Killing the Carnations (A Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery)

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Killing the Carnations (A Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery) Page 2

by Bell, Cindy

  “Phew, that was quite a rush,” Sarah said as she walked over to the desk. “Did everything go okay over here?”

  “Sure,” Vicky nodded a little. “Emily helped out with some room arrangements, but I think we're going to have our hands full with the CEO's two candidates for replacements.”

  “Oh?” Sarah asked with surprise and glanced around the lobby for any sign of them.

  “Nicholas and Charleston,” Vicky explained. “They're already headed up to their rooms,” she lowered her voice slightly as her lips curved into a devilish smile. “Aunt Ida escorted Nicholas.”

  Sarah's eyes widened as she stared at Vicky. “Oh no! We're never going to get her away from him!” she laughed in a good natured way, but Vicky could see the exhaustion in her sister's eyes.

  “Go home and rest, Sarah,” Vicky suggested gently. “I'll take care of things here, and if there's a problem, I can always call you.”

  Sarah looked as if she might argue with Vicky, but she had to stifle a yawn first. “Thanks, Vicky,” she murmured gratefully then gave her sister a warm hug.

  Vicky turned back to the computer as Sarah walked out of the hotel. It paid to live where she worked. As long as there were no issues, Vicky could kick back in her own apartment which took up one section of the main floor.

  “Hey there,” Mitchell's voice drifted across the desk as he paused before it. When Vicky looked up she was immediately swept away by the warm smile that danced across his lips.

  “Hey yourself,” she replied with a soft laugh. “I didn't think you were going to be here until eight.”

  “I know I'm early,” he grinned apologetically. “It's not my fault, I just couldn't stay away,” he pouted playfully.

  It took some major restraint on Vicky's part to keep from launching over the desk and jumping right into his arms. She cleared her throat and looked back at the computer monitor.

  “That's all right, you can keep me company while I get things settled for the night,” she suggested with a slight shrug.

  “That would be perfect,” Mitchell agreed as he glanced around the lobby. “So the big conference is off to a good start?”

  “So far so good,” Vicky sighed nervously. “Hopefully, all these high powered executives aren’t going to turn out to be very picky and demanding.”

  “Hmm,” Mitchell leaned his elbows on the desk and nodded as he studied her amorously. “I'm sure if they are, you'll set them straight.”

  “What's that supposed to mean?” Vicky asked with a grin.

  “That you're a very resourceful, intelligent woman who can handle any situation that's thrown at her,” Mitchell replied with complete confidence as he stared into her green eyes.

  “Good one,” Vicky laughed and leaned forward across the desk to softly kiss his cheek. It had been a long time since Vicky was in a steady relationship and things with Mitchell had certainly become steady. He always seemed to be looking out for her.

  “I need about an hour,” she murmured beside his ear before she turned back to the computer. “We'll have to have dinner at my place, because I sent Sarah home early. She was really wiped out.”

  “That was nice of you,” Mitchell offered with a smile.

  “How was the first day without Sheriff Mcdonnell?” Vicky questioned. Mitchell had been put in charge while the sheriff was having a couple of days off for a minor operation.

  “Uneventful,” he offered casually as he turned to look over the lobby of the inn. He had a habit of surveying everything wherever he was. It was something that Vicky hadn't noticed at first, but now she thought was rather adorable.

  Chapter Two

  Aunt Ida was on a mission of her own. She had led Nicholas Brendan to his room. As he unlocked the door he paused and glanced over at her.

  “Thank you for your help, and the company,” he said in a warm tone.

  “It was no problem at all,” Aunt Ida replied and tried to sound casual. The truth was she had enjoyed every minute of the elevator ride alone with him. He continued to compliment her on everything he could think of, and she found the incessant flirting to be very appealing. “If you need anything, feel free to ring the desk,” Aunt Ida added and started to turn away from the door.

