not be a joke."

  "Dad..." I whispered, my voice choked with tears. "I'm...not...lying."

  He was completely silent at my words, and I sighed. "I hard. I really...did, but...too much blood. Too- too...much loss."

  I spat out some more blood, the world around me spinning as I fought to keep my eyes open. "I failed, Master...but please...please, I beg you. Let...let the triplets live. Please..." I choked on tears and closed my eyes.

  "Let them be free. That's...all I ask. As a Reaper--and a daughter. Let them enjoy freedom."

  I tried to open my eyes, but it was as if they were glued shut. I didn't bother anymore as my breathing slowed.

  "Dad...I were good. I wish...I knew what side...we're on. I pra- pr...pray you become good and let the free. still owe me a bonus...lie. That...makes...1001..."

  My hand finally became numb, and I heard the phone drop to the cement floor. I didn't hear his response, my hearing beginning to fade along with my consciousness.

  "XIA! XIA?!"

  I wanted to respond back to Minju's cries, but they sounded so far away. Maybe I was far away? I kept drifting in and out and felt my body being shaken by something, but I couldn't respond.

  "Xia. No! You will not die!"

  Minju's vo
ice was closer, but it almost echoed compared to being right next to me. Something punctured through me, the tiny hint of pain was only absorbed by the numbness that was taking over me.

  A weird sensation swept through me, making me wonder if this was the final step before death. I fought to open my eyes one last time, to see the world I wished I'd gotten the chance to enjoy and see what it had to offer me.

  My heavy eyelids opened slightly, and I was confused at the sight. It was me. An exact image of me, my red hair and white dress that was stained with blood.

  I smiled, looking at my reflected image that had a sorrowful look on her face. "Angel of death. to tease." I struggled to say the words, only finding it more amusing that my eyes were already fighting to stay awake, but I wanted to hear the angel's answer.

  "Xia. I'm sorry," she declared, her voice just like mine.

  "So-rry?" I choked and noticed her pick up the phone. She tapped the screen and Master's voice blared through the speaker.

  "Minju! Where's Xia? She better be alive!"

  "She won't make it, Master...and neither will I."

  I merely giggled weakly, finding it a little too hilarious that my ghost was talking to Master like he was an idiot.

  "Minju. Don't you dare let Xia die."

  "Because she's your everything? Prodigy, future, ultimate weapon? She was perfectly made to be exactly what you wanted. Why couldn't you let her enjoy the freedom she deserved? There's a small chance she'll survive this, Master, and if so, you will do one thing. You'll leave her the fuck alone. "

  "How dare you speak to me lik-

  "I have the serum, Master. I took it from Xia's body, and I will get rid of it."

  "You wouldn’t dare."

  "You're right; I won't," she whispered and laughed. "Guess that's not good enough for the 1000th lie, is it?"


  "How does it feel to be in a desperate situation like you are now?"

  The line was silent. "Feels pretty shitty, doesn't it? Now, you know damn well I'm far past 1000. In fact, I'm at 1200 lies. Those lies will be transferred to Minso and Minsu and you will let them both be free, Master. You won't bother them, or try to kill them, just like you'd leave Xia if she's saved. You should know what voodoo is, Master. I've sacrificed my blood and soul to ensure you do no harm to Xia, Minsu, or Minso."


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