What's Your Price?

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What's Your Price? Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Two

  The bouquet of roses arrived first.

  She sent them back. They were beautiful but unnecessary.

  Next, a gold bracelet.

  She returned it.


  A watch.

  Tickets to a show.

  A necklace.


  A check with lots of zeros on.

  She sent it all back.

  All the gifts came from Gabe. They were pointless.

  It had been two weeks since their first date, and he’d done nothing but send her lots of gifts. There was no reason to. She didn’t accept any of them.

  Their date had been fun, but she didn’t see it necessary to accept any gift from him.

  By the third week, she figured he’d given up whatever he was trying to do. Only, when she entered her first job on Monday, she discovered something … annoying. Her last paycheck waited for her. They had to let her go. The only job she’d ever been fired from was at the restaurant. Rather than cause a scene, as the owner wouldn’t look at her, she had an idea of what happened.

  In a matter of hours, her second job also magically came to an end for no good reason. She gritted her teeth and started to interview for other places. Every single place miraculously had no work. In a city where she’d never struggled for work, suddenly they had everyone they needed.

  By the end of that third week and a call from her landlord about raising the rent due the following day, she’d had enough.

  The jewelry and pointless gifts were one thing. Taking her job and now raising her rent was another thing entirely.

  One date. He hadn’t asked for anything else. She had no choice but to go get a decent meal afterward.

  Now, she was angry. Actually, she was fucking infuriated, that was what she was. She ran a hand down her face trying to contain her anger. Nothing helped.

  If rumors were true, she knew where his main office was. She paid a cab to take her to it. The line to get into the nightclub was long.

  She wasn’t going to be waiting all night.

  Squaring her shoulders, she walked up to the guard controlling the line and smiled at him.

  “I need to see Gabe Moore,” she said. She wore a jacket that she tightened at her waist.

  He glanced up and down at her and shook his head. “You need to go to the back of the line.”

  Licking her lips, she looked past his shoulder and caught sight of one of the men who’d been by Gabe’s side during their only date. He watched her. Had he been waiting for her?

  Unbolting her coat, she let the jacket spill down to the ground where she left it. She removed the pin from her hair, allowing her long brown hair to fall all around. Stepping up to the guard, she put a hand on his chest. “How about you and I go someplace?”

  The man changed instantly. His hand went to her ass.

  She counted in her head. One, two, three…

  The hand was tugged off her ass and her arm was grabbed. Bingo. Gabe had been watching, just as she knew he would be, or one of his minions was. Within seconds, she was inside his nightclub. One she’d never frequented but had heard a lot about. She didn’t get to stay long as she was tugged toward doors guarded by two men. From there, she was walked up a flight of stairs. Then she waited as the man holding her arm knocked on the door.


  She waited.

  “Come in.”

  The man pulled her into the office.

  “She was outside attempting to lure Ben to spend some time with her.”

  Laura raised her brow but didn’t dispute it. She would’ve used whatever means she could to get inside this stupid building to see the man himself.

  And there he stood like a king looking over his minions. The dance floor was in full display, but there was no sound coming into the office. The music had been loud.

  “That will be all, Felipe,” Gabe said.

  The man who’d grabbed her left without a single response. She didn’t bother to look back but stared at the man who was in her shit books.

  “Hello, Laura.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Excuse me.”

  “The gifts. The jewelry. I can understand all of them. Little trinkets in an attempt to buy me off.”

  “All of which you didn’t accept.”

  “I have no reason to,” she said. “My work. My home. Make your calls. I want my job back. Now.” She took a step toward him as he rounded his desk and leaned against it. His arms were folded, and she hated that he looked amused by this meeting.

  “You haven’t mentioned your social media page.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t pay the bills. My job, which I’m really good at, does. I want it back. You’re in the wrong.”

  “You think you’re going to tell me.” He stood up.

  Most would be threatened by him. She knew in the back of her mind she should be screaming at herself to stop and back down. But this was her livelihood.

  The sane part told her to run and hide.

  The crazy part forced her to take a step forward, toe-to-toe with him, and stare him in the eye. “Yes. I’m telling you to make the call and give me back my job.”


  “Because it’s not my job you want.” She put her hand on his jacket. She gripped it tightly and tugged him close so they were flush together. “I don’t need pretty toys, Gabe. Nor do I need you to take my job, my independence away.” She leaned in close so her lips brushed against his ear. “If you want to fuck me, then do so.”

  With her other hand, she cupped his dick, finding him already rock-hard.

  Flicking her tongue across his ear, she bit down. Not too hard.

  “Or are you not man enough to ask?”

  Gabe grabbed the back of her neck and spun her around so she was bent over his desk. The movement caused some items on his desk to spill to the ground. He pressed his pelvis against her ass, and even though she was angry at him, she felt an answering pulse between her thighs. As much as she hated to admit it, he aroused her. She’d spent many times the first two weeks touching herself, imagining it was him.

  His lips pressed against her neck. His teeth scored against her flesh and she moaned. “What do I get out of it?”