  “Wait,” he smiled coyly at her as she paused by the door. “Why not stay for a drink?” he suggested with warmth growing in his tone. Ida studied him for a long moment. She was always up for a little romance, but she had learned to be just a little cautious. She didn't know him at all, and though she found him to be quite attractive, she wondered why he would be so quick to invite her inside.

  “Perhaps another time,” she suggested as she started to step away from his door.

  “Must it be another time?” he asked pleadingly, and his eyes crinkled at the corners in a way that made Ida smile. “Just one glass?” he nearly begged.

  “Just one,” she finally agreed with a giddy smile. As she walked into his room he held the door open for her. When she heard the door click closed she turned to face him, and found that he was smiling with admiration at her. She shivered a little as his gaze swept along her figure and then back up to meet her eyes.

  “You know I was dreading this conference,” he muttered as he walked past her towards the small refrigerator that he had requested be stocked with a couple of bottles of local wine.

  “You were?” Ida asked with surprise. “Why is that?”

  He pulled out a bottle of wine and opened it up with the corkscrew that had been left on top.

  “Well, it's really just a charade, a send off,” he explained as he popped the cork and took a sniff of the wine. “Mm, lovely,” he shook his head with what seemed to be genuine surprise. “Who knew that my visit would be filled with such beauty, and such flavor,” he added as he poured them both a glass of wine. When he turned with her glass, Ida was flustered. She was the one that usually did all the flirting, and to have him be so bold was both exciting and a little nerve wracking.

  “Thank you,” she murmured in response to the glass of wine and the compliment.

  He sat down at the small table, and Ida sat across from him with her glass of wine. ”Those carnations are so beautiful, just like you,” he said moving a vase of carnations on the table to the side so he could look at her.

  “They are from the surrounding gardens. I picked them this morning,” she said with a smile. “You still haven't told me why you weren't looking forward to your stay here in our inn.”

  “It's like this,” he explained casually. “Jeremy is stepping down as CEO. He knows that he has to choose between two candidates to replace him. He can't just appoint someone, it has to look like he's thought it out, run it past the board, and really made a tough decision,” Brendan chuckled at that and shook his head. “But we all know who he wants to take his place. He hasn't been shy about revealing how fond he is of Charleston. The fact that I was even chosen to be in the running was a bit of an honor, but I never had any illusions that I was going to be named CEO.”

  Ida narrowed her eyes as she tried to read the man's expression before her. She could sense some shyness, some low confidence in the way his lips shivered slightly and the wrinkles that lined his features in just the right places crinkled as he spoke. “Why do you think so little of yourself?” she questioned. “A handsome and intelligent man like yourself with many years of experience should certainly be in the running. Maybe you're not giving yourself enough credit.”

  “Oh, if you want to talk about intelligence Charleston is your man,” Brendan said with a touch of confidence. “That man is a whiz, I tell you, and he's prone to bragging, but he has a right to. I appreciate your kindness, but I'm certain that you couldn't assess my worth to my company over one glass of wine,” he smiled sheepishly.

  “Maybe not,” Ida agreed as she took a sip of her wine, before her voice grew smoky. “But I can certainly assess the handsome part.” She laughed quietly as he blushed dark red like a tomato. “You're not accustomed to compliments are you?”<
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  “Not from a woman as engaging and beautiful as yourself,” he replied with a raised eyebrow. Ida giggled, she couldn't help it. She knew it ruined the intensity of the moment, but his suave demeanor and his wandering eyes were enough to make her tingle from head to toe, and unfortunately when she tingled, she also giggled.

  “Now who's being kind?” she smiled a little and brushed her fingers back through her latest hairstyle. After an unfortunate incident that had left it a very unflattering color she had cut it short and dyed a honey blonde shade for the moment. It did make her appear even younger than she usually did, but she found the short cut that drifted against the base of her earlobes to be just a bit too young. As her hand swung back down towards the table Nicholas caught it with his own. His touch was feather soft.

  “It's not kindness,” he said firmly. “It's the truth. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you.”

  “Well, now that is something I believe,” Aunt Ida grinned, her eyes gleaming.


