Bring It On (The Exes #5)

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Bring It On (The Exes #5) Page 5

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Really.” She pursed her lips, her eyes spitting fire. “You think I went out and fell madly in love with another man? Then you’re an idiot! It was a year before I slept with someone else, Carter. How long did you wait?”

  Okay, maybe she had a point. We’d both processed it in our own way. “I don’t remember exactly.” And didn’t want to admit that I hadn’t waited long enough.

  “Uh huh, I’m willing to bet it wasn’t a year.” She flung herself back on the bed, stretching her arms out on either side of her. “What happened with me and Alex, it was so gradual I wasn’t even sure anything was happening. There were business dinners where we spent a few minutes sharing a bit of personal information. They were the littlest things. I didn’t even notice at first, to be honest. A hug after we scored a big account, flowers for my birthday, stuff like that. Then seemingly out of the blue, he told me he was in love with me and I was stunned.”

  How could she be? Couldn’t she see that any single, heterosexual man under the age of fifty who’d spent any amount of time with her would fall in love? I could hardly blame the poor bastard.

  “I thought about it for the longest time before I even responded because I thought, this isn’t what love is supposed to feel like, is it?” She looked at me. “The only thing I really had to compare it to was the way I felt about you, and that was so all-consuming, nothing at all like what I felt for him.”

  I wanted to ask her to define how she felt for me, but I knew she would when the time was right.

  “Sometimes in life, we take the easy way out.” She bent her legs, running a hand through her hair as her gaze traveled back to the ceiling. “Sometimes we do something even though it’s hard. I was willing to do anything to make my business a success, so maybe I was looking for a relationship that was easy. One I didn’t have to think too much about, ya know?” She shook her head. “I know that sounds terrible, but I just didn’t have anything left to give to anyone else.”

  I understood that. Hockey had been my life for years. There was no room for anything or anyone else. Just friends, partying, and casual sex during the off-season. Until I met her.

  “And now?” If she still had nothing left to give, we were going to have a problem. I needed more of her than the scraps she’d given her ex. “You still have nothing left to give?”

  “Now,” she said, taking my hand, “you came back into my life, and to be honest, I’m still kind of reeling. I work a lot. I love what I do, but it would be really nice to have a little balance. Maybe you can help me figure that part out?”

  I smiled, touching her cheek. “How?”

  “Maybe you can text me sometimes during the day, just to let me know you’re thinking about me.” She bit her lip, looking cute and coy. “You know, give me the mental break I need sometimes.”

  “I think I can do that.” I wanted to know she’d be thinking about me during the day. The challenge would be not texting her every five minutes.

  She pulled me in for a kiss. “And maybe sometimes, when you don’t have a game, we can go out for dinner.”

  I nibbled her neck. “Uh huh.”

  “And maybe sleepovers?”

  I laughed. “I think that could be arranged.” As often as possible if I had my way.

  “And maybe sometimes we could just stay in and hang out or go out with friends or…” She frowned when I pulled back and looked at her. “What?”

  “Sounds an awful lot like a real relationship, Jazzy. You think you’ll have time for that?”

  “I’ll make time,” she whispered, pulling me close. “Because I don’t want to lose you again.”

  Chapter Five


  I was rushing around my condo, trying to get ready for work, but it wasn’t easy with a hot hockey player eye-fucking me as I got dressed.

  I laughed as I shimmied into a sleeveless blue dress. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

  He’d insisted on walking me up instead of dropping me off, claiming he wanted to see my new place. That of course led to him inviting himself into the shower with me, which led to another round of hot fucking, and now I was scrambling to make my meeting.

  “Nowhere I’d rather be, babe.” He stacked his hands behind his head, his inked biceps bulging.

  Fuck me. I wanted to call in sick and spend the day in bed with him.