  “You’re used to taking what you want or women bending to your need. I don’t need pointless gifts, nor do I need my livelihood taken from me. You want to fuck me, just ask.”

  “What about if I take?” He pressed a hand between her thighs.

  The grip he had on the back of her neck kept her still. He groaned. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

  She spread her legs so he didn’t have any obstruction. The panties she wore were torn from her body within a matter of seconds.

  Sinking her teeth into her lip, she tried to contain her own pleasure, but it was no good. His fingers stroked between her slit, lightly touching her clit before moving down to plunder into her soaking wet cunt.

  He used two fingers, stretching them out before slamming in a third one. She thrust her pussy against him.

  Gabe let go of her neck to tug the edge of her skirt up and over her ass. She’d worn a pencil skirt that was tight to the body, but the fabric had some stretch to it, making it easy to pull up.

  He groaned as he exposed her ass.

  Flicking her hair over one shoulder, she glanced at him. “Fuck me, Gabe,” she said.

  He twisted his fingers, hitting a spot inside her that had her closing her eyes and sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

  She was so close to an orgasm, so ready for it, but he denied her. He pulled his fingers from her pussy and trailed them back to her anus. She tensed up as he pressed a single finger against her ass.

  Laura cried out, turning away, but not before she saw him spit onto her ass and then push a digit inside her. There was a burn but an undeniable hit of pleasure as he pressed in and out.

  The hand on her neck returned and pulled her back up. A finger
deep was in her ass as his teeth sucked at her neck.

  “I will make the calls, give you back your job, but you belong to me. Your body is mine to do with as I please. Every single part of you belongs to me.”

  She whimpered.

  “That is the only bargain. You get what you want, and I own you. Every person has a price, Laura. What will yours be?” he asked.


  Gabe couldn’t remember a time he was so frustrated by a woman. Laura was stubborn, and she refused to cave to him and his demands. It was admirable. He could accept that, but seeing as he wanted to be the victor, playing nice wouldn’t get him what he wanted. She’d left him no choice but to play dirty.

  Taking away her work, then upping her rent, was all just a plan. Then of course watching her try to find another job had also been another task.

  No one would deny him, though. He’d counted on it.

  Now as she rocked her ass against his finger, he wanted to hear her beg for him.

  “There’s no price for what I want,” she said.

  He smiled. So stubborn. “Name your price, Laura. What will it be?” He added a second finger to her tight ass. “Has no one ever claimed you here?”

  She groaned. “Why does there have to be a price? Do you have to own and control everything?”


  She flicked her hair back over her shoulder and shot him a glare. “Then let’s settle for sex and nothing else.”

  He didn’t want that. His cock pressed against the front of his pants, begging to come out and fuck her.

  Gritting his teeth, he tried to control himself, but it was next to impossible.

  “No. Give in to me, Laura. Belong to me.”

  She glared at him, and before he realized what had happened, she’d shoved him away and pushed him hard. His hold on her body completely released.

  “No!” She yelled the word, and it echoed around the room.

  She ran her hands down his jacket, pressing her entire body against him. “I don’t belong to anyone, Gabe. Never have and never will. I can offer you sex, but I’m not someone to be owned.” She nibbled on his neck and he returned his grip to her neck, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to look at him.

  “I’m not sharing.”

  “Who said anything about sharing?”

  Gabe allowed her to walk him back, and he sat down on the sofa. She followed him down, grinding her pussy against his cock.

  He put his hands on her thighs, shoving her skirt up over her waist and then cupping her pussy.

  She tugged open his belt and together, they eased down his boxer briefs. His cock sprang out. He was so thankful. The tight restrictions were uncomfortable.


  He grabbed one out of his back pocket. She tore into the packet, holding the latex and working it over his length. He pushed her hand out of the way, holding his cock as she moved over him. The tight entrance of her pussy was at the tip, and together, they cried out as she sank onto his dick.

  She was so fucking tight.

  He returned his grip to her hips, holding her in place. He pulled her down and refused to let go. Sliding his hands down to the cheeks of her ass, he spread them before giving them a slap.

  Laura gasped, her grip tightening on his shoulders.

  “See, Gabe, if you want my attention, all you’ve got to do is ask for it.”

  She started to move. Sinking down then up on his length. He gritted his teeth, relishing each touch of her tight cunt as it took him deeper.

  Laura began to move, ever so fucking slowly. He held her hips once again and then thrust up, bouncing her on his dick and making her take more of him.

  She arched up, and he wanted to see those large tits.

  He shoved her shirt up her body, pushing it over her head. With a few flicks of his fingers, he had the clasp of her bra down, and then his hands were on her breasts. She had big, juicy ones with nice, large nipples.

  Cupping them together, he couldn’t resist pressing his face against them. She moaned his name and he took one of her tight buds into his mouth, sucking on it. He used his teeth to bite down, loving the cries that filled the room. With the other, he massaged it with his fingers, tightening around the nipple, making her squirm for more.