  Downstairs the lobby was still fairly quiet as Vicky tried to hurry through the last of the paperwork. Mitchell was patiently waiting for her, but she was impatient to spend some time with him.

  As she finished up with her work a few of the staff members came to her with questions.

  “Can you look over the breakfast menu?” Henry, the chef for the restaurant attached to the inn, asked.

  “Sure,” she took it and glanced over as Emily walked towards her from the other side of the lobby.

  “Oh Emily, did you get Mr. Minkle settled in okay?” Vicky asked as she looked up from the menu. Emily's face was a little pale, as if she too had been run ragged by the evening.

  “Yes, he's fine,” she replied swiftly. “I'm going to head back to my room, if that's okay with you?”

  “As long as everything's been taken care of for the evening that's fine,” Vicky agreed quickly. Emily lived in the staff quarters that were located just outside the inn beside the gardens. “Are you feeling okay?” she asked with some concern. Mitchell looked over at Emily as well. Emily looked away shyly and shook her head.

  “I'm sorry it's just been a busy day and I'm feeling a little light-headed. I'd just like to lay down for a bit.”

  “Of course, I'll make sure no one disturbs you,” Vicky said with a warm smile. Mitchell continued to study Emily.

  “Do you want me to walk you to your room?” Mitchell offered politely.

  “No, no thank you,” Emily said quickly as she turned away from him. “I'll be fine by the morning I'm sure,” she added as she hurried off through the side door of the lobby that exited out into the gardens.

  “She's acting a little odd,” Mitchell said with a slight tilt of his head.

  “Oh, stop,” Vicky rolled her eyes with a short laugh. “She's just worn out. That dreamy CEO seems to have a thing for her, maybe she had a little too much fun getting him settled in,” she winked playfully at Mitchell.

  “Dreamy CEO?” Mitchell replied abruptly with a hint of heat in his fierce blue eyes that was diminished by his laid-back smile.

  “Dreamy to her I meant,” Vicky giggled and finished looking over the breakfast menu. She marked a change to be made in the drinks they were offering as she knew that some of the executives enjoyed the fancier coffee drinks.

  “Mmhm,” Mitchell replied in a drawn out hum. He again swept his gaze around the lobby.

  “Would you mind taking this to Henry for me?” Vicky suggested, hoping to keep him occupied with something other than surveillance.

  “Sure,” Mitchell took the menu and walked towards the kitchen. Vicky watched him walk away, her mind wandering to what she had in the fridge that she could cook for dinner. With a couple of candles lit and some nice music playing they could still have a very romantic evening.


  Ida had nearly finished her glass of wine when Nicholas jumped up to pour her another. As he did he brushed his hand across his pocket, and then grimaced.

  “Ida, I'm so sorry but I think I've left my wallet in the car, I'm just going to run down and see if it's there, do you mind waiting here a few minutes?” he looked at her imploringly. “I'd hate to let this ruin our time together, but I don't want my wallet to get stolen either.”

  “Oh, you don't have to worry too much about that here,” Ida assured him. “Not much gets stolen. But of course I'll wait for you, I wouldn't want to be without my purse,” she pointed out.

  “Wonderful,” he sighed with relief and set her now filled glass of wine down in front of her. “I'll be right back, don't disappear on me, all right?” he smiled at her again. Ida blushed and smiled in return. She hadn't been so catered to in some time, and she could certainly get used to it.

  After Nicholas left the room she glanced around. He had yet to unpack or settle in so there wasn't much for her to see. But she couldn't help being a little nosy. She walked over to his suitcase and just looked at how stuffed it was. She liked a man with a good sense of style. The outer pocket of the suitcase was unzipped and slightly open. She knew it was wrong, but that didn't stop her from tugging the lip of the pocket back enough to peek inside. What she saw was Nicholas' wallet. She was about to run after him when she realized how it would look if she declared she had found his wallet inside his suitcase. She didn't think that would bode well for a second invitation for drinks, or maybe even dinner. Instead she peeked a little further into the pocket. There wasn't much else inside it, aside from a toiletry bag, and what looked like a coin purse. She was going to investigate just a little further, when she heard the knob turning on the door. She jumped back into her chair and picked up her glass of wine just as Nicholas walked back inside. He had a distressed expression and was wiping his hands across his pockets repetitively.