  He watched me walk to the closet and retrieve a pair of five-inch nude heels. “Love those.” He licked his lips. “And that dress.” He adjusted the bulge in his jeans. “Shit, I just wanna come over there and unzip that thing, lick you all over…”

  “Stop.” Because if he didn’t, I would let him. I’d claim a flat tire or food poisoning just to see his tongue in action again. “You’re going to make me late.”

  He bit his lower lip as his eyes roamed over me. “Not sure I’d mind making you late.”

  All of a sudden, our eyes locked and the air was emotionally charged. Was he saying what I thought he was saying?

  “If I told you I was late,” I said, walking closer, “you’d lose your shit.”

  He shook his head, taking my hand. “No, I don’t think I would.”

  I slapped my palm against my forehead. “Shit! You just reminded me, I forgot to take my pill last night.”

  A slow smile spread across his face as I dug frantically through my purse. “Is that right?”

  I uncapped the water bottle sitting next to my bed and downed the tiny pill before extracting my phone and pulling up the calendar. I heaved a sigh of relief, resting my hand against my chest. “Thank God, we’re in the clear. I’m due next week, which means no harm done.”

  He sat up and pulled me between his legs as he kissed my flat stomach. “I’d like to see you pregnant with my baby. You’d be hot as fuck.”

  My laugh was strangled as I slapped the back of his head. “Don’t say shit like that. You’re tempting fate.”

  He tipped his head back, grinning. “You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”

  Of course I had. That night in the hospital when we’d visited his nephews for the first time and I saw him holding those tiny babies, I thought about it a lot. But that was a long time ago and we were different people now. We were getting to know each other again and I had no idea whether our feelings for each other were strong enough to go the distance.

  “I can’t even keep a houseplant alive,” I said, wriggling out of his grasp. “Much less a baby.”

  “But someday though, right?” he asked, sounding wary. “I mean, you do want to have a baby?”

  “Of course,” I said, slipping a gold bangle on my wrist before fluffing my hair in the mirror.

  “Maybe when I retire from hockey,” he said, hooking my gaze in the mirror. “I could be Mr. Mom.”

  I laughed. “I can see it now, babe. You doing car pool with all the other stay-at-home moms. Play dates in the park, trips to the zoo…” My belly clenched when I realized I wasn’t teasing anymore. I really could imagine that. “Except all the moms would hit on you,” I added, trying to lighten the mood. “So I’m not sure I could live with that. Maybe we’d have to get a nanny.”

  He stood and wrapped his arms around me. “How do you know I wouldn’t mess around with the nanny when you were at work?” he teased, nipping my neck.

  “I trust you.”

  My response was immediate, surprising both of us. I couldn’t believe, after Alex’s betrayal, that I could give my trust to another man so easily. But when Carter told me last night that he hadn’t been with any other women while we were together, I believed him. He could have, but he’d chosen not to. And that earned him my trust.

  His smile was soft and filled with affection as he rubbed his nose against mine. “I love that you’re back in my life, Jazzy.”

  “I love it too.” I kissed him, leaving his lips shiny with my shimmery gloss. “I marked you.”

  He chuckled. “You marked me a long time ago, baby.” He placed my hand over his heart. “Right. Here.”

  Damn. It would be so easy to fall in love with this man again, but I had to proceed with caution, make sure our lives would mesh together before I made any rash decisions. “I’ve gotta go. I’m gonna be late.”

  “Let me drive you.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I said, slipping my phone into my purse before touching up my lip gloss while he wiped the sheen off his lips with the back of his hand. “I can drive myself.”

  “If you let me drive you, I’d have to pick you up. Maybe take you out for dinner. We could swing by here and pick up a change of clothes.” He tugged me against him. “What do you say? I have to leave tomorrow for a road trip, and I want to spend some time with you before I go.”

  How could I say no to that? “Sounds great, but I’m not sure what time I’ll be done today. Seven thirty, maybe?”

  “No worries, just text me when you’re ready.”