  This woman was fucking fire in his arms and he loved it. She continued to take his cock, thrusting on him.

  Gripping the back of her neck, he pulled her close, and she stared at his lips. He wanted to kiss her.

  She pressed her fingers to his lips, but he was done with this woman taking charge.

  With his hold on her, he took her to the sofa, holding her neck, driving into her. Her mouth fell open as it spilled out a cry, and he took full advantage. Slamming his lips down on hers, he traced across her mouth, and then her fingers were in his hair, kissing him back like her life depended on it.

  So much fire.

  So wild.

  All his.

  Every single part of her.

  Laura could fight him and he’d relish the chase, but in the end, she would always belong to him. Every single part of her. He was a man who wasn’t used to playing, but he was excited to get started.

  Driving into her cunt, he started to fuck her like she deserved. Pounding in and out. He kissed her and took her. His own orgasm was so close, but he didn’t allow himself to come. Instead, he pulled out of her and held her ass in his hands as he pressed his face against her core. He slid his tongue across her clit, sucking it into his mouth and then sliding down to plunge into her cunt.

  She moaned.

  Before he was done with her, she was going to come. He was determined to see it so. There were times to be selfish and when it came to this woman, he didn’t have time. He wanted her as addicted to him as he was to her.

  She screamed his name, and as she came, he tasted her, swallowing her down. Within a matter of seconds, he was balls deep inside her. He grabbed her arms, pressed her to the sofa, and fucked her harder than ever before.

  He couldn’t wait to get her into an actual bed.

  Over and over, he took her until with one final thrust, he slammed in deep and poured his cum deep inside the condom. For the first time in his life, he wished he wasn’t wearing one so he could see his creamy spunk leaking from her pussy.

  After it was over, they both lay panting on the sofa.

  He still held her hands so she had no choice but to stay perfectly still, or fight him.

  She licked her lips and turned toward him. “My job?”

  “I’ll talk to them tonight.”

  “Both of them.”

  “Why do you work two jobs?”

  “They both pay well.”

  “You know, I could give you a job,” he said.

  “Working as your whore? No thank you.”

  “You wouldn’t be my whore.”

  “So the job you just suggested isn’t about me sleeping with you?” she asked. “How would I be working for you?”

  He drew a blank.

  She tapped his cheek. “No offense, but I know men. They get bored, and I refuse to rely on a man for money.”

  He stroked her cheek. “You’re not very trusting, are you?”

  “No man has given me anything to be trusting about.”

  “What can I do to convince you?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” She touched his cheek. “It’s in your sex to move on to the next one.”

  Gabe frowned. “You don’t believe in love?”

  She took a deep breath. “Gabe, I’ve seen the world. The real one, and it has nothing to do with love. Sex, money, and drugs are what make this world go around. Anyone who thinks otherwise is insane. You can’t tell me you believe in love.”

  “No, I don’t believe in love and I won’t pretend to either. I do find it sad that neither do you.”

  She shrugged. “I’m a realist, and I need to get home.”

  “So you’re screwing me and heading home?”

  “Pretty much
. Will my rent stay hiked?” she asked.

  He’d just fucked her. She’d come all over his face, and she was talking about work and hiked rent.

  “You know it won’t be.”

  “Good.” She put her hand to his hip. “Are you done?”

  “You’re an interesting woman.”

  She smiled at him, and it took his breath away. “I imagine so is ninety percent of the female population, if you took the time to get to know them.”

  “And the other ten percent?”

  “No one is perfect.” She lifted up. “Not even me.”

  Chapter Three

  The following evening, back at work and damn happy about it, Laura took the drinks order from a table in her section. The nightclub she worked at had several tables where food and drinks could be ordered, a bar, and of course a dance floor. The music was loud, but she could always hear what people wanted.

  After carrying the order to the bar, she handed it to Mike, and then grabbed the tray of her other order. Everything went smoothly.

  She had thought Evan, the boss, or who she assumed was the boss, ran a really tight ship. Now she knew this club was owned by Gabe himself. She didn’t know why she hadn’t been aware.

  Getting the call that morning from the diner, as well as the bar, she felt lighter. She loved to work. The landlord had also paid her a visit and advised he’d gotten it wrong. Rent hadn’t been increased but decreased. She didn’t believe that shit. Gabe was all over it.

  Still, while she’d tried not to think about him, no matter where she went, she knew he was there in some way.

  She hadn’t been wrong either. A brand-new shiny, expensive-looking car had started to follow her. When she went down alleys to go collect something, a guy stood not too far away. People steered clear of him. She didn’t get a good look, but it didn’t take a genius to know Gabe had decided to have her followed.

  Keeping a smile on her face, she served up the table, getting their order just right. After she walked back to the bar, she saw she had no orders waiting, so she stayed, leaning against the bar as Mike opened bottles of beer, flirted, and served wine. He’d asked her out once, but she shot him down. There was no room to screw with who you worked for.


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