  “Any luck?” Ida asked, knowing exactly where his wallet was.

  “I'm afraid not,” he frowned and shook his head. “I swear I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. My wife was always good at keeping track of things for me.”

  “Your wife?” Ida asked curiously. She hadn't noticed a ring on his finger.

  “Yes, unfortunately she passed several years ago,” he explained with a hint of grief in his voice. “She was a wonderful woman,” his eyes hung on Ida's features as if there was something about her that reminded him of his late wife.

  “Well, I think women have a knack for remembering things,” Ida explained with a warm smile. “If I had misplaced my wallet, I would check all my bags. You know I have several different purses, and sometimes I place my wallet in one and forget about it for a few days, then I have no idea where I put it in the first place. So the first thing I do if it comes up missing is to check all of my bags,” she said again. She hoped she wasn't hinting strongly enough to indicate that she might actually know where his wallet was.

  “I always keep my wallet in my pocket,” he shook his head slightly and then met her eyes again. “But I guess I should check everywhere.”

  As he walked over to his bag, Ida released a quiet sigh of relief.

  “Well, look it is here!” Nicholas announced with joy. “I was just going to start cancelling credit cards! Ida, you truly are my good luck charm,” he announced as he turned around to face her. He held out his hand to her, and she accepted it as she stood up from her chair. He continued to stare deeply into her eyes as he pulled her gently closer. Ida's eyes grew wide as her heart fluttered with excitement.


  As Vicky was filing the last of the paperwork from her desk she heard the door between the bar and the lobby open. She looked up, expecting to find a last minute guest to register, what she saw instead was Charleston's fiancée. She was teetering on her high heels and being held up by a large-framed man in a business suit. His cheeks were flushed with exertion and he seemed to be having a hard time keeping her upright on her heels.

  “Ma'am, are you okay?” Vicky asked as she stepped out from behind the desk to check on her.

  She waved her hand dismissive
ly. “Oh, I had a few too many drinks and the bartender kicked me out,” she sighed. “But luckily this fine gentleman was there to save me,” she smiled seductively at the man who still had her propped up on his arm. “My hero.”

  Vicky was acutely aware that the man was not Charleston.

  “Well, I can help you up to your room if you'd like,” Vicky suggested as she met the woman's eyes.

  “No, I'll be fine,” she assured Vicky. “I know what Charleston will say, he'll say Amanda, why must you always drink too much wine,” she giggled and then lowered her voice as she whispered to Vicky. “I always tell him it's because I'm marrying you, Charleston,” she laughed wildly and headed unsteadily for the elevator.

  “Thanks for your help,” Vicky said with a grateful smile to the man who had helped her into the lobby.

  “It's no problem, we're used to Amanda,” he shrugged mildly. “Poor Charleston has no idea what he's getting into though. At least he'll be CEO so he won't have too much to complain about,” the man headed off towards the stairs. As soon as the elevator doors closed behind Amanda, Vicky wondered if it was a mistake to let her go upstairs alone. Would she even be able to find her room? She knew that Amanda wasn't going to accept help from her, but she hoped that she would from someone she obviously liked. She dialled Aunt Ida's cell phone, which was a device she was still getting used to. She answered on the third ring.

  “Hello?” she asked, and then before Vicky could answer she growled. “Is this thing on? I can't even tell! Is that you Vicky?”

  “Yes it's on, it's me, Aunt Ida,” Vicky tried not to laugh. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Of course I can,” she replied.

  “Where are you?” Vicky asked.

  “Uh,” there was a pause, and then Aunt Ida muttered something under her breath. “I'm just leaving Mr. Brendan's room,” she explained. Vicky's eyes widened at that, she had been up there for quite some time.


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