  I knew I was going to get the third degree when Alex spotted me stepping out of Carter’s McLaren that morning. Of course the big brute drew me in for a toe-curling kiss, making sure Alex witnessed it. He was staking his claim, and I had to admit, I didn’t mind.

  “Didn’t think one-night stands were your style, Jasmine,” Alex said, after everyone had cleared out of our boardroom.

  “No, they’re more your style, aren’t they?” I smiled sweetly, chastising myself for letting him bait me.

  “Who is he? Someone you picked up at a bar last night?”

  “No, someone I’ve known for a while.” I let him stew on that while I made myself another cup of coffee. I hadn’t slept much last night and my body ached all over, but I wouldn’t have traded a single second of my time with Carter.

  “A while?” he asked, glaring when I turned to face him. “Define a while.”

  “I don’t owe you an explanation.” I sighed. “But it’s Carter Wells, the hockey player I dated before we met.”

  “Since when are you back with him?”

  “Since last night.” I collected the reports I’d needed for the meeting and turned off my tablet before setting my samples in a small carrying case. I was done with Alex and this conversation.

  “I can’t believe you.” He slammed his fist on the desk, startling me. “We’re supposed to be getting married next weekend and you’re fucking someone else?”

  “Hey!” Becca stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips. “I’d suggest you keep it down unless you want the whole office to know your business.”

  “Sorry,” I muttered, feeling color creeping across my cheeks.

  “Why the hell are you apologizing?” She stabbed a finger in Alex’s direction. “He’s the one with the big mouth.”

  “Have you forgotten who signs your paychecks?” Alex asked Becca.

  “I do,” I said, glaring at him. “I do! And don’t forget for one second that I own seventy-five percent of this company. If you think you can intimidate my employees, think again!” I didn’t care who heard me anymore. Fuck decorum. I was going to let him have it.

  Looking smug, Becca crossed her arms. “Did you tell him Carter wants to be your new business partner? That he wants to buy Alex out?” She laughed when Alex’s jaw dropped. “That’s right, he cares that much about her. He’s willing to put six and a half million dollars on the line just so she can be rid of you.”

  “Becca,” I said, giving her the look, “I can handle this. Thank you. Please close the door on your way out.” When she did—after shooting another murderous look at Alex—I sank down at the head of the large oval table, mentally preparing for the fight of my life.

  “Is that true?” he asked, smoothing a hand over his purple silk tie.

  I tipped my head from one side to the other, trying to recall what I’d seen in him in the first place. His custom suit fit his trim physique well. He had good teeth. He was always well-groomed. He knew which utensils to use at dinner and was always up on current events. Ugh! What the hell had I been thinking? One night with Carter and I knew… Alex must be the most boring man on the planet.

  “Is what true?” I asked.

  “Your new boyfriend thinks he can get rid of me?”

  I was on the verge of telling him Carter wasn’t my boyfriend, but I stopped myself. When he’d described the kind of relationship he wanted with me, it was clear he wanted us to be exclusive. So did I. So why shy away from a title?

  I licked my lips, staring him down. If he thought he could rattle me, he’d have to step up his game. “He made the offer after he found out about your little… indiscretion with the stripper.”

  “Are we back to that again?” He threw his hands in the air. “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? You can’t honestly believe that… woman meant anything to me.”

  He said the word with such disdain, I felt like smacking him. The stripper had been doing her job—entertaining the guest of honor—and probably for a sizeable tip. If anyone was the pig, it was him, not her.

  “I don’t care whether she did or not.” I dug through the purse I’d left at my feet. “That reminds me, you should have this back.” I slid the two-carat solitaire across the table, watching him fumble for it. I smirked when he caught it right before it skidded off the edge.

  “I don’t want this! I want you to have it, to wear it.” He clutched it while sifting through his thick, cropped hair with the other hand. “Jasmine, please. We’re so good together. Look at what we’ve built.” He gestured around us. “Do you really think you could have done this without me?”

  Arrogant bastard. “I’m sure I’d have found a way.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay, look, I get that you’re still angry, but I made my mistake and you made yours. Can we just move past it and get back to planning our wedding?”

  Delusional. The man was delusional. “You made the mistake. I didn’t.”

  “What would you call your fling with the hockey player? A good judgment call?” He rolled his eyes. “You went out with him to get back at me, just admit it.”

  I thought about our toast to revenge sex last night, but my time with Carter had had nothing to do with Alex or revenge. It was about reconnecting with a man I’d once loved and still respected and trusted.

  “You can’t begin to imagine the kind of connection I have with Carter.” But if I had to paint him a picture, I would. I curled my hands on the table, leaning in. “It’s visceral.”

  He curled his lip in disgust. “If you’re going to tell me good sex is all it takes to make a relationship work—”

  Something we’d never had. “It’s more than that. I feel alive when I’m with him. He makes me happy. He distracts me from thinking about work all the time.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Just how long have you been seeing him? Were you seeing him when we were together?”

  Figures he’d think I’d cheated just because he had. “We just reconnected last night, but those hours with him were all it took to remind me.”

  “Remind you of what?”

  “That I gave up on him too easily. Because I’d been afraid of what I felt for him.” I hadn’t intended to bare my soul to Alex, but if we were going to continue working together, he had to accept my feelings for Carter. “I was afraid to tell him how I felt, but I’m not afraid anymore.” I looked around. “We’ve built something amazing here, and it’s shown me what I’m capable of when I set my mind to something. If I give as much time and attention to my relationship with Carter as I have to this business, there’s no telling how far we could go.”

  “You can’t be serious. You barely have enough time to eat and sleep. When do you think you’ll have time for your… hockey player?”

  He made Carter’s profession sound like a dirty word, but I knew he was seething with jealousy. Carter was everything he wasn’t. Strong. Sexy. Independently wealthy. At the top of his game. With legions of fans. Who wouldn’t be a little envious?

  “I’ll make time.” I smiled. “You know me. I always make time
for the things, and people, who are important to me.”

  “Just know that I’ll never sell out. You may think of this company as your baby, but just know you’ll always share custody with me.”

  Chapter Six


  I’d worked out and practiced hard, but I still had too much pent-up energy.

  It must have been obvious by the way I slammed my locker shut, because Butler came up behind me and asked, “What crawled up your ass? Thought you’d be wearing a shit-eating grin when you walked in here today. What happened? You struck out with Jasmine last night?”

  I was pissed because she’d tried to pull away after telling me Alex was getting out of the silver BMW parked next to us. I’d wanted to kiss her good-bye, not make a scene, but she felt rigid in my arms, like she was holding back, and I hated knowing it was because of that dirtbag.

  “How would you feel if Jenna wanted to go into business with her ex?” I asked, rolling my shoulders before slipping a hoodie over my head. It wasn’t a fair comparison, since Jas had already been in business with this guy before we reconnected, but it still got under my skin.

  He chuckled. “Yeah, like that would ever happen.”

  I tipped my water bottle back, draining the last half of it before tossing it in the recycle bin. “Then you get where I’m coming from. Jas is business partners with her ex-fiancé.”

  “Whoa,” he said, holding up his hand. “When was she engaged?”

  “Up until last week. She was supposed to be getting married next weekend.” When I saw his expression, I shot him a warning glare. “Don’t say it, Butler. Don’t even fucking think it. She’s not using me to get over him.” ‘Cause if she was, I’d lose my shit.

  “You sure about that?”

  “You’re a fucking asshole.” I hated when he made me second-guess myself, but I couldn’t blame it solely on him.

  I’d been questioning everything since I watched her walk into her office building with the suit, falling into easy conversation like they’d never fucked. I watched her ass through the glass door as they waited for the elevator, wondering if she’d ever let him take her there. When he touched her lower back as they stepped onto the elevator, I wondered if he’d ever bent her over and taken her hard and fast from behind. I was losing my mind, imagining her spending all goddamn day with him.


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